HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-1-17 (3) NOTICE\: Re: Ambleside 1 st Add. Subdivision Foundation approvals. An engineer's mned approval for the excavation and backfill of building pads, including moisture stabilization. . approval, shall be submitted to this office or the building inspector prior to foundation inspections. The engineer shall also state in writing..whetherthe underfloor drain line 8[ perim'eter drain lines may be installed later in the construction project without jeopardizing soil stability. The approval can be in the form of a field report, (with a full report to follow). See the attached IIExcavation and Foundation ~uirements for new structures on individual lots" for information required in the full report. Ambleside Meadows Subdivision - 1st Addition 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 , Excavation and Foundation requirements for new structures on individual lots The geotechnical information prepared for this subdivision revealed moderate to high soil expansion characteristics for the subgrade and much of the fill material used on the sites. Some sites have documented compacted fill using native or imported fill materials. Other sites have undocumented fill or fill materials that are inappropriate or are not properly compacted, while still other sites have little or no information regarding fill or original grades. The geotechnical information for the subdivision contains recommendations that address the varying site conditions. The information is contained in a letter addressed to the City of Springfield, issued by PSI Engineering Consultants dated January 17, 2000. A copy of the letter is attached: The following criteria will be used by the City of Springfield for residential construction projects on lots located within the subdivision. A licensed design professional (engineer or architect) shall review the soil conditions on each lot, i.e. observe test pits, to determine the extent of excavation (verifying the removal of unsatisfactory materials) and to determine the quantity and type of compacted fill required within the building "foot print" and to specify the method of compaction (the geotechnical information for the subdivision recommends that footings bearing on expansive soils be over-excavated and replaced with at least 12" of crushed rock structural fill with proper compaction - i.e., 95% of ASTM 0698). Each site is required to maintain constant optimum moisture content within the excavated area under and around the building. The licensed design professional shall establish and verify methods to be used by the contractor/owner to insure moisture stability within that area. (The geotechnical report recommends providing a minimum of 6-12 inches of *h' minus crushed rock cover immediately after exposing the expansive soils to prevent drying of the exposed soil, and recommends establishing a compacted finish grade adjacent to the building at least 24" above the expansive bearing soils.) Moisture stability of the subgrade shall be established the same day as the excavation, and verified by the design professional. The design professional shall also recommend to the contractor/owner how to maintain a constant subgrade moisture level within the construction area throughout the project and thereafter. NOTE: Perimeter footing drains are required around all foundations to prevent moisture infiltration into the building subgrade from the site. In addition, the crawl space'area shall besioped to a low, point drain below the surface of the gravel (and the plastic moisture barrier) at one corner of the' crawl space. ' Water shall not be allowed to collect .in the foundatio~ .~~~ or.on the prepared subgrades either during or after construction. The licensedde~ign professional shall verify that approved positive drainage is provided from theexcav:a.~ec:l ar:-~~ 'at. t~e time of excavation. The underfloor drain and perimeter drains shall be connected to storm drains or curb and gutter prior to completing the excavation/fill for the building pad. Underfloor and footing drains shall not be connected to roof storm drain lines unless approved in writing by the licensed professional. . . The licensed design professional shall submit a report of his(her) observations, recommendations and verifications to the City for approval prior to allowing the placement of foundation concrete in forms. The report shall include the following: 1. Date the evaluation was made. 2. location evaluated (Le., address or tax lot and the area of the site evaluated). 3. Acknowledgment that the engineer has received a copy of the geotechnical information referenced above. 4. A statement indicating whether non-structural fill or expansive soils were encountered on the lot and at what depths. 5. A drawing showing the design professsional's preferred method for the installation of perforated perimeter foundation drains to maintain moisture stability. Note: in the absence of such drawino, the drains shall be installed to aty soecifications (attached) and shall be inspected and approved bv the desioil professional prior to coverino. The desion professional shall submit a report of his observations to the City verifying that the drain was installed correctlv prior to City inspection for storm sewers. 6. Recommendations for the placement of foundation steel that is not shown on the foundation drawings for the building. NOTE: Foundation steel is required in all footings and foundation walls for buildings located in Ambleside Meadows - 1st Addition, unless it is specifically deleted by the design professional. 7. A statement indicating the depth and width of the excavation and the type of engineered fill necessary to assure adequate bearing and stable moisture content for the proposed foundation. The statement must indicate that the design professional witnessed placement and compaction of the engineered fill and approved it for construction (or provide a separate report by a special inspection firm - including compaction tests. The statement shall verify that the design professional has observed and approved the installation of the required low-point drain, identifying where the low-point drain is located under the building and where it terminates (must be to an approved location, i.e.- street gutter, storm sewer, sump pump & discharge line to the street, etc). The statement must also confirm that the design professional observed required moisture stability procedures, and that such procedures were accomplished before any changes occurred in the moisture content of the subgrade under and around the building where expansive soils exist. The statement must finally affirm that the site, as prepared, is adequate to maintain constant moisture content in the subgrade and is adequate to support the proposed structure. The report shall contain the stamp and original signature of the licensed design professional. NOTE 1: A separate report from the design professional may be submitted for the required low- point drain and footing drains (item #7), but it must be submitted to and approved by the City prior to requesting post and beam inspection. Note 2: Site excavation and backfill information for several of the lots in Ambleside Subdivision- 1 st Addition is available from field reports prepared by PSI. A copy of the field reports is available for review in the Springfield City Hall Offices, Building Permits Section of the Development Services Department. AMBte~/lJ8 - / u- ~J . ~n:;;;lInforrnation ~.,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing Mr. Ron Sather City of Springfield Dept. of Public Works 225 North Slh Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 January 17,2000 Subject: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision 31st Street, Springfield, Oregon PSI Project No. 722-90227 Dear Mr. Sather: As requested by Glenn Ling of Ling and Associates, we have completed a general geotechnical evaluation of the subsurface soils for lots 81 to 172 of Ambleside Meadows Subdivision. The subject lots are anticipated to contain one or two story single-family homes. Home construction will typically consist of wood framed structures with crawl spaces within the living areas and slabs on grade within the garages. Existing lot grading ranges from nearly level to slopes on the order of IS percent and steeper. Generally, the grades become steeper at the south end of the project. Our scope of work included performing a limited subsurface exploration, laboratory testing and an engineering analysis. It should be noted that PSI's services have previously been retained to provide full time inspection of any structural fill placement occurring within the subject lots. Subsurface Exploration At the time of our subsurface exploration, most of the site grading to prepare the lots for sale had been completed. The subsurface exploration consisted of excavating 5 test pits within the house lots with a trackhoe and observing open trenches parallel and adjacent to streets. Locations of the test pits are indicated on the Test Pit Location Map attached. Specific soil units encountered in the test pits are briefly discussed below. . ' Fill - dark brown silty clay, moist to wet, organics, non-structural, observed some small cracks (generally less tha.'l 3116" wide) when allowed to dry indicating moderate potential for shrink- swell. ,.' . " .1 ' Silty clay - dark brown to light brown to mottled orange, moist, soft to very soft, organics, observed some small cracks (generally less'than 3/16" wide) when allowed to dry indicating moderate potential for shrink-swell. Clay -light brown to light grey, moist, firm to soft, observed large cracks (up to approximately 1" wide) when allowed to dry indicating high potential for shrink-swell. Clayey sand - mottled orange to grey, moist, hard. Professional Service Industries Inc . 6032 N C tt C'rcIe S it' 480 0 .' . u er I . U e . P. . Box 17126' Portland. OR 97217. Phone 5031289-1778. Fax 5031289-1918 PSI File No. 722-90227 January 17, 2000 2 The observed subsurface description is of a generalized nature to highlight major subsurface stratification features and material characteristics. The test pit logs included in this report should be reviewed for specific information at individual test pit locations. The stratifications shown on the test pit logs represent the conditions only at the actual test pit locations. Variations may occur and should be expected between test pit locations. The stratifications represent the approximate boundary between subsurface materials and the actual transition may be gradual. Laboratory Testing Selected samples of the subsurface soils were returned to .our laboratory for further evaluation to aid in classification of the materials. The laboratory evaluation consisted of visual and textural examinations, moisture content determinations, gradation analysis and Atterberg Limits testing. Consolidation-swell tests were performed on the dark brown sandy lean clay (sometimes referred to as "granular clay" in our field inspection reports). The sandy lean clay soil was tested because it is predominantly the soil found within the upper 2 to 3 feet of the lots. Based on visual observation of the underlying sandy fat clay and fat clay with sand soils, we visually determined them to be highly expansive and did not perform consolidation-swell testing. The sandy lean clay soil was remolded at two different moisture contents--below optimum--and percent compaction prior to testing. The results of the consolidation-swell tests indicate that sandy lean clay is moderately expansive when near optimum moisture content, 26.5 percent (when compacted to 93 percent of a Standard Proctor, ASTM D698). At 26.5 percent moisture and 93 percent compaction, the sample required a confining pressure of 1,500 psf to offset its propensity to swell. A second test conducted at 18 percent moisture content and 90 percent compaction, resulted in a required confining pressure of 2,500 psf. Conclusions and Recommendations The following issues will influence lot development. 1. Non-structural sandy clay fill has been spread loosely inconsistently throughout the lots. Some portions of the fill contain a significant amount of organics, including topsoil and grass sod. This material is not appropriate for supporting building foundations or slabs on grade and should be removed in its entirety within the limits of the foundation and slab on grade. On January 10, 2000 Mike Dewey of PSI ~ocumented the following summary of estimated non-structural fill on the lots. It should be noted that the depths of fill may vary significantly from what is reported below. Additionally, lots not mentioned below may also contain non-structural fill that was not visually apparent A Lots 81-90: 1 to 4 feet of non-structural fill. B. Lots 94-105: 1 to 2-1/2 feet of non-structural fill. C. Lots 111-116: 1 to 3 feet of non-structural fill. D. Lots 122-124: up to 1 foot of non-structural fill; E. Lots 144-145: 6 to 8 feet of strippings and sod stockpiled within the swale that borders the lots. Note that this is anticipated to be outside of the building pads but should be confirmed during pad construction. F. Lots 146-154: Y:z to I foot of non-structural fill. PSI File No. 722-90227 January 17,2000 3 G. Lot 155: approximately 1 foot of non-structural fill placed on unstripped original grade. , tI. Jo7J/'5~-!6"'}.. f Ib6-/7').: AP/JADX;' AII4. nJ..t W/MOfS t'rZ Because it is highly likely there is buried non-structural fill on some lots that PSI is not aware of, it is imperative that PSI explore the subgrade soils down to the native undisturbed soils within each lot prior to foundation construction. 2. Expansive soils were generally encountered within the upper 7 feet of the test pits. The expansive soils, when allowed to dry and hydrate, will experience significant shrinking and heaving. The expansive soils, if allowed to repeatedly change moisture content during the wet and dry seasons, will negatively impact the perfonnance of the house foundations and slabs on grade. We do not recommend constructing foundations and slabs on grade without implementing preventative measures. In order to protect the expansive soils from repeated moisture content change, we recommend that footings bearing on expansive soils be overexcavated and replaced with at least 12 inches of crushed stone structural fill (i.e. % or 1-1/2 inch minus) compacted to at least 95 percent of ASlM 0698. Additionally, we recommend that fmish grade adjacent to the exterior portion of the footings and slabs be at least 2 feet higher than the expansive bearing soils. This is to provide a buffer from environmental changes that could cause the expansive soils to dry and hydrate. It will be imperative that the 2-foot buffer of landscape soil be compacted to a finn condition to reduce the infiltration of water at the surface. During foundation construction, water should not be allowed to collect in foundation excavations, on floor slab areas, or on prepared subgrades of the construction area either during or after construction. Undercut or excavated areas should be sloped toward one comer to facilitate removal of any collected rainwater, groundwater, or surface runoff. Additionally, the expansive clay soils should not be allowed to dry out during excavation. We suggest providing a granular surface cover 6 to 12 inches of%" minus crushed stone immediately after exposing the expansive soils, and no later than the same working day. Positive site drainage and foundation drains should be provided to reduce infiltration of surface water around the perimeter of the building and beneath the floor slabs. The pennanent grades should be significantly sloped away from the building areas and surface drainage should be collected and discharged such that water is not pennitted to infiltrate the backfill and floor slab areas of the residence. All crawl spaces should be provided with a low-point crawl space drain connected to the stOlm sewer or approved disposal system (outlet). All areas of the crawl space should be graded to drain to the low-point drain. All crawl space areas should be covered with a visqueen moisture barrier. The low-point drain should be lower than the elevation of the visqueen moisture barrier:,! ;'c' :1: c.,. ."'; ,;, r:: :"; ")' ''', _,"f.' ..(. If the expansive material is used as structural fill, it should be compacted at least 2 to 3 percent abOve optimum moisture content as detennined by the Standard Proctor method, ASlM 0698. The moisture content of the fill material should be unifonn. Care should be taken not to overcompact the material-90 to 95 percent compaction as detennined by ASlM 0698 is recommended. The above recommendations are general in nature and should not be implemented without retaining PSI to observe individual lot subgrade conditions prior to foundation construction. We anticipate that a test pit will need to be excavated within the crawl space of the building pad to confinn the presence and depth PSI File No. 722-90227 January 17,2000 4 of non-structural fill and expansive soils. At that time, PSI will detennine if the recommendations contained in this report are appropriate for specific lots. If we can be of further assistance, please call Troy Hull in our Portland office at (503) 289-1778 or Brian Currier in our Springfield office at (541) 746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. u::;~ pr I EXPIRES: 6/30 61 Troy Hull, P.E. Project Engineer Charles R. Lane, P .E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer 1MH:tmh Cc: Glenn Ling, Ling and Associates Miles Breadner, Breadner Parker and Associates Ltd. Brian Currier, PSI-Springfield Attachments: Test Pit Location Map Test Pit Logs Laboratory Testing Results General Notes S:\shared\groups\ 704\geo eval\72290227 ;. ~ : - ^..;..,....j~. . }.~.;,..! .. -. :if- f3rofesslonal Service' ndustrles . GROUND ElEVATIO O' '" ^WP.O)l.1/11\.1'1:. u:.~ ')ON ~"t.E'~.;.~~~~~q~~_:....r ,\ .. .~;'o""~) ~.)\"'1 y.i,,,,"1 . g ,," ..," .. I /1 / I' J ",\YERS 3D. 4~, .:.i,. / }...../ \. . ...J.__ ___ /./ L'i I / . . , NOT'. 'Tb~c.Al'1:~' c,' /. \. ......\. ~- h;- ~~:~.""i.:~:.J: , , ?c-S/1 .~~ ~Ii"r ){I\::\\\~\\:~\\\\\~)\~ ;.. 110 . h' ~'~J' '.: (,.~_ -JL. ...._ ~rr-" ,.' . .. '>~. I'. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \~\r' \\\~\ '" /' ..."., I ." ,/- "". · '~ -r \ '1\1\ ,. ;,17 i 'j" I J /' . /-: ~ .....,..,. .?'( '. . . , "'/!It~.".,..i,': v"- ,,-- ......-.-;, ..I[t., '.J' I!~ ~.I" ~\ , . (...... ., !,......' ;.. ~^ ..-'<' I . I I ,I fl. ~N' ' \ J. 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Date of Boring: J 0 I B J " ; Project No.: 72:2-- 1022-7 DESCJUPTlOfI OEPnt SAItIlPt..E N 0" ~ Me REMAAJ(S o' SURFACE - - l>Mt<- ~~ OSIL,T'( c..'-^'1 L4....:.';...)J ~ ~ - - - I1Ql~'-1 O~Nl/~S("GeA~ hJb~) - - - - - - - - . , . . : - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1- . .. - - - UGH-r B~M F*t ~iA-:'t LGIf' } .r\l;:.M - - - , - - t\ol:Sr - - - . 3 .. - - - - - - - - - - . 1- . 5""'- .. . - - - - MoT-rz....ep ~bE!- 1l:l ~1 ~er -S~ - - (~ ) I ~~ I K"'~"" - - . ~uC]'" n-o'6J ~Q.es ~ ""tJ~1J<:t- 5 . - - mwc.:w~] - - - - - - - u . . . J3DH ..;. - - - - - - - - . . .. - - - - - - - - . . .. - - - - - - - . - - - - . .. . - - - f'$l A-10CHl ~~~ . i,.__ r" f'Sl 1.-100-9 Professional SerVice Industries, Inc" RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION B~9 EKP~ Project Name: AI1BIJ:;Stt:;rDE' ,...~7pIJ"5 <;LJRbNt'5,oN Site: ~.",tPS' N. of"~ul!B ~ :S~ ....ll p5'" aAJ ~iMJ 1)~. Date of Boring: ' 10 (s /1<r , Project No.: 12.-z. 04022:; D~CU"11ON oeP11( $AIIP~ N au a, Me REMARKS .0 SURFACE p~ 51<Ot'N $lL'rfo.A1 (a.-I'U-),~I-!pA"' W'1~T"/ c ~ l~.:S (6pt.kS:, h-J,l,) I FCO'f"'5) I (.,~ ~lf'A"" oAl (.::..ti)) FI.~ ,flor~ L({:JI"1.. ~I'I FA::r'~" (.c:....) f'l~ ]10 . ( I z 3 . ~ QIU<N~ tZJ b~ GLJ<:1E1 .~~ (S~), H~1 f1.D,~-r [~c:r ~ ~~ ~ 111J.\~ ~<:nle.e. ] 1 5 60H , . , :i , ... ,. , , ',( ; . 'i I \ Professional Service Industries, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 80ring 'BHP@ Project Name: At18~ H~\N5 :juB1:J NfS(c:N Site: ~ - -Go' f'/. 4>F ~ @. ~T. .+05 ON F~ ~ I"3l A-1QO-Q OESCRJP1lOfl SURFACE P~l'- 8~N :il'-"T"i 0.+....., ((;""-11'-) "~1 ~ .J 1101:5\ ~e:r ~~ 11Jt4~] l-I~I-<f' G:.1Ze1 FA-r C4J0<'f (c:Ji) FlRn f10'~ , I L16H"'l '6~N ~~""( ~di), FIJaM, Mawr- MUfT1....eD O~C::E: TO ~ CLA"1et '5J\NP (Sc," t-\~ MOl::s., ) \. J ~I-I~ FL.tI'N ~\)~ (U<t1.'~AmOIJ~) ,AN':> t11~ ~~:sJ iSo t-\ Date of Boring: Project No.: 72:Z..-,oz=z-., DEPllf SANPlE N au Qp ( -z. ~ S-r A- I 5 <s, Me REMARKS Professional Service Industries, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B HP-@ Project Name: AMB~rD':; M~"JYN,.I~ ~J?DNI S,o,,", I S1teCB>~""""'fO '5". cF f:"..ufU:l ~ sr. '3-1-00 ot<J FJrafJN 'D~, Oate of Boring: 10 Is I." I I Project No.: "7"27 -Cim"x, DESCRIPTIO" Da'llf SAMPle N Qu Qp loll; REMA.RKS suRl=ACE - l"\~ of!.J<;N6e; ~ ....1~ '82C'4-&N - S'1L.rI ~"1 61L.-~) ~oF-r. MDI-:>>i- - - - J J - - [}ej.1c..."\ J'\.I~ ~11Wqv~] - - . frJl'.O~~ FI~ 1 I .. . - - - '- - - - - - L-I btfT'" 6t2ei Fn- 4t-}<."1 (c.tt ') I Flp..M J - - .. Mo'~"- 2. . . r- - - r- - - - - - e.s --.3v ," - . 3 - II - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 1- · . t-' - - f- - . - - - - - - - . s. . - - - - - - ,.. - >- - f>S ~33:') - ill ~- " - - - I- - - I- - - - . ~ ~~G.C TO o~ ~"'1.E1 7 · . - 6~ (05c..) ,~. r\O,51'"" - e.S ~31.1 - - - (12e..tct ~'N ~"IV~ ~ . - - . MltJ~ S{1W<:'Tt)~ J g. . I- - - I- [:;w~:s~ ] - - '- - - . - - - q . . - BoH - - PSI A-10lHl Professional Service Industries~ Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring 6Hf'-oD Project Name: AHBLr;;$~ ""FJtbn'tJ"S :5JP..bf\lI6"'ON Date of Boring: Site:0----.~ 7S-' \5. nF 6J~ ~ 't'5"T: S"~2-4 ON 1"'),.,1"",,.,) ~ Project No.: P.S( jII,otOO4 OESCRlPllOH SURFACE H.~ o~ 10 UbMI ~tJ ~(a..'T'1 ~1 (f'I,t..-c:...\.. ') / ~f"T, MOl5'- l~tc:r MllJE:~ ~~ 1 [p~u= FlU- J DI'J!..t'- lSlilo-NN ~... 0.1('( (e.I.-- ~ ) J 'tef:( 0501"'l, H<l\~ '- /(::;.1-1."- Bf=J:l'fJ..... f?<r <:J..Ji;;'"1 (c.t1) j FIRM, t10\~ MoTn-E'D O~6€ 1"0 C:P-Ei ~ L.'~ E'~""~ U-klC'1 '"r)#JD (~) J \'\~,HO~ [1-El-Ic:r' ~ ~ /r:J..Ir:> K1J.1tOU1- ~Cfl.',c.65 J [~cx.eN-S nE"S ] Bor{ '0 Is 11<1 I I 0S'1H SAMPLE M Ou Qp REMARKS 2. 3 f s- UJ Me j ..... Q. Cl .... .... 8 .... .... .... U) to :l" ::; Cl 0: W m 0: w S '" ::> 60 /~ @ @) 50 7 p L / A S 40 /' T I 1/ C I 30 . T / y I ... N 20 ./ 0 V E X / . . 10 '/ CL-ML / @ @ 0 0 . 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Specimen Identification LL PL PI Fines Classification . BHP-A 3.0 55 24 31 64 SANDY FAT CLAY CH 1%1 BHP-C 2.5 60 25 35 74 FAT CLAY with SAND CH ... Lot 147 3.5 49 25 24 51 SANDY LEAN CLAY CL , . " EJ ATTERBERG LIMITS RESULTS ~~. Client City of Springfield Engineerin~ Consulti11Jl Testing , Project Name: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision 6032 N. Cutter Cirde uite #470, Po and. Oregon 9n17 Project Location: 31st Street, Springfield, Oregon Phone (503) 289-1778 Fax (503) 289-1932 Report Number: 722-90227 \ "; r c Cl Q. 0: o o u; Q. Sheet 1. of 1 liquid Plastic Plasticity Maximum %<#200 Class- Water Dry Satur- Void Borehole Depth Umit Umit Index Size Sieve ification Content Density ation . (rom) (%) (pet) (%) Ratio BHP-A 3.0 55 24 31 9.5 64 CH 31.0 BHP-C 2.5 60 25 35 4.75 74 CH 32.0 Lot 147 3.5 49 25 24 4.75 51 CL .37.0 . -.-,- - ___dO__ - _. .." .---.. ..~-- -_._-- .-. -- -. -. "- '. , - , .".. . -~. .- - - .---- . -, .. --- - .. ~ Summary of Laboratory Results ~.,. Client City of Springfield , , ,Engineerin~ Consultin.{fc Testing Project Name: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision 6032 N~ Cutter Circle uite #470, Po and. Oregon 97217 Project Location: 31st Street, Springfield, Oregon Phone (503) 289-1n8 Fax (503) 289-1932 Report Number: 722-90227 b Cl Q. a: o o en Q. .... Q. Cl ... ... 8 tl ... li: i ~ <n 5 Ctl ~ . U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES 4 2 112 3 U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 6 10 16 30 50 100 200 HYDROMETER 5 o 6 3 1.5 3/4 L 8 14 20 40 60 140 I I I I I I ,.~ ~ ~ I T I I I I I r-..... I I I I I ~ , I I I I r-. I I , t , ~, I I I I , I I I , I I I I i"\ I I I I ~ I I , I . I , I :~ , , I I I I I I I I , I I \\" I I I I , I , I I , I I I I \ "- , I I , I I I , , I \ I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I , , I I I I I I I i I I I I , I , , I ' I I ! I I I , . , , I , , , I I , i I I , , I , I , , . , , i I I , , I I , , I I I I I , I I , I , I I I ! , I I I , I , I , I , I I I , i , I i ; , I i I I I I . , I , , , I , , : , 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 ~ Q60 w ~ >- 55 a1 ~ wOO z u:: I- 45 z w ~ 40 w 0- 35 30 25 20 15 10 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES fine SilT OR CLAY Specimen Identification Classification II Pl PI Cc Cu . BHP-A SANDY FAT CLAY CH 55 24 31 IZI BHP-C FAT CLAY with SAND CH 60 25 35 .to. Lot 147 SANDY LEAN CLAY CL 49 25 24 Specimen Identification ti. BHP-A CI ~ IZI BHP-C o . (J.to. Lot 147 0100 9.5 4.75- 4.75 " 060 030 010 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay 1.8 34.2 64.0 0.0 25.8 74.2 0.0 48.6 51.4 0.134 ' ii 0.. -. 0.. CI ! ... ;.. ~ Ct:I Z ~ CI Ct:I ~;, I,~ Engineering Consulting Testing 6032 N. Cutter Circle 'Suite #470, Porffand. Oregon 97217 Phone (503) 289-1778 Fax (503) 289-1932 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Client City of Springfield Project Name: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision Project location: 31st Street, Springfield. Oregon Report Number: 722-90227 0 ....., N '-" 1 c 0 oM CD CD t1.l \.0 2 c::. e c t:> 3 Professional SerlfC8 Industries 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 2 1 345 10 <02S -1 c~ I"l ~ . " , I(~ \ \ . () \ \ , ( :). . -3 -2 4 5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 , 2 3 4 5 10 20 25 Pressure.(XSF) SAMPLF . ~OL Approximate Bwell Pressure 90% R.C. @ w;18% o 2,500 psf SA,..JO'{ L.E",..J LL""'! EXPLANATION. SAMPLE LOADED AT FJELD MOIS1VRE,',.' . ..- ,....... SAMPLE.~A.TURATED ,~ SAMPLE TESTED UNDER REBOUND LOADING;'''; -..---_.~_-.-.- -- PAOJeCT NAME Ambleside Meadows PSt A-10G-3 CONSOLIDATION TEST RepORT PROJECT NO. 722-90227 OATE ovember 1999 . Pmfesslonal ServIce Irtdustrfes ,....., 2 ~ '-' c 0 .,..c 3 lQ O'J qJ '"' &::.. 6 0 u 4 , .. , 0.1 2 2025 34-5 10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 o 1< ~ :i ~. ....... t---11 ~ r:'\ , I -1 1 5 6 7 0.1 0.2 10 20 25 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 SAMPLE . Pressure (XSF) SYMBOL I Approximate Swell Pressure o 1 93% R.C. @ w=26.51 SA,..JD'1 L€A,.J <... VIY ..,-'. EXPLANATION. SAMPLE LOADED AT FIELD MOISTURE ----'------ SAMPLE SA,1"t1.RA'TED -.\1 SAMPLE TESTED UNDER REBOUND LOADlHG "'''1 ~'. PROJECT NAME Ambleside Meadows PSlA-lll1)3 CONSOUDATlON TEST REPORT . "';i'"' PROJECT NO. 722-90227 DATE November 1999 ,- :,. ~ .' ** TOTAL PAGE. 1213 ** I I I ! I 1 ! I ! ; i I i J Ii ; I ; , ! I I , I l ! I I I ! I ! P~&al Service Industries GENERAL NOTES SAMPLE IDENTlACATlON The Unified Soil Oassification System is used to identify soD unless otherwise noted. SOIL PROPERTY SYMBOLS N: Qu: Qp: Mc: LL: PI: ad: \7: Standard Penetration Value: Blows per foot of 140 pound hammer faIling 30 inches on a standard split-spoon penetrometer. Unconfined compressive strength (tsf). Penetrometer value, unconfined compressive strength (tsf). Water content (%). Uquid limit (%). Plasticity index (%). Natural dry density (pet). Apparent groundwater level at time noted after completion. ORILUNG AND SAMPUNG SYMBOLS SS: Split-Spoon - 1 3/8" 1.0., 2- 0.0. S8: Spilt-Barrel - 2 3/8" 1.0., 3" 0.0. ST: Shelby Tube - 3- 0.0., except where noted. BS: Bulk Sample. AU: Auger Sample. DB: Diamond Bit CB: Carbide Bit WS: Washed Sample. RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION TERM (NON-COHESIVE SOILS) STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense 4 or less 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 Over 50 TERM (COHESIVE SOILS) au - (TSA Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard PARTICLE SIZE Boulders Cobbles Gravel o - 0.25 0.25 - 0.50 O.SO - 1.00 1.00 - 2.00 2.00 - 4.00 4.00 + 8 in + 8 in-3 in 3 in-5 mm Coarse Sand 5mm~.6mm Medium Sand 0.6mm~2mm Rne Sand 0.2mm~.074mm SUt 0.074 mm~.OO5mm Oay 0.005mm . JOB NAME ADDRESS FOUNDATION DRAIN DRAUIft.ti NUMBER CITY J06 NUM8ER PERIMETER DRAIN AT FOOTING RMllIQ( ? LIVING ~ b MIL BLACK FLA~mC GROUND COvER UNI-U:ATED CRAWL ' SPACE II II II ,~ I I I I I I I I I I I ., , WATER TIGHT GLUED JOINTRAINWATER PIPI~ (Sa-lEDULE 40lAf3ELED DWV WITHIN 5' OF BLDG) . . CONDUCTED TO APPROvED DISPOSAL FOINT ~y/ I .1 _SLOPE 1/,--.....1 tf \1 GR;llNULAR SOIL '-'- // BACKFILL - (NO CLAY) 1212'HrA.N. - c.LoTH 411 MINIMUM COveR $:- 3" MINIMUM BEDI?ING 11/211 OPEN GRADED FOUNDATION DRAIN NOTE A: , " ' . RElt-FORClNG STEEL 15 RECOMMENDED IN FCXWATION5. ~INEEREDDE516N FOR FOUNDATION 15 REQUIRED UA-lEN HEIGI-lT OF WALL EXCEEDS 41 OR WI-lEN 5URCI-lAFUE AGAINST WALL EXCEEDS 30ft CUBIC FOOT. (EQUIV. FLUID WEIGHT). .f Ambleside Meadows Subdivision - 1st Addition 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 , Excavation and Foundation requirements for new structures on individual lots The geotechnical information prepared for this subdivision revealed moderate to high soil expansion characteristics for the subgrade and much of the fill material used on the sites. Some sites have documented compacted fill using native or imported fill materials. Other sites have undocumented fill or fill materials that are inappropriate or are not properly compacted, while still ,." other sites have little or no information regarding fill or original grades. The geotechnical information for the subdivision contains recommendations that address the varying site conditions. The information is contained in a letter addressed to the City of Springfield, issued by PSI Engineering Consultants dated January 17,2000. A copy of the letter is attached: The following criteria will be used by the City of Springfield for residential construction projects on lots located within the subdivision. A licensed design professional (engineer or architect) shall review the soil conditions on each lot, i.e. observe test pits, to determine the extent of excavation (verifying the removal of unsatisfactory materials) and to determine the quantity and type of compacted fill required within the building "foot print" and to specify the method of compaction (the geotechnical information for the subdivision recommends that footings bearing on expansive soils be over-excavated and replaced with at least 12" of crushed rock structural fill with proper compaction - i.e., 95% of ASTM 0698). Each site is required to maintain constant optimum moisture content within the excavated area under and around the building. The licensed design professional shall establish and verify methods to be used by the contractor/owner to insure moisture stability within that area. (The geotechnical report recommends providing a minimum of 6-12 inches of *h' minus crushed rock cover . immediately after exposing the expansive soils to prevent drying of the exposed soil, and recommends establishing a compacted finish grade adjacent to the building at least 240 above the expansive bearing soils.) Moisture stability of the subgrade shall be established the same day as the excavation, and verified by the design professional. The design professional shall also recommend to the contractor/owner how to maintain a constant subgrade moisture level within the construction area throughout the project and thereafter. NOTE: Perimeter footing drains are required around aUfoundations to prevent moisture infiltration into the building subgrade from the site. In addition, the crawl space area shall besioped to a loW., point drain below the surface of the gravel (and the plastic moisture barrier) at one corner of the j,.. crawrspace}!Wate'r shall not be allowed to collect in the foundation area or on the prepared. subgrades either.during or after construction. The licensed design professional shall verify that approved positive drainage is provided from the excavated area at the time of excavation. The underfloor drain and perimeter drains shall be connected to storm drains or curb and gutter prior to completing the excavation/fill for the building pad. Underfloor and footing drains shall not be connected to roof storm drain lines unless approved in writing by the licensed professional. The licensed design professional shall submit a report of his(her) observations, recommendations and verifications to the City for approval prior to allowing the placement of foundation concrete in forms. The report shall include the following: ~ ~ ~ 1. Date the evaluation was made. 2. Location evaluated (Le., address or tax lot and the area of the site evaluated). 3. Acknowledgment that the engineer has received a copy of the geotechnical information referenced above. 4. A statement indicating whether non-structural fill or expansive solis were encountered on the lot and at what depths. 5. A drawing showing the design professsional's preferred method for the installation of perforated perimeter foundation drains to maintain moisture stability. Note: in the absence of such drawina. the drains shall be installed to City soecifications (attached) and shall be insoected and aooroved bv the desian orofessional prior to covering. The desian orofessional shall submit a reoort of his observations to the City verifvin9 that the drain was installed correctlv orior to City insoection for storm sewers. 6. Recommendations for the placement of foundation steel that is not shown on the foundation drawings for the building. NOTE: Foundation steel is required in all footings and foundation walls for buildings located in Ambleside Meadows - 1st Addition, unless it is specifically deleted by the design professional. 7. A statement indicating the depth and width of the excavation and the type of engineered fill necessary to assure adequate bearing and stable moisture content for the proposed foundation. The statement must indicate that the design professional witnessed placement and compaction of the engineered fill and approved it for construction (or provide a separate report by a special inspection firm - including compaction tests. The statement shall verify that the design professional has observed and approved the installation of the required low-point drain, identifying where the low-point drain is located under the building and where it terminates (must be to an approved location, Le.- street gutter, storm sewer, sump pump & discharge line to the street, etc). The statement must also confirm that the design professional observed required moisture stability procedures, and that such procedures were accomplished before any changes occurred in the moisture content of the subgrade under and around the building where expansive soils exist. The statement must finally affirm that the site, as prepared, is adequate to maintain constant moisture content in the subgrade and is adequate to support the proposed structure. The report shall contain the stamp and original signature of the licensed design professional. NOTE 1: A separate report from the design professional may be submitted for the required low- point drain and footing drains (item #7), but it must be submitted to and approved by the City prior to requesting post and beam inspection. ' Note 2: Site excavation and backfill information for several of the lots in Ambleside Subdivision- 1 st Addition is available from field reports prepared by PSI. A copy of the field reports is available for review in the Springfield City Hall Offices, Building Permits Section of the Development Services Department. " ( AM'Bte~//)e - / u- ~J ~ {j!4~;'Infonnation ~..,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing Mr. Ron Sather City of Springfield Dept. of Public Works 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 January 17,2000 Subject: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision 3151 Street, Springfield, Oregon PSI Project No. 722-90227 Dear Mr. Sather: As requested by Glenn Ling of Ling and Associates, we have completed a general geotechnical evaluation of the subsurface soils for lots 8 I to 172 of Ambleside Meadows Subdivision. The subject lots are anticipated to contain one or two story single-family homes. Home construction will typically consist of wood framed structures with crawl spaces within the living areas and slabs on grade within the garages. Existing lot grading ranges from nearly level to slopes on the order of 15 percent and steeper. Generally, the grades become steeper at the south end of the project. Our scope of work included performing a limited subsurface exploration, laboratory testing and an engineering analysis. It should be noted that PSI's services have previously been retained to provide full time inspection of any structural fill placement occurring within the subject lots. Subsurface Exploration At the time of our subsurface exploration, most of the site grading to prepare the lots for sale had been completed. The subsurface exploration consisted of excavating 5 test pits within the house lots with a trackhoe and observing open trenches parallel and adjacent to streets. Locations of the test pits are indicated on the Test Pit Location Map attached. Specific soil units encountered in the test pits are briefly discussed below. Fill - dark brown silty clay, moist to wet, organics, non-structural, observed some small cracks (generally less than 3/16" wide) when allowed to dry indicating moderate potential for shrink- swell. ' . . - , Silty clay - dark brown to light brown to mottled orange, moist, soft to very soft, organics, observed some small cracks (generally less than 3/16" wide) when allowed to dry indicating moderate potential for shrink-swell. Clay - light brown to light grey, moist, firm to soft, observed large cracks (up to approximately 1" wide) when allowed to dry indicating high potential for shrink-swell. Clayev sand - mottled orange to grey, moist, hard. Professional Service Industries. Inc. . 6032 N. Cutter Circle. Suite 480. P.O. Box 17126' Portland. OR 97217' Phone 5031289-1778' Fax 5031289.1918 PSI File No. 722-90227 January 17,2000 2 The observed subsurface description is of a generalized nature to highlight major subsurface stratification features and material characteristics. The test pit logs included in this report should be reviewed for specific infonnation at individual test pit locations. The stratifications shown on the test pit logs represent the conditions only at the actual test pit locations. Variations may occur and should be expected between test pit locations. The stratifications represent the approximate boundary between subsurface materials and the actual transition may be gradual. Laboratory Testing Selected samples of the subsurface soils were returned to .our laboratory for further evaluation to aid in classification of the materials. The laboratory evaluation consisted of visual and textural examinations, moisture content detenninations, gradation analysis and Atterberg Limits testing. Consolidation-swell tests were perfonned on the dark brown sandy lean clay (sometimes referred to as "granular clay" in our field inspection reports). The sandy lean clay soil was tested because it is predominantly the soil found within the upper 2 to 3 feet of the lots. Based on visual observation of the underlying sandy fat clay and fat clay with sand soils, we visually detennined them to be highly expansive and did not perfonn consolidation-swell testing. The sandy lean clay soil was remolded at two different moisture contents--below optimum--and percent compaction prior to testing. The results of the consolidation-swell tests indicate that sandy lean clay is moderately expansive when near optimum moisture content, 26.5 percent (when compacted to 93 percent of a Standard Proctor, ASTM D698). At 26.5 percent moisture and 93 percent compaction, the sample required a confining pressure of 1,500 psfto offset its propensity to swell. A second test conducted at 18 percent moisture content and 90 percent compaction, resulted in a required confining pressure of 2,500 psf. Conclusions and Recommendations The following issues will influence lot development. 1. Non-structural sandy clay fill has been spread loosely inconsistently throughout the lots. Some portions of the fill contain a significant amount of organics, including topsoil and grass sod. This material is not appropriate for supporting building foundations or slabs on grade and should be removed in its entirety within the limits of the foundation and slab on grade. On January 10, 2000 Mike Dewey of PSI documented the following summary of estimated non-structural fill on the lots. It should be noted that the depths of fill may vary significantly from what is reported below. Additionally, lots not mentioned below may also contain non-structural fill that was not visually apparent A. Lots 81-90: 1 to 4 feet of non-structural fill. B. Lots 94-105: 1 to 2-1/2 feet of non-structural fill. C. Lots 111-116: 1 to 3 feet of non-structural fill. D. Lots 122-124: up to 1 foot of non-structural fill; E. Lots 144-145: 6 to 8 feet of strip pings and sod stockpiled within the swale that borders the lots. Note that this is anticipated to be outside of the building pads but should be confinned during pad construction. F. Lots 146-154: Y:zto 1 foot of non-structural fill. PSI File No. 722-90227 January 17,2000 3 G. Lot 155: approximately 1 foot of non-structural fill placed on unstripped original grade. I j.J. #>7J /:i~-J61.- t Ib6-r7'J.: APPAP)l l' AVt1. FIt/.. W/MMS GF ~ Because it is highly likely there is buried non-structural fill on some lots that PSI is not aware of, it is imperative that PSI explore the subgrade soils down to the native undisturbed soils within each lot prior to foundation construction. 2. Expansive soils were generally encountered within the upper 7 feet of the test pits. The expansive soils, when allowed to dry and hydrate, will experience significant shrinking and heaving. The expansive soils, if allowed to repeatedly change moisture content during the wet and dry seasons, will negatively impact the performance of the house foundations and slabs on grade. We do not recommend constructing foundations and slabs on grade without implementing preventative measures. In order to protect the expansive soils from repeated moisture content change, we recommend that footings bearing on expansive soils be overexcavated and replaced with at least 12 inches of crushed stone structural fill (i.e. ~ or 1-112 inch minus) compacted to at least 95 percent of ASlM 0698. Additionally, we recommend that fmish grade adjacent to the exterior portion of the footings and slabs be at least 2 feet higher than the expansive bearing soils. This is to provide a buffer from envirorunental changes that could cause the expansive soils to dry and hydrate. It will be imperative that the 2-foot buffer of landscape soil be compacted to a fmn condition to reduce the infiltration of water at the surface. During foundation construction, water should not be allowed to collect in foundation excavations, on floor slab areas, or on prepared subgrades of the construction area either during or after construction. Undercut or excavated areas should be sloped toward one corner to facilitate removal of any collected rainwater, groundwater, or surface runoff. Additionally, the expansive clay soils should not be allowed to dry out during excavation. We suggest providing a granular surface cover 6 to 12 inches of~" minus crushed stone immediately after exposing the expansive soils, and no later than the same working day. Positive site drainage and foundation drains should be provided to reduce infiltration of surface water around the perimeter of the building and beneath the floor slabs. The permanent grades should be significantly sloped away from the building areas and surface drainage should be collected and discharged such that water is not permitted to infiltrate the backfill and floor slab areas of the residence. All crawl spaces should be provided with a low-point crawl space drain connected to the stonn sewer or approved disposal system (outlet). All areas of the crawl space should be graded to drain to the low-point drain. All crawl space areas should be covered with a visqueen moisture barrier. The low-point drain should be lower than the elevation of the visqueen moisture barrier. If the expansive material is used as structural fill. it should be compacted at least 2 to 3 percent above optimum moisture content as determined by the Standard Proctor method, ASlM 0698. The moisture content of the fill material should be uniform.. Care should be taken not to overcompact the material-90 to 95 percent compaction as determined by ASlM D698 is recommended. The above recommendations are general in nature and should not be implemented without retaining PSI to observe individual lot subgrade conditions prior to foundation construction. We anticipate that a test pit will need to be excavated within the crawl space of the building pad to confirm the presence and depth PSI File No. 722-90227 January 17,2000 4 of non-structural fill and expansive soils. At that time, PSI will determine if the recommendations contained in this report are appropriate for specific lots. Ifwe can be of further assistance, please call Troy Hull in our Portland office at (503) 289-1778 or Brian Currier in our Springfield office at (541) 746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. l EXPIRES: 6/30 6\ ] cr:;1fJJJ far Troy Hull, P.E. Project Engineer Charles R. Lane, P .E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer TMH:tmh Cc: Glenn Ling, Ling and Associates Miles Breadner, Breadner Parker and Associates Ltd. Brian Currier, PSI-Springfield Attachments: Test Pit Location Map Test Pit Logs 'Laboratory Testing Results 'General Notes ..e:-;:_:,-:-':,-,-~::. ,~. , .: S:\shared\groups\ 704\geo eval\ 72290227 I"", Professional Servloe Industries , GROUND ElEVATIO - 0 '" '/\1'I'P-O){I/1^-1'a u=>a\TtcN ' 1MBtES~, Pl....."~..' _.\ .. "'''''''~''' ,...r...,. r',I'\'''1 , . ocr, ,;"., W..._." "/). I I '1 1 'v< !i ".. .. " .. I i. I 1/') ;rms 311, 40 '?"~l' I \,/'. / I i..i I I N.... .,.. ,..L .' , / , I"-r' \ = // · . , i ..... ." ' , ,.=:c-- ^ \ :' /, \ ':. r ' \ I If' " . 'j." ' / C--I' '\~t( ~ (,,~ j'.J \ \ 1 \ ~ , '\ \ \ \'Y r, y:v\ml ~ _ d " ,"'.. ". ,\ ..-' ~--" '. ~~ ' ./ I i 'I 1:'.1 ,\"\ \ "I \~, \ \\ I VII\\' , ;, / \' i;t;, r ..;:- .....:_ :-,,/,If"'" ~ ~..; ',^> __' ~ 1.1-t- i. i \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \~W~ 18 ;~1" ".. I J I -- '/ . ;. ..-Iff'" - "f\ . 1". "" \ .",/1., . ...../.... ",/ ,..-~ "..-"" ..- I r ,r /' I' Ji -r: \!..,J" f ~~. ":' . < ,"'" ~ ...... I . -. 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SURFACE - I"" l>~~'" '$ILT'( c..c..A...,L~':';'-)1 ~~ - - - 1101~T", O~/~S(aeA~ h1b~) - - - - - - - - . . . . : - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1- . . - - - l-fGtl-r B~U F*t ~iA<'t LrCli, }.r\l~.M - - - - - t\.o/'S, - . - . 3 . - - - - - - - - - - . 1- . 51" . . - - - "crt'11...e+> ~l.;-L!.. 'R) 6f!&.1 CLffle( "SI'<ND - - - - - , (~) I ff~1 I'"ro'~""" - - . ~c:r Ft-o""-l ~Q.es ~ "'ltJEii~ 5 . - - ~c:nJ~] - - - - - - u · II - f3DH ..; - - - - - f- - - ~ . . - - r- - - I- - - f- - - ~ . . I- - - f- - - f- - - - t- - - ~ . . - - f- f'$l A-1~ f'Sl "" 100-e Professional Service Industries, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring 15 HP~ Project Name: AMBI ~rPE:: MGJl<"7:J)\/oj'5 <;uRbNt'5.,oN Site: ~"'{pS' ,.1. oF ~1J1$ ~ ~7: ,,~~:) oN ~,:W 1)~. Date of Boring: 10 li3 !<1<i Project No.: i2:2..Jfo2.2r DESCRiPTION 0B"1l<< $Mlf'LE II au a, Me: .' SURFACe r;J<!..K ~ s ~ oA1 (a..-I1L-), 'f14,1'pFI"" tAP/~rl o~~~ (6FkS~ 1<N-U~) I c.,~ ~ FA-r- ~l (c:::.ti)) FIF-M l'Ior':S'f' , I z Ltl::>HT ~I'l F^<:I~' <-~...) f'l~ 110 / J . ~ olU<N~ TD b~ GU<:1~ 'S~ (S~), H~, "",,'$'" 3 [\Z<2-Ic.:r ~ "TeCW~ Hl"D I1lt.1~ ~01le.e. ] 1 5" BOti REMARKS Professional Service Industries, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORAnON Boring 'BH'P@ Project Name: Af1B~ H~\NS ;$uB1:J Nf:S(c:N Site: ($:)---lsO'N.6F~e.~T. ,+OS-ON F=~' i;,L I'Sl A-~ OESCRJP1loH SURFACE PM-I'-- 8~N ~1"'T1 <:.J-/'.."" (&.&--11'-) "~1 ~ ,I t101:l\ ~e:r tsL.A..O'. I't.l..~] t...16/-ff G.'Jle:'l FA"- c.c..,a.'f (ai) FI/G1. t101~ I I Lt 6I-f"r 13~N F#'" ~i (,c.tC), -F1/<.t1, MOl ~1'"" M~ of<.I<;N(:;E: TO 'e;z..ef c.LA'i€{ ~ANl> ( ~<- '\. t-\~ MO 1:S., ) 1 I ~1C'r F~ "tE;ct\)~ (r..N1\NJ<f10#.J~) . AN'b HI"'~ ~~.::5J BOM Date of Boring: Project No.:7"Z:Z.-,o"Z:Z-, , DEPl1i SANPtE N Qu ( -z. 3' 5. ~ .' Qp Me REMARKS . .~; ...i .;' PSI A-10lHl Professional Service Industries, Inc.' RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring '." B HP-@ Project Name: AMB~rD~ tJ\~~15 :SO~NtS'o'" I ' S1te~~"""1'O '5". cF r~ ~ ~. ~oo orJ F'kll"f"N 'D~. DESCRIPTIO.. DEPTH SAMPle N suRFACE 1"\0"'1'"T'1-.et> o~e ~ "'" ~ 8~N :S'1L.14 ~"1 b1~-~' :50'F"r. I1DI~i- , oJ J J. IJ.e=~lc."\""'II-JEi!kt.- 61'JWCfV~ ] (pJF.O~~ AIol.-] LlbK1"" 6f2.ei Fkr ~"i (at) ,FIP-M. J Mo'~" 2. 3 BS 1- s 8.S u, ,,:1 ~s f"\crf"I..EP ~~r.E TO o~ ,~'"1~ f ' ' , 5~ (osc...) ~. rto.,:.-r , J { , II '-- (~cr,~~ ~-rv~,~ ~ I-\ltJ~ . S{7QJ<:'T~ ] [SW~~~J ." ~,:g , 'q Bol-(', Oate 0, r Boring"" In '81., i I I Project No.: tOZ7-Qrrn,-r au 'Op hit; 30.1 33:1 31.1 REMAAKS " , tM'J Professional Service Industries~ Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B Hf' -ttJ Project Name: AHBL~Srt>.e;; /-'fE^"'Dri't-lS 5JBbNl i5'ON Date of Boring: Site: 0--.~ IS' \5. "'F l:.tJ~ ~ ~T: 5".,..2--+ ON PlrrLnA! ~ Project No.: TO /8/ <f<"j I I DESCRfPllOH Oel'll<< SAMPLE M Ou Qp Me REMARKS SURFACE - ~ H.~ o~ Tt> Ubl'1r ~N - - - ~(J..'T"l ~1 (t\L-.:..."",) .:sofT MO'5~ - - 1 I - - '- [Fel-tc.r M'we:~ ~~ 1 - - ~ 1 . . f- [p~u: fILL J - f- - - - ~ P1'J!.J4. SlCcoNN -:5\L..<1 ~ ((:.&..-t'I- ) J - - ~ 't~ll-1 :i0'PT', MQ\~ :z.. . . ~ - - f- - - ~ f?rr""~"'1 (01 \ F 1F.r1 , - - f- L.,c.H'l B~'+JfoJ - - III MO\~ 3 . . f- - - f- - - - - - - - . 1'1avTLE'D O~6€ 'TO 6U:f "TO f .. j - l.'~ a~"'.u..\ u.Jcte?1 ~N-ID (~) - . - } - - ~,HOtsr - - - - - . [1-El-1c:r ~ ~ Jo..m S- . . - t\.'J.1~ ~~~ J - - - - - ~ [~a.eN'S (]lGS J - - - - ~ lfJ. . Bo 1-\ - - f- - - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - . . '. - - ~ - - I- - - - , - - i- '" . . - - f- PSt jO,oCQ().4 t- o Cl Cl. a: o o '" Cl. ..., Cl. Cl '" '" '" 8 '" '" '" (1) t:: ::!: ::; Cl a: w ClJ a: w ~ 60 ,,- @ @) ,/ 50 /' p L / A S 40 V T I c/ C I 30 . T / y I .. N 20 ~ 0 /' E X / 10 V CL-ML /" @ @ 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Specimen Identification LL PL PI Fines Classification . BHP-A 3.0 55 24 31 64 SANDY FAT CLAY CH a:I BHP-C 2.5 60 25 35 74 FAT CLAY with SAND CH .. Lot 147 3.5 49 25 24 51 SANDY LEAN CLAY CL . feJ ATTERBERG LIMITS RESULTS ~WI. Client City of Springfield Engineerin~ ConsultinJ1c Testing' Project Name: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision 6032 N. Cutter Circle uite #470, Po and, Oregon 97217 Project Location: 31st Street, Springfield, Oregon Phone (503) 289-1778 Fax (503) 289-1932 Report Number: 722-90227 '" => Sheet 1 'of 1 Liquid Plastic Plasticity Maximum %<#200 Class- Water Dry Satur- Borehole Depth Size Content Density ation Void Umit Limit Index (mm) Sieve meation (%) (pet) (%) Ratio BHP-A 3.0 55 24 31 9.5 64 CH 31.0 BHP-C 2.5 60 25 35 4.75 74 CH 32.0 Lot 147 3.5 49 25 24 4.75 51 CL 37.0 . l- e el n: a: 0 0 CiS a. ..... a. el ... C'< ~ tl filS Summary of Laboratory Results ... ~ ~~. Client City of Springfield ::> Project Name: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision UJ ,Engineerin~ Consultin~ Testing .., Project Location: 31st Street, Springfield. Oregon :s 6032 N. Cutter Circle uite #470. Po and. Oregon 97217 ~ Phone (503) 289-1778 Fax (503) 289-1932 Report Number: 722-90227 , .' U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES . 2 1 1/2 3 U.S. SIEVE NUM8ERS 6 10 16 30 50 100 200 HYDROMETER 5 o 6 3 1.5 314 "- e 14 20 .0 60 140 I I I I I I;- ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I r--... I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I ll:,\ I I I I . , , , I , , I . 1'\ , I I I " I I I I I I I I :~~ , I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1\\ I 1 , , I I I I I I I I I I \ '- I I I , I , , I , I \ , I I : I I I 1 I \ I I 1 1 , . , I I ! , I , I , I I I i , I 1 I : I , , , ' I , ! I I I I . I I , , . , , , , i I I , I I , , , , , , ; , I I , I I I I I ; I , , I , , I I I , I I , ; , , , , I I , I I I ! I I I : I I I I ; I I ; , I I I . I I , , I , , , : : , 100 10 1 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SAND 0,1 0.01 0.001 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 .- 65 J: ~60 w ~ >- 55 ID 0:: w 50 z u: .- 45 z w ~ 40 w 0... 35 30 25 20 15 10 COBBLES medium fine SILT OR CLAY LL PL PI Cc Cu 55 24 31 60 25 35 49 25 24 ~' . Specimen Identification . BHP-A ,.. III BHP-C .A. Lot147 Classification " SANDY FAT CUW CH FAT CLAY with SAND CH SANOY LEAN CLAY CL ~... . . h_.~ _ . ""_ ~ '~~ ..' _'.' ,. ~'. _. ...........~._.,."...,.,~,_ , ......__............-. -~... - -_.. - -- ,.~.......- ~": .: ..'~ .......~ . ..... i Specimen Identification . ~. BHP-A " ~ III BHP-C:;' ;" ~,:' ." 8.A. Lot 147 '. ~ J.. :..,., ,I,. _ , ":: 0100 'U ,-;~?060~; ';'; .,> 030 9.5 '~~~.. ",/,,:," c" . <:;'''.:. , : ",;4.75 'f;,.' , '^;':r'~,'."'r'" ~ ,', ',' 4.75":::; .c:O.'134:' ' " 010 --" %Gravel 1.8 0.0 0.0 %Sand ,34.2 25.8 '48.6 %Silt %Clay 64.0 74.2 51.4 c;; 11. ~ o i f,:l .... ~ '" z ~ " '" :l l- " ' '.;, ;;, ''',,' ' I' " .. .,' t... s ., GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION I:!:."'. Client City of Springfield " ...~. "" ":" ".... . project Name: Ambleside Meadows Subdivision Engineering Con$ulting Testing 6032 N. Cutter Circle 1iuite #470, Porffand, Oregon 97217 Project Location: 31st Street, Springfield, Oregon Phone (503) 289-1778 Fax (503) 289-1932 Report Number: 722-90227 0 """' ~ '-' 1 c: 0 oM en en ~ L.. 2 I c::. ~ ,I u 3 f Profesalonal Service Industries 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 2 1 345 10 <02S -1 I c ~ . ....~ '\ , I~R \ \ () \ \ (h, . -3 -2 4 5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 25 Pressure.(XSF) SAMPU . ~OL Approximate Ewell Pressure 90% R.C. @ ~18% o 2,500 psf SA,JO'{ LEI\,J L.l...'1 EXPLANATION. SAMPLE LOADED AT FJELD MOISTURE ,.....,. , _-__0--,.____ SAMPLESA.TURATED SAMPLE TESTED UNDER REBOUND LOADING f'AOJeCT NAME Ambleside Meadows CONSOLIDATION TEST REP.ORT. I PSI A-tC)0.3 PROJECT NO. 722-90227 OATE ovember 1999 " 2 ~ - c 0 ..-l 3 to 0'.1 ~ '"' ~ 6 0 u 4 Professional SeMce Industries 0.1 2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 345 1 10 2025 o c~ N l). r---. ....... ~ n I -1 1 5 6 7 0.1 0.2 10 20 25 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 Pressure (ISF) SAMPLE . SYM:BOL Approximate Swell Pressure 93% R.C. @ w=26.51 o 1 SA,..J&>'-/ L€A..J (:. L-1'1 EXPLANATION. SAMPLE WADED AT FIELD MOISTURE SAMPLE SA1VRAT.ED SAMPLE TESTED UNDER. REBOUND LOADdYG -----~---- PROJECT NAME Ambleside Meadows r.a A-l~ CONSOUDATlON TEST REPORT PROJECT NO. 722-90227 DATE ' November 1999 ** TOTAL PAGE.03 ** I 1 I ! I 1 1 ; I i I , ! I I I I I I I I ! ~aaI Semce Industries GENERAL NOTES SAMPLE IDENTlACATlON The Unified SoU aassification System is used to identify soU unless otherwise noted. SOIL PROPERTY SYMBOLS N: Qu: Qp: Mc: LL: PI: ~d: \7: Standard Penetration Value: Blows per foot of 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a standard split -spoon penetrometer. Unconfined compressive strength (ts~. Penetrometer vaJue, unconfined compressive strength (ts~. Water content (%). Uquid limit (%). Plasticity index (%). Natural dry density (pd). Apparent groundwater level at time noted after completion. DRILUNG AND SAMPUNG SYMBOLS SS: Split-Spoon - 1 3/8" 1.0., 2- 0.0. SB: Spilt-Barrel - 2 3/8' 1.0., 3" 0.0. ST: Shelby Tube - 3- 0.0., except where noted. BS: Bulk Sample. AU: Auger Sample. DB: Diamond Bit CB: Carbide Bit WS: Washed Sample. RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION TERM (NON-COHESIVE SOILS) STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense 4 or less 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 Over 50 TERM (COHESIVE SOILS) au - (TSA Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard PARTICLE SIZE Boulders Cobbles Gravel o - 0.25 0.25 - 0.50 0.50 - 1.00 1.00 - 2.00 2.00 - 4.00 4.00 + 8 in + 8 in-3 in 3 in-5 mm Coarse Sand 5mm-Q.6mm Medium Sand 0.6mm-02mm Fine Sand 0.2mm-o.074mm SUt 0.074 mm-o.005mm aay 0.005mm ~ITY OF SPRINGFIE '.,' IlUlLDING D '! ,.. JOB N,llME ADDRESS FOUNDATION DRAIN =~ CITY J06 NUM6ER PERIMETER DRAIN AT FOOTINCl ~1aI ? LIVING ~ ~ b MIL BLACK PLASTIC GROUND COvER ~ATED CRAWL SPACE II Ii Ii j~ I I I I I I I I I I I -I WATER TIGHT GLUED JOINT RAINWATER PIPI~ (SCHEDULE 40 LABRED DWV WITHIN 5' OF BLOG) ca-DUCTED TO APPROveD DISPOSAL POINT ~v I I _SLOPE - //.-.......1 t{ \1 GRANULAR SOIL ~ /J BACKfiLL - (NO CLAY) t2l2 'HrA.N. c. Lo7i-f 4 n MINIMUM COvER ~ $:-311 MINIMUM BEDDING 1112" OPEN GRADED FOUND A rlON DRAIN NOTE A: REINFORCING STEEl 15 RECOMMENDED IN FOUNDATIONS. ENGINEERED DESIGN FOR FOUNDATION 15 REQUIRED WI-lEN HEIGI-lT OF WALL ExCEEDS 4' OR UJI-lEN 5URCI-l~E A6AINST WALL EXCEEDS 30f/ CUBIC fOOT. (EQUlv. FLUID UJEIGHTJ.