HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-4-17 - - - - - - - ...~ - ,_...........,J-r~-r-~~~;::I r-.U"::: r~ ~ <,~ MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. , 1.."' \~ T / /,' .:-.' ,1' ',-.,::' ,:;,~-14 ~ ':'~'~:":!JaJ; , '/,: ,-j ,i.::"'i.._J..,~' 'J (',' , ,', " '/.\1: \ ,,\.... STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT · PLAN CHECKING ,CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 464-9080 . FAX (541) 484-f:i859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1.877-f:i61-9959 April '17 I 2003 Scott Jordan 28235 Clear Lake Rd. Eugene, OR 97402 RE: Lot 133 Ambleside Subdivision - Proof Roll. W.O.#15305.ARC As you requested, a site visit was performed on April 16. 2003 in order to determine if the compacted fill adequately meets the requirements for the placement of foundation. The fill consists of 3" minus crushed 'rock. The maximum depth of fill is approximately 36 inches. No extraordinary deflection was observed due to the testing of the fill with a fully loaded dump truck, which weighed 48,280 pounds. The compacted surface of the crushed rock is adequate to support a conventional wood frame residence with a standard foundation per the 2000 State of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code as adopted per the local jurisdiction. The compaction of the gravel surface is greater than 95% ora standard proctor, per ASTM 0698-91. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service, The enclosed Building Analysis Report and Statement of Conditions and limitations is a part of this report. If you have questions regarding this report, please contact me at 484-9080, Sincerely, ( , i ; Bradley R. Myers. P.E. _....:..~.r=..~_. .r ~~ ,-,'-'" If '- . 'llC:' r 1-,,':::;11 .... LJlU I 'U III~ LJ \;;JI....LJ...Co...-OO;;JI:::O r-.V" ;~'\ \~ 'I / /. ...:,' '1' ,,' ~!MJj.':~:,Il'!O":" ':,: 1 ...- , " 0." 0"" t ,,~.. ',iIi_:~ ~__- ~ .,; rli:1~...J:~. 'I' -- - (- \' ,'1\ I, \,\\. MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT · PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484.9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-sn.661-9959 CLIENT: SCOll Jordan BUILDING ANAL YSISREPORT Statement of Conditions,and Limi,tations LOCA TION OF PROPERTY : 1,.01 133 & 137 Amhlesid~ Subdivison , wo# 15305-ARC I, Type of Inspection and items inspected is limited 10: Structural Conditions a. b, c, d, ,e, f. g, h, '/. Weatherproofing (Exterior surfaces) Slorm Drainage (Building, Site) Site Conditions (Soils. GeologiCal) Plumbing (Fixtures. Piping) Heating (Fumac.:. Heat Pump. Air Condilioning. Fireplace. Stoves, Chimneys) Eleclrical (Service. Wiring. Outlers) Other PICco,=' JZ..oc.l. lh~ inspcclilm is fur Ihc purpus~ 'If alerling Ih~ c1i~nIIO rna,jor t1dicienci~s in Ihe etll],litioll of the l"'ll)L'r1Y d~~crib,'d ah(l\e and accllr,lin!:\ hl the condilions cOll1ain~d in Ihc r~flOrl ;md Ihis SlalelllenL Th.: inspeclion am! r,'pOrl are ~rform(d and prcp:lIcd ,Ill( Ihe s"lc, l',mf,(klllial and exclusive use amI posscssiun HI' lhe CUEi'iT No oblii:alion or rl'sponsibilily I,' olher parlies is <lssumeu, I i This inspcClion is of Ihc readily 'acccssible arcas of Ihe building and is limilcd 10 visual observalions of apparcnl conditions cX,isliJiI: allhe lime of the inspection, Lalent and conccaled defecls and deficiencics arc excluded from the inspeclion; equipmenl. conslruCI;"" and systems will nOI be dismantled, Mainlcnancc llnd olher items may be discusscd. bullhey arc not a pari of our inspeclion, The repon is'l1O'1 a eoinpliancc inspcction or cerlilicalion lor paSI or presenl gnvemmenl codes or r~gulalions of any kind, The inspe~liun and rCJKlrl do not addrcss and arc nOI inlended lu address Ihe possible p"csenee of or dangcr from ,n;y pOlelllially h,;nnli,1 subslllnces and ~nvirollmenlal haz~rds includint.: but nOI limiletl to radon gas, lead paint. asbeslos. urea formaldehyde and 10llie or Ilammablc chemicals, An)' relerences made 10 Ihese subslance in our report is made for the sole purposes of alerting our client to Ihe possibilily or Ih~ir cllislence, We, are making no posilive dctenninarions as 10 their actuul presence, as we do nol do laboralory lesling, I feLl ENT wishe~ any further information or recommendations in regard 10 Ihe presence of these subslances, we recommend contacting a spceiali~ed environmenlal conlraClor, The report describes lhe propcrty condilion and slatus on the dillc of inspection, The purpose is t() alerl c1ienls 10 prcselll defeclS, Suh-surfacc, soil conditions, inacccssible urcas and fcalnres, ~pplianc~s. security alanns. inlcn:om syslems. solar heatingsyslems or panels. spriokler sy'ICI))S. spas, pools, wal~r s()ncn~rs. el'ntral vacuum syslems. and tht., rrcs~nce or abscnec of rodenls. Icnniles l;r IIlhcr insects ,lfl' speeilk~lly cxclmlcd rrom Ih~ seopc ur Ihis report, While ~vel)' reasonable d'1,m was llIad~ III dl'lermin~ th.. properl)' cunuitiolls, no gu"rallle~s ,Ile l"\IJrCS,WU III' imphcd, No responsibililY is assumed tilr ,my ilcms lHttside th,' sellpe or Ihis inspeCI;on. nor Can w~ be held I'csl',msibk lil' work pcrlt,"ne.! h)' others. I.i.abilit), fur ~amngC' arising OUI ur .:rrors Of" omis:iiol1s shan be tinlitcd h) th~ cOSI of Ihe scup~ of inspcdi\)n, No n:prcs~nl.11IUI1l'l ~1rI: m;,u.k I:uncC'rning the ,uchilcclUral or engineering conu1lions. "'1ofti~r Engin-.:crillS" ils l."nlplvyccs .lIld <.tgcnts, assume no liabilily or n:spoHsihilily 'lor the cost Qf repairing nr rcphlCillt; ;my unreported ..fctcclS or dclicicncies..eilher eurrclll or llrising in thc Illlure. or for any property damaJ;es. consequential dainaJ;e Or bodily injury of any nalurc, The inspeclion and rcport arc not inlcn,lcd ur 10 be used as 3 i:"ammec ur warra'll)l. expressed or implied. re~ardini: Ihe adcljuacy. perfonnilllcc or condilion of any inspecled Slruclur~. ilcm or system, ' , For MORTIER ENGINEERING. p,c. jA~r.l){A.. ~L~ , Sillmilure ---r-- Engineer April 17,200,' Tille Date