HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-8-25 g..... ..m,' .... ...... :"'~"R'E'SI'b1NTI'A'l :.'" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfierd~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~c~ti~'~:' "3'-3 i.t .... tJ) UJ" &:;1~liidl"": BIucl ... \f\ D38.~44 T= Lot # QCO()t)() (, ..w'I. .. . Job ,l.saeSGorz :"eI? # Suhdi:;':'sion: ~'ner: C..AtLrO l/,ft J ~ OJYLL Adt:Wes3 : City: iYr:r-.J hs. Addi tion Remocal .',~ob':' Ie ,'?ome ~'Z5-g3 Da:te of Application Conr:rczc=ors General. 6eovCj-( f3VaddDCJC Pl.umbinq Electrical Me~hm:ic-=~ Const~Action Lender I rOll ..J Phone: 14-/-70 JD ... ,~cce:?t ,i!. f.t; I ( /'JI) t.... j. 1 'vL ( Zi?: Des&~be rior/(: ~~. Value' ,1[0 I) OTI) . l' Sigr.ed: Date: ~ r-z.~-I'.3 Address Lisc.# Exvires Phone 'i" --':'''''' It is the responsibility of,the permit hoLder to see that all. inspections are made at the p~oper time, that aech ~ess is re~b:e f'rOfrl the street, and that the permit card is 'l.xated at .~h~ fI'C!.':~ of the prc;perty. ~Bui~i~4 Lr:vi=io~ approved ?~ sr~Zl r~a:n on ,the Bu~"d~n? ~~"C at al.l t~mes. P!?OC::DUl'E FOR INSPECTION RE"QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City desigt'.:J.ted Job m..u;.ber, l"equestcd cz:"".d w,~en you wiZl be ready for ir.spcction, Contractors or O!.mer-s name end phbne nwW<::r. :.....al be made the scune dC':h requests mcde afta 7:00 am will be made the n=t JJOrking day. .:?e07..li.,.,~d 'i~,~r:'p~ticn.q O SITE INSPE:CTION: To be made , excavation, but pricr tc set forms. after up of o U!lDE:~SLAB ?LL?.fBINC. EL2CT:.f?IC,.1L ,~ :-PCP..J.:IICAL: 'I'o be made before eny z.JOri< is .;:ovcred. o F'OOTI:'IC 1 lOUNDATIC.'I: To be :nade after "rencnes ere excavated ar~ ferms are erectad, but prior to pourir4 concrete:. [] UND2RC.=;OU.~'D ?!.JJM~ING. SEr"t:R. ;:';J~.:P, DP,AI.'/AC2: To be made ?r-::or to /ii..- Lit'.tJ trencr.es. o U<'!DE.'~F'!.CC."I !'!)j,\'Sr.IC 1 !1EC.'!ANICA!.: To be ~ade orier to in3~aZLation of f100r insuLCtion or decking. POST AND 3EA!-f: To be r.-.adlJ Drior to instaZktion of floor ir.s14kItion 01' decl<.inq. ::lOUCH ?[.[j~'!3It.rtf:':!.z:;,:,P~ :,f2CH- ANICAL:" :~/o '.Jo~ ~~~ ,...-v :"'t... r,.;bv-ereci un=il tr.cs~ i~~~ec~io~s ~~Vg =e~ made ar~ -=?~r?ved. FI.=:F:PLAC~: ?r-i,or to pZc.cir.g f'c~in.g ma~eriaia ar~ before framing inspec- tior:. [] [K) D [] FP...4"~I;~lG: /'/U3't be re~.A.e:;ted af"-:ar approve! of rough plwr.bi"4, 27.ectri- cal :1 mecr.:J.ni.::al. AZZ roofing brczcr:"4 d chim~ncys, et.::. .~~st be corrroletad. :"/0 wr.': ':'s to be ccn- " cec."l2d 'unti l this insoecticn ,r.as. 'been made and approved. ~ FI.\'A[, PW!.'BING o PDIAL ,'-rE:;;HA.'IICAL :XJ fINAL ::r.::C'I'.":I9AL :~ Jour City, Desigr.ated Job I~ber' Is: : o INSULATION/VAPOF? HARRER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul:::twn a:"'~ required veI?or caI'!'iers are in' place Cut before any lath, iJYpsumboard or wE covering is applied, and before any insulation ~s ~07'.cealed. Job ad&ess, type of inspec::icn Requests received before 7:00 ~ ~() \'1 egO. IOEMODITIO.f1,1 OR :'Ol'QT/2!J 3UILDI!'iCS =:J Sanitary se'.Jer ~ap?~d:::t p~op;;rt-:i li'!"'.e =:=J Septic tankp~ed ar~ filled ~~th ;r:::~eZ ~ Pinc.l - ~~en above ite~s are cc,~leted .-J and when dencl:.tior:. is compZete or st~~- ture moved and pr~~ses ~leaned up. Mobile Hcmes T- i3locking ~ Plumbing I Electrical Connection - Blockir4, set-up ---1 and'OZwnbinaccnnections llT..,;,st 'be a::;r:;r:::t:2d. beforcrequ~8ting eZec=~~caZ ins?e~~io~ and S2t-:;,p connections s;;::,;er and water D DRY'#ALL INSPECTION: To be made after all CrdwaU is in place, but prior to ~y taping. .:=J Ac.cesSo1"d Sui ldi"4 ~ Fi,,~Z - After ;orcr.es, skirting, decy.s, .-J etc. are .ccmple=~d. o All pro.;ect CJor.ditions,Juc,Z: as che ~',ns=ai..Zation of s-:;reet trees, CJc:~(.a"~.:m 0;' thE required Zandscaping, ~tc., mustoe satis;ted before the 3UILDING FINAL ~an l::e rz~~est2d" (~ PINAL BUILDING: The Final Buildi"4 Insvection ,~st be requested afte~ the ?inal ?lumbir~ Eleccrical, and Mechanic~Z Inspections iuwe been made and approvzi. o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3,arouti~b or verticals in accoraance with u.a.c. Section 2415. 'A[." NANHC!.2S AND CLEANOUT5 :ruST BE: ACC::;SSI3U:, .4DJL'S?.'!::,'I'!' :'0 BE :~1DE /T .'10 C'JST 'I'D CCY I "~"e of 2 o WOODST07E: After iIWtal"lation'is cc....rrpZeted. " D CURS & APPROACH AP."?ON: After forms are erected but prior to pOuZ"':nq co=rete, SIDErv'ALK d DRI1TIi.4Y: 'For aU con- crete paving within street right~ Ol~wcYJ to be made after alZ exca- vating comt?Zet~ 3 ;'om UX)rk & sun- base mater"1-al ~n ?la.ce. o o PENCE: When comDl~te -- Provide gates or movable' secticns through P. U. E. o JO B NO, '831Qcg6 I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg . ; ~ ojf l,.:;t CJ'Jeraq~ I #- of Stories I Total Height I Topography lITEM SQ.FTG I.'-!ain I Gc:!'(7,C A J ... ! Car~cr~ I. I .:.tC~CSSO!"~ '!'OT.4.L VALUE IS.D.c. t I::c./-ue) 1.5 ;:: BuiZdin.g Permit State SUI'c:h.:r:rqe Total cr~~ges liT2:'oJ Pi--tu.res NO. ResidantUcZ (1 bath), Semi t::r.r>d S e'.Je l' ;,'et e..n Plumbing Permi t state SUI'cr.aroge Tota7.. C't!C.Y'oes lITEM NO. ;::.:. IRes. Sa. fto. IN~/E~end Cir~~its I Tempo1'ary Sez"lJice I I I ,u.tW ~1I'" u..1 , I E7..ectrical Permit State SUI'c:;..aroae Total Ch.GI'ces liTEM I F'urr~ce 2TTJ' S I E:::hau.s t Hood :/0. t :'t':' Vent F=n fljodsto;;e Permit Issw::::nce .'1ec:hanic:::.Z Pe1'm"~ t State Surc:harcre To1;a l C'r'.CIT"oes ZiiCRCACl-j.'-!E;'!T -- , gecr.A.!'""~t?-J DZ"=03it Storage Maintenc:r'..:!e Pe""mi t Total C'".aroes I Curbc:ut ' I side'>JJaZk ' ! fenc:e i I ElectI'ical Label I i ."fobi le Home I TOTAL ~~OUNT DUE: * SOLAR C E S S R EQ.- OC::;,,"...l:;anc:.J G~'::U::J: LeT :"Y?E InteI'ior :;ol'ner Pemh.andle Cul-de-sac x Value I J I I I I I I * I It). ()O I .C/o I 10/10 I * CF.ARGE I l I I 1 FEE i' /0.00 .1./0 /O.(/(J 1* , ChA?GE , I I I I I I IS t?O I I .ld) I /5, toO I * CHAileE I I I I I I >> I fL.} (p :'-10 P~qe 2 L-COG~ " ., I Lot Faces - I I P. L. INo1'-ch East SOI",th Irlest Tpe/Cor'.st: j I I I 11 I I I I I I Tu'Oe 3ec:roo~s: SetCClcKs House I Cc:rcge I , Access. ~n.eI'au SOUI'ces Heat ;/c.ter Hea.ter' Range I ?-::1'eolace I Woods tove I. Fees Building Value & Permit This perm-::t is granted on the express condition th.at the said,constI'Uction shall, in all 1'espects, confeI'm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Soringfield, ino7..ud'i,na ::ne Zonina Cl'd-:.ncmce, reauZctir'.a the ccnstT"".J.:!ticn ~d use of buiZdings,~and m~y beY suspe~ed or r~vcked ~t c~y time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said 01'dir~nces. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt /I: ISiir:ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, ins~cIZ,dZter or change any new 01' e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such peI'son is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except trAt a pe1'son may do plumbing work to p1'oper~~ which is ow~d, leased or operated by the appli- cemt. ' Electrical Permit WheI'e State La:w 1'equires trAt the electrical WOI'k be cume by an EZeatrical Contractor, the electrical pOI'tion of this peI'mit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the E7..ectrical ContI'actor. Mechanical Permit I I I · Plem EXCJmner iJar:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'11NF:D t.'1.2 completed application foI' ?eI'!1lit, and de he1'eby ce1'tify that all info~ation he1'eon is tI'Ue and correct, and I f.A.Y'ther ceI'tify that any ar.d an WOI'k pe1'for.ned shall be done in acc:or..; dance ;uith the Ordinances of the City of Spp7~ngfield, artd thz Lc:..;;s oj the * State of 01'egon p$1'taining to the work des~~bad heI'ein, and tr~t NO OCCU- PANCY ~lZ be ~ade of anu stI'Ucture without vermission af the 3uildina Di- vision. I fUrther certify th~~ o~Zy aontra~tors ~~ e~Z~yees ~r~ ar~ in compliance with ORS 701.055 wilZ be used on this pI'oject k:;J~w~kJ )J~VjJ7-~~5 f-, / 1,_/ , ,~ \ / , \ >- :-,_r"', :- C( ~-., ~~~\C\~ \ \ ~/ -1-__ ../ PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT TROY, Charlotte R Owner's Name Date: Auallst u, } 9R '1 334 West Centennial Blvd Property Address Phone: 747-70IO Springfield, Oregon 97477 City, State, Zip Code * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Deficiences and Corrective Action Necessary ELECTRICAL 1. Bathroom lacks a ground fault interruptor; install a GFI to meet Code standards. 2. The existing service is outdated, inadequate; install new service including 200 amp, base service with minimum 16 pole circuit breaker entrance box; install wall heaters with fan to replace portable heaters; install new wall switches for overhead lights; install new overhead fixtures in the kitchen; provide lighting fixtures at front and rear entrance doors with lights switched on interior wall; re-wire for range outlet. All abandoned wiring shall be removed. PLUMBING 1, The water closet tank is badly damaged; the unit is outdated with replacement parts not available; replace with new standard "water saver" unit. 2. The kitchen sink including faucets are worn/damaged; remove and install a'new double bowl sink including new faucets and piping to meet UPC requirements. INTERIOR ~ MISC 1. The walls and ceilJngs throughout the house i3re cracked/damaged; repair all damage and paint, 2, A window pane is broken in the kJtchen; reglaze window. 3, The bedroom windows are difficul t to open; replace window wi th double-glazed aluminum slider. 4, The roof at garage is badly deterJorJated; install new 235# asphalt composition roof. 5. Gutters and downspouts are missing at the garage and the NW corner of the house; install min. 26 gauge galvanized gutters and downspouts; drain to appropriate area as required by the City BuildJng Department. 6. The kitchen countertop is damaged; install a new plastic laminate countertop with minimum 4" ba.cksplash. /'lc?/2.c cJA.) /~/"4CjC ~ / LJ C Survey Report TROY - Springfield Page Two 7. The safety-dead bolt lock at the kitchen door can be opened from the interior only with a key; convert lock to a dead-bolt lock that can be locked from interior without a key. 8. The bathtub surrounding walls are without safety grab bars; install safety bars and safety steps for the bathtub. WEATHERIZAT,ION/ INSULATION 1. Underfloor is without insulation; install unfaced batt insulation with R-19 value to underside of floor. 2. Water::-pipes are unwrapped; install i.I1Sulation ~" thickness to all water pipes below underfloor insulation. / . . ~'-- "..... -...-. -".