HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1995-4-7 II/~C) c r:>ESIDENTIAL - COMJ"'fr--~CIAL -- , ~~ ,_A 51DEWALK / CURBCUT APPLICATION / PERMIT ..-(~ _~~GF:'O ~ ~~ :~" 225 NORTI-lFIFTI-l STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON S1411 ENGINEERING DIVI510N OR=ICE NO. T;16-3153 IN5PECTION LINE: 126-3169 ' JOB ADDREe5: ..~? Cf1S/2_~ vV' A5SE5SORS MAP NO.*' 1/70 Z- 0 G G0 TAX LOT NO. '* 002]1) 5USDIVI510N: OUNER: rJM-evlf 1.'le SWUJ_~JVS ADDRE55: C)CZR CQS{}{LIf2., 'l)r- STATE: Df-- ZIP: q74!i5 ll...IC>R< DESCRIPTION: , RECEIPT N~ I fo?F'7 CASI-l CHECK CITY: C ~ L.-:f)/ Je . . , *',./ CHECKED FOR DELINQU:=NCIES ~ Pf-IONE NO. 5IDEWALK: CURB 51DE 5ETBACK CURB-CUT:./ RE5IDENTIAL'V' COMHERICAL 5!::COND DRIVEWA"'- (SEE TRAFTIC ) R::QUIR::5 APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRI\lEWA.,.-('T -4.1a) OR A COUNTY APPLICATION FOR FACILITY FE~IT (C 98-203) IF IN THE U..G.5. DATE 0;= APPLICATION Ll -3-'13 5IGNED: DATE: ~ tj-7~q0 LLORK TO 6E FE~D 6'1'": CONTRACTOR'* H-f;r r ~ CiSYlt+, ADDR::55 H 0 0 M DAd,&,,-- j) ( - , PROCEDURE FOR INCi::CTION REQUEST: OUN:R ~' CONTRACTOR *' \('. n. '3;..1-- REGI5TRATION NO.--::..-i> If:J'l() ~16411 / EXPlRE'5: 'g-7,/7~ PHON:::: ~c; cr#0 - c -::::;:Cf'J-Q6:?3> CALL 12b-3169 (R:;:CORDER ) STATE YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER, JOB ADDRESS,TYPE OF IN5PECTION REQUESTED A~D WHEN YOU WILL B::: READY FOR INSPECTlo.-l, CONTRACTOR5 OR OUNERS NAME A~D, PHoNE NUMBER REQUE:5T5 RECEIVED BEFORE 1:00 A"1 WILL BE MADE Tl-4::: 5AME DA"'-, REQUE5T5 AFTER 1:00 AM WILL BE MADE THE NEXT lI.JC>RKING DA.,.- '* SEE BOo<. EXISTING BUILDING PE~IT NO. ( IF APPLICABLE) YOUR CITY DESIGNATED J08 NO. 1sT q fu Ltc) 7 . ........., ~- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 51DEWALK / DRIVEWAY FOR ALL CONCRETE PAVING WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WA"'-, TO BE M.4DE A"'TER ALL EXCAVATING IS COMPLETE AND FORM lI.JC>RK A~D SUB-BASE MATERIAL 15 ' IN PLACE K- cURB / A;-;-;-::OACI-l APRON , AFTER FORMS ARE ERECTE. BUT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. FEES: SIDEWALKS ~1@.@@ + ~0.15/LF. ( X ) OF WALK CURB-CUT ~10.0@ + s.0.15/L-F. ( X ) TOTAL PERMIT r-t=t:: ~ 12-- L}? Cv, II IERICAL DRIVEWAYS SHALL ,HAVE :,' TO B' FLAIRS '3'. 0" 5T A"lDARD WALK X' / '\ X' I, 'I I riAVECAREFULL.,.- EXA"1INED THE COMPLETED AFPLICATION FOR PERMIT, A~D DO HEREBY CERTIF"'- THAT ALL INfORMATION HEREON 15 TRJEAND CORRECT,A"lD I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT A"l"'- AND ALL WORK PERfORMED SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITI-lTHE ORDINt.NCES OF THE CIT"'- OF SPRINGFIELD, AND THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OREGON PERTAINING TO THE lI.JC>RK DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND THAT NO OCCUPANC"'- WILL BE M.L.DE OF ANY STRUCTURE U.lITHOJT PERMISSION OF THE BUILDING DIVIS!ON. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT ONL"'- CON-iRACTOR5 AND EMPLOYEES WHO ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH OR5 101-"'5:' WILL 'BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. ~U- ~ PO(2fV\ 51GNED DATE ." " #W-fcmn rJrs+-- SH~,,>,. ",,,;c;.F1ELO ." . 1 c- ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING DIVISION MAINTENANCE 225 FIFTH STAr [ SPRINGFIELD 0110-;.::- ---. .".'-- - ~_.. -- --.. -'.--.~ " .APPLlCA TIQN FQR A ~ECQND DRIVEWA Y I <]Vi::RWIDTH DRIVEWA Y: DATE: 4- ).~ // l' APPUCAN~ (PROPE~TY OWNER): (~tlaJ:.lJ t- ,5 rn c. .-I tr "t'. ( ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FO"R DRIVEWAY PERMIT:' t;f :'7' (' .tii-c- A 0:=-- APPLICANTS TELEPHONE NUMBER: 74 I - .::> v .2 L.( . I , . 1 Please sketch the proposed driveway. Include the following applicable items: house or building, propose< driveway. existing driveway. and sheet names. Include dimensions and measur€Tnents to property lines, road intersections and bord~ring driveways. (See attachment for an example.) II j 'L 'I. > . J)'. fV"t-,4~JJ,'r( i- ~ !/-( I v1t [f.u j r'l t../{,- .. , 7~' If: , Ir " r, ~ --. ~, rr of l- L fN,'- fl ^- . ~ ~~J- I fA( I 1/ f? lP Iv L[ f' = ......, -\- zg '. .5 ) , -.- (,- ;,..'- ~'~rl - .:') l ffl/OO ~ <:1 I &- I J N.tJ 1 '\)1" i vr~ -- - ---- ~ iJ V>-t -f & A~i l,OO ~ e;;;'w I ?} / ~'(. \v-L V '- Ci4S{C;Dc ALL APPLICATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRINGFIELD THAT ARE WITHIN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY REQUIRE A LANE COUNTY PERMIT. Note: The City of Springfield will not grant a second driveway permit on an Arteria) or Collector Street. ADMINISTRATION/ENGINEERING (503) 726-3753 FAX (503) 7263689 MAINTENANCE (503) 726.3761 FAX (503) 726.3621 ", t..' >. -1' ~}\ -;.l;w'z;~~..~, ,';1 I " ~.;'-' .... I .. ">; .. .... , ~ t.... -}- , , ~ 111 ." '.: " 1. Property type: Single family Residence Y Duplex other. (/J t{fh f?L Vo-' 2. The proposed driveway will take access from which street 3. The distance from the edge of the driveway to the nearest corner (measured to the curb return) is ----If-.0 0 fee L ". The second driv~way will give access to: garage_ carport~ side yard_ Olher y " . 5. The distance from t.he property line to the garage, carport:fence, wall, or other. (where the vehicle is to be parked) is 'J.../p feet. . , . 6: [Will the proposed parking 1 storag~ aJea create a vision obStruc,tion, to' adjacent Pfopeft', dri.vew'ays or . : to any'yehicular movement on a pubfic street? (See vision c1ear.ance attachment)'---fY 0 ApprlCant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway to City ofSpringflC1d standards., The applicant further agrees to have 6- of concrete in the sidewalk area (adjacent to the driveway}";and to pave the area bl;hind the back edge of the sidewalk, or driveway apron, with a minimum depth of 3" asphaltic concrete or 6~ of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidewalk shall be paved a minimum oC18 feel . The applicant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area behind the sidewalk within 30 days of cutting the . curb opening, the City of Springfield has the authority ~o,c1ose the driveway access by removal of the curb cuL An incurred costs shall be assumed by the applicant:and if unpaid, said cost shall become a lien of the property. ~: J' When this appfication is approved' by the City. the applicant must obtain a curbCuVdriveway permit from the" pubUc Works Department, Engineering Division. !i " I: ~cut I Drivewa"'.E.ermit Fe~ I' .. On.n 'mpmYOd ,lm,1 (.,,""ng cu:"): .,0.0'0 ~,I",S.lS p" ,...1 fool of ou,b oui. () , <1'/' b. On an untmproved street (n~ curb):S12.00' '..,., "".-- c. On currently unimproved streets that are under cdhslruction: .$12.00 PR;~ERTY OWNER'S ~IGNATURE~~~ J\~~.?~-~~_ DATE: 1-.3 - 9~'- i :i 1'\JAJ4- / V(\.~ .wJL- \ -~ r~RAFFIC DIVISION ?~-{)L/ 52- ,DATE: 4-/'~ -0[ S . ~ ,DATE: L/ "US L~0~ \~<6~1 , ,4f).~~.. APPROVED BY: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: TRA 9-1 ATTACHMENT:Vision Clearance, Example #1 J ~--,~ ~ " "', ,,. / EAAMPLE ~. './ II --. -... -_.- .----- APPLlCA TION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY I OVERWIDTH DRIVEW~ DATE: r APPLICANT (PROPERTY OWNER): I :l :1 !i ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR DRIVEWAY PERMIT: ! " ,. if . APPLICANTS TELEPHONE NUMSER: I: j, Ii :i !l Ii ii, I II ; If II II ,: II :' Ii ,! I il il II I !! :c o c.. /J) OJ 11'oPtt-5Eb Pfl,1V'fV#\Y ').. 5 ~ t<. c.. i I: i ..! I' . I Ii !: II ;i ;! I Please sketch the proposed driveway. Include, the following appJical;>le items: house or building, proposed driveway, existing driveway. and street names. Incll,Jde dimensions andmeasuremen.ts to pmperty fines, road . 'interse-cti~ns 'and bordering 9ri~eways. (See attachment for an example.) STREET NAME 4-1.... " ''''2: J ll~' 1..5' \ , & tJ t/6J150R-'S Ho VSE r I tf\ -4 1"J [Tl (T1 -i EX1$TIN6 DRIVE. WAY I II '- I " ij ,. j / i I " ;, I' .1 'j '/ II 'I '; ,; ,. - .- ,- z ~ ~ (Tl So ' ~ ALL APPUCATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRINGFIELD THAT ARE WITHIN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY REQUIRE A LANE COUNTY PERMIT. Note: The City of Springfield will not grant a second driveway permit on an Arterial or Collector Street. ,~ ~ _ JiON CLEARANCE \' ..:./.~ ...: . .;: '~....:.;~ / .. " '- ' ~, .-' . \: . ~.:l" .. ._~~~";.!~".....' ~ --. ""~2" . ~ .- .. .. "-"-- -' ,--,'" "~". ".~"JJ" ~.;-' ,._.-.:::'\f.......-;. J..... (/.~ ..--...\'.t~'~~ ~,'.""':=:J 'L:..~:o--.: r,l ',- ~'Jr~ -;)" r.;-<- . . G~\1 "'-'~." .... y ~?{(,-~Y~~hgv;/~r;, t. ~--., ..~. r't-~I-,;.,J ,J'" , " "'____':';., <J'~'~'~~:"-" _~-~ <.--1 -' -,,:" '.~ -::--~~.~. ..,J.~- "'- r .;.~,' .-.;.;.~~.~ ,fJ\:.~,-<, ~ .~.....::::..:::.~",'-~0?1J~' ~~~-~~:..:~-~~ " >-?~n::.~~ '';''-~ ~~ ' ~~ ;:?""...~:-<? ..:- ....-:..~~~ .~~. '1;?'~~ .~ ~-~-~J.<::'-~~./, ~ t 6:~:~~' :\:\"'t,~~':F.....?~~ · :s.. _.I~,/~~ -"-:2;':;;;"" ~ . ~\\Ll::X' , /."" .j 000 I ~'" - -, -(--=..~..:;\ ..,,' ... ~ ... ./~ ~ __.....,.. ......,..;.. .;""::t"''1--....~ ~~ ~y.(i~-'t.~" . .,,~ \'''~1~' ;;,-...'. ,( ... ,"-'>J -;-~""\. I.... ,-,",.,~ -..... ''I . '" ., ~.......I, ~. ... c .u-~... --' ~~'.,~ 1 I .... c ~-:=-;'. f'~ '- .. ."-.. ...:i "..' I _~ , ,;.fi . .' - ~ - - - I . ::~\ __r.~'.~ ~ -Y( E1 ... . : I '.' ; ~ ~ . I ." , ( ~ . .' . ':.~" I . I. . ~. I ,- , ... '.. .. .. "... .. ~ I.... .... ~ ...' i' ~ .. ....:....:.:..::t.....:..\'~:.: ,:'j' .:.. ~"~',' ..... '.' :"~" .... ':.: ':":::~"_:'7' .' '1/'/' : . '. '.. ....t.:._ ~'-.. . .., ...... . . ~~- .. .... -"\- L -=-w~:-:..7.:..>~j.: :... s' P-50YE ~u~::, '. . .~~ '. - ~~q --2-112:' ~'~OYE' CU~'~:. .::'.:..' . '. ' .....-. "" ~. .... ..' " ~ .:. .... .:. '-'.- ..'. . ~' \ . t / .s'J- -9" '~J- 0..0 . , ) Q :::----: i~ STREET OR ALLEY THIS DIMENSION: 25' FOR CORNER LOTS 1S"fOR LOTS AT ALLEY JNTERSEG-rlO~~S ~I ,-? ',-- 10' FOR DRIVEWAYS l:~ .:.:LL DISTRICTS '-' -- ~ -," ~ r _-.- /" ---.----------- - <t 22-15