HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/2015 Work SessionCity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY NOVEMBER 2, 2015 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday November 2, 2015 at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston, and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. Councilor Pishioneri was absent (excused). 1. City Art Projects Update and 2016 Plans. Niel Laudati, Community Relations Manager, presented the staff report on this item. The City Manager's Office has taken an active role in continuing the production of high quality art in Springfield. He displayed a picture of the Welcome sign/sculpture at the entrance of the City on South A Street and noted that it was the first piece of art the Council approved. This beautiful sign replaced an old particle board sign. He referred to an article in the Oregonian about the 25 Reasons to Love Eugene, Oregon and that #4 is the Simpsons Mural in Springfield. Ken Kesey Mural: `Springfield's Ken Kesey' mural was installed over four days from August 23-27. Approximately 900 people attended the unveiling on August 28. The mural included input from the Kesey Family and has garnered an incredible positive response. A plaque will be installed at the site in November. The Springfield Flame: Since the Gateway area is a hospitality district, the proposed sculpture acts as a beacon, like a lantern left on for guests arriving at their destination. It is a way -finding landmark and a draw to shoppers. This design features an intricately laser -cut stainless "flame" shape illuminated with colored LED light strips. The flame shape is suspended atop long, graceful curves of painted steel pipe that together create a highly unique structure. Like the Eiffel Tower, it would be one of the few large structures that can be represented by three simple strokes of the pen. Distinctive and eye- catching, the artwork makes a statement that this is a place of significance, of energy and action. Rough dimensions are 20'x 16'x 62'. Artist Devon Laurence Field will produce the sculpture and a local landscape architect will design the visitor experience. The Gateway Business District has had input on this project since 2013. The estimated cost of this sculpture is $260,000 - estimated install is summer 2016. The City is working on the property purchase through private funds. The sculpture will be paid for with the assistance of ODOT freeing up city funds from Franklin Boulevard. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 2, 2015 Page 2 Mayor Lundberg asked Mr. Laudati to thank Senator Beyer because he was helpful in getting ODOT to put in those funds. Mr. Laudati said typically there is art installed for an ODOT project of this size, but it was left out of this area. It worked out well for both the City and ODOT. Councilor Ralston asked about the cost and who was paying for it. Mr. Laudati said the total cost of the project will be paid by ODOT. Women in the Military: The City is starting discussions with Willamalane to install one of the country's only art projects dedicated to the service of women in the military. The hope is to make this part of a larger memorial at the site of the Willamalane Park on Mohawk and F St. This would be the first public art planned for Mid -Springfield and would coincide with Veteran's Day 2016. Mr. Laudati said Willamalane is very excited about this and interested in doing some upgrades to the park in this area. A grant will be applied for to help with this project. This project could bring people from all over the United States. An idea will be put together and then provided to an artist that could render something within our budget. Councilor Wylie said she goes to the City of Joseph and passes a foundry that does amazing bronze work. Mr. Laudati said they will be working on ideas of what to present to artists from other displays. Councilor Moore said it is very appropriate to look at doing this since Mayor Lundberg served in the military. Mayor Lundberg said on Memorial Day, a celebration is done at this site at Willamalane Park. It does have significance so it would be nice to update that area. Mr. Laudati thanked the Council for having faith that staff will do the right things on these projects. We are seeing a positive return from the artwork. Mayor Lundberg said the Plaza area, although not technically an art project, is looking very nice and she thinks the public will appreciate it. Councilor Woodrow said the Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association would like to work with the City on a public art project. She will ask the President of that group to contact Niel so they can talk about how the Alumni Association might get involved with the Women in the Military project. 2. Library Facility Programming Update. Rob Everett, Library Director, presented the staff report on this item. In 2011, the City Council approved including a new library facility in the City's Capital Improvement Plan. In the same year, the City partnered with the University of Oregon to develop preliminary visions of a future Springfield Library facility based on high level assumptions of space programming needs. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 2, 2015 Page 3 The Library is confronting the issue of inadequate space for programs, study, meetings and collections. In April 2015 during their Goal Setting Session, Council directed staff to gather information about community library service needs, including a facility. With financial assistance received as part of a recently awarded grant, staff will contract with a consultant to perform a detailed analysis of facility and programming needs for the library. This work will help to drive future facility and investment decisions pertaining to the Springfield Library. The development of a Library Program is the first exploratory step in the process to define a future library facility and is intended to inform and drive strategic decisions regarding facility investments. The process for developing a facility program is multi -faceted work which engages multiple stakeholders and professionals (library patrons, community members, businesses, agencies and library staff) to determine and address the community needs today and into the future, reflecting the need for flexible and responsive space in addition to the following key elements: • Current best practices in library design and service delivery • Flexible spaces for large and small community events, programs and meetings • Innovative uses of technology and space to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of services and resources • Enhanced tools and resources for providing educational support, early literacy training, access to digital tools and information, and workforce development • A signature building that will become a destination wherever it is located in Springfield and will enhance economic activity around it as a result Staff will work with a consultant to identify physical square footage and technologies recommended to effectively and efficiently accommodate these key elements based on the specific needs of the Springfield Community. They hope to incorporate current best practices in design and service delivery. The current library is being used as a laboratory to learn how to plan for better services in the future. The goal is to develop a program that supports student success, early literacy training, access to digital tools and information, and workforce development. They want a signature building and service that will become a destination and enhance the activity around it wherever it is located in Springfield. With strategic placement, the Library could leverage economic and cultural support for adjacent agencies. Staff expects to complete this work by July of 2016, resulting in the completion of a Library Program. Councilor Ralston asked about the current square footage and the proposed square footage. Mr. Everett said the current square footage is 24,595. The proposed amount will be somewhere between 50,000 and 60,000 square feet. Councilor Ralston asked how much the Vancouver Library cost. Mr. Everett said that Library was very expensive due to some of the special materials they used. The Springfield Library would not use the building as an example, but rather the service package and how they used the space. The school districts are reducing programming so libraries are taking up some of that work. Springfield's teen librarian was just awarded a $7500 grant to develop technology programming in Arts and Science from preschool to high school. They are also providing adult programming. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 2, 2015 Page 4 Councilor Wylie said one of most successful directions the Library has taken is with children's programming. She hopes the design of a new building will have spaces designed for children and their activities. Mr. Everett said the primary focus of the Library is to help kids be ready for kindergarten and ready to read. That will be an important part of any design. Councilor VanGordon said having the Library as a flagship or destination service is important. It's important the conversation is based around our needs and how to build to meet those needs. Mr. Everett said it is about the services, not the building. They will start with the community and looking at best practices for meeting those needs. The Library could possibly be smaller if it could be more efficient. There are many ways people can access information, such as the Library's website. Councilor VanGordon said these conversations will get to how we can make the services able to evolve from what we need today to what we need in the future. Workforce training is a huge part and he is glad to hear they are working with teenagers on coding skills. Mr. Everett said anything they can do to support an educated workforce is a good thing, as well as helping community member s who are out of work. Councilor VanGordon said they can't lose the fact that the Library is an important function in City government and brings citizens to City Hall. It is a positive exposure for citizens with city government. Councilor Moore asked if they kept track and noticed growth of electronic check out. Mr. Everett said it is growing. They are looking at working with a small library consortium to improve the digital service. Councilor Moore asked about the square footage of the Eugene Library. Mr. Everett said it is 100,000 square feet with room to go up to the fourth floor. Mayor Lundberg said she has been involved in the form follows function exercises for buildings such as the Justice Center. We have become much more electronic oriented, providing lots of opportunity for different space needs. Tonight Council is approving going forward with the study to determine the function we want in a Library. She would like the Library to be a communication, education and cultural hub. It should be a central place in the community for people to connect. If it fulfills those functions, everyone would have a reason to come. Councilor Moore said any time she walks in to City Hall, she sees students using access to the internet. She would like it to look more inviting and comfortable. It would help expand the Library out into this area. Mayor Lundberg said the kiosk should also be updated, and the walls should have pictures or diagrams of what the City is doing. Mr. Grimaldi said the tables and chairs were an experiment and are working well. He can meet with staff to see how they can improve the area. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 2, 2015 Page 5 Councilor Woodrow suggested some conversational areas. She remembers talking about the Library space eight years ago. We had come far and she was pleased to be on the brink of this study. There has been a lot of dreaming and visualizing how a new facility would fit Springfield. She is excited about the idea of it being a destination hub. She visualized a hub on the inside with a miniature auditorium for kids so they can see the stories acted out, with retail shops and other stores outside of the Library that would bring people back and forth. Mayor Lundberg said the Council would like staff to go forward with study. Mr. Everett said the grant was from a woman from Portland who had been the benefactress of a number of Oregon libraries. She is dedicated to improving library service across the state. She spends time in our area because she owns a winery in Junction City. Mr. Everett said the City of Springfield has done some amazing things over the last eight years during tough times. Mayor Lundberg said the Library is a community gathering place and still very important. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. Minutes Recorder — Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: Amy Sowa City Recorder