HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5902 12/07/1998 ORDINANCE NO. 5902 (GENERAL) (..- \ '<.c> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 "PUBLIC PROTECTION" AND SECTIONS 5.400 ET. SEQ. "CONTROL OF DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS" OF THE SPRINGFIELD CODE PERTAINING TO DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE DEFINITION OF "DOG" WOLF-DOG HYBRIDS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1: The definition of dog in Article 5, section 5.402 is hereby amended as follows: ...c:> "Dog. A highly variable, carnivorous, domesticated mammal, probably derived from several wild species. The term dog does not include wolf. The term dog includes male or female, of any age, size, color or breed. Animals declared by. the owner to be wolf-dog hybrids will be licensed under dog control ordinances and all other animal control regulations that would apply to a dog shall apply. with the exception of sections 5.404, 5.424(2), 5.460, 5.462 and 5.470, police service dogs or K-9 dogs actively employed by a police agency are exempt from the provisions of sections 5.400 to 5.476." r I section 2. The definition of exotic animals in section 5.402(3) is hereby amended as follows: "Exotic Animals.***(3) Any wolf or any canine not indigenous to Oregon, except the species Canis familiaris (domestic dog); and" section 3. Article 5 section 5.402 "Wolf or Wolf Mix" is hereby amended as follows: "Wolf. Wolf but excepting therefrom animals declared by the owner to be wolf-dog hybrids." Section 4. Article 5 Section 5.402 is hereby amended by the addition of the following definition: "Wolf-Dog Hybrid. A canine identified as a wolf-dog hybrid by declaration of the owner." /""'"" ( D ., _r'i ..' . . . Ordinance No. 5902 Page Two section 5. Article 5 Section 5.426 "Licenses, Fees and Exceptions" is hereby amended in subsection (1) (a) and (c) as follows: "5.426 Licenses, Fees and Exceptions. (1) Dog Licenses. (a) Every keeper of a dog or wolf-dog hybrid that has a set of permanent canine teeth or has attained the age of six months, whichever event occurs first, shall immediately obtain a license for the dog.*** (c) No license shall be issued until a certificate of vaccination for rabies, valid for the license year, is presented to the animal control authority; PROVIDED HOWEVER, the requirement for a certificate of vaccination for rabies shall not apply to wolf-dog hybrids. In the event that a rabies vaccine becomes licensed- for use in wolf -dog hybrids " this exemption will be withdrawn." Section 6. Article 5.454 "Biting and Rabid Dogs and Other Animals Quarantine" is hereby amended by the addition of subsection (4) as follows: "5.454 * * * (4) Notwithstanding the 10-day period specified in subsection (1) if a wolf-dog hybrid bites a person or is exposed to a rabid animal the appropriate county or state health agency may dispose of the wolf-dog hybrid in accordance with its regulations." Section 7. It is hereby found and determined by the Common Council that matters pertaining to animal control and specifically dog control are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare, and that an emergency therefore exists and that this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. .' . . Ordinance No. 5902 Page Three I I I I I i df Springfield I 6 in favor and I sprinJfield this 7th Adopted by the Common Council of the City this ~_ of December I 1998 I by a vote of o against. Approved by the Mayor of the City of day of December I 1998. REVIEWED & APPROVED A~~~~~_~M ~ L~~\'l DATE: \012 \ \ <1~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY I I Tern/Council President Greg Shaver