HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-8-1 ~~9ce-i.pt. ,ij. In\y2{Y .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield) Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-.3753 . i. , I ' Job Location: 2/0 l,..<../~r Ce~r~~~/.A1<: 'Assessors Map # I ;J...O ~ .. "'2/- '/ '7 T= Lot # ~ ~ Subdivision: Cl.mer: ~ ~~R ~' ~,~ ~' I' '::;??~ ~ {' '~ 1', ~~ ~&J Q /~;z;>~ Address: City: I I I IXI I I Nm.J Addi tion C.ONv~r E#rA/L~ Remoc.el :'fobiZe Flome Date of Application COn-!;ractors B-/-8S ~~' Genera l Plumbing i Electrical I Mechar:ic::zl I, Const?"'.4ction l,ender Phone: 7Y".~<CC;; ~7~ 7? Zip: Describe riork: QA?f~ ~~ - e::-- ?o " ~ ~f1clLu P)-I-R,~ ! i I I I i VaZue /~~O' Siqr:ed: Date: CU::. , Address Lisc. ,ij E....'l..Iires Phone It; is the resFonsibility of the permit ho~erto see that aZZ inspections are made a't the proper timE:, that ,each ~ess is rea.::a~:e fl'Otll the street, and tha't the permit card is located at the front of the property. '3ui~ir~ Divi~io~ approved FLan shaZl remain on the Bu~Zding Sits at'all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stat~ your City desig"'.ated job nur,;ber, ,job ac.C:!oess, type of inspection rgquested ar.d when you wiZZ be ready for inspection, Con'tractors or (J!.;ners nc:me c.nd phone number. Requests received be/ere 7: 00 c::l :.->ilZ. be made the same dc:y, requests mc:d.e .after '1: 00 am wiZZ be 'made the n=t :,}Orking day. ' Your City, Desigr';'ted Job Nwnber Is: ~!3/9< '? Reaui",p.d !nsDp.~ticns SITe INSPE:CTION: To be made excavation, but prier to set forms. o 0:' after up of UNDF:RSLAB PEL'MBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHA.'IICAL: To' be made before any work is c:overed. o POOTING :1 FOUNDATION: To' be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected,. but prior to, pourir~ concreto. UNDz::RGROUHD ?~UMJ3ING. S'C'''/cR. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior "to f"iZ- Zir'~ trenches. [J o UNDERFWOR PW,'.'BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prier to i!!S1:aZl.ation of [Zoor insuZation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to, instaZlation of floor inslOl.atior. or decki7!f;. ' ROUGH ?~[R.f8nlG~[ECT?ICA~~ NECF!- ANICAL:, No '-lork w'"''' o~eoL'ered. ur.'tiZ these inspections ~.ave been made a:Yui app!'Ov'e:i. FI-'''FPLACE:: ,Prior to ?Zacir~ facing materials and bejore framing inspec- tion. I~ F~~1ING: ~~stbe recuested after ~ approval. of rough plWr.Ding, electri- cal & mechani.::al. AZZ roofing, bracing ,& chimn~ys, et.::. ~~st be ,corrroleted. !lo ,work is to ,oe con- , ~ cea'led u?'!ti l this inspecticn r.as 'been'made and approved. o [R] o [J FIliAL PWt,.'BnIG [J FINAL ME::BAtlICAL cg] FINAL ELECTRICAl, [] o f\7l INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER D!SPgCTION: DE:lfOLITIO.'! OR ;',fOV2D, BUILDnlGS ~ To be made after aU insulatwn a!".d " requ~red vapor barrier,S are in place '~SanitiXl"dS8'.Jer ~apped :zt p~op~rt"dZir.e but before any lath; gypsum beard 01', wE covering is c.ppZied, and before, ---"l Septi~ tank rTcAr.?d,a;ul f~ZZed with gr~;;eZ any insulation ~s concealed. ----l :lRJ :J Final - [{her. c.bcve ite:ns 'cZre cC,m:Jleted .. A .~.. ~..... ana, when ~emcl:.,,"on '"s complete 01' S,,;:>U':)- 'ture moved and premises ~leaned up. ' DRY'tlALL INSPgCTION: Te be, made after aU cJ.r.d!.JaU is in place, but prior to any taping., o MASONRY: Steel location, bond' beams, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C.Section .2415. Mobile Homes o ~ BZocking and Set-~p ~'Plumbing connect~ons s~er and water .', I Electrical Cennection - Blockir'~, s~t~U? ~ and plwnbing connections m-.:.st 1;e approved before requesting eZectrical inspec~ior. =:J Accessor:," Bui Zd~ng WOODSTOVE: After instalZa'tion is ccmpleted... D CURB & A..t."PROACR AP."10N: After forms are erected but prior to pouring , concrete. SIDEWALK &' DRIYEYAY: For aU con- crete paving within street riaht-, of-:-wc.y: to be made after aZZ ~xca- vating complete & forn work & sub- basema'terial in ;;la::e. ~ Fi~.aZ - Aft~r ;~rcr.es, skirting, de::~$, --.J etc. are ccmp.ze-::~d. D ~ PENCE: When compl.;;te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.,U.E. D ., ..... o AU Fro,jec't cor.di;ions, sue,!; as the -':'nstaUation of street trees, '::o::7;;Zetian of the required landscc:pir~, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDENG FINAL oan be '!'zquestsd. FINAL BUIl,DING: The FinaZ BuiZdir'~ Inspectipn ,~.4st be reaueated after the Final PZumbing Elec"rical, and Mechar.icaZInspections have been made and approved. *A[[' MANHOLES AND Cl,EANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE:, ADJilS'i'NEtIT TO BE ,',W;E .'1'1' NO C')ST TO CITY P::z:;e, of 2 Pc.ge 2 JOB N O~ "Z 3 ) C12'$ 0 L A R ,C E S S R E Q,- I Z~e.. .77__,~' v'" ~.... Occou::anc:; G1":7U::l: Lot Sq. F1;g. I:: of ~t C,jlJeragc ,#- of Stories I Total :ieight I , , Topogra?hy ITEt\f , c:n ""'G -,.."... I I I"'fain ,I Gc:zoac:e ! ! C.21'~er,; I 1,4ccessoro-1 F~&l~L IS.D.C. l 7'0'1'.41; VALUE I t:a~;;.e)" 1.'5 ::: Bui1.ding Permit State Surch.:JTge Total cr.a.~ges I IT2:.! NO. I Fi---tuI'es I Residzntial (1 bath) Sanitar:f Sewer I I I "'ate!' I Pl;,qnbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.a:rge Total Chtz!ooes ITE.\J I NO., I Ix I I Res. So. 'fto. I NaJ/E-""tend Circ'J,its I Temporary Service E!eotrical Permit St::te Surcharoe Total Charces IT~.'1 I ilO. :;r~,~ ,~~ F'urn:zce ETU' S I EZhaust Hood 'I Vent F=n I I "';'odsto7Je I I I Permit Issuance Mech.anic:::. l PeI'mi t State SurcJu:::rqe Tot:'7f. r;".-'!r'I~f} I -:- ENC?CACHl-!ENT-- I Sec-J.Z"'~~o.! Der;osit Stor=ge Maintenar~,g I Permit I Total C''laroes I Curocout I sid=lk Ife~e I F:Zectrical Label,~ 0' -.f2-, I ! Mobi le aome .1 TOTAL A..\;OUNT DUE:' WT rYE Inr;erier ,Col'1ler Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value j I I I I /~~ I I · I /a. 0&:' I .0/01 /oo/t>l, CEA?CE I I I I 'I FEE I I I I I I I. F::E C.~.?GE I I I "2 &>I ~ Mt:>/'f E I /5~I' .601 ~~I, C!!ARCE I I I I I I I I I I 18.~1 I ,-ZO I I I y~<O L-COG~ Type/Const: '1'uca Bedrooms: Lot Faces- I p,[,. !North East S01":" th IWest Setbacks I House I Carage I .I I Water Heater Range I lireo lace I Woodatove L I Access. : I I I I I Fees Building Value & Permit 'This permitiagranted on the e:rpress,condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, confe'f'm"to the Ordinance ':w.opted oy the Ci.ty of Spr'~ngfield, ~na!ud~ng :::he, Zoning Crd-::ncmce,regulati1".q the con.stro-'/ction and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revokec at an.y time upen vio- lation of any prDvisions of said Ordir~nces; "3. O~ ~~/- e:=s Plan Check Fee: Date Pa~d: IReceipt Ii: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install, alter or change any r~W or e--isting plumbing or drainage system in whole 01" in part, unless such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do pl'UTi':binq work to propert'::I which is oumed, leased ,or operated by the appli- cant. /, / Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Controctor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been sitJMd by the El.ectrical Contractor. Meche n ica'l Permit ~' -~~~ ~a~ner . , . ., t ~-/ -lSs Var;e I HAVE: CAREfULLY EXA.'1INED t,'w completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~ation hereon is true and cerrect, and I f..l.Z'ther certify that any ar.d all u;ork performed shall be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Spr'~ngfieUi, and thz L~~s of the · State' of Oregon pzrtaining to the work described here~n, and that JO OCCU- Pf.flCI Will oe made of any struct'..I.Z'e withou.t permission of the 3uiZding Di- vision. I fUrther certify th~t only contractors ar.d ~~l~yees who are in compliance with CRS 701.05& will be used on this project .~.~ . YVf4'.).~. /.//~.~ ~~~11 (;II~ , _!/ ~; S1,gJ.~d '.., , . , , 8-/'!-'f53 Date