HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-4-28 ~4/30/2003 a1:33 5419889571 8F'R-2'3-~ 10:l'8P f"1iif.lM: som~ER COHSTRUCTlOH TO: 15419a69~(1 PAGE__02 P:l/6 FORD ~ NESS '~FASSBENDER, INC. lANOSURVlY'NG II CONSTRUCTION SVPERVISION II WI\TfR RIGHTS fXAMINATlONS .... :.... . ClVn. ENCiNHtUNCIJ GEOTECHNICAL. fNVIKONMFNTAl April 28, 2003 GfassRooB T'hfnj(jng Inc. 1135 CaI Young Road, Eugene. Oregon 97401 RE: Aggtegetu COf'l'tpactlon Evaluation Sates ~ lot 108 .. Amb~do Subdivision Pha.. U SPflI19"18fd, Oregon 0.., Apn122, 2003 8 representative from Ford & Associate" JIlC;. \li~ the 8ubjec:tsite to assess the building pad amdJtlons with resped to thfl compactjor of the 80S...g- OOV$r, The buJrdng th "'ad been o'/llruGavated approxjm6ll"V 1 ~ at the rear of the site. Site f_ng Clf'the 3J4.."O crushed aggregate ffOm ~ Own)' ln~ Ul8t the tNckness of aggregate iI _mKlmSlte!fy 8-inches 90MSS the $It$, TM e9g~ Ite ha& been ~mpilWJd 1Q at lee" SS% of the: m~l$ti.1s m8'Clmum dry cJ~nsfty at 133.5 Pcf u d lriermined by AASHTO T~99 "*hod. The subgmdt and flI09ntglte fTtI (I~ suitable for CQnvemona/ ~d'ntial style perimeter- footing wMlluction, We re<;QO'1men4 that ell fbQtJng.$ t 41 r~ With at least two '#4 ~ ~ bars. and ttlGt ifJlfaoG Yil'8fer be d'freet~ fJNtQy from thlllfo~nda1io"' .n~ not ':anowe<tto'pona"dj~tofooting., We do not recqmmem.1iI~lInq dump-tl'lJetcs. conc:Mte trucka or other he,aVy eql.tipment onto the bWldinQ pad durin9 wet 'we~her, We I9comtrk9r'ld fooiino dfains, ~ m~ ontne up-$lope ~ Of trle fo~iQi'l. Atta<;hed i8 the compleled q~~nu. for the Ambfeslde Meal10ws SUbdlVllJOn 1/lt Al:kJUJ. 11oHwy. 9\1 N., Suite 100m P.O. BQ.&U1:'~~ filler-it, Olli740llll 1,5411 Jn4.HS5UI';lllC (Hl1344-9!lln .!:.mll!j; /natJ@fl\finl: ,net.WIIU., (\I; I#WW ,I"(~l\( ,A@! ., _( :.nlflli!d WS.I, i DB,t. ;<,.:'J"~" ~iR;eJ';3S'6. ~~,.l I , I --~...-":'._. . .,l:;,. I i , 'If, , J, , ~ ):. . ~ ....' P4/30!2003 01:39 5419889571 .. PPR-2S-2~ 111'1; tlPFF?'ot')i SO[!t-~ER COH'3TRUCTIOH TO : 1 ~"i 198'3?:Y{> 1 i <I,., '. ,.k:' ........--.~_..._.._-~._. ...- -~". -. ., ,_.-,- . . 1..._......-_. ~~ , 11/~tlQJ ~'11:18 rAX 14&718,UI' em all' snr~:flIlI.~ ... r~'~~_.D1.,~Atl~ '~~~.r I~'f" arr OF SPJt.m'GRE-l.D~ 0U<'i0,N Clryr'l\ fj '.'_ J2! S- ~ ~~.l\R9'J4,? fIl.?J6..2'15~ --- ~ '-a.~~_ . Affidavit J ' Pat SJa Jil~l!.t1oA Q~ti~a . ' , Poun~on Stt~ .f\ppro91d fur ' R.tW~61 Building Sire.in ..~l.Nfd, M.ea(oWl- 144 AddWon 'S~io13 ' .~~'~-~~~'.5n_~, ' lIt:whm~_ ~t.or'~ 'b\dhUD, ~m iLtbo~ ~ ,1I1umi1ltU~ '0, . JlAlll em'''~ ~Qf~.fjzG_ \bstbJ'~,=Ja-= , L n.~.~.~et'~&m5l__tll~"P<eMia' ,,~tc~-~~1Qrll1\\t.. .~n.~~4t~c.;a"'~~~,~~=b ~~ alWb. ~~.d tQctUjliai~'tn!>l;'on~ ,PrI01lI.1)'~i~1~a~~etd~4~ . . .$. ~,*a.~~~-~CQ~~c1Y~~<:4~InCUl ~ar.a~.~, .,' .. 'Jk ~u~~ ut1t4 "'S!ra .-~~.dQU~'rw~~s ~~'~gftlllkt~1lM~~,~on ' f/4/,"3 11( ~~~ rdaa&)~u.~s1r.~wu_~clt1t.f.c~ ~QfbJtlll' '&l)UotmytUm~~~.dI.. T6d\e~ot~' bow~ UM~~",fdb,~RlpOrtis((mpIelitUA'~~ D ---- - .'1 ]'Cft-..wA 410<"2 V.Iw_ V~B,ft.e, <- _. . 0, PAGE 137 P;6"F.. r , c:: .:~,; , 84/38/280301:39 5419889~71 HM"'-<:"::h,::I~l,:1,5 10: t0P FRO~1: som~ER COHSTRUCTIOt! TO: 154150'89571 ~t'iSc:rrit~!)ly,Sllild1r"W.l'y .J'-~ 4~'T'. ltJY em- ~ ~G~ Olll.200W ~ llJtI "_... 22S ~ ~ S~l6. Oil "471 ~ ~$P tpw'pc'SlDt cn~{ qUI ,~....lWj~ ~ ~ut tUb!J.W1"tlp of foUMi ~&m!1dtIJt~-.lllt&IJ~(cd~} ~ t1lD.clratn JII&1ItIt"~.~~~t~~~fksu.~ urtl\~.~ D~ .' '. L na.dmg.\~~hM~tm(O!~}~ p 2Mq4ftlll~~iI'~'" '*'.~~~ ~,..., 0 ~~-~~ IIt~dSf'~~~pI<<~>>~ur~ Af~~ bif4~p~W.~~'~~''''''''....1l1 (.lly ~~~mq;y- ~._- i~~ :.....J'I4JJ1' fIf~J ;41 ~,... b. ~ltt''''~~MJt'''~.~$frh4 ~ IDw P*--~''''''..._....m__.....,,- YP. _ N'~L ''")s..~fUW''''''''''~.ii...~GDtd . .. ~~ il~*,_, ~.... tlf/l'f1'iW IlJtlIJItNl.i.&. lfII"t4;t ~ ~~?, 4IIofl9J*i\P_-W'p.lla.elDlfW,.trfeeJ. ..dC.L 1_ ~ ~ ~. h...- 1" 11l:1l&1.. - pq-~- .. II '- 1lliP"1 ~ ~ -.... ..- 'ftw~~iWJSl~i"~~_~~<nw.Mve' , ~1~~.t ltiqy~t~_41'1qum~Ot{: ~~tbl'oW1d&doluh'W~rOl'.~ ' ,Ya_ No~ 1/)'G"',~~.nul""Iti'Wt(~:t'~i444/:(;:~..iAi).. =::.:Tc~~~~~\lo~ ,~~~ r<<;;.ij~t~ ~~.ZJU< --- .......~"'<Il ~-....u;a.'1 - ~ ....~~ ~ lldI" _~ A:. ~ ~ r ''If\1qj-..o - ----MV""" - - ,.~-~ .","-- ~ .. ~ :::::.: -<<I ~-~~'~ TM_wiJtlJ.~~bt ~~m. ~l.~. 1M ~ aNi ~'~Itft11' aV~"-(lN/..~ W(fJ~QN. W prOf/4'1f)l. :3 F'~~GE 0 t, P:4,'E; s Ga!30!2003 01;39 5419889571 l-'M":-~-d'512l3 10: 10P FROn: SOONER CuNSTRUCTION TO; 15419e89571 .. . -.. ~iqt~_Dho.DlIil4i...~ J"~. L~.-L~J ~OP~~fOJtBQON Qool~#_, _ .~ flil.... ~~ ORtt.n Ph. ~'J9 - n. ~.MI!I",.,JUtiJ.~ (IJ'~ ~.) 1Ut_1M14~ --".,,~..~~~ t1.iiilt_..Uf4INrlmM~~ ~~ ~.ft3""~a 1lM1lI4Jli..IlitMJINllt,flJri..eSus- 1J{IiIb1Ull._fft&WI*~.~~J1fJIb ~ tt~f~ .~ ~JWt4fJ!'''''_~ ~~ 4li5~~ 19."'.ft:/JptJlfl/m ~~/fJf-. ~~~i";~.bll ~~ - - - -rl --. - . Ibtlo.. - _ t." ~ .....1 # 1 . r ... -<!:;iMlJt.~ ;..... ...-~~ -- ---~ ~, ... - , . ......---- - ~ __ __'''~ ....i....w ~ " 't "l"1I'-'" ~111. ~ it!L.....- - ~ ~ - ........ ~ '.1., ... 1G.t>. ~l """"'FII'. , BlUi! ...-' - '*'-, _ .T!"Ir... 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