HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-5-15 .. REsIDENTIA1~'~~-"",.:" APP LICAT J-- " /PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SpringfieldJ Opegon 9?4?? Building Division ?26-3?53 ~ Job &a;a~i~~: '--5tJo" ~j~&'ii~' .b~' :'. Asoesoors Map H (~tI JO J;):;J--, Tax &at H /) If &0& Subdivision: Ouner: ('\}V1.J.-ln:.-. A" ~)c.hnsc"', Address: 5()(\ CnscC1cr{c_ II'IY'(VP_ City: srY'ln~~,e1d I '-N"''' I 'I Addition I I Remodel I I .',Iobi le Hom::! Phone: ,"-1'1-30<"0 Zip: Q'1'-118 Describe r"orl~: Wa;p-s.n:>v& ~~P6q-/"6&-.' y/5-fB:/ I Date of Applicaticn Cont.ractors , General : Plumbing i Hechanical Electrical I S u perv_ising_.E lee l r ,i c i;) n Value ~~~po Receipt # J 'J 15-S- :::a, ~lIyq / I / Address LiRC. It Bldrs Board Reg. Phonp Expires It is the responsibility of the permit ho~er to see that all inspections' aro made at the proper time6 that each ~ess is readab:e jrom the street, and that the pel'mit card is located at the front of the property. 'Bui!ding Mui:;io~ ap;n>oved plan slu.:ll l'emain on t1l;:: Building Sit:> at all times. PJIOCEDURE FOR INSPECTraN RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:1es~gnated job nwnber, job addrcss, type of in3pec::icll requestcd a~d w~en you will be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Ouners name and phone numbcr. Requests received before 7:00 ~ :,'ill be made the same dcy, requests made after 7:00 am will be made the ncxt :,)Orking day. RemliY'p.n TniJDf'ct?:cn,q O SITE INSPECTION: To be rrade after excavation, but prior to se~ up of, fomB. O UNDERSLAB PL~~mING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ~ FOOTING & FOUND,1TIOl/: To be rrade after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRGROUND PWM3INC, SEWE.'?, W,1TER. DRAINAGE: To be rnade prior to fi l- Ung tren& he e . o 0, o UNDERPLOOR PWf.fBING ,~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installaticn of floor ins~lation 01' deckinq. ROUG!! PWMBI!JG, ET.lXTn!CAL .p, MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be aOl..'er'ed until these inspec~ions have been made and approve~. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir~ facing materials and before frwning inspec- tion. FRA!1INr.: ~rnst be requested after approval of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & mechanical, Al! roofi7I{J bracing & chimneys, et~. ~~st be ; completed. No work is to be con- . ceded unti l this inspection has 'been made and approved. D D D Your City Denigr~ted Job' Number 10: I INSUL.ATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after all insulation and , required vapor barriers are in plaoe but cefore any lath, gypsum board 01' wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DRyrtALL INSPECTION: To be made after a~~ drywa~l is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting 01' verticals in aocordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D Xl WOODSTOVE: ccmpleted. After installation iiJ 8:70 ~S.0~ DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sanitary sezJer oapped at p:opertii line ~ Septia tank pumped and ,filled with gra~el ---, Final ~ Tvnen above items are comp~eted ~ and when demolition is complete 01' stl'U.J- ture moved and premises ,cleaned up. Mobile Hcmes -, =:J Blooking and S,et-up ~ Plumbing connections -- sewer and water ~ Electrioal Conneotion - Blocking, set-u? ~ and plumbing connections mr~st be approved before requesting eleotrical inspection :=J Accessol"d Building --, Final - Aftcr porches, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. D 'All project conditions, such as the 1~nstaZZation of street trees, co:':rplation of the' 'required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL, can :be rsquentad. o FIlIAL PWMBING o FINAL MEC!!ANICAl, o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requented after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar.ica~ Inspectionn hava been made and app~oved. D CURB & APPROACll APRON: After' foms are cre:::ted but prior to pouring ',' > (!onOl'ete. 'ALL !1ANllOLE:S AND CU'ANOU'l'S NUS7' DE ACCESSIBLF.', ADJUSTUENT TO BE ~t.1DE' AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~7(J ! oj" :: D SIDErtALK ,~DRIl'Ef-lAY: For all con---:-' ,. crete paving within strect right- of-way, to bc made after all exca~~ vating oomplete & fom work & sub- base materiaZ in pZa:::e. D fENCE: ~~en compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P,U.E. D I JOB NO. I Zone: -.--- L~COG-l't SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Bedrooms: Lot Sq. Ftg. :; of lot Coverage # of Stories Total Height Topography I I TTF.M I Main I Gc.raae I Carvct't I Accessoru I I Is.D.c. sQ. FTC TOTAL VAWE (vaLue) 1. S :r . Building Permit .' Sta ts SurohG2'ge Total Chargss I ITEU"" NO. I Fixtures Occuvancu Gh_.J: 'LOTTJPE Interior' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac X Value ~.. .... Residential (1 bath) I I I I I I Sani tary Sewer I Water Plwrrbing Psrmi t Stats Surcr.arge Total Charaes , I ITEM I Rea. Sa. fta. N~/E:rtend Circuits NO. ,FEE TemporG2'Y Servios I Eleatrioal Permit State Surcharqe Total Charoqes ITEM NO. FEE Fur/1.2ce ETU'S E:chaust Hood I Vent Fan I I I II I I Woodstove I I I Permit Issuanca Mechanical Permit State Surcharae FEE CHARGE I I I I ~ I CHARGE I I: CHARGE /,t:y: -0 I I I /C'..e> I .. 7..)~ I I, 1'5:':<-S- ~ I I I Total Cbf!j.q~s -- ENCROACHMENT -- IseC"~rit~ Deposit ['i' , :1, ,I., . ,:. " I Stor~'ge ;." ,\,,;;,,1\"'1'" i ~..,\'~' \'t,.. ~" ''''1'1, ," '.',; ",. ,I,.-''',!", .'1" 11'",,, , Maintenanae Parmi t Total Charges Curbcut Sidewalk I Fence I Eleotrioal Label I Mobile Home I 'I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ I i f I ,I / TijPe/Cor.st: Lot Faces - J I Energy SO:J.rceG J I Heat , Access, I Water .'Iea tm' I Range I I Fireplace I Woodctove I J:lt'e Setbacks P.L. I House Garage North lEast ISouth IWest -- Fees Building Value & Permit This parmi t io gran ted on the express condi tion t!:11 t the twirl, conG tl'uc"t ion ahall, in all renpecta, conform to tire Ol'dilUlI>cC? adopte,) h'y tire City of Springfield, including the Zoning CrdinallcC?, rC?auktill~l the CCIICtl't',cticll and use of buildings, and miy bo sUGpended 01' I'evoked at C./;y tirnq upon vic- lation of any proviaiona of said 'Ordinances. I Plan Check 'Date Paid: I Recdpt II: ' I Signed: Fee: P I u m b i"'9 ,P-e i-in it No person shall constl'Uct, instaU, alter 01' change c.ny neW Cl' e:::isting plwrrbing or drainage syate:n in whole 01' in part, w:less suc!: pel'GOn is t!:e, legal possessor of 'a vaUd plwrrber's license, except that a pe:'soll may do plumbing work to pt'opel'ty which is olJned, leased or operated by the appli- , ,cant. Electrical Permit Where State [,alJ requires that the electrical wOl'k be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the,lcibel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontl'actor. ~ Mechanical Perm~t Plan Examinet' uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all infO;'/7lation hereon is true and correct, ani I fUrther certify that any arn all work perfo~ed shalZ be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ L~~s of the ~ State of Oregon p~rtaining to the lJOrk described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without parmisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further' certify that o:oily contr'actol'S ai.d e:nployees Wr.o are in compliance lJith ORS 701.055 will be used on this pr'oject ('v..m ~'" I'/'\.... --(;\, ~_ Sign~d \J - 5' //5/'811 Date'