HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-4-21 Apr 21 05 07:55a , RVB,Ino. 541-367-1638 p. 1 FAX COVER SHEET River Valley Builders, Inc. P 0. Box 832 Sweet Home, OR 97386 (541) 726.0330. Fax (541) 367-1638 cce 1:3</066 WINW. HOMESBYRVB. COM IJomGsbyrvb@comcDstnot SEND TO Com~ny na~ {;" ~ 0 t:-t?ptJ Att6noon !~ & f!x.. VlIL N4 FaXl1lJmo(!rt;Lf I ~ 7 2 G. 3{., { ~ ~1g9nt From W..R-Z1 ~/ IL/[' ~ / 4- .} {-. D 5" / '20--[) '3":> D Dam Phone number o RfJpIy ASAP D Plflaso comment D PlfiIil5e review o For your information Total1'8/]$$, IncluQing cover; _& COMMENTS .S::~fL .... W(;.fC0.Jz'..~. .fvv ......I:ifcyif:m ... Apr 21 05 07:55a " 541-367-1638 +541-694-9358 T-Il T RVB,Ino. Fr~-K , A Englne.rin.. Inc. P.001/005 Apr-ZQ-Z005 06:36pm .~mUniIY Servi\:es Div, Building SafelY .Job Addn:liII 3313 Fa 1 cgn .Dr ~ ClT-YOF SPRINOFJELD OREOON city lob' C01'12Q05..00378 223' ~1lI Sa.rCd, Sprlllafil:ld, OR ?7477 Ph. 726-3759 . AMBLESlDE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION-18T Ab})rrl()~ , l Slte.lnvesttlati~n Q~O~.8in:~OI"C~Il_uitiDg ~igD'.Priwresslo_b 1 . ...... ~undatiQ,D ~Ulr~~ts ~. new :s~~, .on l'e$ide~tia1I~tB. . . . I ..., " . . Tws fo..... QUlY be used as a temPorary Tedftcatl~il...Lw c,Ymstru*o to <<inUaue ~."e~~Si~'"Ddl.~ ~t's it".~."IIkI8~:tja~ ~.;OII ~ , ad ~ ls:iiibitiitledtothe.Clt ;,' Tbk'onn~ .be completedb a . . 'iia,Me.l if; ":. ror~:. ~. _.o::~~ .or: ,.:' :.8uillOriZod" 10 ee '.. ,. ; ~,p . ... .'. t .8P.l.. ..,.),~,. . .emI'.' , .: ....:.UlJlDlttdl.tQ th.:bulldiD 1Qs".n ..r..'l'forao.' " .fh.a a '~~~=~- Or .. '.... ..' ........I...~P. ,req.~..ty~.-.~ . ':..Iid "roviad~NU~ii~. it.sl. rwatib8i all.'''__ ~.f . P.~, ..,..... '.. ... ... .:... ......... .. . . ~teJy-I~,tJM,r~,ijatl~ ~.iO bf;;~Pi'ovec(f.or ~~ '.. . . - . '.' . . . . . ,. OWDer:andlofConkactOl:' Rivpr V~' j~II.'BlJild~rQ, '. ..,. . . '. , .. .... .. \ ',.' . . . '; . . 1.~.Of th~d"in prot""'JfI ilihi~udOD'( 411412ob~ . r .' _ .. '_. '. . I, '. ..... ,.".', .'. ., ", . , "', . 1 ,. . . ~!. ., 1. .'~ iJae..siiu rotca.ODal ~ed .:. ..' of ifae... .bi UifOrmadon ... .. .P... ,.. .. . ,. . . tMl1,. ........ '.. .. " . ...:. . for ~.~I~JII~t Waip~ m~::f~I~:"~~~g.~t" ..Y~j(.!.NQ__ /j~(Jt;.~~:c;.~i.thJ$.oJfi~f9~:a~~plijj~ :n~~' .T~I: ~;BiJi~roftt,;/~1 must ~/~l.l;qt~ thl!.g~Q~chni~pl info,!!,ar~.1?tfo~ (:o"'P~g.pus IQ~. . 3. .~t.w,,~.~""~.the.~f.ilOI"_lor.fiD? , The ~'icl".~vatt O~ is ,a:pwll~~b.' y4nl x: S51 '.,41'1 p.h..n,. ir:ot.J nd.udi ria the ti...; vewav, . T.he ii1ax1mim,.'depth';-:of',clJt. was ,approximatelY 3.'. a.10ng the east ,.ide. ... " ... " . . , ' '. '" ", .' . ..' '. '. '.'. '\ . ,I,', ' '. . . . . . . . . :. waS existiDg"rt~structllr61:'fiJJ or "pzlil~ivc:S9ilcnCWritC:red QU.d1elot? . . 'Y~~.:uNo2'it ~8H: whtld~; dCp~s.ftndloc;auo~s?'An old d ralna ge dtt.ch wa.s,:cspparently. 1 OC:d~~d.a"long . th~. west "si CH~, or:t.ne...I.Ot .,....1 n~ '~,a:1 ,-,"I, Wb.S, nll;~ll. w.o;rl. ~o~.OW.~IU~~!~~~L-,:II.dllU.!IIIllJl:"'1 ~.. ,. .. .'~:: .. . j.i:"H~...,.tl.itl..'.'1~ ~l.~~':' pr~~:t .:.~i~R~.~~~:.~~~:':~~~J:1 ~f ',tb~~wg~t~no. . a)1'~ '4.f!d. '1'nt.1JJded..'.!>'O'Ve l!.qnst".fuc.t'nrJ.rl"'h!-H.. .lli,diopH;"ft.hRt.:". :ti'lfs: ~eP~. ll~ t:o: -l.5:~ ~ ."" . . ., . . ... .', ' . .. ':", \' p.2 F-m' .- 'f." ....' ...,. .. ':.. \. " . ~.~. s ":~.to~~ .. SOi.~... '.(.~.ludc...':. :C. Of. .. ...... .. . . ~ .~ ...... .. ..,~~y:tbe.. .1. lIOn me. . type . ..engiueeled fin used tcistibilWithe sail)?.. The.sntv n 11;-'1' the t reneh. t\ re.a . was. exc.avlIted .and f..e.novE1:dfrolli:the. si.te... Sel~ct:granular mater.ial consfstin~. . . of .3:=-j'nch, opengrade9 CUIi,,\r..ry ..$t9n~ ..Wl1ti: p I.ilcea rn he, e~cava,te(l' trerl.ch . ., . ar.aa. .lne SII~Y fl.tl 1f1.J;ne.'e.as'C rla.IT OTtne.Tounaa.t1on arell was. removed entf'rel.y.' '. .1 ,.. '} .: , I ApI" 21 05 07:55a Apr-ZO-2~~5 D6:36p~ RVB,Inc. Fro~K , A Eni1neerin.. Ine. 541-367-1638 p.3 +541-684-9358 r-]17 PDOZIO~5 F-936 Cotl1lt1uni\y Servh;et; 01\1. Buildina Saf~ty CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22:'1,111 StI'l.Wt, Springfield. OR 97411 Ph. 726-~159 lob Addroaa 3313 Falcon Dr. Cit)'Jobf CQ~Q"lio_n037R Unsuitable brown tODsoil WIlS remo.v:e.d f!'om the rest of the. foundatiDn pad area. a thln lH.t of crushed ~r'J~regate was. place.d over tile p.nt1re toundatlon pad after 9raa1og. Is the site as ~ tWquate. 19 inadequa~ D to main~ constant mo~swre content in the sub grade? Nou: Vtrfficano" of moisture mbUiztlrima in the sUb grad.e is a ~quir.Dn~nt of the 840techniCal repo~t, and mud be ajfi,.",d before C{)~SlrUcIWn can continue: . If i~uatc~ What mcasun:s aronee;dcd to Ptol'Jde CODsbmt moisture ccmtcntin . the sub ,ride? ., .. , Is the s.itc as prepared atJeQU9te 19 irw4eq~eO to support ~c proposed , sttUciure? . . An. afftr:mat!lie answeris r~qui#te to proC.eedi"8 wilh: Co~irUCl;()7I.. , If ~.deq~ 'wbid ~dfticJDaJ 'work Il needed .~Yide.~ . rQUildaUoiu~PPOl1t.. . .. ...,.... , . ,. . .. ,"... ... :" .. '. . ; .' ',,: . .,".. '. . . if. DId u.e. dalp proieutonal ,"$lieU p"c~t ....., cO~j:lrattJOft 01 aa. . .~ftU;orls~8~'."'~ed1oD.n~f~~. qUidlJlecl_.c,v1lWifMig~d PItJt:eIMnt UJ S~ci4l I~compadw;;. repo"O 5. ~ -ill' ~fes8i~ intends IDuse the fOIlo"in. ~~ fOr btaIia.o;. . ~r .~~:'P.e~~ter.r~,,*d~i,,;. ,.. . ...,. . ..... .. .Thedc:$ign Qn the a~~ dtawii;1, prt>'Vidc~ by.~ dCSip professional ;'...,. D The.meChod. .hoWn ori. o.e QriginaJ 'consu:uctiOn dn\wingfL.... m" . .. .. ~ .. .. : ~.. 0 ~ typi~ ..'~~dlltion Drain ~ .!~awi~g ~~bec1 101' ~~~t .....,...:........ m. ~ Per:for~te4 ~mete~ drBins an, .n9t re.qw~ . ~..... ~ I.III.U<......, ,._,..... n n I"". [] Co~nts: . . f.{oie: city ;nspeCIO;'S will insptc"/1",all~d(im;nS priori;' cow:r upon nqu~st~. ~ Call; 726-3"769 to sch~dule inllFceton. . . . 2 Apr 21 05 07:56a RVB,Ino. Apr.ZO-2005 06:37pm Fr~-K & A Enlln.lring. lnc 541-367-1638 p.4 +S41-&8.4-9358 T-117 P. OD3/D05 H36 Communily.Se1"vicos Div, Building Safely CITY 01" SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . 22S 5"' Stmet. SprJnsfield. OR 91477 Ph. 726-37S9 lobAddnlslI 3313 Falcon Dr. City Job # CQM2Q05-00378 Lo~-pOint mlwl.&paee d.........-e req~.tD prev8ll~ the buUd-up ot ""au ~~ ~ die ~~dIIIint,(aiDd after) ~nstrDctioD,'i1ds dnin may be JIl8taIIed 8ftn (owIdatiou p~m,:ent only With ~ of tlIe ~hrii oror..o..... . , , a. T.he deSign professional has detennined the following: 1h8 crawl spQCt drain is rt'luind.when fMfoun44,ion iI inlfalled..... 0 ~ ww-poinl; drain ~n 1H instaUtd after fOUNJ~." p~ wit/u)ut a #~a,a mo~tUr:e build-up problem within the fo~",,,, ......... ~ .(Th4lcw~p(J1nt drain mayM iMtQllBd tJI tlk ffamit!] ,~ of ctirt.trU'c~on). . .. ,. .,. pwI4 "..~, rtH1ftJI8. .Ie. b. Has the 4~!i8n e,.piI!3.~1 obs~Jvtd and appTowd t~ . PuUlllatw1l of the .req"~r~d l(Jw PD;ni.'4.r~~?'.~~..H~......~.~n.....~.!~..'u~~" 'ffiJ\ll. . No OX}( if "yt&s". ,when&; u/he.low pO.~f ~ ~ted ~r"'he'1,~U4ins and . when Jots it'knninate .ar tJ.4. tlmtt (tnU:'t be an apiii~ ioC!J!iOn~ i.t!. $trt~t guilt;; it,jim $~f!r. nDHPPump QntidisiMrgt ilnt to t~ s~it. e,c.) ;.1, ;. " . . . . . . . . . .' . ~d~ip.prO~s.l~U m~.~:~e.,~he~~:~'l'P.~V~(r"~t d~WiD,C&' bave . ~ f9uOd.tiOu,.S~t ':'~..j' ~~tj~-t.~~~~.dUd".DOt . fho~oidbe .~..~ ~wf.:tor ~~1Ma~dina? '. ., '. .. . f~S' .. No .XX . 'ff ~".. ~$C~ibj..iu/4i~imalne~l JYquiretl (orprDvide dTYrHlltrg). ~ following statement mus! *e s;gMd by The ~d/VIdl,llJl doing 11ft obl~fir!l~ and P,.ovidi1i8 dwctf(}(Jfol' th~ acQvoii~n aM $lie prtparotio1lwork on 'the property. . . . . ~ Apr 21 OS 07:56a RVB,Inc. Apr-2D-2DD5 D6:3Tp. Fro~K , A EnlinlHrini. In' 541-367-1638 p.5 +541-984-0358 T-117 P 004/006 F-D3S COmmUl'IilY Services Piv, Building Safely erN OF SPRINGFIELD, OREOON 225 Sat. Sm:ct, Sprmsfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726-)1'9 JobAddreas ':I'.tl~ 1='111~nn n\'". City Job f C0M2005-00378 ThB "7IIltrsiJ- _. ,ro/..ru4 (D~ illIOaDriud ,,,,,/()~.) IIIInb tIU1l 1uI,1k ob,,,,,. reFed iIUI..,. SUlbUilyprocidiUW Oil tIUs .ite, t.IIUI.1Mt suds &' I I'~'" weN ~"".,&W hi"'" ~Rl CM":tU iJce",.;." u. the ".oil"'" cOIJtMt olthtJ ,Ub- ".. tin4eralUl ~Untl tM bllUdiilg (tv,"" ~JItJ 60116 w~ ,~). 711, wul~t'6I,~/llttIr.r tltWbI t1uit tlU iu~~, d6 priporMl, iI tIb'1UGtff _ .uppoit #h, bflll4lng PI'O,o,itI/or dill site. . . AdcUdoDal t'OIIUIIeDts: . . . The foot;n~ dra1n shou1d be olaced at or ne~r the native sells ftt the. D~se or tne lmporuo sell;~~CL ~lr'dIlUId.r rll t ioU .c..VI it:1,,1. .~=> Wl".~ ~1"l4I1,Jwater Q~ r'-"~.~ ;trt~ "I~J Q.t.I i': .......l.lI':I .,.;~~ 1....;;,.'..~,.. :,r-tt.:L ~.,.. -,.,..:::1&". ba!~. . '. ., : .. . . eNofe): A Copy of this repOrt 'shalf be kePt" im'~dte. Willi die appr6~....... at .0 tuDes, .. .. This report sball be. f9Uowedby an .affi4.~t, ~ an~ ttWO~d. bY.o. desig~ prO.~iona1lU1dCr ~~ 8\;JSp"ioes.this ie~"\vu .~mp'leted. ~ng. ~ i~onnation helCiri.. 1bC sigriedlstanipCd-amchtvit tOgether with. a copy of thiS iqiort ~bc &QbnlittCCI to tnis Office ~or toreqUeStini. fimnlnijnspedionJor the building; St~. Name .~1i{::h~e"'.P.Bmooldt. . Comp8n\r K & A. Enq.i neering . P~ne. . ;: bHl4-~Jl;f~ . .,," .' . ~." Title. President:. I.ni: ,.. . .. ... .. uoeiuee . M1ch~e.l R~o1Pt - I" J:. License#. "9474... .:cXpires. ~213.lI2006 . ~ ~~~ ~.tor.thc ~bleside.M~S ~ ~R .\dditio~ SU~ViSioa. . . . ~!- .....ncndrdmmedJ.,~~.st4bji~o~ Qf f:.Ytpo~cXPaD$i~ ~b~:radCst wI that eXpaDsiv~~lSbC! over~?,c8v.a~'.aDd.;icpiaQc~~i'~:ai 1~ 12'inc~& oUUl ~paCl~ tt? ,at l~t 95~..Qf,A~ ~ .f~ fOUnd8,tim)'r:" ~;MatiOll. The' I 1.:,,1 .;~ ~.~w;wl~~~. mat ~B betake,nto .pnwent.wll~ &.IJ~ c,o~l~tillg hi '!C _,;~",,"":d the:f~~ ~ doring iUid .,~ ~ ConStructi~ ~~s, ,"d~Bt.politi:ve.sile.drain8ge be.pmVltJed to TcdUce ,the innl~on ot:~~ .\y~r ini~t~ .expenSive SOils. . ... . , . ....;.. .. .. .... .:. \ . . The ~hqic.al...."lr ~&": ~ emph~iU?l ~Ube ~sh grade o.f J~dscaPC soil. . a4juei1tl9.JouQdli~Q ~Olijd be ll~l~l24" ilbqve. ~.ex.pan8jYe.be8tiOgsoils. ~v comnacted to reduce the Uifil~tiOD of wa~at.tJie5urfaCe~The ~Uacy Pffili soU ~ .8i'ouild th6 bOUdin, must. be verified. to ~sati8f8Cti~n ~r tJJe design .. professiOOal. ... . . . . 4 Apr 21 05 07:56a . RVB,Ino. 541-367-1638 p.6 Apr-,O-ZOos 06:37pm Fr~-K , A Eni1n88rln.. Inc. +541-684-9358 T-117 P 005/005 F-936 Community Servi<:eG Oi..., Building Safety Lll i OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22S ,'" Street, $pringfieI4. OR 914Tl Ph. 726-3759 JobAddteM 3313 F'alcc;m Dr. City Job 1# COM2.o.a5~OQ37S Affidavit For S~ Invc8tipnob Q1iesti~ . FOWldation Sub.<Jr.:ad~ Approv~ for Residential Buildi~g.Site in.Ai)lble.side Meadows ~ 1st Addition . . . . .. Subdivisi~n. . .~ ~rSignca ~y ~tinri51hatdJQexc~,,~ 8~ flll ind ~stum . &r8biliWion.~~ ,fOr .~e b~ld.ing 'J,i~,At ~ .Idch:es~ shOwn ~ye WaS ~ed by . meol.1m iuth~ ~Ioyee of my:firnt 8D~.Ihat.the roUowingis .tiUc: 1. .The fo~On sU~ 1s c.fip~le.of S~})portins a ~imum"of 1500 psf. iSrid is . ~~tOSU9~thebWl~~..~"..'..osed:fort1liSsitO.'.' . 2. .The ..no~~.~~t of ~:eX~~n~":.~~y~~,~ng the siie .. '~pnn~'~.~ ....~.3.dCq~y co~d. to .~iUd. ~luR! cOOferit 'pnQ(k,) ~Y sl8nlfitBoi.diarq~c in mO~!lr.w;t (:oD~c:...t" of-the BUb--Ade. . 3. . The sire i~' ~IY:~ an,a d,nUDe!1.~:~~t.tbecon~~ of wa<< in the e.icava~.~ dUri~iJ.cO~on:... " .... .. . .'. . . ' '. '. . 4 lbC ..........., . "D' .. .. It titled f'SI',j.:.;,;'lnvestigati.'o'nri.,.;...tionnaire for ";'-..:-ultin . ~mpaoY1 I repo .. .~ .. .. "(~... . '-UIIJ!O g DeSi8Q PrOfeasiOiials" cOn~ng ~ld'obsC:lvatio~& aDd instrocijOO& made.on Al'y,t' .14.. ,'MI;. .... ... . .(da~)f~.~b~ding5~t8W.Q.compl$il.ej_by .~ysclfor~y.an.o~~ Qf ~y..fi~.Wldermy SUpervi8j~. To.lhe beSt.of my . 1Cnow1edse. the lriformation, cOijtii~d, in that 'repo~ is ,complete.aDd accurate. Name ofYc:ensed p~(e6Sjo~ (.,riot) ;JJj'Cha~:1 '.Rembo1 dt. .", c... ..':.. . ~' ..... . . 'i&~~-'~ . ~ . , {i$,.." .~,\:~ ., ~\ Slgnature-:-'''' . . . .'.. . ~ ~ . :D' .'.....tA Apptl 2.0, 20QS. . ~~~' O~F.~~';o-... ..w "'" ~, ,d. c:. L~ ~,..; . f.' ~ ""I' h'" ~'".., ':+~ (.,i( ~,'.' ::~ q,'\:. EXPIREs:l#-'r" .