HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-10-26 ..,. ,., ~ NO~t:\ee ~Cl as submitted has the following ~a~WrrHA~'~i~RK 22.5 U.U.A STREEr AUTH~6Hiiile.tXd::J'E~'~r 8 ~CAL PElUaT A.PPLICATION SPBINCFIELD. OREGON s:1/412.... ' J'11 r aa Q r D1SrJlC1'ION.REQ1/EST, ~I~~ ED FOR City Job NWIlber (((0 t J OFPICE: 726-37.59 At.,vlOt:\~AM ,.{l]~I'1(ln eel ~~ F . 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOV ~ao~A~~~~~-g~T . A. . Nev Residential-Single or t 7 0 ~. ( 00 Hule1-Family per dvelling uni t. I AL DESCRIPTION Set'vic. Included: 7 J I C;rJ ()() 7 (j() Items Cost Sum JQB DESC3IU'ION . f \ ~ t; ()_A.._~ cY\ \ (\~ .,. (LLLD...,., \t c() Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork 1$ not started within 180 d~ys of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contrac:torSecureCom,lne Address \~~O (X::f\S T~fE-T, 41F\C() Ci ty Springfield Phone 988.3585 Supervisor License Number 794JLE . 10/01/02 Explratlon Date Constr Contr. NUlIlber3-353CLE 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq.ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Home. or Hodular"Dvelling Serviee or Feeder ~.. Serviees or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $,85.00 $ 15.00 $' 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 SlOO.OO $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Expiration Date 10/01/00 C. TeMporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Reloeation ~--~ ~' -..--. .~ - ~ "..-. D Branch Circuits Owners Nallle!JcaJwlLL \('\OUg~l ES (? Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel Adduss b 5 5"' 5ElvI::~A 5' 6 . One Circ:ui t . ci ty LuA N' _ 2b.o.n....... .'( r ~ / to/. Each Addit ional - ~rn:N II '1\'"'JIC>~VIi lC:hHequireSO'iJti:tUli t or wi th Service OVNER INSTALLATlfmloiN rules adopted by the Oregoli)tJt~e}!der Permi t :Notification Center. Those rules are set forth ' The installation i~ ~gj8!~1J:)J!)10through~A~:~jE~tb\'<tneou$ (Service/feeder not included) property 1 own vhiCd8~ 'PJLtrr~zyt"8~a'l~ copies ofthe'A~ I\v~tallation for sale. lease or rt%lllng the center. (Note:thete,etli16 0"/ l~ril'ation S 40.00 .. S1 utl1ne Lighting S 40.00 Ovners Signature: numberforthe Oregon Utility Noti! fOOl Energy/Res. S 20.00 Center is 1..800-332-2344)U/llited Enugy/CO/llml S 36.00 ~l 0.- Signature of Supervising Electrician' Di.1i;-----idt2-'Ttfr--:--- ------- &.w:..A.Yl 6: C IJ ~ S-'i41 . ItECEIVED BY: /7.f t )?~ V 200 amps' 'OT less 201_Lmps to 400 amps _ _ Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 Vo!ts 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 1 % Su te Surcharge 3% Adlllinistrative Fee TOTAL S 40.00 - -$ 55.()Q $ 80.00 see "B" above '- $ 35.00 $ 2..00 -1... '?~ l ,.o~ ~~ .UQ