HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1979-6-8 . . . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ~; JOB A~DRESS: 2641, Castle Drive, Springfield, Oregon TRS, TL: 17-03-23.3.3 U 5300 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-1578-79 Subdivision: 3rd add to McKenzied manor, Lot 5, Block II This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Ume County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Lee Wacker, 2641' Castle Drive, Springfield, Oregon 97477*** same same na Total Construction Value: $7728.00 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 746-1374/726-3283 1 1 ,'''''nstruction approved by this permit: Addition to kitchen and family room @ 322 sq ft; Structures now ~n property: residence and shop Water Supply: Spfd. PLANNING DIVISION 'WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks erior property lines .....Jge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: # Bedrooms: 3 na 2 # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: Zoning: RA Partitioning # na Parcel # na Parcel SiZe: Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 45' ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior prope'rty lines: na ;rear property line: 15' PUE Special Instructions: na 110 x 115 For information call 687-4394, Susan Keller Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special Instructions: Keep new addition lOt from all Do riot drive over drainfield during gal. min. sep'tic tank capacity; parts of tbe existing drainfield. construction. . Septic Tank , 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-3962between 8:00 - 9:00 a:m., Greg Gray, R.S'~ Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone: Instructions: See reverse for required inspections. 3 Use Classification: SFD/ADD For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jim lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. , bne county / going _ Out hayden Bridge Road to Castle Drive, past Guy Lee Scholl, crossRR tracks 2 block east, turn left, green house. 06-08-79 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 1:;l!; EAST RTH AVENLJ~ ~IJr,~N~ nR~r,nN Q7,dn1 Date Issued: C55-13 By: Hans Ettlin/ly . . . '~. .~~ tl,tr:~iENT 9~ ENV;RONi1ENT~i IIONACEMENT 1P25'" PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ;'> \. - EUGENE, OREGON 97401 c.~..:.-' Job ;~dress I ~,=>4! Ca~1:u... Du~/ Ci ty ~.J~d. Township, Range, .'Section, Tax<,l'ot ~ 7 - 0:5- z.~ ~ .3,3 ~ ~.::)C:() Subdivision :!:f?P eifd, LhoYL, 'to.Afll7CM1-ztQLQ,t-: 'AJlQ/VIOrBJ;ock': lar,5:~~~J Appl ication for R.Q;yY\CCLQ.!,:. ~.S.t.ljY)"7< Qujp ~ e VY"\"'-::< . . Structures now on the progerty 1<.Q2flclOjY~'?r.. n .5'l/lDO. '-" / '- I': - Proposed use of property: /~I Residential I I Commercial Affidavit: 1,,.:1(. ~.:- wcJw_- . (please print) If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property:. Q...../ owner of record; , contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive_ Olition to purchase; duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knowled. g..eable of this aP.Plication. ~ ~)r~ ~A ?A~ Signature/Address LuL L00..Je.\..~-,ur I ~ I 0a.:'"5'tlD, r~ u re...-, ~M;~ (zip) ,;,,)?1-r l7 Tel;p-hone '14(11-',374 or 7~-3283' Date ,'--' IVv5..J.Jt ~!-1&)' -- - . U ....- When permit is ready notify:Cl/Appl icant.... () Owne\ CI Contractor . ~: CI mail 1_:,V"Phone Owner \......Q..Q.... Wa...CJC.Ll ( CJJcrJve.... ) (zip) Phone Contractor ()J'JCr\re..., ......,/ (zip) Phone Contractor's OSR#~..J. A ., Plumbing by o.J, A. " , ;I . ~~. .. CAPP 1 i ca t ion '. Q # _."'Jc. . L .. - /g;7l1'/';l: As signed Numbers \. CI Industrial LI Publ ic ~1... , hereby c'ertify that this information is-true and accurate. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms ~ SI test holes ready # of employees # of units -' - -/ SDS: L't-"Existing, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # Fee Code Description Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Valuation Fee PERMIT PROCESSING Pa rt. # ; t, side Parcel # h..-9 into Parce}1Size A/",. ; $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ $ $ go,Of? lit? X//.5'" rear / Sf f/tlG Ot1cl u-'U-;-n +OkctcJ',J2./~''-..J -V "..}('J/VY\J.13..MfDf"rVD .:::;;I ~ n ~J CI Cash O/,...Cneck # / .6 ;;2. pl.. Received by _ 4""" A'-4?--4J-~ .. Water Supply '50)(J. ((<l1JJ\'1lnw"")' Proposed . ;_J E(isting. Year Installed Total Valuation:. $ ~ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ Subtotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL Zone ~ IF t, front l./_,,>;' Comments f?&Af~/JAA ~ d .L)A~J~ j . In I To be typed on permit I V Minimum setbacks: /) By ~r<--"" Da te 5--3/-7C-J .I ~-~""l'~ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation specifications: gal. tank; A:W /~.. TO_be-=:Pe~p~er~it h ..'bf1~) -.. ../J.._ ti+- - _. {I, ~~. _ ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches: , /T~",,~ /()'.~,-,J"J ~hu 1 ,;,~ rt..,~ (~ ~AA.-P/~ A;,,() . Telephone .'"\ . . .,..By' .~,r:~A~- Date ~-7~7-!. . Di)ec;;ions io site ()uJ ytH~'>-\_ ~c~C .1r11--T{) L~5'~J!._ LJ..'1", ~ )Q.,~ e::-jtJ.)0(' t-lLQ" l'\lfttat';l I (b9:u:l<${ (r'I1Jd.r('YY'1..: -rY21i'j~..:.?f hl t:'110Cl,/ J ((t-o\r'\;.( .~ j' Plans to:' CP&I (,)set(s) Date Hold Slip '-' Date " WPC set(s) ReSlui~ed(,.P to PCC Completed f~~i // I' ' '-" Da te to PCC CI SIFO - /' /j//~?& I Cj;WPC CI Planning {} Publ ic Works ,/l' ,f .~y-' I;' / ,;' I-I Elevation CI n/a .I~I Address I~I Facility Permit ~I Environmental Health f6~4) +utuYI \0 S ,. ~ ~OU ~ FOR INFORtlATlON about progress of your appl ication call: Permit-Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) _H .~. ,--_.- ._, - , - - - r '- lC ',~ 1<.- ~ .J ~ I LANE COUNTYDEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT 0 157879 DATE 053179 . APPLICANT WACKER, LEE AD DR 2641 CASTLE DRIVE, SPFD, ORE ~ ~ I TLO 1703233305300 SUBDIV MCKENZIE MANOR LOT 5 BLK 11 NEW BLDG TYPE USE R NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 ~L CODE APPl. NO ACTION DESCRIP1"ION SQ FT UNlor COS"r VALUATION F"EE DAYS BP ADD KITCHEN '.'( BP FAMILY ROOM BP '-C ElP BP ~" BP BP ,J . TL ilL MECH - SUI~ PCK " 'J 32:~ 24.00 7728 LC 1 ~n879 F~EPR NO. FIXTURES: ,., .:.. NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE .ST A TE SLH~CHAI~GE PLAN CHECK FEE 4.00 7728 EACH := 44.00 8.00 e" .J I ~. Jt.., 4% ~>0% 2.0B 26.,00 () o o o o o o .'j i;i SIFCl CPI "fAKEN BY SK WPC PLAN EL.EV ADDR COMPLETED BY FP ENVH TOTAL FEE.)l;* 80. 08 CI< 'l -I' : _ I ., :J: ,iJ " ~ " ;l - -' ~ z ;.: 8 '" ~12 · ., ~ '" 11 ~ l:L ~ a _~ r\ i~ ~~ o ~ ~ c - o <Xl o :' u 1: . D~PARn1ENT OF. ENVIRONr~ENTAL r1~NAGEMENT - " -- " . \ . '. PSB ,125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ~ EUGENE; OREGON, 97401 .' ..' f ' " . , , , ':' . .. Affidavit: .,. '. " (fn'~ .', ' , hereby certify th'at this, in~,ormation is true and'accurate. . 1 fpJ,iI;$.~p:tJttM., . . " ' Jf,this applicatio,nis for .an agricultural building.it will be used-for purposes allowed bY the State Building Code and Lane C.9unty Code Chapter 10 '(zoning) and for, no other purpose. I have the following legal intere?t .in the property: , . ,~ owner nf reco~d;. contract purchaser; lessee; holder nf an exclusive option to purchase; . Signat~r:~:~d~~::~riz~,~ aL&;:~'. w~rW~~t~~ ~qt~l~~ti.on.~ .,' . (~iP)t?J7417 , ,.:. .:": Ii . .', Telep~one~. ,or 7~':3283 I Date:U" _M~ 31-~ Wh.en permlt lS '~ead. ynotl.fY: Ij,VAPPllca~.' LI Ow~~ () Cont~a<;tor'., ,. Qt.: C/ mail.. ~hone ., Owner'~'Wo...eJd..Jr, l~~)' (zip). Phone Contractor. ~ ' . '/ (zip) Phone' Contractor'sOSR#; tU. A Pll,lmbing by' "J " A.. ;G, t{t. 4lA~f r 4~3-o/ 'i' " ~1, l5$iliiMHiM DO NOT WRITE .BELOW ~HIS LINE ............................ # of employees ,i:]d\'ijij~j;$L $~$~i~';.0xisting, BP # ' C/ Proposed,' S I # '1IIi'." 1~111:~I;i~i Valuation. Fee ~:s ~~:~:::~.~l :~::~~;iii:' '3' SI test holes re'ady ,~ . . - ~I' . '~'_.+o '~J.',..''1(.t/Y'n.d,.~ ',1. -- . <J,',': - r/tiili}}'} '. '~i~I!~a.dJ-.'~' , . 'Received b,Y' ._/~~;/ ~ . Water Supply ~pji~ . Proposed .. . 'Existing . , . Year Ins tall ed .. Subtotal" ':$ " $ $ $ $ ea,ch $ each $ $ $ ,'$ $ $ &J/{)? .:::>;? ~ O{. Totai .Valuation: $ .:~n.t,I:~:t!~~ijfr!!' a t $ ~lijtlW~~~t:,~~~?~ at $. 4% State'surch~rge Pl a'nsc.hec k fee Change of' Occupancy . TOTAL. PERMIT PROCESSING ~: Zone ~ II- ' Part. # --..----~--.-~-;;.~:el-;----.~:'____ -;~r'c~--~:~71 ~i-:.XlJ~er Mjn"imum setbacks::' ",1.;:froflt 'i.;s~.. .; 'L, s'ide, ~Il~ ;,int. .AlU__..; rear.;/S" )!JUG ' .C9~,""i?~-'1~A~4~~< . . To be typed o~ pe~~1't. "... . :t/ ..,..'. ,,:': By;t ~/J~ Date, 5-3/-?CL CP&IType: ;1J' Group!? ~ Fire Zone. ~ Use C!assihcation 5FP /):n:;/? ,'./. To be typed 'on pefmit '.t . ., Fo~Plans iriforniation ca) l' (are\! inspector) D\re.;t"ion~o ""site,: . . . LJliL, ?tuh~__ /-1 SIFO . Pl'ansto: CP&1 set(s)- - ' .WPC -- set{s). ~_ ~&I "'- (j)4JPC CI Planning C/Publ ic Works CI Elevation, CFn~a CI Address (j Facility ~ermit ' CI. Envi ronmental' Health. , . $-~) +L#n~.,~ hOucae' . ,{ II . ,/ /) " ' . .. ,0...... ~y ~~D't' 3 -__~ .~.j WcfO. ,,( 047.. WJt>>L':~,"'~&~'''J . " rroo. \t1Z11b~~_Q.", ~._~;~ ,. ' . Oate He 1 d S 1 i p ..' Dat.e " Da te to ... ~~. ~o ~Ct}8d . PCO . . ~ --. I " . . .... " '__".~'~'__'K-";'______. .. , .FOR INFOR~1ATION a~out pl"ogress of your appiication call:.: C74:"171. . Permit Control Center, 687"HELP '(68J..~4357) .: I TRS, TI, /7-- CJ3 ~ ;<,1,.~ ~ - l'}.3etJ 'Plat Plan Subdivisions!l1...J Ilf1MJ t&~d(/ './ ~ Lot ~ ~ Block // Vicinity Map C74-150 / Job Location (Address) c:261// Permit II J-C,- 1573-79 For Permit 1/ / For Permit 1/ For :--..... ~\ I IIS~( j f' , j -', . I _J ~. r ."cl /( ~ N ~ 1 j '-- ~.- ..- .-=-----. -==-- ". " ~ " (~ \ ;z3~1 10/(J ~ - Permif "1/ ; V For Permit 1/ For Permit 1/ For :. \ \0' ""'" ....._-.'...-.... -- --.---,~ - -- - - -I) ~-,,-=--~ I i - 6) - ~-T~--J 1: ~~/ ~9 i / t , : \\~ J t. ]"'.' .... J ,~,. :-i'" " ,:I [\ ~ C-A-S.T'L C Q,g, "\ . .,':~:~. ADDRESS:~~41 ~ I!ltiw" 1lp1t:l:::I:::MIT ON MAIN BUILDING A:O:~:ERUCTrON PERMIT #w.-u7l1o-'N ~~ TRS,"TL: 17-G3-U.,S..:i {i 5300 Subdivision: 3~ add. t@~1ed ~~ ist Sa n~ 1;1 .- '0 )' This permit for the referenced property is hereby Qpt"'&"'-Y"""J.." Setbacks a'nd other conditions of approval must be strictly observed;' Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation underprovisions of Lane Coul1ty's I nfractfon OrdInance,'imd/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/ Address: Owner/Address: . Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Lee ~. 264~ Castle Drlve.Spd,ngf1e1d. O,l\;~ ~ tl&lme - .'. Telepho'ne: 1415-1Sl741126-~~~3 Telephone:' I '~~i;' T elepho,ne:;: I .:~?: ,.}J -.. f)14'1'1~, . . '. ~ TbtalConstruction Value: . $172$..00 /" " rl)nstruction approved by this. permit:. : I. For plans information call '31-3761' between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jim ~ For inspections (~ee back of this per,mit) call ~87-4065 between 8:00 a:m. and 5:00 p.m. . . . . ....'.. . '.' .' .' '.' . '~necounty ~~ ha~ Bri.d3Q ~a\i t@ ~~ ~~\Y\3l~ ~tt ~ lL43 $clwn~ ~oo ..m! .~.. . 2 b~ W3i!.ml~ . _. '. ~G~ ~&I ilQf~ ~~G", . By: ~ ~!g~1J7 , ~1' DEPARTMENT OF"ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING _r__, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ~ Water Supply: Sp-fck PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks . ~erior property lines .Age of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/II'JSPEGTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: ~-_..., .., --, . ..../.:. . :'~<:" MdltioDtc kltehR.U4- 'fard.1y n.(f'322 sq f&.; S~m.._~, ~lt1 on ,property: .. r~ and shop d'" '~~'~"'.~ "~. ~.. ;.....':r '" \i,""'~' ":.;7i:,.~':n"'~' , _,"._ ,.:' ,', - , # Bedrooms: ~:. 3 ;::. #Plumbing Fixtures: 2# Eri,ploy~e's: :~..-:. ~ Zoning: nA Partit.ioning #'Da Parcel # W1 . Parcel Size: U@3 US Minimum required structural setbacks,frorD: centerline of road,front: 450 ;'centerline of road; side exterior: 'nQ , ; interior propertytin~s:oo ;rear property line: 1St- Plm Special Instructions:' m. . " ;-:. . .', . ~ :1.,"". '. For,information call 687-4394, 'Susanbller /' / " , Site Inspection :# na Installation specificati,ons: WI gal~min. septic tank capacity; 00 ;;' ': lineal-f,eet of drainf.ield:required; max. depth 9f,tr~nches: 118 ,-" j . - . 'Special !nstructions: Keep .11t}'fl. ~ditf.on 16- '~~\.,811 Parts..of tOO es1sdag &~i~ Do not' drive ..'" ""'"" dra1Df1e14 dUttng coastructlon... ,,_' "11./:' . , SeptiC ,Tank , 10' ",.to' 5' 50' ,. , ~ " - . /Drail'lfield- 10! -10' 10' 100' . '; , , -/-, For informati9:n call ~m_~~~., between 8:0.0 -9:00 a.m., ~~J7IJ<;?_ TL~lL Type of Construction: ~i ' .. G'roup: E--3 Fire Zone: Instructions:' See l;!;\l;t"6'~ue f_, 're.~ 'iaspee~. } Us~Classification: . ,S'f!lJ! ~ . "".!".::.:' 3 ...-:'''':\ ,-.. i .~ .,( r.~~':..' ""'.c,.'" ,~'C ."'Y' ~"..~_ '<"~-=', - '.er,"~. , l~' ': .... ~-.;;.r. ~, IAA4f /', , ~ -~ SITE INSPECTI~~ ApPROVED /d7/ DISAPPROVED / / DATE t ~U -1// INSPECTOR~ REMARKS FOUNDATION IN~ON ''''0''0 / ~ / """::'0"0 / I 0'" 7-'2--3-7:Z '''PECT",~ REMARKS C/-I'_I1L__ ~ J____. - f2..k. -'- .~~ ~_-;~ _~ ~~ U ~ ~ . /- - - FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / .,( DISAPPROVED / / DATE 1-23-77 , REMARKSL:(_ ~_1 ~/tJ~~. c.. .". U~" t-t.:.,. A' '7_2.3- 7'7 ~~-=-- ,. v v '''''CTO'# . . I "T -r-~ - ~ L4 "" LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Ap.PROVED / /' DISAPPROVED / / DATEU - ~NSPECTOR ~ REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE, / / I I I NS,PECTOR I DATE " NOT READY TO ISSUE REMARKS " ! (;' Job Location (Address) d2ht// /,,&;ffi, la/,./ ~ Permit U J..C,- /5.73-79 For Permif II ; V For Permit 1/ / For Permit II For Permit Ii For Permit 1/' For J / 'TRS .~L /7- CJ3 ~ ;:<,~, ,1'/.::r - ,s~ .!" " ..Plot Plan Subdivision.~ t1rJj) YJtt~ './ , vv Lot . ~ Block // \ \0/ . -----..;::.',.-:::-- - ~'''-:::::l --- 'I' ' ~ -, '-, -..- ~\ ! ~ ~i:J~~J .. :~- u . '1 ~ : :1 ~~/ ~~ ! I I ~LL G' P /12, I 14- ?V I \\S' / 'l~( . / 7' t.. " r' 'vY ~ V'~y f\ ~ Vicinity Map ('74-150 N i'l 1\'.--. "\.L ' ~ 1----, \ ' L,..' I" (i : -:;". .:e;~": .. t." .. ..,' ,_~::;':f" .\ ;>-'1 ,POST THIS,PERMIT ,ON' MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 't[ rl' ,'. , , . JOB ADDRESS: 264!,,' C4'agtle ~;tv~1'? ~~fUttld~ ~{flsam. . C~ONSTRUCTION PE,RIVlIT~:# tJl;l..1~7~19 . ..,'-." , . . , , fRS, TL,: 17-~23()S~3n~ 536U." Subdivisio~:. ~~(.~ to 'Me1}~:t.tk~~' ~t 5~<.B!~a, :ur .-, '_., This permit for the refere:ncedibrdpert~ is ,hereby '~~~'4f~dd;~~"Setback~,and ot'~er. cOrld;fi~ns 'Of"appr6x~:IMj~i b;:st'ri'~tiY'~bS~rved;.~"-Yiol~tion G~n . . "result.in revoG~~jonoJ thi,s pertnIt, ci~ation ~nderprovisiori~ of:Lane'Cbi.ihty's I n.fr~ct((>n'.qrdin~l)c~, a'rjd/or oth~'rj~medles..allqw.et:fhY ICl~;~~;:' ,. ' , . . - . '. .' . .." "'. ~.' . ' , '. ". j ~ '. -. " . ,"., ~ ., '. '- ,." ....~.. '. . '. ';i < .\, ". "" , ~ ' . . ' l6tsJ., .~~~t '~.i~1~. ..~~: ~1.41i1~. . '. . Telephdne: 1~~~14!12~32a3 ~ .. '. .~ " ,.-;", .'" Tlh f~' . " ' ' .', .', . ,'.," 'El eP.... Qne: .' .'..~ . . ~ ;1. . , , i' . ,- ;,' ',"',', ,.'., ' "' :,' . Telephotl~: :'./: ..t , ':,. Total ConstruCtion Value:' 'S17'~il>OO- ' . ,)i' '. ... . CO"St,uctio~a:prov.~,b\<thisp.r",lt:.:~';*~~;~t;:~'V;i:I~/ ... ..... ....... .....: 'Water ~upply:' , S~~Q> '. . '....,' .,,: ' , ') :Ii Bedr,ciom~;":':'3,~>,,..#,BI(CmlJi,ng fixti)r€fs:~:,;;~2::' #Einpjpye~s:: , :'~. . .'-:' <"'''. :': 'Site Il1sp,ectlq[l '*F'~ ,", ,,:\. 1.1).~t,a;I'la~ioh~pecifi~ation~:. "..~, '; Qal>'min'..'.~epdctank capacit.v:; ", ':w;i, : lineal feet ()f.,:qrainfj~ldJequired;.,.hw?<;:d!3pth 9,f ~ren.ches: .. 'na <:':,'. ..:. .,' .. ,: ':A: ,', . , " .,. ..<' " J' >,," , . ';'". Specialln~tr.~ct!~ns:~"~:'e&dt~~'~o~~~fdl:~'~~~f.. ~. ~~.~~g~4~. "." _,i"tf)t'4dve~dst'~~4,~~f.~~,.;. " ','. "",:' ; Setbacks. . ..~, Septic +~nk, 'D6iiQfieid' .' "',, . ,<,":-. "". ' '. . ,"\, :r - '..'1'. ' <~'"' ',' ., .... . , " .. .'., ' ''1teriorprop~rtylines, 10:'> ~r ' , " '., :~,:,., ." Jgeof roadrlghFoh'iiay; ,10' '10t'~ /. ',..' , ,.." ,.ir''',.' , >',: ':'j:~:s" "B~ildi.qg f9un'qatJo~~:: -. ' 5' -.'.. ." ~ 10': . ~ _ .\.: '.' ~ :'" _'.~ i .". ~,...:_. .' : .<~tl~>'~~ '-', ' ..., Wells,other wate'r source~ 50'. ',100' - "F'Orinfor:ma~iohG~U ,;\Ii,t>l7...~Oh~ betlJVeen8:00:~>9:00r~:r$\irl.._,:t!'ti>~ ~~_ ., '~'" '_ ...... '" ~. .".. . . .: ~- ~ t ." '. ~ -:';:~~ ;~J-;.//.. ,~ili.,fl'" " -:--~~~' : ~. 4,:.~,.~:~ Typ~.~t"C6'f1struGtipn: ,~..y~ ,'~Gr6up-: l't....3 Fire'~one: .3," . U~eCi,assjfication:":::':':"'SJID/.> . :Instn,lctions: See ;'Ci\j~~ lei ~~ ~t:lt;Ue. :." ,,;,"'.; ~:,.;,.; .~ '.. ::,.:.:,"'", . ~ ". : ,'. ", r t.,~., - \, , ~' ."", '-..j'.-<~.... ;'-'.. , . . -. --"~,"'~~, ":~r~;~~7rr~r.~.'~-~'~-'~~-:-T~~~~~7'~~:'~-T -c .-.~ -~- . ..,,:Fpr';"rJlansihfq'rmati,qn cal,I'81~j~j)7 c;:b~t\ltieen8:00' a.m. and 9:'OO'a.m., . 3~~]am .", ,Eor'insp.ections{see pac~' of.thispermit)'9_aH, 687-4065 between 8:00 ~;m.and 5:00,':'p.m.. .. Appl icalJ.~/ A~c:l ress: Owner! Addr:ess:" . Co nt'ractor/ Add~ess: . Contractor's OS' # ,: PLANNING DfVISIO~ ", .'WATER' .PQLL,UTION." . CONTROL D.lV:ISION CONSTRuctioN'""" PERMJfs/iNSP.ECTI0N~ '. DIVISiON. ' :.r, , Lee.~...t~9> '~.::' ~~. .':U';' '.. ~ . ~~ ~ ',-<J' . .'. . . . '..;.t'_ ", ". -Zoning: ,~. Partitioning"#- t t;$ ,.' Parcel, # M ,,",1' 'F?arcel,Siz'e:: , .Minimum r~quire(htructural setbacks, from: centerlin'e of roadi fron't:':"4.Sif ;~~'ei1t~:riif1e or road, , .side ext~riQr: a ; interior, property l,inE;!s':, ll'm ;rear prop'erty line:^ ~;'I$:O ~""~t;; ','~~f'. 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