HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-5-31 .. RES I D-E-r,rf I A l .. APPLICAT Ie1\! /PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield) Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I'" .~. ,"'" "'. I II 10.0.', ul.".".... ,.,.j Job Location: "...5-/nJ' ....~ ij.j{6" tJd.;..,-".,~_.."'.,. . , . .. Asoe8oor: Map /I / t 0;; 0 ~;)3- T= Lot U ot{P{)& ~nWcv tf -, d-tJ~~J /,~ 0IeJUuie- Vi PhOIl;J:'lcf')-;J00;;O SfJ /!J- Zip: q 1 t{-r~ Subdivision: Cl.mer: Address: City: NP-lJ Mdi tien Remodel .',Iob':' Ze lIom<! 5-ISrM Date of AppZicaticn ~ont.ractors ::;eneral Plumbing ~'lechanical ~J.ectrical SUDervllling 81eclric i:ln Describe r,'ork: I;JHJd ~~ frfJ IK-3P Vallie U\,OVC;.,Y'" .f o ~ / cf(} tJl cf 'I ( Signed: C~1' I ".-,-;,;1, (/ f7 Y / X..--) / - ,; Data: / Expires Address Lise. /I Bldrs Board Re~. Phonp It i8 the reaporllJibiZity of the permit holder to 8ee that aZZ inopectiol18 are mado at the propel' time, that each -=ddre8s i8 rea:!ab:O! from the street, an::I that the pC1'1mt card iB located at the front of the property. A!Jui!di,"l{J [)ivi::io.-: ap?l'o~'ed plml slu.:ZZ l'emain on thz Bu-:.ld'ing Sits' at aZZ timeB. P,,?OC::DURE FOn INSPECTION R::QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) atate your City deB~glUlted job nwr.ber. r-aqucstcd ar-d when you wiZZ be ready for inapcction. Contractors or Owners l1Cme and phone nwnbcr. .'iZZ be made the swne dcy, requestB mcde after 7:00 am LJiZZ b.2 made the next :,)()rking day. , I ?eoliiY'NI Tnm)"et,:cn:1 ] SITE INSP!:.'C':JON: 1'0 be made altel' excav~tion. but pl-icl- tc se:: up of forme. ] UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,1L & MECHANICAL: To be made, beforc allY work iB ~ovcred. ] FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIO//: To be mace after tretwhes are excavated and forms are erectad, but priol' to pouring cencret", U.\'DSRG!lOUND P!.UM3JNC, SEflF:.'?, f/,1TER, DRA II/A CE: 1'0 be m:de pl'iol' to fi l- lir.g trellc}ze,~. ] ] UNDERFLOOR PW/,f8INC,~ NEC!lANICAL: To be made Pl'iOl' to in:Jtallation of j100r insulction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to installaticn of floor insdation or deckinq. ROUGI/ PW.''Il Tile. F.T.F.'(:"m !eA!' ,p, MF.'CI/- ANICAL: No work i:J to be uo~'el'ed u~til theae inspections have bee~ made and app!'ovc::. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materia ls and befol'c framing inBpec- tior:, ] ] J ] FRM1INr.: Muct be l'equcated after approval of )'ough plwr.binl), aledri- cal & mechalli.::al. Al! rOOfing bracing & chimneYB, etc. nr~st be .. completed. //0 work io to be con- : ceded until thio inapection haB . been made anc appl'o~'ed. Your Ci ty Deoigr.ated Job Number Ie: D IN.'JUf,;11'TON/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC1'ION: To be made after an inuulati:m a11d raqu-:'l'ed vapor barriers are in plaoe but before' any lath, gypBwn board 01' wall covering iB applied, and before any inoulation io concealed. job add:rcss, type of in3pec;icn RequestB received before 7:00,~ f1tJ t/-s5 ' D/:.'MOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=:J Sanitm'y sl?tJer capped ~t p~opcrty Zine , :=J Septio tank pwrrped and Ii nod with i]ra:Jel ---, Final - l>'hen above items are cempleted , .-J ar-d when demolition io complete or atrll.)- turo moved and premises oleaned up. I Nobile JJcmes ~ Blooking and Set-up .:=J Plwnbing connections scwel' and water ~ Eleotrical Conneotion - Blocking. Bet-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st ce approved before requesting electrical inspec:io~ :=J AooeslJor;; Building ---, Final - Aftar porches, skirting, decka, ~ etc. are completed. D 'AU pr'ojeet conditions, auc!; aB tile {,n8talZation of"s'tl'eet treeB, cO.':1plotion of tile' , 'l'aqliired lamhlCcpit:g, ete., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL, can be request2d. ] FII/A[ PW/,!BJ//G ] FINAL ME~IIA.'/ICA!, ] FINAL ELECTflICI.L ] o FINAL BUIWTNC: 1'l:e Nnal Building Inopection mllOt be l'Cqueotod after tire Final Plumbing Elec tT"i.:Ja l, and Mechar.ica l Inspectiono hQ,vo been made and approved. ~ DRYfIM,{, INSPEC'l'ION: To be made altel' all dl'!Jwall ia in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beama, grouting 01' verticalB in accordance r.Jith U.B.C,' Section 2415. fIOODS1'O'lF:: Aftar inB'taZZat-ion is cemple ted. AAT," MANHOLES AND CLF.ANOU'1'S nUSTDF. ACCESSIlJLF., ADJUST!fENT TO BE H1DF. AT NO COST TO CITY P:t~7e or.::, o D D CURB & A['PROACII AP.'ION: Afte!' forma are ereoted but pl-iol' to pouring conCl'e te. D SJDF.'fIAT,K ,~DRHTr/AY: F01' all con- (11'ete pav'iTI{J withitl atl'ect right- of-wcy. to be made after all exca- vating complete & fom work & cub- baae material in plaoe. D :'F:NC[.;: h'her. compl;:te -- Provide gatec 01' movable aootiona through P. U. E. o ~ 'L-COd"t 20Mi'!: Occupanc~ Grvup: SOL A R ,':> c; C E S SHE Q.- 7':,'pe/Col:nt: Bcdroor~;[j : I I f,l1.?l'()lI SO:I1'een I !leat l,Iatcl' !leatcr' Ral1:;n I I Fil'erLn~~ I I Wood~to~q I I T!/f'e , j 00 NO. Lot Sq. Ft{J. ~ of lot Coverage ,~ of Stories Total /leigJJt TopogratJhy LOT TYPE Interior " Corner Panhal1dle CuL-de-aac TTf.'N SQ. FTC x Mm:l1 I c.:rar. e , Cm'pcl't I AccelJ!/ol'" I I TOTAL VALUE: Is.D.c. (vaLue) J.5x BuUding Permit ,StatG Surcharge Total. Chal'gGS, Vall/a ~: """ I ITEM NO. FEE ClIARGE I Fixtures I ResidrmtiaL (1 bath) I Sanit.:lry SeIJer I Water I Pl.wnbing PGrmit StatG Surcr.a.rge TotaL Charaes I J n1-' NO. FE:!:.' I C/lARGE.' I Re:J. Sa. rta. I I Now/!:.'xtend Circuits I I Temporary ServicG I, I I E7.e~triac:il. Permit State SUl'charqe TotaL Charges IITSH I Fur/t"1ce l!TU' S I Exhauo t /lood I Vent Fan I I Woodstove r fJdt frl~fJ. NO. I FEE PGrmit Issuance Mechanical. PGrmi't Stato Surcharae Total. Chara/?o I I secr../rit\1 Depo3it I stor~'(]o ;.., ,\',i",~'r'I"" 1"lm:n t enanc e \ pcrmi t -- ENCROAC/lMENT : j ; ~...,.\'~' i! h,"~ : ll,:', ,,'.,.."; Total. Chal'!7os I Curbcl/~ I sidew,1l.k I fen..,/? Electrical. Labsl Mobile Home I I 1- ClIARGE !5.(}fj , /5:[)i) "I.,J, '/-",',,' ,'I' . I ~':, . " Lot Facen - Setback:; P. [" I 1I0une r.al'nge Nortll F.an t South (,lent I I!CCC.'1.1. -- Fa!?n Building Value & Permit Thin r(;l~nl:t 1:0 gpnllted on tlw !?.1:pl'ealJ conditioll th'll; the Iwid COIl,:tl~,C'tl:0' nllO I; l, ill all. ,'ell/'cc/;;;, cOllronn /;0 the ()I',HII,p:~e :uiorl.,,! "!I Lili? CLt!l of Spl'Ll1gfl:e I.d, l:IlC !l.ld::Il:l the :'.()11 illa Cl'd~>It;p/(:e, ,'(!:/lIl.r; 1,1:11:1 till] cell:; I; l'llcl; I:CI1 and u:;e of IJIlI: ldillg';, mId 11I:;Y bo r.uGpende.:l 0/' I'clJokcc: ',; t GI:!i, t ~r:I'; 11[:'011 vi, lation of mlY pro'ii;;im;1J oj. r.aid 'Ordl:nancn:;, Plal1 Check P"c: Catc Pa:.d: Rec;;ipt/!: Sig:led: P I u m bin 9 Per rrd t No pcrcol1 allOll CO/tatl'IICt, inataE, aUer 01' change GIIY l1eW CI' e:::istil1(] plwnbin(] or drail1aae Gyn(;e.71 l:n ;Jltole or in part, w:le;;:; :;I,ch (7crGol1 is tl" Legal ponneGOOI' o[a vaUd plumber'o liccl1;;e, c,r.cept tl:at a P C":; 0/1 ma~1 do ptwnbinf] wOl'k /;0 /ll'o/wl'i;y IJhich ia owned, teaGcd 01' opcl'ated by the appli' cant. A Electrical Permit Whel'eS(;ate l,a'J requires tl:at the electl'ical uIOP/.; be done IJY all Electrica COllb'aetor, the eLectrical portion of tlti;; re,.",it :;11I1H root be valid lmti the label IIOD beel1 D1:(Jl1ed by tlte Elec tl'ica l ::011 trac tOl'. I I A Mechanical Perm~t 'I l I ' 1'lal1 t;xamil1cr VaL,: I I I /lAVE CAm:FUD[,Y E:XMfINf,D the completed application [or permit, and do }loreby cel'tify tltat aU ir.fo:-omatiol1 heraon io true and correct, and I furtluJr certify that allY al:d an work porfol':1led allOll. be dO:1C in accor- dance with the ol"HIl.111CP-D of the city of Sprin(]field, and th;; [,a-";8 of tha State o[ 01'cg.J1I p,sl'taillill(J to tho lJOrk c!eocl'ibcd heraill, end tlV1t NO ece:; PANCY IJill- be lIl.de of allY lItructUl'a witho:<t p.:mnill.Jio.'1 of tile Building oi viDiol1. I fw'tlwr certif!i that o:1ly contl'a.::tol'S a;;d c:nployec8 wl:o are in co;;JpUance l,Jitll ens 701. 05~ witt be ulled 011 tllia pl'o,isct , l?J,\m-ti,,'n~, ~rh~m-\ 'Sian~d ' S'/3l/8'1 D,lte