HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-13 L11 Y IJI' 5I'HIII(;F I ELl! CO/mIllATlON MPLlC^TION/PEIlM/T k lil5PECflOll Uil[ It 726-3769 Job Mdress n__ ________. ;; 3'2 ~ /~h/ ~~N/~ &Y2:> . I.egal Description \ '\ D ~~ L~Lio LCD /Ht-.nVN ~/ -p,p<, P. 5c~ l . 'Owner 5;Z>;:~D. ~~PS7#/?" E!IEIlr;y SOUIlCES: Ilea t l'/a ter Ilea ter Ranr)C ValUE of Hork: 'I'~ $2:>...:s _ .--e Bui lCinq "crmi t Info: Fa~ily Residence Hith ;?;::~~ .~_H~ C c.::::. '/?7"~~~ I J3'7 ~~~~ .. ,~~L..< /d=t--~5~1 r;.y-~~;;/~ $/S 6~~ (Iics. no.) , (exnires) - (nhone no.) Address Phone Construction Lender ,\ddress DESIGII TEN! (name) Phone (address) Primary Structural Electrical ~- , !1echanical CONTRACTORS (n<lme) (address) General J5E//#Y~~/c::-"", ~~_ ~5't:P~(.E7-~. PlumbinQ Electrical /lechanical PLUllfI !rlG ELECTR J CAL i:u.1 _---ElL..1 CIIARGE jlL Each single fixture Residence of sq. FT. Relocated building (new fix. additional) New circuits alts. or extensions , ' l' IS.F. P.esidence (I b,lth) IDuPlex (I bath) IAdditional bath I ~!a ter serv i ce IS~wer IStorm SeHer / I I I I I I I I I I I I __I I I I I I ;ISERVICES I I I ITemporary Construction' IChanqe in existing I residence Imultifamily. conlm. or 'j Industrial 'IOf -ICOf11-1./IND. FEEDERS -11 ns tall la 1 tet"/reloca te distrib_ fppders , Of _ amps.1 -, I, I each amps./ I I I ,.1 TOTAL CHARGES J TOTAL CHARGES \-IIIEP.E STATE L\\I REQUI/{[S that tile Electrical \~ork be done by an ,Shall not be Villi-] until the label has been signed by iln Electrical IlfO/lllAT..:1 LL,C 77.6-375J So. Ftq. nai'n ~<:1. !'"tg. Access. SQ. Ftq. Other rle\~ Add {t,l ter ~eD. --Fence Demo Change/Use -Other -- -- I~ .~ ~ lle s c r i be \-10 rk ( i . e.. till i IdS i ng I e f\,t tilchcd r.araoe) (I i cs. no.l i . 7517~ ;>/S.Q; I I I 1 I / I (exoiresl (lJhone no.l ~l[CIIAN I CAL JELIJ:llARGL..J1!l.....:1 '.Hl....JUJAlllil. furnace/burner to [JTlI's Floor furnace and vent' I I I I I I I I I I , I Recessed wall Soace heiltpr and I I ApDl iance vent seoa ra te I Stationary evap. cooler '/ Vent fan \~i th sinole duct I Ven t sys tem apa rt from I heating or A.C. I rlechan i ca I exhaus t hood and duct I \-Jood s tove/ hea ter I I I I I , I I I I I I I , vpnt I, j " I SSUANCr OF PFfU11T TOTAL CIIARGES ' Electrical Contractor, the electrical rortion of this perr.lit Supervisor and, retl/rned to the Building Division 1 IIAVE CAI?[fULLY EX/vlllIEIi 'ihe'co/llpleted apnlication for fJer/llit. and do hereby certify that all infOI"mation hereon is true and correct. and I further certi fy that any and all \~ork oerfor/lled shall ,be done in accordance wi lh the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the Laws of the St<lte of Oreoon oertaininC) to the work described hel"ein, and that /10 OCCl'PMICY \~i 11 be made of any structure without the rermission of the Ill/ildinrl Division. I further cer,tify that IllY re'listration ~lith the [Juilder's [Joard is in full force and effect as required by OI!S 701.055, that if exemlJt the basis for exemntion 'is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors and emflloyees\~ho arc in coin:Jliance with or!S 701.055 \','ill be used on this project. IIA:IE(please rrint) ~"r v is. il~ r I.c..( SIr.rlATl!RE ~ OFFICE lISE OilLY FO~ dAY Dfl.TE/J J-:"" f'9 x ,Value Value Value Zone Fire lone ,1 Flood Plain Tyoe/Const., [Jedrooms S tori es Units Oecy Load ~ Occy, Group, ,So. F t!J. rlil in SQ, FtQ. Access Sq. Ftg. Other' [JUILDIIlG PERr,l1T Charges an>:: Surcharges , "'2 ~ 'Plan Ck. Convn/lnd - - -- _~h:"__ -= _~5%1[JldCJ....!'gr Fee Plan Ck. Hes JO%/[Jldq Per Fee 17'./ S- ------______1 I I I I I I ,I " I PLUI1[J ING PER~llT C:Ja rges and Surcharges Fence Dtlmo ,CLCCTRI(f.,L PERI:IT CharQes and Surci1a rges ___________-' Sidewalk 'I AlC Pavine] , I Curb.eu t'" ------------1- 11EClfANICAL PEP,111T Charges and', ", SurcharC)es f , x x TOTAL VALUATIOtI Systems Oevelopment ChilrQe (1.5'1.) I I I /Total Comb. Permit I TOTAL 2."'77. ~ r COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) 1. ! ! I I J . 1 ;~ i ,j t 1 ~ j ~ ! Applicant to furnish 'A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Refc 17 03 43 2. example- Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. eXillTlp,le- heat/electrical ceil iM/or forced 2, examoJe- waterheater/electrical/or solar E. Square rootage or valuation, etc. 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot 2. examp]e- if new project, checknew _ if add check add, etc. F. Bui Jding permi t inforrna t ion: 1. examnle - construct sinyle family house wit attached garllge 2. examole - remodel existing garage into fami 3. exallllJle - convert single family residence il restaurant (change of use) G. Value of \~ork as defined in Section 303 (a) of t Structural Specialty Code If. DESIGN TEAI-I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Uuildiny Division Staff must be able to contact appropria persons regarding design information or jOb site corrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, ,I: Electrical Schedl A. Except where blank spaces Occur in the descriptic portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedule the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adj to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical ScheduJ are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permi t form the sche, have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not Covere< the abbreviated schedules you should consult t fu 11 schedu 1 es C. BUILDING OIVISION STAFF Will FILL OUT All FEES ANC CBARGES ON TIlE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must electrical contractor for signature supervisor. The general contractor to sign the electrical label. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are oa id. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. l/. be delivered t by his electri is ~ authori. I" . IV. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ;, ! '-0, r --rv OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall 'SprIngfield, Oregon Office of Community and Economic Development OFFICIAL RECEIPT ~ 14125 Date rhl'/G I~ ~e..,.h cJ l:r~" ~ Cc.>-- Rec'd From 7./A. -If I . r ; ~......:.. ... ~ <""'7 -'Y -.. Address e<.-::::= ~.. ~?SI'../? " I ---=~ ~---."., / 4-Av11 Received For~T/~~t PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPM1CY: roc ~f he 198"7 11 7?- ..~ -.2o(!:?3- -'" ;: C/.~ ~ i ..' ~97./S ~/'77// Amount Received .2 ~7. /1i"" ~~ 0?~"'G~ - Fruntler BUSINESS FORMS, INC. (SOJ}342.8149 '5B7' - ~-- ..-- I ! Perm it Cl erk '" r Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Guilder's Goard because: Additional Project Information: . . . ".,.;......, ~ .~~. ...,. I.. ..... .. .... ." . ....... .'. - ,.,... - ....~ PLANS REVIEWED BY: ~,;, .u. A name i.?8~ ?l L-.-:r- ~ Signatu4-:;~ -,,, ..... -., ~.......... --" ,,,.,....~,, " .... , d(lte L'/?~5 . .. .~.,.....""... ...",1 lilSPEer 10(/ L lilE' 726-37ti9 ' Lll y 1)1' Si'RII/GF I ElU cO/m If/A Tl ON APPL/ CA Tl ON/ PERM IT II/FOIUIAT: .:/ ll,,~ 726-3753 50. I' tQ. 1,1a i n ~<1. H'J. Access. SQ. ftq. Other r/e\~ Add JI,lter [leD. --fence Demo Change/Use -Other - -- Phone i~ ~ ~ , Descrihe Work(i.e., Bui Id Single I /lttached r;araQe) .?F~v.--= .~;B~ Cc('~'A~~~~ J I?~ ~~~~.. ,~~~_< ~...2.s~ bv~~~ $/5 ~~~I ' (lies. no.) r (exnires) '(nhone no.,! E!lERGY SOURCES: Ilea t 1'1a tr-r Ilea ter Job Address 3'2 ~ LEA?/ L.--...crN/~ ~.cv2:> . \, l.e'Jal De~cription !/&-nUN ,~/P~<'v 5C~t . Owner 57>F~,D. ~~ P~7#/?' Ranqe ,\<ld ress ValuE of Work: L/q S2=>.::::s. ~ (Jui 1;1nQ Permi t Info: Fa~i1y Residence With Construction lender /A<ldrcss DESIGrl TEAr1 (name) Phone (address) Primary Structural Electrical !1echanica 1 CONTRACTORS (name) (address) General ~~ffrJ)4'f$/e-, ~-;..~ ~5"GP~!"'".:.:.<!'.<'ET~ I ; 77'7~ ~S..Q;! I I t , I I (lics. no.~(expiresl (Ilhon!' no.) P1umbinQ Electrical ~'echanica1 Each single fixture PLUfHlIrIG ELECTR I CAL FEE I_C/lARGE JLL' Residence of MECHANICAL i:U.1 :-ITLJ.u!LiRu[ rlo. I 1..1> > njARGI. furnace/burner to SQ. FT. IlTll's Relocated building (new fix. additional) New circuits alts. or extensions Floor furnace and vent IS. F. Res idence (1 bath) IDuPlex (1 bath) IAdditional bath ~!a ter serv i ce I I I I I Sel'/er__ '...._,. ..__I each I I /SERVICES I Temporary Construct iQn ChanQe in existing residence I mu I t i f am i 1 y, c onlm. 0 r Industrial lOf /cor1iI./IND. fEEOERS I Insta 11/al ter/relocate distrih, feeders Of amps.1 am[)s.I, I Recessed wa 11 I Soace heater ann vent I I , Apol iance vent I separate I Stat ionary evap. " cooler ' I Vent fan \~ith ,I s ino1e duct' I Ven t sys teP.1 apa rt from I' , heating or A.C. / rtechan i ca 1 exhaus t I hood and duct I Wood s tove/hea ter I I I I I I I I I 1- . I I I I I I TOTAL CHARGES that the Electrical I~ork be done by an label has been signed by an Electrical Electrical Supervisor I I SSIMNCr OF PFfUlIT ~ CHARGES Contractor, the electrical portion of this per~it and returned to the Bui1din~ Division TOTAL CHARGES I-JHEr.E STATE L'\II REQUIRES shall not be vill i-J unti I the 1 /lAVE CMErULLY EXNWIEI) t~le completed apnlication for lJermit, and do herebv certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any anda11 \~ork nerformed shall be done' in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the Laws of the State of Orenorioertaining to the work described het'ein, and that 110 OCCl!PAIICY will be made of any structure without the rermission of the /luildin'l Division. I (ut'ther certify that r~'y re'listration ~lith the Builder's Iloard is in full force and effect as required by OI~S 701.055, that if exemflt the basis for exemntion is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors and e~plo'yeeswho are in cO~D1iance with O~S 701.055 w~ll be used on this rroject. Zone Fire Zone Flood Plain FO~ S If~UATl!RE ~ OfFICE lISE OIlLY ddH DATE/J J~ PC; IIA:1E(p1ease "rint) G-Cir v is. iltttrje..( Tyoe/Cons Lr Bedrooms Stories Units Occy load Occ.y Group So. Ftc]. l1a i n Sq. Ftc). Access SI]. Ftg. Other x Value Value Value x x TOTAL VALUATION lJUILDIIlG PERr'llT Cha rges an~ Surcharges .-.., eo- Plan Ck. COIIVll/! nd - - _~_i:?~___-:.. _ ...Q5:UIl1dQ_Per Fee Plan Ck. Hes 30%/01dq Per Fee I I I I I ,~. I Sys ter.ls Development Char'll' (1.5'Y.) I I -/ I I I I I IT9ta1 COMb. termi t I I TOTAl 2:77. rs- J PLUf11llNG PERMIT C~a rges and SurCha rges ,ElECTRIC/!.L rEfH~IT Cha rqes and Surcharges I1ECIlANICAL PEfHllT Charges and SurcharQes ------------ .a. .~.. .....o.. ,"1101. . 1 . I I~.. .. .... 1.1 COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I I. Applicant to furnish ,A. Job Address, B. Legal Description ,~ 1. example- Tax Lot 100, can'e County Map Reference 17 03 4] 2. example- Lot I. Block ], 2nd Addition to SprIngfield Estates t. Name, etc. of owner' Mid constr'uction"'lender D. Energy Sources , .1. ,examp.le- heat/electrical"cei I inq/or ,forced air qas , 2. exampJe- w~terheater/electrlcal/or solar ". '-'[." Square footage o'r valua'tion, etc. . ~, 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, checknew - if addition, check add, etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example - construct single family house with an attached gar~ge , 2. example - remodel existing garage into family room 3. example - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section ]03 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAt-I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechariical, & Electrical Sch~dules A; Except where blank spaces OCcur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Nechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the 1'ul I schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must,be electrical contractor for signature by supervisor. The general contractor is to sign the electrical label. Ill. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. ' IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans Ivill be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. " delivered to the his electrical ~ authori zed V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . ..... ......1........_..... ""1 . PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAnCY: .,I PERMIT VALIDATION -~. ... " . i '~ i " ~ I' f. I , I . I . ~ r Permit Clerk Permit applicant e~e~pt from registration with ,the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: . - -...,~....... --....;.......... ..... -........~ -""" ,. .." .. .-... ~. ... ......oIl......1 I............." "... ...,"""...:...101..... .,""'..Q.,....~. 1i..:i.14. ! PLANS REVIEWED GY: , . name [PH~ ~..::..;:.~, signatu~~ ~~ date L7f-.p::;> 'r-~~ .... .,.,.."..................~I......-.. ~'; .,.......-...... _.'..,.".~... ..'1..1.".... l.........~..... .....,".'...1 '._~,] . HaMI,~ 1-1.:(,J/c. Scl.,~ I :e, /.1'1'1 !?c/lov..f,'M.- BE.QWREI1ENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS 5UOI'"t:.I~DED CEILINGI, 1. Related Mark specified in other section.. Light fixtures - Electrical division. 2. Submittals. Shop drawing showing grid layout, components, and abutment details. Coordinate layout with electrical lighting plan. 3. Codes and Standard.. Comply with applicable portions of U.B.C. and A.S.T.M. standards. 4. Tolerances; Suspension system components fully loaded, maximum deflection 1/360 of span in accordance with A.S.T.M. C-635. Finish surfaces level and true within lIS inch per foot. ~. Handling and Storage; Deliver in unopened protective package., protect against damage and discoloration. 6. Coordination; Coordinate with other trades .ffecting or affected by work in this section. 7. PRODUCTS I A. Hanging System. Suspended exposed steel tee grid system wi th tee cUps. Law sheen satin calor, white. B. Acoustical Panelsl 5/S inch mineral fiber acoustical 24" x 4S" with washable vinyl finish. Flame spread rating 0 to 25. NRC .50 - .60. Pattern to be fissured Ilke Armstrong Fire Guard ...;' "r C. Furring Channelc 1 1/2" Cold rolled steel. D. Wall Molding: Wall molding secured to wall with factory formed corners. E. Accessoriesa Il. ~Gauge galvanized wire hangers, panel clips to hold panels in place, trim, angle closures, attachment devices, and ather acces~ri.. a. may be required. Page 6 -::- , ~ . , ~ ~ REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS B. EXECUTION: A. General I Install acoustical treatment as shown, specified, and required for complete installation. B. Installation: Install susPended ceiling system as per A.S. T .M. C-b36 unless otherwise speclfied herein. Suspension system to be firmly ,anchored to structural meabers above,do not suspend from gypsum board finishes. Install all materlals in strict accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Finished Surfaces Shall have straight and level lines and corners. Make close fit at all vertical surfaces. Make cuts neatly, tight to openings and equipment. Keep exposed acoustic finish materials clean. Raplacedemaged Dr dirty material at contractors expense. Borders of suspended ceiling'systems shaUbe factory finished; wall moldings secured to wall with factary farmed corners. Where mechanical and electrical work interferes with regular spacing of hangers, provide additional hangers and channels and make necessary adjustment in ceiling construction. ' C. Cleaning and Repairingl Upon completion, clean soiled and discolored surfaces. Leave free fro. defects. Remove and replace units which. are damaged or improperly applied. Clean, repair, Dr replace when directed, products which have been discolored or damaged by work in this section.