HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-10-5 ~;.:..;.:~ ....r:."t."'..,~....,....~.;.::~..., ,,. ~It.... ,..:.....-.... ~_.t\~. .'~1l'1"',\",,-" .. RESIDE~!IA.l.. APPLICATION7~ERI1IT 225 North 5th Stl~eet sp~ingfield~ O~egon 97477 Bui lcZing Vii,iDion 726-;)753 ____.....__._...--....-1... ., "..'..... ,"". ,. .. .. .... .... ob [,oc::!:ion: Jtf ( (!A5c;fptf"' Zh __ ..... \ "",,'m '<or ,I f) () ~30 ~ ~ ,.~ wt/! (){)Y)aJ :U!.>d1:v~:sion: ~C.r#?)F /f"F/~ P'S / c.~r:::<S- A.Jncr: OIJ1LiJkotUs'/u lddrc":;: 6r3) As! if;Jt. 7Uy: 5f;UuwrEl]) at€- ..', ?Zl tlm,l ---1 .1rld1: t1:cn ,- -'l IIcmo,:!cl. I ,'.!ob-:.le l!O",1C ." "\ 'fo )C/ z-- Date of ilpplicnticn /p-5-~t::? . on c' rac: to t~ s ;ener:11 /5~~' 'lumb:Lng lecL1iltl:Lc:a 1 ,:1,,:(: t r ,i~~d I ;tlPer,'\I~tLir::!g_l~lec t r.i c: [;11'1 Phone: 7V ( ~ /1 Jb . ~,i . Zip: 97Jf7?-7JJ <{ c2'"l/;;l {~{UUJAj~ Rcaeipt ,1/ / g Vt:/7 \' L '\ I ' \" .... ....' -.:' ... ~~gr.ed:4~;'i ~~" Date: '- / ~ (6~~.J!?? ' Address Va Iue ~. c:::sr::> Lise. g HIdrs ROilrd Reg. Phone Your' City Deaigmted Job Number' Ia: Exp'i"c.es It in the reaponaibility of the permit holder' to see that all inapections a1'e made at the proper' time, that ec:ch .::.ddr'e8s is r'ea~ab:e (r'om the atr'eet, and that the per'mit ca1'd is located at the fl'ont of the proper'ty. '~hl1".!di~g ':D-:.v'i~1".0~: approved plan ahc.ll l'emain on the: Bu-:.ld1".ng S-its at all times. ';:WCEDU!?E FOR INSPECTION lIEQUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recor'der) state your' City designated job number', job address, type of inspeaticn ..cqucsted a.,,:d when you win be l'eady for' inspcct-:.on, Contr'actor'S 01' OI.mers name and phone number'. Requests r'eceived befor'e 7: 00 c::1 ,'i lZ be made the 'came day, r'equeats made after' 7: 1)0 am wi II be made the next ;,)()rking day. ?enU7: pet!. J n!)T)r?(! 't"?:Crl.c: ] SITE' IN,'il'EX','JON: To be made excclvati:Jn, bu t prier' tc se-t fOr'ms. aflOe?' up of ] UNDF.:RS[,ilB PLUt-rBING, ELECTRICilL,~ ,','F:CII;lNICIlL: '1'0 be lIlade befor'e any ti'or',': is ,-,overed. ~1 F'OO'l'INC ,p, FOUND,i'nON: To be made a/ter' tl'el/CheD ar'e excavated and j'O!"lI/D ,u'e erected, but pr'ior' to P('1U2.<l:r.g ccnC11etc:.. -] U:W'SRG.'?OU!W !'[,UN:JINC, SEf.fF:!?, f/.iTE.'?, DHAU/..1GF: '1'0 be made pr'1".01' to fil- T.,:/:u trenches. . -'-"1 UiJ/J!:.'!!F'[,OOR T'UH!TUNG ,~ MF;c!/ANTCilf,: 'to /)C lIlade Pi':io!" to i/,,;tattat;'idn of j"I,ooI'inDul;;tion or decking. ."OST AND BEAt',!: To be made pr'ior' to 1:-;';,; I:a I !",L'iCI/ of flool' inm; lation or (!cck.-l:ng. --"I ~L' . ~--;- '=> ~~t;.- .f --- -~ . qOcflno D INSIJLilJ'ION/VilPOR BilRRIER INSPECTION: To be made afte~ alt insulation a~n' r'equir'ed \ vapor' bm'r'ier's a1'e in place but befor'e any lath, gypsum boar'd Or' wall cover'ing is applied, and befor'e any inaulation ia concealed. ~ DRYf/ilLL INSPECTION: To be made atter all. d!'y'JaU is in place, but pr'ior'to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamD, gr'outing Or' ver'tiaals in accor'dance UJith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After' installation is ccmpteted. o o D CURB ,~ ilPPROilCH APSON: AfteY' fOmlS are cr'ected but, pr'ior" to pour'ing eon~rete. .'IO!'''-;!/ !'UJ!!TJff!G. r::r.F:C1'II!CAT. r, MEC/I- D ;'ii'U'(;.'l!.: No c!o1'l: 'ii3't'O he cover'ed~ T~~!;':[i~U~osC] .~.n'C~pect-ioi:{J h-;rve beer. !:In:!t:' ("nul C7.ppl'ov.e:? . ~ ... - ~" ~~'- /T"::,'!'/..4CE: f'r>1".0r' to placing facing '.,.' !;;~~-I~~,-;7',:;T;; ul1d hcfor'e fr'anring inspec- . SIDEfII!LK ,~DRIl',.:f/I.Y: For' aU con- cr-ete pav'ing w'itll'in str'eet r'ight- of-wey, to be made after' all 'exca- 'v~ting compl,ete.. & fom'!JOr'k & sub- "bas,e 'mater'va.?;' in :R~~ce., '. ...''1 -"j t iOi:. !'ENCR: h/her: complete -- Provide gatea Or' movable aecticna thr'ough 'P./!. R. _'"./_',] !'I!..1.'.'flJr;: :.Jw;t be r'equeatecl aj'tel' D ^':: ;:;i'/!."('t.1c;/.oj' !'oZiUh plumb1".ng, eleetr'i-, ""If, ,;; l/:e;,hull'ical.. ill,1 r'oofl".ng f.J.(!,::inU .'; "hl".mnc!jH, ct~,. nnwt ue 0 c(:mlpZec.(yf. No uX:)J-.k is to he con- e,~d,ed IInt,n,th1".S 'inapection haD 'h(;e,l Intul,:' ([!/(-! dpprovcd. DEHOLITION OR ,~:OVE[; BUILDIiJGS :=J Sanita1'Y se-Jer' capped ,at p:opcr'ty Zir:e ~ Septic tank p~~ed and filled ~ith gr'a~el I Final - mIen abcve -items a1'e completed ~ and ~hen demolition is complete Or' 8tru~- tUr'e'moved and pr'emiaes oleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~ Btocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections sewer' and water' I Eleatr'icat Connection - Blocking, 8e~-'U? ~ and plumbing, aonneations nr~st ce apPr'oved befor'c r'equesting electrical inspec~ion ~ Accesaor'~ Building I'Pinal - After' pOr'ches, skir'ting, decks, ~ etc. a1'e aompleted.. " D " "-'<<~ :",?, ilU pr'oJect condit1:ona, mw!: aa the ~',nstaUation of str'eet tr'ees, co,.;pZetion of tne .roequir'ed landsaapir:g, etc., must be satisfied befor'e the BUILDINC PINAL can be r'equested. _...J ;,' l}/,:l r. .: J/.U:'"I/jI.r/{~' ---] !.' !II;; /. [.!,:':::i!il!11 eM, .~_J ;;. Fi/ll}:; "r.':' ;'!':~~'!"[;' rC( [, <X> PINAL BUnDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be r'equeated after' tlze ,r!'inal Plumbing Electr"icaZ, and Mechar.1:cal I1,1iJpections have been made and appr'oved. " ,"\. J ',' \' -~'-'-''''I J 'il U. /./MJ//C/Y:,: AN/) CU.';1NOUT" 'f/!,',"/, m: ACCF::,;,jTnLF:, ilD.JlJ87;,'!F,'N'I' TO .'Jp n~DF: .4T NO C:JST 7'.0 Cf'!'Y .~. .. .-.--..-.- ;. .' 1~~(7e of 2 \ JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. :b of lot Coverage II of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM SQ.FTG Main Garaae Carport I Accessorl/ I !#~/X I'- IS.D.c. TOTA[, VAWE (vaLUe) 1.5 x BuiZding Permi t State Sux>cha:rge Total Charges L-CU\,' SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q.- ,~ Occupancy Gr/-, LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-sac x VaZue g~~ , I /7. 5'c;> _ tJ 'B- IP.."3~ FE'E CHARGE lITEM Fixtux>es ResidentiaZ (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer I Water Numbing Permit State Sux>cf:arge TotaZ Char(1es NO. CHARGE' ITEM Res. Sa. fto. New/Extend Circuits Tempora:ry Service EZeatricaZ Permit State Surcharqe TotaZ Charges ITSM Furnace ETU' S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan I Woodstove I Permit Issuance MeahanicaZ Permit State Sux>charoe TotaZ Charqes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rity Deposit Storage Maintenanae I Permi t TotaZ Chargo8 eurbcut: sidewaZk Fen:Je I Electrica Z I MobiZe Home I I I TOTA[, AMOUNT DUE: ~ [,abet 1.''10. I NO, I I FE,CE FSE CHARGE I I 79'- 76 Type/Canst: B!-?dl~OClf,';r; : I [,ot Faces - I I P.[,. Worth lEast ISou th !r,rest F:nerf/21 So;n'~('r, Heat r,ratel' .'lea tel' Range FireDl.l1ee Wood;; t01.:e '/"!" _______n__"___ Setbacks I House I Carage I Access. 1--1 II I F.?es Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the :;,11:,: " 1;,' shaH, in alll'ecpects, conf.orm to the Ordinw;ce .'Cldoptl',j he; I.i" ',', SprinafieZd, including the, Zoning Crdinallce, l'p.(!ldati":J Ule e,;"," and use of buildillgs, and In::.y be suspended or revokec. at e,,!! lation of allY prDvisions of said Ordinances. '!'lall CI",ck /.'1'>': II.. '~~ Date Paid: rRecdpt II: ISig~cd: Plumbing Perrrdt No percoll glzDll 'conat!'uct, instaZZ, alter 01' clzan:;" (;JI!I I:C'.) 01' C.::"';'; I, ; pZwnb-ing OI' drainage syste:n in ;,;hole 01' in pa],t, Wile:;" auclz 1"'C1":0I/ i,: ; I;, 'legal poases,gor of a valid plwnbel" s license, except tl:at c: pC:'SOI! "';,l~' ,:, pZwnbing wo!'k to l'ropel'ty which ia owned, leward 01' OPCl'c.t,;d ,"u 1,1;,' "i cant. I I ~ I I Electrical Perm it Where State [,aw requ'ires' that the electrical ;';O]'K be done L':J em ;;l,;.,tl'i,."j Contracto!', the electrical portion of this permit IJhaU 'lot be VC1Zi.}, ,o:! I:' the label IUlS been signed by the Electrical :7ontl'C1ctOl'. ~ Mechanical Permit I ~ L?~, /../fk~~ r/Xaminer (/'.... /' I I HAVE CAREFU[,[,Y EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hel'eby certify that an info:,mation hereon is true and correct, an:i I further cel'tify that any ar.d an work perfol':ned shall be done in acco]'- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th;:; [,a;.)s of the ~ State of Oregon p<!Jrtaining to the work C.68cI'ibad herein. and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permis3ion of the Buildi,zg Di- vision. I further', certify that o:'-l..y contractors al;d e:npZ.:Jyees wl:o are in compZiance with ORS 701.055 win be used on this projsct /~,.~ L;te 2-~' D,~ tl; lo~)jio .r' 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELO, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 ~ LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 5"T' G:0s L.4.. d e... LEGAL D~SCRIPTION /Y ~ . " ~"Z~~ c~zS,F ~~~ ' r'" . 4~~~~~~c;-.. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPUCATION Ci ty Job Number' 9~ '9Pc..> 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOV ' A. New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is. suspen~ed for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATI~N ONLY Elec trical Con trac tor 8e-rO..v-d Lfec....:\'vtc... Address ..2 t &j () I ~ I-\. ..I) L c.. 1f: ~6 Ci ty _ ~p -r l d.. . . Phone jL..f /-259 t, Supervisor License Number ~? (,5'-1.5 Expiration Da'te Jf'1o /C>-/-92. Constr Contr. Number S1610 Expiration Date /1-/1-10 Items Cost 'Sum 1500 sq. ft. or less )<. $ 85.00 ;;;:'!>~ Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion I- 'Ib--~ thereof ' $ 15.00 Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 35.00 ' B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch ,Circuits included). Installation, Alteratipns or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps \ 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 90.00 $130.00 $300.00' $ 35.00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Signature of Supe:rviSing Electrician /1 ~ J-1.~ Owners Name Address City Phone OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being. made on property .1 own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: -------------------------- DATE: /~-::?.9~t:;5 RECEIPT .: ~' i!!$ ~ c ~ , RECEIVED BY: . .~~ , , ,,-. 200 amps or less $ 35.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ ,40.00 Over 401 to' 600 amps $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or' 1000 volts see "B"'above D. Branch Circuits New, ~lteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Two to ten Circuits Each Addt'l ten or portion thereof 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation . Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Signal Circuit or limited energy panel $ 35.00 $.50.00 $ 15.00 $ 36.00 $ 36.00 ' $ 36.00 /~ 0r0 c;S'~ DlI'C::> /~ aqji:> r