HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1989-9-6 M E M 0 RAN DUM City of Springfield September D, 1989 TO: Springfield Planning Commission FROM: P 1 ;3 n n i 'I '3 :3 t ::1 f f SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL INfORMATION REGARDING 501 CASCADE DRIVE, JOURNAL NUMBER 89-()8-141 Attached are the following documents for your consideration in revIewIng this appeal application: 1, Home OccuoatiDn applic3tion submitted bv Terry Comstock and Affidavit in Support of the Home Occupation Application. 'i .... Letter d .; t e d j' iJ 1 Y 1'-;' .i.":', 1 S!BSl approvIng the Honle Occuoatiori Permit with cc}ndi tior!s II 3a Appeals Application s~Jbmitted tlY Terrv Comstock and Attachment to Appeals Application. 4. Letter:; received -;UQoor-t o:t' the Director's Deci':;ion res ir' i ct. i!":'j activities at 501 C3sc~de Drive~ ~i copy af the Coven3n.ts~ COhditions and Restrictions of E3ston Second Aljdition 3 copy or ~ne CC~R'S h~ve been provided for your iriforrnation tlecause they were referenc2d in two of the letters received from neighborsn The City !~g~~_~~..f!.9.t_ enfer- ce CC ~R .. '3 " The Pin:,;! .3v:3il,3b1.2 chairman, Order will be prepared IJp8n completion of the t1earlnq ~r:lj will be or! Septemt:er 7, 1989 tor t?12 siQnature of the Plannir:s Commission ~ . . . . ;, ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY 501 Cascade Driv~ Sprinqfi~l~Oreqon 97478 EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY Rp~inpnri~l DESCRIPTION or PROPOSAL _'R.llc:inpc:c: n-F-Firp fur rarppt- rlp;:minc:: rnmp;:my ......... -.....j \ C) ~ , \..N ~. UV \.\J I APPLICANT NAME 'Tb ....'nT r""'1"l'1",+-rv-.lr ADDRESS S01 r~s~~np Dr;vp Sorinafield. Oreaon 97478 PHONE: 726-6979 Q1"lNER NAME ( S ) AlL;);} . m /ch~ [) C'Uld 5:t -' <:;aJJ In A/Z/ a /J d'l09&(l;;~'V;;';> Ie! f14 ;(), II) !)(UYJ1j~/~ tlJ4 9f5tf2 I I ADDRESS PHONE: OVER :> en en tr:I en en o ~ N ..." c..... 0 tr:I 0 Z tr:I c: H ~ Z "'0 Z G"') :> :> H , 0 z 0 . ~ ~ ~\ \""""- .~ ~ ~ --= \:) '" c;::, ............ ~ """'- ~. :3: 0 0 tr:I :> :> 0-,3 0-,3 0-,3 ~ tr:I tr:I 0, :> en "'0 (") c: t"' (") t:;:l :> tr:I :3: Z "'0 H 0-,3 ~ tr:I 0-,3 '0 t:J 0 ~ ~\ ~ '- ~, ~ % I \ ~ \50 --.!) en :3: :> "'0 z o 0-,3 b:l :> ~ :> ~ (") t:J >:: (") (") (") t:J tI:: L"' ~ "'0 H 0 0 t-3 < t-3 ..." tr:I tr:I 0-,3 0 o. z 0 0 b:l b:l . tr:I 0-< 0-< L"' '""""~::::::",. H Z .t \~ ~ 0 c: tr:I Z ~ & 0-,3 t:J (") 0-< tI:: H "0 ~ Z Z 0 . - \t -- -.t.. ~ HOME OCCUPATION AGREEMENT THE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFIES ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION: 1. EXCEPT FOR THE ONE NON-ILLUMINATED 1 1/2 SQUARE FOOT WALL SIGN PERMITTED IN ,,/ SECTION 16.080(1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THERE SHALL BE NO DISPLAY WHICH WOULD INDICATE FROM THE EXTERIOR THAT THE BUILDING IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING. 2. THERE SHALL BE NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIALS. v 3. NO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED EXCEPT THAT WHICH IS COMPATIBLE VITH y' RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. 4. THERE SHALL BE NO OFFENSIVE NOISE, VIBRATION, SMOKE, DUST, ODORS, HEAT OR GLARE '// NOTICEABLE AT OR BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION. , , 5. A MAXIMUM OF 2 WORKERS MAY BE EMPLOYED AT ANY GIVEN TIME BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 ,~ A.M. AND 8 P.M. IN ADDITION TO FAMILY MEMBERS WHO RESIDE AT THE DWELLING. 6. THE OPERATION SHALL NOT CREATE HAZARDOUS TRAFFIC CONDITIONS OR UNDULY BURDEN ~' ON-STREET PARKING AREAS. 7. IF, THE PROPOSED USE REQUIRES . A MODIFICATION TO THE DWELLING OR ACCESSORY '/ STRUCTURE OF A NATURE THAT IS NOT TYPICALLY FOUND IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRI~TS, THE PROPOSED USE SHALL BE CONSIDERED INAPPROPRIATE AND THEREFORE INELIGIBLE AS A HOME OCCUPATION. 8. COMMERCIAL AUTO REPAIR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TUNE-UPS, ALIGNMENTS, /' BODY-FENDER WORK, PAINTING AND DETAILING, AND UPHOLSTERING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. 9. NO MERCHANDISE OTHER THAN WHAT IS PRODUCED ON-SITE SHALL BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC ' FROM THE PREMISES. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT IF NEIGHBORHOOD COMPLAINTS ARE RECEIVED, THE NATLm,E OF THIS HOME OCCUPATION VILL BE RE-INVESTIGATED. IF THIS HOME OCCUPATION IS FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THE USE SHALL BE TERMINATED UPON NOTIFICATION IN WRITING BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES. ~//" t1~/!k~. : <'~ANT' S-SIGNATURE' ~//)(l/J1 J?1, jh~/}0 [A/\~.- '<1f!LICANT~ S SrGt{A~u~7 U ., ---- &m!/;i,1 Jd W1 i?/7VJy) - (/ilJ};2lJ1H/J vi (T;;()d/;!fIV? AU'ln10RIZED SIGNATURE - PLANNING AND ELOPMENT qE ARTMENT , t17 u~~a rEtlrJ 7//2 If! s- /j- 49 DATE ~ -~9- gy DATE 1-/)-//1 DATE AFFIDAVIT \11i1~ SUPPORT OF" HOME OCCUPATION APP:y~CATION STATE OF OREGON) ,. County of Lane ) SSe I, TERRY COMSTOCK, being' over the age of eighteen (18) years and competent, depose and say as follows: That on May 11, 1989, I filed a Home Occupation Application for the purpose of creating a business office for my carpet cleaning company at 501 Cascade Drive, Springfield, Oregon 97478, which is also my residence. Thatori May 26, 1989, I received a letter from the City of Springfield stating that the application was incomplete. That I make this affidavit for the purpose of completing the application. That I currently have no sign, no~ do I intend to place a sign on the premise at 501 Cascade Drive, Springfield, Oregon setting forth the business name. That the business will at no time ever require outside storage of materials. That all materials will be stored inside the house out of sight of any neighbors, except for used containers left outside for scheduled pick up by sanitation or recycling agenci~s. That there is no meGpanical equipment involved in the operation of the business except that which is used in other locations. That I currently have two workers who do not live at the residence and three other family members who reside at 501 Cascade Drive, Springfield, Oregon who are involved in the business. That the two workers mentioned above are only at the residence for the purpose of dispatch,. reporting, and meetings. ,That said workers spend approximately 95% of their work hours away from the site. That there are a total of four vehicles associated with the business, only one of which is regularly parked at the premises except in the event of maintenance or cleaning, at which time the vehicles are left with me to take them out for repairs. That we receive almost all business by phone. That we maintain a post office box in Eugene for the purposes of receiving mail. That we do not manufacture any items on the site, or at any other location of the business. That the operation of the business will not create hazardous traffic conditions because we have no customers visiting the site, and only one vehicle parked regulariy at the site. .' 1 - Affidavit in Support of Home Occupation Application .". .., '.', . That the operation of the business requires no modification to the residence whatsoever. That all repairs and maintenance to the vehicles shall be completed at commercial repair shops located away from the site.. No merchandise shall be sold to the public from the site. That what the business provides is a service (carpet cleaning') at outside locations. That the only activities regularly conducted at the site are office functions such as phone answering, bookkeeping, dispatching jobs outside the premises, and occasional meetings for the furtherance of the business. That the only vehicles regularly kept on the premises are for my personal uie, and one vehicle for my business use. That at no 'time do we have customers at the site of our office. That as set forth above, the' two workers not living in the residence spend ~pproximately 95% of their work hours away from the site. Dated this 2nd day of June, 1989. 1 /L 'f..LAAA./ /. /~,ViL~L.--- ~ COMSTOCK SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to befbre0~:: r~~~cL: 1989. Notary PubllC for Oregon My commission expires:~. ~S.q3 2 Affidavit in Support of Home Occupation Application , 1 ~ ... ;""'f.':'.;. .. '1-'J - :,:. .:t:J;~t' .1"'\. .,.. ,,(., U^ '''-li.i .. !"'.-!'.~"!."'~" .,-",....,., PLANNING I BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTE\'vATER MANAGEMENT ..~-----_... ._.,.., . 'f.....' ., \.........._/ . -... ...' .. - ~- ~:. ATTACHMENT 2 July 12, 1989 Terry Comstock 501 Cascade Drive Springfield, Oregon 97478 Subject: Home Occupation Application for the operation of a carpet cleaning office at 501 Cascade Drive. Dear Mr. Comstock: This office received your completed application for a Home Occupation Permit (signed by the property owners). The City is granting approval of this application with the following. conditions: 1. Only one (1) carpet cleaning business van will be permitted at 501 Cascade Drive at any time. Other vehicles associated with the business shall be located off site. Written verification of the location your other vehicles wil) be located is required within 7 days of the date of this approval (July 19, 1989). This office received complaints that your company vans have been parked on the street in various loca~ions in your neighborhood. This is not permitted. 2. No dispatching of employees shall occur from this location. Two ~mployees are pennitted by the Code and may work at the office from this site providing that there are no traffic congestion problems associate~with these employees. 3. There shall be no onsite cleaning of equipment from 501 Cascade Drive 4. Items 1-9 listed on the back of the pennit (attached). This decision becomes final within 10 days (by July 22, 1989) unless appealed in accordance with Article 15 of the Springfield Development Code. If appealed the Planning Commission will hear the appeal. ., . . ... I" ." Any further com~laints Cascade Dri ye wi 11 be will be revoked. received by the Ci ty regardi ng theaperati on at 501 investigated a'nd if a violation exists this approval Please contact this office if you need clarification of the conditions listed on the back of the permit or listed in this letter. Cordially .1 /;1 '(JJ,^,;jJ~~(ULi/t,{)10 ~thi a L, Ha nllon Development Permit Coordinator copy to: Whit Budge Complainant ~ , . . ATTACHMENT 3 "\~..~ ." ~-- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 SPRINGFIELD "- ~ APPEALS APPLICATION NAME, FILE NUMBER AND DATE OF THE DECISION BEING APPEALED: Terry Comstock, 87-07-118, July 12, 1989 :> en en t:] en en 22,198~ DATE OF FILING THE APPEAL: July 24, 1989 - First business day after July (THIS DATE MUST BE VITHIN 10 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE DECISION.) :J:: PLEASE LIST BELOV IN SUMMARY FORM THE SPECIFIC ISSUES BEING RAISED IN THE ~ APPEAL. THESE SHOULD BE THE SPECIFIC POINTS VHERE YOU FEEL THE APPROVAL z o AUTHORITY ERRED IN MAKING THE DECISION, I.E., VHAT APPROVAL CRITERION OR . CRITERIA YOU ALLEGE TO HAVE BEEN INAPPROPRIATELY APPLIED. ISSUE *1 Director erred in interpretation of the Development Code Article 16, Sections 16.100(6) (a), (d) and (f) in creating conditions for Home Occupation Permit (see attached). ISSUE *2 _ ISSUE *3 ISSUE *4 PLEASE LIST ANY ADDITIONAL ISSUES BEING APPEALED ON AN ATTACHED SHEET. THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOVLEDGES THAT THE ABOVE APPEAL FORM AND ITS ATTACHMENTS HAVE BEEN READ, THE REQUIREMENTS FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A LAND USE DECISION IS UNDERSTOOD AND STATES THAT THE INFORMATION SUPPLIED IS CORRECT AND ACCURATE. APPELLANT Terry Comstock (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE lr .?~/ 7": t.../ry<",,/)~, SIGNATURE ~ . ADDRESS 501 Cascade ADDRESS APPELLANT (PLEASE PRINT) Sprin~field, OR 97478 PHONE 726-0548. PHONE OVER N o Z H Z Gl "rj tt:l t:] ." :> H o en " ~t , N \ 9: - c., t c- t-' " I o N I w V1 I w w ~ :J:: >-3 0 tt:l >-< :> >-3 ." >-3 ::0 tt:l t:] 0 H :> { ." H 0 ( t"'"' H 0 t :> t:] - Z ." ~ >-3 ~ t:] ~ 0 t t S ..... --...l - = Q;-' " ~ ~ ~- r ....:-- c ~ - "-C) >-3 >-3 :> .. -- :> >-< 0 t' X ." 0 C tt:l t:] t: t"'"' ." ~ 0 H >-3 -< >-3 <: t:] t- o t Z 0 t;lj t . >-< 'r eo ~~~' 0\ 0 0 .. ~ C t: r-. '" .. \~ -..{ ..( €" \ ./ ATTACHMENT TO APPEALS APPLICATION July 21, 1989 Appellant: Terry Comstock Horne Occupation Permit I Exnlanation of Anneal Issue: On July 12, 1989, I received a response to my Horne Occupation Application. A copy of the Application and response are attached. The response indicated that approval was granted subject to four c0nditions. Condition #2 states as follows: "No dispatching of employees shall occur from this location. Two employees are permitted by the Code and may work at the office from this site providing that there are no traffic congestion problems associated with these employees." While I understand that dispatching can, in certain circumstances, create hazardous traffic conditions [SDC 16.100(6) (f)] the dispatching in my business is so minimal that it would not create sbch hazardous traffic conditions. I contend that the Director erred iti interpreting SDC 16.100(6) (f) to mean that any dispatching would n~cessarily create a hazardous traffic condition. ' If the director interpreted our dispatching as a violation of SDC 16~100(6) (a) in that the vans have our business name on them, then the interpretation of vans as a "display" was in error. Condition #3 states that there shall be no on site cleaning of e~uipment from 501 Cascade Drive. I contend that the Director erred ,in his interpretation that such cleaning would violate SDC 1~.100(6) (d) if the cleaning was done inside the residence and not in view of affected neighbors. I. I!. Statement of Interest: I, Terry Comstock, hereby state that I am the applicant for the Horne Occupation Permit herein appealed. Dated this 21st day of July, 1989. 1':J41/ 7'. I~~ ~ COMSTOCK A~tachment to Appeals Application ~~~~~~~~ .~~~~~~~~ A LA.~LA~t 30 I /C{ 25'CJ. ATTACHMENT 4 Jrr OF ~El.D N.lJ 3 a 19B9 · ~" , ilElIEUin ~ 1fEIJT, CO '^"'-"''\ \ -S) to ~ " ) ;:. 1':~ Dec.-'/" Sf'r\"'-j f\.~tc PkV\.",-,;""'j (0 Ii"\. c.evV\ \ Vlj Hc~ 0 c.c...u..ifO- :no,^- PQYM\t CAU ow,V\] (QS ,-c.QAc.e.. /0C.aJ; c.t. at 5" 0 t (0--5> u.k Dr. to be.. t.l~as c.. h.u V"\. ~ OCCU1>ra..:tuJ'^'-... ~ u-V\. 6eN .stk'^-6. tkc.'I"'C- IS c.....I"\... 0.. 'f ,0 eo,...! to UO,ft'rj uS e.. 'j(1,St ij re5c.A.\ O-T 10"') _ We ~e..~~d-et ou-tr res t d ~c..~ 0,"" '-/b"J... Las ~e., Dr. be CcJ.,L\-e.. CI f Ae. res l ~ ~ +10.... \ v'\e.lj ~ bor Vlocx! _ lcJ pu.rc.... ~G...-~e... ou...r h.o tv-e.. we.. S(f/lte.2 0... (oueY\.~1I'..-t5 I (oV\c. /fro"\S , D.~ ve.$t""\'c...Tl~1I\.5 0-.3 V~~~~ (br oe;.V" SU~C\'J lS to,^,. ~I".s .., "0-) ("'ce..M.~T clewt" ly b6.-V\.S se-UeN~ of ~e... Qcf-n)ctrc;) be.\.0 ~ppede-~ _ IV\cxea.d Tra.. fft"C.-' o..~ 011\. streer pa.r k,,,,-) c.veo..-\-e,. a... sa.F~-\y ~C(2~y'""C.. 1heNC-w(., 0.. lor- of 'jour') c..kl'k~,rcA' t^- ~t.. l'\E:ijl'\bor1woc..W;}',1UJ park.:s or lo....or5e-r yaYd5 -;1.1eJ/'e- (5 ~.. lor of ac...+,'u It! 0 V\: D-~ &ou r0 _AC- Sfree:J;-~ OV\ ~ttc., c~v....V\.tV\) of cOX"peT cJeQJ/\I'^'1 e'lu.I'PV~ i) o..l<rec.ty. inK\. ~7 p b.c.c. 0 V'-. . ~ - 2 ~ 211 0 b sc...,- (J e.-~ fou.W\ 'i ~ u..b s+ UJ--\ce- f IovJl '^~ dv<.VlA..:3 cAt\t.v- <2tY\.C S l'ceUlc<-1 K. uJ A I ~ 0"1-5 \ V\, cJc..L -f;o~ So t . Ca...sco.t.e .EvtV\. (F r1oV\.. fvx{'c c...{ec....v'..\.:; CJ\CM~'c...,cJs I wkJ- uJ~~ c~~ ,lJ.-'P MO.! k h~,"Z_D_,r2-0us. (Joss/b~ e><y.>C15~ tu CJ.)..y (0 U.5dAl' l<iv-CV\.. P hy L~ I^- o..ru.... " We.. ~e.. q ue~+- i0.J e)<.(stl 'Ai ru.lej a~ "-CJ ulcJ'l<J~'\.3 reVV\cu ~ L V\ e f fe eX a.. ",-C- etA.. -N ,,' cd.. eLl r- d t"c.../l'f/ ~~~_ ~L ~//L1 j), 6{~k{Ylr! ../ J _______________m A4 .-2e" lC; S~ _______nn_____ ----- -.--A~4.(...eL~-1 &.__p .,lY OF SPRINGFIELD PJJ3 3 1 1989 ..WifiNG & DEYELOf'MENT DEPARTMENT , - .. n \ 0 - l..&.) ~ ""\0\. - '\1 ~1t\lJ. 't c.. eo "'~ V "" J --.I--CoLc.........e.-it'f -.c~"'---~Uc....- ~"'CfGI..d:y--(,...,......tc.d--H--:rl___. I-/75"p &-~.d e.--_ ---D-- S(~~:"C;.~&.c..ld TDvoe... :i: -..f\.fl....~-~c::.d.---.-t-l\c:.--t:1l.AOpc::,lA.T"1----kaL.;("-l__ n. -----h"'-\ow( ~...- .c>{.-,-- rkc...--Q..~ ~- l<. ~ In--.. .a~L-.--'i:V'1-.-TOn--4b~~-----b,,/___._mc:."*l._ '.__ "".--- _m ._~-_ ___.___. __ ___"_"._~. _ n_ h_...._ ________n___.. ___._ ". ._ ~_ __ __.. _ . ___. __._~ ._.... '--n lAa..,o--__ .c.C>"lM~----tc>----.~'7'- a. trc....tl..c"""---tkv c:.__~t~____.:!!.__ (!&om m. e6-G.( al .-..-----CO(L.~~-....-u:::,~ 0 fe......atc..c:)--~c:."'i- _-c:lbCI"- .-- T~~ ~--._\~ c:..l~G~-r-- t"4 e._m___________ . ------t'~l.Jok:&-4 J etc::.&")I\.\-~<;----~-.---"W\a; V\.1.a )l\.c:.e..-- cR- --u-"Yl~.,...,e.....u..-~_.___ac'\.H.~c:.""~,~L,___ v_e:. \.4.; c.l,.. _:C / I.,,(u..-~---l z:( e....-""- ~t..4 "'"..... ~t c.Jti \1-- .::z:::-- S"~_I_'~ c::.~~, v_.::.d_~o_____ ~LL-st', \~""-_..--- S lAC.lAun e-- Ct-L ~~ l'\G~~ 0 ________ ______.__________________________ _____----- - ---to, -"-- ----- ---.-,. . . -... .-- - .-------~--.. -------.----- -- ---- -- ---- ------- -- -- -.. . ---.' - -- .-----.-----.--.------------------------__ ____~_ .____n__.____________. :c~ J~\.'-!pc:.~ (l.----.)"D" .__l..4.) ~ {L_ ~\..~d.--~klo~-n--.~oi_cW.'r'i oc.~------- , ---:----be '1 ~ ~d ~ e... .'"'\.rc:.,," t b ~ --t t... e. . i='e. "'n~ "tj , . b v-T ~ a ( ~ b 041-. - ~'-\-dc.-_~ c. ~- - - e. (! ~ - R--~- t- ------____ u_ _.__. ---nu____________________u___ ______________.:.._ . .------~e."'e~ov-. r \c.i.'1-t1c:. -9 ~L l'>\.-\.. V'C(!.C,,".d-.-_c.~un. ojJ.jd. ~'c; ta ---d..", '1"- ~cl.'~',ti" -. _"1-'L.C",,__ "'G"E,; d e.)-i1"at :- v\ --u~t ..u..c:. O-"n- ----- ---- -.----- -.------. --~----_._-- -- ---~----- .______u. _ _.___..________..__-..___.______._______._ ------------- \-u.~,""k - -'J otA . - ~Olr - '{cx.u...- ~ >1~ ~deV<li/c 11\..- --~-._----'P._. s ,- .: ~ -" 1AA "{ - "~ OLke....... _ an_ L ~ e~ -- e.. T I.{ "7 '0- C!e. ~c...ad c..; :L _ . ,--l.>';,~';t----~'=--- ev-opc...:t'1 ot-t-c:#"\ ,-on n.-2~ Vvtf Db~-=.c.l,~ I~ "\'tot _ f t... '-J I , . - bC!.E.~. DVL ~e..~ da I . $t~ce.vc.['1. - " .~Q\-Z2~~ September 3, 1989 Subject: Appeal by T. Comstock Journal #89-08-141 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEP - 5 1989 . uo.ft,UItG l OEVElOt'IiAE.KT DEPARTME.MT Planning Commission % Development Services City of Springfield, Oregon Attn: Cindie Harmon, I appeal to you to deny the use of this adjacent property for operation of a carpet cleaning business. The restriction of one vehicle, on site cleaning of equipment, and dispatching of vehicles has been disregarded already. The garage at 501 Cascade Drive is used as a warehouse, and on site rug cleaning/drying is being done also. As for cleaning of equipment, the gutter and storm drain along side my house has at times been curb high with foam asa result of their "cleaning" activities. There are so few really beautiful neighborhoods in Springfield, I ask that you help us to keep the ones we have. A Home I ndustry should not be so visible as to detract from a residential neighborhood. I also, do not think we should be required to subsidise Mr. Comstock's business, as this commercial use of residential property will undoubtedly have an effect on property values in the whole neighborhood. Please do not let this happen to our neighborhood, and Springfield. ---~ ,------ ....- ------/:;,.,,..4 ~ '-VI ".....;::::/Ti' . Savage I ,/'/ 483 Cascade Drive /# '" . " q- 0- gq ~/Yl Cffi- tol f!la11 ni/fuf % lJi4dif:1bn-(; ~t!4 OpC . CL-nd~~ #<."v;'J~ d "6 ~/2/f rJ Kif-A ft -< . ,") , . v~" (. - "". x:!ffd I ' U re Pia/)'? a~1.tf {Jnn /n~~#?L' : th loner -hA~ /LMAdvrvt:J ~ Ctl,/J ('~ ~^V .!IJ'-U $~~ t(Acy--- frZv ;:0 ~r .-no' -b 'ftvL_ /),7^ A ,-f C~()(2Ld/; ~~. i3~~ 4?t&~ ~VVVr - !I !I . Ct.O /;/1/1 {lny,btrJ t!.Jut..-- do ~It""-t ~cr -UYV t:-U /uJ-uii/y1,6aL a1..UV. {ltL()-t.I/-c'ncr [kio bh.uNJ4 i:u ~v ~ ~.c...-/u:/[jhMtk~.. i-0nJ~ (JreLy ...-&Y/A/-do ~tA..cv -h Ftf--uJ. " , ' .. , .. -... . 9t LJ/L ~'{f ,--,,}~O . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SEP -, 6 1989 ' PLAHltl"ij & UE.VElOPMENT DEPARTMENT Xtt. ~ Vl.tLt-. i J3t-1----/-i> I- (/~Vz^-j L- J //) # 1/41 (}:{o(Y{. ~{0 -J)u' ~rfr1 rt~. 40~ "" ATTACHMENT 5 7741789 .. DECLARATIOJS OF COVEl.ANTS. CO:mITIONS .1.:':D RES'iRICTlO~S IO:- EASTON SECOND ADDITION A Portio:c Of t,.hich Is A Re;>lat Of A Portion Of L~ston TIns DECLARATION cade this 1l1!. day of ~'-Y. 1977. by ChSCADE ShlLINE. INC_. hereina:ter called DE\~LOPER, con+~ining cover-ants, conditions aT.d restrictions pertaining to that real 'prope::-ty.within the boundaries of EASTON SEC01m ADDITION. hereinafter called THE DE\ILOFHLNT. WITNESSETH RECITALS: I Developer is the O..'7lf::r of t.'le real pJ"C'.perty cO:1tained ~n the cevelo;>men~ and desires to cnate thereon a residential c'c.CL::mni ty which will be assured of continung'appeal. stabilit-J and "alue for subsequent lar~ owners. II . D=velopcr deens it des~rab]e in fu~therance of t~e purposes set:out herein to create an or6~zation, hereinafter called an ' ~rchitectural Control Cocrroittee, ~o review plans and specifica~ions of buildings, fe."lces, 10211s, l2ndsc~ :md pla.Tl..iling as to locatIon 2..!ld exterior desi~ ~itb the develop~t. III Develoyer. deem; it desirable in furt.~erance of the purposes set out h~rein to establish these cove~~"lts ~d re~trictions which shall apply to all real property contained in the de"'elo?:Ol~t. IV - Easton Second Addition is a subdivision purposed for that real propert)' IllOre completely desC!'"ibed in Exhibit '.A'. attached hereto and by this reference made a part nereof. NOK, THEPIFO~. the de~]oper hereby o~clares that the real property contained in the develo;.>;rent .md described in Exhibit. A' .shall be held, transferred. sold, conve~~ and occupicQ subject to the DECLA.t>.ATJ01G -1 774:1?~ covenants. conditions and restrictions hereinafter setforth. a~d L~s declaration shall constitute covenants to r~ ~ith the la~ ~hich shall be binding on de\'eloper. his successors. heirs and assigr.s and all sub- sequent o....-ners of all or any part of t..~e real property and ir:;>ro"!c::ents toge~her with their grantees. successors. beirs. executors. a~inistrators. devisees, or assigns. for a period of 7hirty (30) years fra::l the date of this declarati~n. after which 'tine said coven~~ts. conditions and restrictions shall be automatically extended for successive periods of Ten (10) years. ARTICLE I COVENA.'I.'TS. COh"DITIO~ Mo"D BESTRI CTIONS 1. LftSD USE AND BUILDINGllJ'''L: No lot shall be used for <.'ther tJlan residential purposes. On all lots. 'no building shall.be erected, altered. placed or permitted to re~ain other ~zr. Qr.e (1) single f~ily dwelling not to exceed Two (2) stories in height and a, private garage for not less than Two {2} cars. except that certain out buildings may be :allowed upon. receipt of written approval of the A.rchi tectural Conb'Ol COllCi ttee as" provided herein. - 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL: No building shall be erected. placed or altered on any lot nT.til the construction :?lans and specifications and )\ plan showing the location of. the str.lcb.rre and the pu~sed lands'.:aping " of the lot have been approved by the J.rchitec,tural Control Co=i tt.ee as to cp:ali~ of wor;':=anship a.~d !l:aterials. harmony of exte:nal cesign and-. color \oi"it..'l tile existing structures. location ,,-i.th respect to topography and finished grarle elevation. arad wit!:l res~ct to c1earaJ:ce and destruction . Qf existing trees. foliage ar.d ground cover. Ko fence or ,,-aIls shall be ere~ted. pla:::ed or altered on any lot ::earer to any street than the ~ini~umb~ilding set b2Ck line ~less similarly approved. .~proval shz:l be as provided in .Article II. hereof. 3. DWC:LI..ING COSTS, QUJJ.ITY Mm SIZE: No d..-w:lling shall be pcrcitt.ed on any lot at a cost of less than ~6,O~.OO bas~d upon cost levels prevailing on the date these co"~en:mts are recorded. it being the intention and purpose of t~e covenant to assure that all dwellines shall be of a quality of lo'Orkm~,ship and oaterials substant ially the sa;;le or better than that ",-hich can be produced on that cate these cover,..al'lts :.re recorded at the miniIlll.uD coststa'tec he:-ein for tl;e nini::rum permitted d",elling size. No dwelling shall be con.stru:::ted with less than 1400 square feet of living space. exclusive of.garage space. 4. EXTERIOR JoiA.llHt.NA!\CE: . Each property ","-ner shall rnaL"1tain his pre=.ises grounds, and the improvements and buildings situated thereon in a high state of repair. In the event a property owner shall fail DECURATlQ:5 -2 " .. .""o.;:;-.r;'-"-~_'~;1!~ .";!;:~"1;;'~';';'?;J,':;,r-~"'.. -rl .' ,7741789 to r::aintain the premises.,/{grounds and improveme~ts situated the::-eon in a high state of repair, the Architectural Control Cor.wittee shali give. written notice to the property owner of such deficiency and give said owner Thirty (30) days to bring the maintenance of said property up to the standards setforth in the notice. Should said property owner fail to bring the maintenance of said property up to the standards setforth in the notice,' the Architectural Control Committee, or any oL,er property owner on hjs own behalf, ~y enforce this clause in a proceeding at law or in equity. os. . BUILDING LOCATION: A. No building shall be located on any lot nearer to the front lot line or nearer to the side street )in~ than the minimum buildblg set back lines sr.own on the recorded'plat. In any eve~t, no building shall be located on any lot nearer Dl~' Twenty (20) feet to 'the front lot line, or .1earer th3n Five ,5) feet to any side lot line. c B. };o building shall be located nearer than. Five (5) feet to an ir.terior lot line, except that ~o side yard shall be requi~e' for a garage or other permitted accessory building located Forty (~O) feet or more from the minimum building set back line c. For the purposes of this cor.venant, eaves, steps a~d open porches shall not 'be considered as part of a building, provided however, that this shall not be construed to permit any portion of a build~g on a lot to.encroach upon another lot. 6. E.?\S.D:.Et~TS: Ease":lents for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recor~ed plat. Within these easements, no structure, planting or oL,er material shall be placed or pe~itted to remain which may aa~aae or interfere with the installation and maintenance of utilities, or which may change the direction of flow of drainage cha~els in the easements, or which may obstruct ~r retard the' fla_ of water_through drainage channels in the easements. The ease~ent area of each lot and all improvements in it shall be r.aintained continuously by ~he owner of the lot, except for those improver.~nts for which a public authority or utility company is . responsible. .- 7. KUIS~~CES: No obnoxious~or offensive activity shall be carriec on upon any lot, nor shall anything. be done' thereon which may beco~. an annoyance or a nuisance to the neighborhood. ,. 8. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basemer.t, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out buildings shall be ~sed on any lot at anytime as a resicence either te~pora~' or permanently. DECLARATIONS -) 7741.789 9. SIGNS: N~ ~ign of any kind shall be displayed to public 'view on any lot except One sign of not more than One square foot i:ldicatirag the name of the pr'.:>perty owner or residenc~ of said property.O:1e sign of not JIlC"re than Five (5) square feet. . advertising the property for sale or rent or signs' used by a builder to advertise the property during the construction and . sales. 10. OIL MJD MINING OPERATIONS: No oil drilling, oil development op~rations, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted upon or in any lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavatings or s~afts.~e perrrUtted upon or in any lot. No derrick or other structure designed fer use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected,. maintained or permitted upon any lot..' . .. 11. LIVESTo'cr AND POULTRY: No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bre.d, or' kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats, or other household pets may. be ke~tprov~ded that they are not kept, bred, or mairi~ained for.any commercial purpose. 12..... GARBl'.GE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL: No lot ~hall be 1,lsed or maintained as a dumping ground for. rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equip~ent for the storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in clean and sanitary c~ndition and shall be kept and stored out of public view.. . . 13~ SEWAGE DISPOS~: No individual sewage ~isposal system shall be pe=mitted on any lot unless such system is designed, located and cons~-ucLed in accordance with the requireffi~~ts, stanaards and recoffi@encations, 'and rules applicable of the health division, deparL~~~t of h~an resources, state of Oregon, and the enviromental health division, Lane County. Oregon.: .. 14. . SLOPE Cm~Tfl.OL AREAS: Slope control' areas are reserved Cas shown on b'1e plat ti tIed EASTC~ SECOND ADDITION dated Y.arch _17. 1977 an~ recorded as part of these convenants. Affected rots are :ll' shmm. on the recorded subdivision plat. Within these slope contrcl areas no structure, planting or other material shall be placed or permitted to remain or other ac.tivities undertaken ~hich may damage or interfere with the established slope ratios, create erosion .orsliding problems~ .or which may-change the direction of flew of drainage channels.or obstruct or retard the ~low of water through drainage channels. The slope control areas of each lot and 'all improvements in them shall be maintained continously by the o~~er of the lot, except for those improvewents for which a public authority or utility company is responsible. 15. SIG~T DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS~ No fence, ~all, hedge or shrub pl~~ting ~hich obstruct sight lines at elevations between Two (2) a.nd Six (6) feet above the roadways shall be placed or permitted to remain in any corner lot within the triangllar area _fo~ed by the street property lines and a line !:onnecting them at DECLA..'ThTIONS -4 ,. ... '#"".{.'"?'''f~~'"''' I:. ~', . 774:1.7P9. \"dS" .points Twenty-Five (2S) feet from the inte~section of the street lines, or in the ca~.~, _,,9f a. rour~,~,~ property co:..'ner from the intersection of the "s'f.reet property l..ines extended. The SaJ3e sight .line limitations shall apply on any lot within Ten (10) feet from the intersection of a street property line with the edge of a driveway 0r alley pavement. No trees shall be permitted to remain within such distances of such intersections unless the' foliage line is maintained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction of such sight lines. 16. . PARKING AND STORAGE: No overnight parking shall be permitted on any street w~thin the development and no overnight parking of co~~rcial vehicles, o~'er than conventional automobiles of a type normally ~sed for private individual or family ~se, shall be alla.;ed wi thin' the development. Recreational vehicles, incluC:in: but not limited to boats, boat trailers, trailers, dune buggies, sno~~obiles, and mobile horr.es shal~ not be stored on driveways or in any location on a lot which is not effectively screened 'from view by the ~ublic and located no closer to the street than the distance the residence is set back from the street. All other storage of personal property or refuge and debris shall be made .in areas effectively,screened from public vi~. 17. TREE REZ.~VAL: Proposed removal of a tree ,,,hich is over ,Eight (B) inches in diameter shall be submitted to the Architectural Control Co~ittee for approval and no such t~ee shall be removed without approval of the Architectural Control Committee. 18. CONSTRUCTION AND LAND:.CAPING PERIODS: .Each purchaser of a lot or lots must begin construction on said lot or lots within Six (6J ~nths from the oate said lot or lots are purchased. In the event the lot.owner fails to begin construction within said Six (6) DOnth 'pe~iod, developer shall have the option to repurchase said lot or.lots at the price paid by said lot o~~er. Constructi~n on said lots shall be co~oleted within Six (6) months fro~ the cate construction 'is commen~ed and the proposed and aFproved lancscapL~g of said lot or lots shall be completed within.Twelve (12) months from the date said construction is coa~enced. ARTICLE II ARCHITECTURAL .Cm.'TROL COH..:UTTEE ~. The Architectural Control Co~~ttee is coP-posed of: 'A... Name Add re~ s Blaine L. Nartin 1369 "JoI- Street Springfield" Oregon 97477 A. James l-1artin 515 Hale Street Boise, Icaho. DECu..RATIO~S -5 7141789 # '\;-.,-;--.... . B. A majority of the comnittee may designate a representive t~ act for it. In the event of death or resignation of any me~er of the corr~ttee, the rema1ning merrbers shall have full authority to designate a successor .l:ei ther the n:emhers .of th7 co~ittee, nor its designated representative shall be ent1tled to any compensation for services Ferforced . pursuant to this convenant. At any time, the then record owners of a majority of the lots shall have the power through a duly recorded writteninstrurnent to change the ~e~ership of the co~~ttee or to withdraw from the co~ttee or restore to it any of its powers and duties. 2. No building, fence, or other structure shall be co=.menced, erected or maintained upon property within the development, nor shall ~ny exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made, nor any landscaping be undertaken or changed, until the plans 3nd specifications sho~ing.the nature, kind, sha~e, height, materials, color and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to the harmony of external design and location in relation to the surrounding structures and topography by" the Architectural Control COIlUl\ittee. In the event ~aid Architectural C0ntrol ComDittee fails to approve or disapprove such desi~ and location ~ithin Thirty (30) days after zaid plans and specifications have been subci tted t<<;> it or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the addition, alteration or change bas been commenced prior' to the co=pletion ~lereof, approval wi~l not be required, and this article ~ill be deemed to have been fully complied with. 3. If, at any time, the Arch.itectural Control Con:mittee. shall cease to function and there shall not be me~ers appair-ted to said c~~ittee who have p~~er to act for said conw~ttee, then approval" delegated herein to the Architectural Control Co~jttee :I.ay be acco:nplished by written petition to the property C1o.7lers vith- in t'1e develo?i:lent' arid. receipt of written consent to such petitic:l. by Q ~ajority of said property owners. ... 1'l'ICLE III GENERAL PROVISIO~S I. COSTS OFENFORCE~~r.r: If' proceedings are instituted or appealed to foreclose, recind, declare, of enforce any right arising ~e~eunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all expenses" incurred therein, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees in both the trials and appellate courts. 2. SE\~RA3ILITY: In validation of anyone or nore of these covenants and restrictions by jud~ent or court oreer shall na~ise affect the remaining provision ~hich shall =~main in force and affect. in full 3. A.'1Elm~T: The covena."lts. conditions and restrictions of tills declaratioa may be amended 'during the first Thirty (3D) .year a DECLARATIONS -6 j ,~-, ....-..;-~-.- ~, -;::-. "Jot\ ./ . ""1:'~ 774"1789 period by an instrument sig~ed GY not less than 90% of the lot o...T1ers. and. thereaft~r. by an instrument signed by not less L~ar. 75% of the lot r.hTl'ers. Any amendmeJ)hmust be prop~I"ly recorded. . . - ,1' j ~ .., this 75 III WIT~~SS h~~RrOF, develop~r,hag exeeute~ ,thig declaration day of JfA.LV. 1977. I . . CASCADE SKYLINE. INC. By /;~ {. -1ti~~ BY ~JJ1a~ ASrJstant Secretary President FCtJol No. '4-.loi"OWl(~IKl-COIrou.JlON. .TI:.'~_~,,,~ .....~. em _ ~T1.-=. oecr. sr:::F :R.:::N~e_____}' On ,,.,}thday.. J~ly .19 71 belore me :Jppeared. .no _ .... ..Blaine. L. ..J1artin....anq...Jap.e...S"...Har:t~n '. and 'n ......... ..no....... ........ _.......... ...... ......_......... ..'........n._...... ... ..._...... ...lx;:ih to ~ per>onally J;.,_~u......ho ~inl dul}" sworn, did saY' that he. the said.. , .... Blaine,. L._!,'~rJ:.1.n.. ,. ._.n'" . ......_. __. _._... _ is ale.. Pr~c!ent, and he, the said...._.......Jane...S.....'1a);J:.in_...... .. ..__ ......._ _..._ ....... is them.Asst. .. Sccutary.. .. . ........... 01 ._C.~~.c;.~.Q_e....s.ky.1~JlSJ....,; Inc.... ..... ..... the withi~ n~mffi Corpo~ation. and thilt the ~al allized to said imt",,",e~t il t1-l; C6~rate ~al of Said Corpora- tion, and that the said imtrur=nt wen si~ned and scaled in ~hiI][ Jii ~d-C'o;D-"'<9?lP,{.-bY ;;;u:i>cri:y 01 its 30ard . . , :--"",}- V. c\ . 01 DirN:tors, 200.. . .Blaine. L,. ..J~artin............._...<aoo.. t Q~h: s - jci-tbi~.. __.,. ,_ . __ adTlOl<'led/Ze said instrument to ~ the free act and derd 01 ~~d q:~J1.tf8!L ~._' ro :... ~ IN TESTIMONY WHERE.ptJ.J hyetMSu'"1~ my han..! and afJixed , _ . '.my 0I{,i5')\ ~~.t%ftCJ1}"".#.~~~ IiN. abort wrirtm. -,..g~~':.~~:jL~~ -.. '.. . ".!,()/. ............ Notary Public Joe Orr/;on- -, . j(o-;::JI--"' J'J . lofy COnllru~'on exp,ra '... ... I. , _ no ... . .., DECLARATIO~S -7 (END) " " " -8~''''( "~.6 ' u,..:J~ ." ..........~. \ \ Amendment Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions for H 9 0 Z ; l! H 6 1 a 0 l: 0 1. 0 ~ Easton Second Addition . . Cascade Skyline, Inc., developer of Easton Second Addition 'and the effected owners of record of Easton Second Addition, as recorded in File 72, Slide 15, Lane County plat records, hereby amend the Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Easton Second Addition as recorded in the 7th day of July, 1977 (Reel 854R), as follows: Article I, paragraph 3. Dwelling Costs, Quality and Size. No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot at.a cost of less than $46,000.00 based upon cost levels prevailing on the date these covenants are recorded, it being the intention and purpose of the covenant to assure that all dwellings shall be of a quality of workma~ship and materials substantially the same or better than that which can be produced on that date these covenants are recorded at .the minimum cost stated herein for the minimum permitted dwelling size. No dwelling.shall be constructed with less than 1400 square feet of living space exclusive of garage space with the exception of .lot 65, which because of its size, shall not have a dwelling constructed ~hereon with less than 1200 squ~re feet of living space, exclusive of garage space. .'. In witness whereof, developer and all effected owners of ~~~~'plat of Eas~.c2,~_second Addi t~~; ~~ve eX~J<~~7.~__~:iS am~n1~~~: '/ .' j' ,! il ;, I t. 1 -AHENDMENT Return to: Cascade Title Company 1347 Market Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 " . Cas~ad 'kyline, Inc. J, ,tl A '/' / )[d{,.fd A, ~ !11.rl't {",' President 783.7~};:6 Cascade Title, Company ,.:,;7- C~S}I ./ By .: ~-c-:(?' Z.,:' /[~;__d:'~ Fred McM~hon, Vice-President J./." -. t/ -~ /; 1- ,Y)cJ.>l.L<f..,/ \..;r /~_ f...--I.,{L/Ll. Doris J. Gilbert, Secretary By By o J~ <-J)' f ~ \ .- By' _ ,a ,\\.( _ ' , ; 1 cv{J; ~ / Assistant Secretary \} Lot 51 owners $:/., y./} --./ ,.~.,., ~., r~ ,.?_. .; to,' . "'7.7 . "'-".-,/-- . ,-': _' C.t,.- _ -, /',1' o.;~ i.../'..- .' '{./ I,' F'- / "I't": f.r-: Westover Const~ction Co. By ~~~~~_,/:.__~ Jecretary By./l2A ",_ /t . "~/l /'---~ / V' .~ lce-PreSluent . ~-:", , "'v Lot '-{?l.o~~ers~. , ~t"':l/A. {.{.l... ~\- (J C~) ,,./:...It-~. o . . '(1, "..If" :""'_ . .. . --; -/. ~' ---/ ' d~~04:'- -<~/&_ , . Lot 65 owners. !.Zh~~__ ':'~~ {!!;I.:"vr -~....-..-- -:j'. . ...:.....0-"7'~.-- I. ~ - . '" , ~ -, ~~<:'-'/Q -' /=) /-/~~,,-./ ' ./ '--1 i/"-("" . /' _ /'I,,,., tY- '-' (./.--- On this 1st day of June :I 1978, personally appear~d ~he above named persons Henry Poole, Alice Poole, Everett~ A Teigen, Donald J. Welle, Marvin L. Adamo, Geoffrey-C. Atkins and acknowledged the foregoing instrumeut to be their voluntary . act and de~d. STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LANE) flu - \.\,.....,,"......".1"'1. . ,'r. . 0 I" - ......,.... "'" u v::J > "'. ~ ,:. r ~ ........... ....., '. ,I.. ,. t:.I... ... ... ~ ~ , ~{(f.o(//_{, (. ~.{4".i:~:.:.~\1 i: ;l?\~\ Notary Pub1iC for O~~on. - J1y~ :,0 ~ - - .. .-- - commission expires: ~ ~~~PefAll<}-_.~~1 ~ ""' u...... .:,,;. ".....~, ~ -. /... .' ..' .. .:,. J --.-.--.......,,, .,. ~,...... -r -, '""\ "" ...........' '1'1 I- ~...... ... ',.-,.,"I~..'" .&.' 2 - AMENDMENT I a .' , .~ ,; ; "" .': . .' "~-h~{'~ine L. Mart'in" 'tQ~i:J";'b., Jane S: Martin .'p<"Jlt .._.,... '_'''_ .. ......J...___..... __ - ~ ...---.--..-...-....--.. f:J.\1 duly s-:v"rr .., ~y th~llht former'lS IhtS~).~~ ~nd Ih' . <: bll~ i\ the (;mi~tanl) stm~fY of <;ascade JTI1I~r ,<JIJ'~S:I .1 wn sl~ntJ JnJ. S(",J).',lm .....11.111 .'1 s.uJ ':111p<". ,by JUlhtllll)' 11( lIs baud of dlleclors; '. ~ t," 1l.J.-LI..'''' kJp-J ~tJ IIIsllUn\COI II' t-,.. II) n.lulIl.D)" .Jo:I.mJ JcnJt? . ~'f)L . ..; '.' ' ."/ ~ - _./ ""-,P:I.C ".- :_1.,..:;. -.' lJ . ~.-1 . , ~~~ r-n A":', :;.cq.o-~~' .' 1l.'It'l(IJk"': '.... ._._.n. ......... ~,....'4/1J~.1. /~l..~1 .\1 J......~ ~~ N'IIlJ}' Pub:.: 1.11 (}IC!'III; lJy ~',oaIl11l>>K1fl expu.:s: . . . ' . r) \ APt },". ~ ., . . i; \\..,..' :.-':..c ,\ ~ :-. .,.__.- I' - . ':" '\ foE'" '. ~"J 8'\' \ G:: - : · . I' ":'. '. '. . ....;: ~ _ w"';-.. -. -~ ,..... -. .... Q : . ....;., ~ -' ..../.() .-.' ~ , 7/ J.. .....:. r",", .' : .- ~ r 'C .' '(0'" _...... ...... , 'Lane June 1 STA1Eut ORfGO~.Counfy of __ _..._ ss.. .____.....__.-.19 .._f~...~ll\,:..::~md.__.~~:U..n...~.t~.~?wy.~r _ . JnJ.. J:~.~~E.~.~~-.~~~!:~.~~!:.._-- w!l{/' (.....:'..h::I~.. 1m! J~!y' S'\o'l>,n:dld S3y IhJ~:Q)ft' is lhi' (vM:('l ",~Odrnt Jnd t1ut thc~S IhrKOC~}V}{0l!>tCfeI3ry of Westove ..J4ft. r at er: _ . .ormer. . CO!1~tfU8'~tWJhJA:?i~ mslrum<'n! WJS si 3n stJ.l~d an hch:ilf of SJaI "'ofpc.I/JIIOD Y .lIOIlnollly cf II~ bo~rd of dueclors; ~ ~~~\ .t\l:;JloOdto~'ledgtd uiJ anslrum.:..: I~' be lIS vl,lu~ury XI :md ~d. h' -/ ~ ~~. . \,\ :~ - . fi4./UA..U -/ /f~~ '.. '. f) lJ 8 : <> Ilcf(1((' f1l(': _u ._.m -....------. ....-..----.L.-1"[8-. (OI\I~~L.~E,\l\..."'~~ j Nobl)" M~l': f." Olcgon;My COf1U1ID.)IOn cxpiles:~ ., l:-_ " 4r ....... <i!- v .... '... E Of 0.;...... ...~\....... -_. . . ,.. ,!! "b' '- ."' --:-:~j1 . ...':...\:. , '. ..,f".... .'. I.ane - ST~l~'~~ O~p?N..~ounty of ss. J~!.'~ I, .. .. . 19 78' -'. . ..' .~, '" ....:;1....: 1';'.' _.I Fred McMahon ' Dor~s J. - G.i'lEert :.~.J:Cfit)~~ y ;lppuIru ~ . ~. ti-bo~~ac~.:iP~rs'('fu~! ~m.did S3y tlut Ihe fonner is the (rier) pnld~nl ;a;d ilullhe bl~CI is the~~ secretuy ofCascaC: ~,~~: o~~~ m l:im~d.amlru~t~t W3S signed :md se~ed in <<h:illof S3ld corponllon by ;aufhorilY of ils ba:ird of~ors; - ~.~Ch ~ Ill~ck. I~ \:lid U1S1~nt 10 ~ ils \'Olunl:cy XI ud deed.. 11 . ~ ,....... _' ~ .0' 0.: . _ . .p/tMv f 71.u.&~ . _. . ." ~f.c,Y: ~f,..c me. --::-....--. - - .,. (OrnCIAl;J~1~A'\-' -. Nol;UY PubIac Jl>r Or("8On;J.ly c.,mm!ssi~ expires: 4/I1 ts.1. . ".... ...... ....",.-.,...,: ~'" 10 . ..~ '. 78 ,. .