HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-7-8 .. RESI TIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprirlgfield.f Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 u, - Asses801's Map # <(sib 'Wr ~'~"~J * t l () 3 Z 7 L{q ~r:g$1- Tax Lot # (!JLf I 00 7 47-~(~~ Job Loaation: Subdivision: ~ )dwnr!t~4-/ "1 i :r k-j= - ~ /' Phone: L(i;-ill )J ~~k Zip: Ol.me1': Address: Ci tlJ : n I I I NmJ Addition Remodel Nobile Home' 1- ~ -' f0 Date of Application ~'onr;racr;ors General Pl.umbing-Jb E 51:::. LF--ru4 ~ / 7;2' -5/30 DU~~ Value Zlectriaal Mechar.ic,'ll. Const1'Uction Lende1' Add.~ess Rcaeivt.# {j... ~ 010 C/ ~ ., .~ /fU-CIL Signed: Date: tl! -~- p-- f'h 1.;-;"SC.n Exvir;:;s F,=:on~ p ( \) r'h hi tr..- .....) 9' 7()~ fJ ~HI ..:{D/Lf'7PE ~U,o;( ~ 4'71r/J '/ (\""' 30~ R t..-. Your City De8igr~ted Job Nwnber Is: O INSULATION/VAPOFl BARRIER INSPECTIO:l: To be made after all insulation ar.d . required vapor barriers ca>e in plaae but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and before any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL IlISPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place. but prior to any taping. D. ~SONRY: Steel location. bond beams. grouting or vertiaals in aaaordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: After installation is ecmpleted. c [; is th6' 1'esponcibil.ity of the permit hoZder to see that all. inspections are made at .the prope1' time. that each ~ess is re~:e from the st1'eet, and that the permit card is loaated at the front of the property. *i3ui!ding' Divi~io17. approl..'ed plan shell remain on thz Building Sit;.: at all times. ?r~or:~!Y:PE FOR INSP::;CTIOll REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcaorder) state your City desigr..ated job nw.;ber. job aac.2"ess. type of ir.3pecticn "aauas;;ca a.....d when you:.JiZ l be ready for ir..speation. Contraators or Owners ncme end plwr..e nwWcr. Requests recei7;ed befere 7: DO c::; "-'ill be made the same dc.y. requests mc.de c.fta 7:00 am will be made the n=t :.JOrkir...g ciaii- ~eaui~ed TnsDections [J CJ SITE INSP::;C':'ION: To be made after exaavation, but prior to set up of forms. UNDE.9SLAB PLU!.fBING. ELECTRICAL & . NECHA.'JICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ----::l FOOTING !! FOUNDATION: To be made ~ afte;- trenches are eXcavated and form,~ are erected. but prior to iPOU1'ir~ concrete. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.4TER, DRAIlIAGE: To be made prior to fil- lir.g trenches. '. ~ UNDERFLOOR PWf.$ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of !Z001' insulation.or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or deaking. ROUGH PWHBIlJG. EiECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to bc (07)ered . until these inspections have beer. made and approve~. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. -., J FRAJ1INC: Must be requested after approvul of rough plwrhing, electri- cal & meahanical.. All rOOfing bracing ~ ahimneys. etc. nr~Bt be . aompleted. No work is to be aon- c cealed until this. inspeation has '. 'be~n made and approved. ~ ] ] iF"'L PLUItBIrlG ] FINAL I.fECHANICAL \.. J. FINAL ELECTRICAL' ] o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pOUring aonore te. gtoo4/1 . DE/.!OLITIO!! OF. :~;OVE:; BUILDD'IJS ::=J Sani tary se'..Jer ~apped :zt p~opert:i Zir.e ~ Septic tank p~~ed and filled with ;ra~eZ I Final - mIen c.bcve ite:.'ls are ce:.'l'Dleted ~ and when demolition is compiete or st~~~- tu.~e moved and premises cleaned up. . Nobi le Hemes o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aZZ aon- arete paving within street right- of-way. to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in place. ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections -- s~er ar~ water ~ Eleatrical Connection - Bloaking. set-u; ---l and plumbing aanr..eations nr~st ce appro7)ec before requesting elect1'ical. inspec=io~ =:=J Aacesso~d Building '. I Final - After p01'ahes. skirting. decks. ---l eta. are aomple=~d. o All p1'oject aonditions. Guah as the installation of street trees,. ao~letion of the requi1'ed landsaapir.g. etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requestad. o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspeation must be 1'equestedafte1' the Final Plumbing Elect1'ical, and Meahar..ical Inspeatio7U3 r.ave been .made and approved. o PENCE: r.'hen aompl;;te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. -ALL MANH.OU:S AND CLEANOUTS UUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST/E.-IT ,!,O BE I.L1DE AT NO [')ST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 D ! JOB NO. groG t(( ( I 1 Zone: SOLAR AC.S Oceuvancl./ Grou_ LOT TYPE !ITEJ.! SQ.FTG X i : ",Iain i Ccr>ace I I : Carvort I I !Aaaessorl< I I I I TOTAL VALUE I ~ S. D. C. 1.5 x (vcLue) I " Building Permit State Surahca>ge Total Charges ITEM NO. FEE Pix'tures Residential (1 bath) ,.. "+ Sewer ",err;-:- _aP':! wat eT' Plumbing Permit State Surar.arge TctaZ Charaes ~ '7'':-' f I :;0, I FE~ ...... .....;.~ ,=?es. Sa. fta. I I !V~w/Extend Cireuits I I femporca>y Seroiae I I I I Ele:::triaal Permit State Surchar(1e Total Cr.a:t'ces i Lot Sq. Ftg. :~ of lot C~erag~ , :.iI of Stories ; Total Height iTopography ! ;7'~.1.! NO. I FE:; I I I I I :urr.ace PTU' S S=haust :ijood Vent Fan ;Joodsto;;e Permit Issuance Me::!hanical Permi t State Surcharoe Total Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT ~e~~rit~ Deposit :;toraqe '~aintenan~e "crmi t Total CharGes ',urbeut :;idewalk "cn:!8 ,leatrical Label "obi le Home '.JTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Interio1' C01'nel' Panhandle Cul-de-saa Value CHARGE I~_ MJ - &0 , IS IPD I * CdARce; I I I I I I I I * CHARCE I * I, I I I I ---~ I I I I I I I I I I Ib.ifO REQ.- L-COG~ Type/Cor.st: I / Bedrooms: Lot Faaes - I I Access. I I I I I I I Tur>e Setbacks P.L. 'House Carage North East ISouth .IWest Fees Enerou Sources Heat Water Heater Ranpe Firevlace wood;;tove I I I ., I Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the exp1'ess aondition that the said aonstruction shall. in all 1'espeats. aonform.to the Ordinance adopted by the City of' Springfield. ineZuding the Zoning O1'dinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings. and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- Lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. I * " ' Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecc:ipt #: I Signed: * Plumbing Permit No person shall aonstruct. instalZ. alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage syst~~ in whole or in part, unless suah person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's liaense. except tr~t a person ma~ de plumbing work to property which is.ow~ed. leased or operated by the appli- aant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contraator. the eleatrical cortion of this oermit shall not be valid until the label has b~en signed by the Electrical' Contraator. I;~ Mechanical Permit Plan Exam1-ner /)ar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appliaation for permit. and do hereby certify that aU info-:'l7lation hereon is true and correct, and I further aertify that any ar.d all work performed shall be done in aaco1'- , danae with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield. and the. L~~s of the *. State of Oregon pertaining to the work desaribed herein. and that NO OCC!)-. PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further' certify that onlycont1'a~tors a;:d ~~pl:;;yees who are in aomplianaewith ORS 701.055 will be used on this proJeat \. \ /1'~~ ..~. '. .p:?..:,dl ~ . .. -J-t-<f b' Date