HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2002-8-1 FROM FAX NO. Aug. 01 2002 02:42PM P4 MORTIER pNGIN~ERING, ~C. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE. O~EGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 .I=AX (5-11) 484-6859 rOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-677-661-9959 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN · FIRE PROTeCTION CODe CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION BUILDING ANALYSIS REPORT Statement of Conditions and Limitation& CLIENT:' Cozy "ome~ LOCATION OF PROPERTY : Lot~ 116and 117 Amblcside WO# 14701-RDR I. Type of Inspection and items inspected i~ limited to; a StrUctural Conditions b, _ Weatherproofing (Exteri~~r $\lrfaCI.:S) C. ~ StaNn Drainage (Building', Sire) d. _x _ Site Conditions (Soils, Geological) Ii. _ Plumbing (fjxture~, Piping) f, ~ Heating (Fumlocc. Heat Pump, Air Conditioning. Fin:place, foitoves, ('''himncys) g, _ Electrical (Service. Wiring, Outlets) h _xc- Other COMPACTION The in~rcetion is for Ihe purpose of alerting the eliem 10 major dc:llcicneiOl' in ~e condition of the property described 'above and according to tile condirions contained in Ihe rqltllt and this SlllTemenT, The inSpection lI/Id report are perfonncd and pl'llpared for the sole, cnnfidcmlialand exclusive use ~nd possession of the CI.WNT, No obligation or lCSJIOn$ibility toolhcr panics is a."5UI~, Thi$ in.<'lCCtion is of Ih,; readily llCCCll$ible ~$ of the buildins and is li'luted 10 vi:;ua1 obscrvationsofappareDI conditions existil1g at tbc nmc (lfthe inspection. r..'tent and concealed defects and deficicnci(,~ arc excluded ftomthe in..poeno"; equipment, constl'UCtiQn and syslems will n(lt be dismillltled, Maintenanec 1l11~ otller ilems may he diseussed. but they lIrc not a parT of Onr inSpeCtion. The rll1lOrt is 110111 co!"pliancc inspection or certification for past or present Sl'lvemment codes or regubtions of any kind, The inspection nod rellon do not Ildd"ess and lire not intended to address the possiblc IIrC$cnce of or dllllger from any potentially hartnful,'u~lces and cnvironmenlal hazardsitlcJudine. but nallimitcd to radon gas. lead pain!, Hsbe.o.'tOS, urea fOl1ua.ldehyde undtoxie ort1~mable chemicals. Any refen:llCl;S IrnUle to these substance in ntlr n::llon arc made fur. the sole pUlpOSCS of alertiogour c1icnllo the pos..ibilily ofthtir existence. We are mWcing DO positi~ dCIC!TIl ill3tiollS as to their llCwal preSence. as we tlo nol do laIl.., ~.,,,.; testing. IfeU I::NT wishes ~ Il}' further infomlatiail or R:wmmClldations ill regard III rhe presi:rtc,,"f thc..'C substances. werecommcnd eom~eting a specialized ,cnvirOlll\'lelltl\1 Contractor. 'The,re(lOrr.describcs rhe prnpcn:y cOl\dilion and'~lall1S an dIe datil ofinspeclion. The purpose is llllllenelicnts to present defectS. Sub-surfaCe soil conditions, inaccessible areas and'features,lIl'tlli~nccs, seclu:ity ahum~, intcrcClrn systems, solar healingsysrems orpancL<<, sprinldecsystems, spa.., pools, wulcr .'llftcllers, oouualvacuUm S)'lilCms. and the presence IIr ah.~ce ot'rodents, lcni1ilX:$ or Olller insects arc 5JlcCifically excluded:&om dIe scope oftf1is rcoort While tvCl)' reasonable cfion was nuuIc to detcrm ine Ihe property conditions. no gUll._.._~, aJ'C! e"pressed or implied. No rcsponsibility is assumed [Or any ill:msomsidcthe SCope oflhis inspection. nor can wu ba held respoD:iible for work pwormed byatilel'll: Liability foriL,,"'t>_ arisitlg oul of errors or omissions sbull he limited to the cost of ll!e scope of inspection, No reprcsentations lire mack concerning the an::hirccmral or engineering collditioflS, Monier EJJg.ineering, it. c:mrloyccs and agents, asSUlllc no liabilil)l or 'rcs'JlOll..ihility for the cOst of repairing or replacing anyunrcporred J.!_.. or detieicncics, eilher currCJ1l or arising inlhe future, or for llIl}' property damages. consequential tL."~6~ or bodily injury ofany narurc. The inspcctiOIl311d ri:pun arc nor imcndcd or ,Ill he use(\ as a guaramee orWl!lTllJ\ty, expressed or implied, regarding Ihe adequacy. perCOl1Il.IIIlCe or eol'Klition of IICI)" in.<pcctcd SlnJcmrc. item Or .'.yslC~m: ' ror MORTIF.R F.N(;INl:l;RlNG, P,C, ~lJ-U~ J/JA_ ~" Sil:lllllUre ~ f[ Title JuJv 3 L 2002 Oa[(; FROM 'FAX NO. Aug. 01 2002 02:41PM P2 MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. , 1245 PEARL STR!i:ET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 4849080. I=AX (541) 484.6859 TOLL FREE IN, OREGON 1-877.661-9959 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTeCTION COOE CONSULTANT · PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION July 31, 2002 Cozy Homes 1275 S 2nd Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Lot t16Ambleside - SIte/Soils Investigation - W.O. # 147?1-1":"RD~e.t,} , As you requested. a site/soils investigation was performed on the~e : adjacent lots onJuly 30, 2002. Design for the site is as follows: All unsuitable fill, vegetation.andunbuildable material have been .removed to natiVe grade. The native soil isa silty-clay/oam with a Unified Soils Classification of Ml-CL an9 a plasticity index of less than 20. The expansiveness of the soil is low (after Holtz 1959). A maximum 6" of cruShed rock Should be installed with tracked excavation equipment to protect the proposed building site in the event of inclement weather. Due to the known presence of adverse soil conditions in this area. drainage shall be installed above the proposed building site to maintain stable moisture content of the soils. , On July 19. 2002, a corn paction inspection was preformed after fill placement. The compacted surface of the 1 % ~ minus crushed rock is adequate for a foundation bearing capacity of 1500 psf, which is adequate to support the proposed conventional wood fral11e residence. The compaction of the gravel surface is greater than 95% of a standardproctQr per ASTM 0698-91. Thank you for this opport.\Jnity to be of service, The enclosed Building Analysis Report and Statement of Conditions and Limitations is a part of this report. If you have questions regarding this report. please contact me' at 484-9080. ' Sincerely, FROM FA>< NO; Aug. 01 2002 02:42PM P3 MORTIER ENGINEERING, Re. 1215 PEARL STREET F.UGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9000. FAX (541) 484.6859 TOLl.. FREE IN OREGON '-817-661-9959 JUly 31,2002 STRUCTURAL eUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT · PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Cozy Homes 1275 S. 2nd Street Springfiel~, Or 97477 RE: Lot 116 Ambleside~ Site/Soils/Compaction Investigation,- W.O. #14701-2-RDR As .you requested, a site/soils investigation was performed at the above noted address on July 9, 2002. Design for the site is as follows: , All fill, vegetation, and un buildable material has been removed to native grade. The native soil is clay with a Unified Soils Classifieation of CL and a plastieity index greater than 20. The soil is highly expansive. A minimum of 12 U crushed rock should ,be installed with tracked exeavation equipment to moderate the effect of the expansive soils at the proposed building site. The crushed rock should be placed and then eompacted with either a vibratory plate or roller. Drainage shall b~ installed at the perimeter footings whelp maintain optimum soil moisture at the site. With the plaCement of the crushed rock, and eombined with the excavation that Is of adequate depth and width, the site as prepared is adequate to assure a stabJemoisture contentfor the proposed foundation. On July 19, 2002 a eompaetioninspection was performed after fillp.aeement. The compactedsurfaee of the 11/2" minus crushed rock is adequate for a foundation bearing eapaeity of 1500 psf,which is adequate to support the proposed eonventional wood frame structure. ( Thank you for this opportunity to be of serviee. The enelosed Building AnalYsis Report and Statement o,f Conditions and Limitations is apart of this report. If you have questions regarding this report, please contact me at 484-9080. Sincerely,