HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-4-17 _~!:.:::17-03 02: 36P Mort ier Eng & Bu i lding 0 (541)484-6859 P.03 ;. .. MORTIER ENGINEERING, RC. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN · FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT' PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION' 1245 PEARL STREET . EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 464.9080 * FAX (541) 484-6659 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1.6n-661.9959 April 17, 2003 Scott Jordan 28235 Clear Lake Rd. . Eugene, OR 97402 RE: Lot 137 Ambleside Subdivision - Proof RolI-W.O.#15305-ARC As you requested, a site visit was performed on April 16, 2003 in order to determine if the compacted fill adequately meets the requirements for the placement of foundation. The fill consists of 3" minus crushed rock. The maximum depth of fill is approximately 36 inches. No extraordinary deflection was observed due to the testing of the fill with a fully loaded dump truck, which weighed 48,280 pounds. The compacted surface of the crushed rock is adequate to support a conventional wood frame residence with a standard foundation per the 2000 State of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code as adopted per the local jurisdiction. The compaction of the gravel surface is greater than 95% of a standard proctor, per ASTM 0698.91. . Thank. you for this opportunity to be of service. The enclosed Building Analysis Report and Statement of Conditions and limitations is a part of this report. If you have questions regarding . this report, please contact me at 484-9080. Sincerely, ~ ~. Bradley R. Myers, P.E.. __~.R.!:- ~ /.-u;.;s u;:::: ;.;sbP Mort ier Eng & Bu i ld i ng D {541)484-:-6859 P.04 ~ ~ i \l.. T ! /.. ~~ .1' "1~'" "..' .'- '", I'. . ,', ...';!......::'.., :'.':l ...- ..~... .'0 '. '_ ~j::l-. - .. .'~~;~,'--~ ". "-:l~ .1...-.1......1........' "/1<' _ i>. \ . ''M'!\., \..\\. MORTIER ENGINEERING, :eC. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT.. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE. OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080. FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-8n.661-9959 CLIENT: Scott Jordan BUILDING ANALYSIS REPORT Statement of Conditions and Limitations LaC-A TION OF PROPERTY : LOI 133 & I 37 Amblesid~ Subdivison WO# '5305-ARC J. Type of Inspection and ilems inspected is limiled 10: a. b c. d. e. f g. h. '/. Structural Conditions Weatherproofing (Exterior surfaces) Storm Drainage (Building, Site) Site Conditions (Soils. G~ologicaJ) Plumbing (Fixtures, Piping) Healing (Fumace, Hcat Pump. Air Conditioning. Fireplace. Stoves, Chimneys). Electrical (Service. Wiring. Outlets) Othc:r Pteoo,= ~t.L Th~ illspcclion is Ii" Ihc pllrp"s~ or i1krtin!,: Ih" dil'nll" rn~lllr dcliclell~i~s ill th~ elmdit;on or lh~ pmpert>. describl'd al,,,,"' '"IJ "ccur,lin!;'" lhl' clll,dili"ns contained in thc ,efloll am' Ihis stiltell1Cnt The inspcclil,n anu rc'p"f! alC ~rformeJ and plep:lred lln the s,.1e: e"nlidemiill ;lIld e.\dusivc uS<: und possessiun. of Ihe CLlEJl<T No obJigalion or r,'sponsibililY III ulher parlies is assumed. . ! This inspection is of Ihe readily accessible areas or Ih~ building :Jrld.is limiled 10 visual observations of apparent conditions CXiSllhl: :Iltoc time uf the inspeclion. Lalent and concealed defects and deficiencies arc excluded from the inspection: "quiplllent, eonstrucliulI and systems willnol be dismantleu. Mainlenance and olher items may b~ diseussed. bUllhey arc nut a pari of our inspcction. The report is nOI a compliance inspection or ccniliciltion lor past or present gllVernmenl codes or regulations of-any .kind. The inspel.tion and replllt'do not address ;lIld arc nOI inlendcc! to address lhe possible presence of or danger from any pOlenti~lIy I..llmllll subslllnees and environmental hazards including but nOI limited 10 radon gas, lead paint. asbestos. urea formaldehyde and t",,~ic or Ilammablc chemicals. . Any rderences made to these substance in our report is made. for lhe sole purposes or alertin!l our c1ienlta the possibility of Ihcir e~j$lence. We are making no positive delenninslions as to th"it aelual presence, as we do not do laboralory lesting. If CLIENT wishcs any further information or recommendalions in regard to the presence of these substances, we recommend contacting a specialized environmental contractor. The report ucscribcs the propcrty condilion and stalus on/hc dale of inspeclion. Thc purpose is lU ulen cli~llls to preselllllefccts. Suh-surf,l\:e soil conditions, inur,'essiblc ur~as anll fealnres. applianecs. security alarms. inlercom systel11s. so.'ar heating >YSICIllS or panels. sprinkler syslenh. spas. pools. ";ller.solkn~rs. <:CIII iii I ,.,cUUIl) systcms. an.! lh~ p,escnec or absence of rodents. tl'oniles or other insc"s all' specifically c.\chlllc'd Irom Ihe. scop" of Ihis report. While ~"ery rc.lSollablc "'-1i"1 \\'a5 ma,k III ddClmilll' lhl' properly conditiuns. n,} gu"ralll~cs 'II". l'.\r'~,.'<'d on implied. So ro.:sponsibililY is assulll~d 1\" ,my il~nls o"lsill.: 11ll" "ellpe of Ihis iI\SpCCli'lIl. nUl Can w~ b~ h~1.1 rCSf"lIIsibk lill wnrk paliln\lCl1 by nlhcr~. Li.ubilily rur tlam.:lgc aris.ing out uf errors or omis:iit)11S sh.dl be Ii,nilclllt.) the \:t.lSI of the ~Ct)p~ tlf in~pct.:ljun. Nn rt.:Pf\.''iit:'I\I;lliul1!'' an: mad\.' t:u"..:C'rnin~ the architectural or engineering C:l)l~uilions. . "'1tlni~r Engilh:crilll:). its .:mplvy&:~!\ tllnJ agents. ~S5Ul11C nu liability or rcsponsihllity for lh~ cost of rcp",irint; or rcp)acin~ any unreported ..ie-feelS or dcf,eienci.cs. eith~r eurrenl or ari~ing in Ihc 1"lure. or for an,. property diuIl3!;CS. consequcntial uallla!;e or bodily injury of any nalore. The inspection amI reporl arc nol in..:n"ed or to bc uscu as a gllalal1lce or warranly, c.\pr~sseu or implied. re!:anling lhe ad"4uacy. pClfonnanre or condilion of allY inspecled Slrllelurc. itcm or systcm. For MORTIER ENGINEERING. P.c. j .4.,.."U {It ~'--:. Sil\nalure ----r-- Engineer Apri117.200J Tille Dale.