HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-4-27 .... Community S..:..,~ Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFffiT .n, OREGON 225 Sth Street, Springfield, OR 9.7477 Ph. 726-3759 Job AddreSs City Job if, - AMBLEsmEJ\1EADOWS SUBDIVISION-IS! ADDITiON Site Investigation. Questionnairefor Consnltin~ nesign.Professionals fOllnti~tiorrrbquirements. - new' ~Uw...W1CS_ on~residentiallots This. fo.Lm.u-]. he:.nsed:as.a:.~u:u. J t.:;~ :::Nriion:.to.aIlow: constrnction:.to continue on:.tl1e:job: ~:j.. "lltilthe:ron!lmI~A"t'~dJI~~navitnn-thp-'~soil~"'i~ction . and:stah T -. . h ., - 'ro::th ~ TIl-' f ~be:. leted:b 1 I.I..A.WI..-I~ 11111 I..tl' It ~::: .~ I~ a.1 an ......;.: - . w..~ - ya. licens-..J~n - ...1' - l~'" . -ied;': . "4h ." Ih "oJ. 1 . CI...L. ca::;::'':~LU.lfo,...........nnSlr ~......,... ...- .1.1... ... j:.u'.~ ..L r'. .i"IL.....~~, oyee, . anrh:nl....IitP.lt.. Hre=fi"nT::C:"'l"~~fI~u~GLJ.:~ons:or . plitMn~n'u.I:~on-('..... ,;. tP:;'Tti-.: :~'.'Ld)l"V.....i ?;..."",iI~T"po;:fjnn~~ered::.' . CVLUl:'Ietely:fOdhEfonnn~finn-dfp1~:~~.u;..~or;~~-:. . ownet:1mdlm:Contr.JdOr-~~, ~7Aa;~~t.o~pev . "." . '-L..Dateofth~~desigIrprof~o~~~~~:~V9~~fton?;\:A';~i1-:61' '1 4 -le- 04 2_ Has ~ d~on professional'reviewed a copy of tbegeatechnical infu~u..ation : f~~~.snbdivision ~ was provided .wiG..t.the,bniI~ ~~~? . YesyNo_. If not, please contact this ojfice for a copy 'of the report.. . The design professioriaI must bt!jamiliar with the geote~ information before completing this form. 3. Whatwas the size and depth of the excavation and IQr fill? . . ex c.AVA1""(O~.1 Co (') N (:ll<r~ (Ud (?) TI! ~A 1.E.\. ber11.lt, oF. ~'C-I-Il.H- c.... T"l... ~. '7'. c;' -#' . - :. '-- , }J I? ~l<(lO,n...U~ ~1/ l I.~<: ~€'''':'./ ~~('P'r'N~ A.I ~ 'i SIre: ... " / . Was ~g non-stro..i.w..J fill or expansiVe sail eIk.u~ on.the lot? Y es~ No;"" If "yes", what types, &.I:'fus and locations? ~o I,U:>... - c;T'f7.n,r-:n;\'?~ F"fLl." I.VA-( l:1o.Lc..u\.(t..Irr1l6"D A-,.- i!4,-o!, -s= " . . ."" - " ., ~., . (1-) s (-,,::;" l-l-) ~~~.! l"q...tDt\T1AllI'll'.\,) 5r)l\,( c..1l'....(~l', DF e)(D~~l\Jf, 50l\'5., ~PA~S\l{'~ ~OI\'C; ~l~n l\;r t>~t+L f1l.~ ~NIr' -Fi7or g \:..'&..,1.0 1)0\6 ~lAAi;\d:: :fa -r}.k;, l:.~TJ'r...,,: Ct.~ of 'T-' I?~~(/l LUT7,-:. (M.k)(llMtlM 1/, . What m:asures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of eng:i.n.;.....~ fill used to stabilize the soil)? :t:N ~.t-h\. I ~. I1f '3 ~ - ~ . C/l..tA.\tf~ 8Pc.L . 1t.J<:'Tltu A-i)k~r'lJ~ ~' of %... - ~ CiW(~1\ R..~~t..-Ar ~C:l.~-L-&A-tl..~e 51.,N3 'flLL -t1') (~~t'.'t'! _:-f,.,'- g~,j}o, t>1047'1-;Yl. L'1-,t".<.:. Dr f'bn-1&r.. C,,) ""',,\, t., ,t)(_ ~ 1 '" Community Servic::s Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFlELD, OREGON 225 5th Street, S...:us::eld, OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 Job Address City Job:: E'XCe;(JT.1lfE" UpSLofJf. "::;(I'\(~. AT' ~r4L..Df'~ sln~. ~)(TT2N.D Th C)1.t~ E.~ of e..J.'"f"A.INI .HJ W~.I, ~ .=i.:>o-iiNt,\, C DMrp-A (" ~ ~ 'r'Il.l,,\ t-T'\.A tl..tn.. F=-It.L- To 92.~.f) 12..'i:;\"fu' ,,,s-; c.. DM~t1 .,,) f\.-1 0 j), iF1 ~\ . r'a..cc.. TOR-- , I Is the site as J:lJ.!;,J:laredadequate. ~inadequate 0 to maintlin constantmoistnre contentin..the.suhgrade? Note: Yerificationofmoisrluestabilizarionin the sub grade is a requirement of the geotecluzical report; and 1Tl1lSt be ajjirmed bejore consrruczion can: Q.Il~ULe. If in~ri~:lt~;. Whatrncasures:are:I1,....,;A"~ to: provide. constantmni"'i..w.c:contentin . the=snL..~? . . . . .. i~:&~m~!~~ 4. Did the drsignprofessionaI ,,;L...ess pbh ,'" ,,,,nt and COUllf:",.rtiOIl of the engin,;.Q."J fiIi; or is there a speciaI insPection report fo~....~g L. ULU.a . . qnalifiM ~'~cy?J witneSsed PIacement 0 Special Insp/cmnpaction report 5]'" . '. 5. The d:" -101" proI~naI intend~ to nsethefon~;'I~:....g ~ fo~ ~on. of~o.Led~:..-ettarfooting~ '. . The.d~ on the "trnrl1ed ch4W~ provided by the design !-,J.O.,l~onal _.~.. ~ The ..:....~shown on the nriOjn~l construction drawin~_.....u._.............. 0 The 'i.J~ 'Fonndation~' dJiwinO' attached to Frif ............~....~.... 0 . . :> .Perf...~.r-v~ drains are not required ................~.. u u........... ...... 0 Co~ Note: City lnspectors will inspectinstaIled drains prior to cover upon request... Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspection. 2 Community Services Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGr1t.LD, OREGON 225 Sib Street, Springfield. OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 Job Address City Job # . . Low-point crawl space drains are required to prevent the bnild-up of .excess moisture inside the foundations during (and after) coristtuction... This drain may be insbUM after foundation placement onlv with the exoress nenniss:ion of the d~ nrofessionaL, . . a. The design professiomil has determined the following: The crawl space drain is required when the foundation is instal1ed.. _.. 0 Thi itJw-point draul' can be installed. after fowularianplacement without a si~ 11UJisrure'bui1d~upproblem wiihin the fouiuJarion............. ~. (TtieJow'-point:dr~4.,liLIJ.be:instaIleitaUhe - - ,. ~ .stage nf-c lctz'on) pos1 &:bea:m.-".-.g;.~.)_. ac.. "J Uti lo.p J___" .' . . . b._~;o~l'.LUJ~bser.v~prav~ofthe: ..pn,,;....,1-T""-.9-YO..:-.... T -- ,. . Ves.'h ),TO. V-- I ~~,!,.t l'UU~~_.__._...._.._........._...___~.l..~,_ ~_Y. _ 'if~;: W~~low.Point:iL.~Jocated:under::diiJJiliIdiiig;~~ . . .... }'!.~~~.-ii-i.;.;~/~.aJ.~'E.(14)-!:.~/,e?:Jm:usrbe:an:~~ u!':d-~~~-Le.~ . street:gutfer,-:stomr::sewer;:Slu/~. pump:aritEdiic1iarge.::JiiztiO:ifiOtrietp..:. .~). - . The design.'p1UK.ssional must ~e whether1be a,p"p.l.V ,,00 .t'~ -drawings have. '. .... . adequate. foundation steel. Is any additional foundation steel""'fu.U.c.dthat is not shown on the fonndation'drawings for the building? .' ''-. . .' _ Yes l!o ./ - If "yes", describe. additional steel required (or provide draWing). --. . _. -.'-- '-----,-, ,. The following statement mUst be signed by the individual doing the observations and providing direction for the e:a:avation and site preparation work on the property.' 3 Community Services Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Sib Street, Springfield, OR ![74n Ph. 726-3759 Job Address City Job:: The undersigned design professional (or tl1lthorized employee) attests that he/she observed required 11UJisture stability proced:ures on this site, and that such procedures were llCCDmplisheti before any cJuznges OCCllTT'ed in the moistui-e content of the sub. grade.uruier and around the building (where expansive soils were encountered). The u.ruiersigned.fiirt:her. attests that the sub-grade, as prepared, is adequate to support the '. buiIdin.g 1" ul'osed for this site. AdditiOnal~mpnk: '- . ~ote)::A::copy~kept:v~,,;~;; thP-~proved:plan~"atam.:o,. . ": .. times;. . .' ' . . . -.'Tliis:~)rt:shaiuie:f611o~~3ffin~vit;!cie!1ffi'a1]o"s~-4:b1tl1e:~in:::' :'~pIOf~~~" ;. 'ces:thiS~'-' rt:w3s: . "oleted;ii'~~II;;,g,thC:ii1fonnation . '.' ..........,..., '.' """ .' ,,~. ' .." ....:rcpIJ ,," COTnp.". .... ". . "Jiere.;n~':n€Sien.ed{~~affirl~ViitOgetber.With a"cOpy of thisteport' shall.be- , sub~:tP1hiS~OffiCe priOl" toieqnesting Lawing inspection' for the.bUilding."': ' : Signa~ K~ rr-b~r.n. _r ~. f:. /l. e:: Name~",.: FA&li c~.ur s-e. 9. f..' TIfle ~1,N'" OM ~ Company 111.1u..Je.-H" 6lbrl,jF:~ru:..k.. L'NC: Phone 14 ~ D~ i'1 . .Liceilsee . 'R.,(1;,...,e ~fi.\,A:, tA\w.I .. License 41 . 5" 4l.f2c pr= . ~'pUW I 2. - :1('- '1..br.o ~ . . ,The geoteclmical iepart foitbe Ambleside Meadows - lit Addition Subdivision .. ~.wmends ;"'".M1~t~ mni....w.w stabi1i~tinn of ~t'...sed ~ve snb-grades, and that expansive soils be ovcr-exw...o.k.d and replaced wiLh at least 12 inches of:fill compacted to at least95% of ASTM D698 for IULWdation p.1wJ:U1I31ion. The report alsoreco.mmpuds . that ~u.u..,) betaken to preVent water llu.w. coll"",~ in or around the foundation areas during and after the constiuction process, and that positive site drainage be provided to ' reduce the infiltration of ;)~ water into thC expansive soils. The geoteclmical I';'pvLL further \;,.l.Upha!ci7.e5 that the :finish grade of landscape soil . . adjacent to the foundation should be at least 24" above the expansive bearing soils. firmlv comn3cted to reduce the. infiltration of water at the ~~ The adequacy of fill soil material ~uuod the building must be verified to the satisfaction of the design professional 4 Community Services Div. Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 5th Street. Springfield. OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 .Job Ad~ City Job ~ Affidavit For Site Inv~aation. Qtlemnnmrire Fonnrl ~tiOD- .~n lJ=.Gr<rde= A j!J:1.l v v Mar Residp.nn ~ r Rnildirra:- Site"in-:-: AmhJe.~irl~Meadows--l stAddition . . ~ Slll1diVi~ion: TIie..-nnri", ,,; wflf".rl-h!"J"eby.::ailti IlIrth~Hh.. -~*~II'- ;u.'l'~ i"l"l fill ~rbnoi.stme-.. 0" _ . . stabilization:metb.ods:f~L1e:bnild'n!:_ ,,; ;r:.llfth~r10T"'"'"~uuw~:was:observed by me: oom-:mthorized:.:.wployee:o.i::my fii III i1ncl-1tim-tl:ie'fOlk,w~is:1Iue::': '. L ~'_TliI;..fuu..rl~ri~nejs'~~~~G.~~~~ ;:.:ta' ...;..:..tllw'of1500:psf;' and is,. - adeqiiate:tO:~r'~Jjinlrii~~o~~pOSed.fv" ill;~'~:- -2. .Th~ mohi.w.c; content' of the excavation \Y2S adequatcly mmnt~ined during the.site preparation p..v..es5 and was adequately' covered to stabili7.ed moisture content. , priOr to 'anycign;i1cant chari.ge in moi:.i.u..." content of the~. . 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to t'..~t~ the collection. of water in the excavated area during construction. 4. The ~UlfJCUlying report titled."Site Investigaiian~onn3iIcfor-Consi1lting, Design r~vf~Ona1s" cOn~ field o~ ,cUdms and instnx:tio~.made on . . , . -4 -1..1 . Dol \ 4"1."'.1> 4. s ~~) fat the building site w2s'''-UUJ!Ileted either by myself or by an employee of my :finn under my ~ ,&00. To the best of my . knowledge, the infonnation contained in that ..~l is '-U~ete and ~cue.. ? ' Name of Licensed Professional (print) ~ FA-I3ll.l v~ SlgD;itUre:;ZP'''': F~~~ ~~!.?-/) Date 5 - 5- ~4 , EXPIRATION DATE:Ir.~l\-fl( J (T) ~ w (!J <J: [L ...... l/1 [L ,I , (Y) I lD ~I lD V ,.... " nJ '" Il'll rr;i (T) , I n v ~' CJ C'I ""- In ~ ""- ' In ~, " ---hformatim ~ 'New Inspection RSI ToB":UOn' ,R&-lnspecUon .....<lII - W&U 0 Standby TIme: ........ r..-.1ldIr ITY wor'~ ILEAGE &,) ~ 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 7..6-9649 , ' Client:: I.-s.8.L '-? c).o,lfF t:JElL Address . lProJectNo.;122.. - U DI?..,,~ -: Z- DataPerfonne<< 4- ...~O -D4- proj.Name:~~ I ~S~ B.p.Number: proJ. Locatlon: tTechnlclan: 'D '-- f E.qulpment: Troxler Model~oSN: '2.1 ~~ JRS .. Laboratorv Sol1lAgflregsfe Dala: -Moisture Density RelaUonship of . at ' Moisture DensIty RelatIonship of at Moi~!!}:~ensIN RelatlonshIO~; 14-~ 0 ,:: at Field ~Bns'tv Test R_osu,ts:J5wr.., pO.AD TEST' WOo : [ . dated. .' dated.. %molsture. was furnished bV (client) (contractor) (suooller) (other. . ' % moisture" Is from our report number , % moisture _ Is from our reoort number I" APPROX. TeST ELEV. 1 /--Owl5L-LA1c;J....t 1J "F'O011tJ~ ,.JEfi..{; 2 11 ... I),,) . ~ I 1 3 PI.. ...,) $, ., f 4. '#'- ., j, ~ . ' .., 1 '_ 5 ~~esr,~~ .~Jll..\(? 6 'tt.1..UeJ/!-Lewe;J..; W r5'-. ().j, ~ ~ 1 ~ iii ~ ~: 1::::- F'OariN(.l 8 ().tI;P€/L ltNlEL ~ e- A'ST. tJ. ~ 9 . n ''1 ..~ e . fooniJ4r, 10 J.Aoj~1?- Le::v~. e-~ . .~n4 ' 11 .., , s." 41'3. HXn1'~ , J", .; 12 . , . Teslsperformad at ~ish=;d grad~r)~~'~~ ,inl:::hed gTad~) ~r(~S&' ~~~~~I alerial) '--itrench backfill) oth~;:"-- T. , ~ " ' Fc.rL8L.-06 AD Test results were verbally reported io: Lf1.l!..i!..J.-I'~Pe:P . APPROXIMATE Ti:ST LOCATION Additional Romaff<s: PROBE DEPTH ~u ( , I . WET DENSITY DRY DENSITY PERCENT PERCF.NT REQ.UIRED USSI~~..:r' laS/CU. ,:. ' ~Ol!T~. COMPACTION COMPACTION l71t~~..~ ~j;~~:~ 'I f , /4' ~ 4- '!Ll.f :3. I ~.(r., I ) ~'11 (g I ~.~,g It.... q~. B I I?ql {5 13.~13 ~.:3 ~~ ~ 142.1- I ~7.1 ,~.3 !~.,q p4-'L.2... J ~7.4- ~ ?6 -, (0.8 L4~.9 .~ 1c.O ij~ t44..~ I~~.{P ~.~ J 3 '/56.f? I~.G ~,4- ff,~' ',~lr>,b /?,z.4- ~.,. ;.q~,7_ 1..40Q for - for . ,.- I ' 3/4-"--or ~P~~. QuA~~ COMMENTS . , J I:h7 104D-A Shelley Street Springfield. OR 97477 (5411 746-9649 New 1.nspoctlon ' ;; ~ ~(. _)). Re-lnspecUon _ ~ ~ W"" Standby TimeQ>".;~', /f"," . , ," ,^~, - ,,0' ~\'~,r , ' t:"IC' - - -"',ITVWOR IiGiII~ r..sh.1bBlIildOn 0 , ................ l\ xj-\. t-' lEAGE 'URS N ~ w (9 <I a.. 'f. -.2- q... 0'1 .. I \ . "va.", -j{. Pr~o.: 71-7- proJ. I\!ame: c:: Proj. Location: , - , EquIpment: Troxler Dale Performed: B.P. Number:. TechnIcian: Client: I Address I. I .J LabonJtorv SollfAggrega(e Data: I ' MoIsture Densllv Relatlonshlr;>> of . - ~., ,- . . . . Molswn; DenstlvRelattonship o{ iM,~~~~J!Denslty Rela,!?n.~hlP ~;., " Field Density Tes' Results: , , " , : TEST , t!Q. ior , for 'W ~.~~() . ",,1!J:;l- ".f at,. ,. % moisture. is from our report number . dated. , , at 0;' moIsture, Is from our report number ' daled , (4'1.... 0 _~ at._.., _," u ,%' ~oisture. was furnished by /~nt) (contractor) (suppller} (other:, PcRCe.~T PERCENT I nEQ;ED 1 MOISTURE C07r'lPACTlot~COMPAcnON WE" "l;iNSITY DRY DENS LBS/CU. FT. ,UlS/CU. FT. COMMENTS PROBE DEPtlf " APPROX. . TEST ELEV. APpnOX1MATE TEST l.OC~""ON 'A .i11:u 1 UI qz.4 '-t2, h <1~ .~ '1' ~. ~ , "7'8 .9 ~~,(p :fff ,t.>-t- -ttJ " Q :!jj- ~,t ,!1, r R : C!f'3. ~ '.;,.. -,- , 1.Lo\&, Lc~\~. ~ (w.hc.tt '~^e).b-, 2 " w. S~(w.hJt. "-l 3 "~~' J~ ~ ((). ': "--. 4 ;. '._ L;'A~ {p.. " 1.~ . ~~O (E." J ~ ---_._~ lo .. ''''' i~J . 2. t . ~ I ~ 2.-z... I t7.1.. 9 -~.:.;, iJ2,O Z/.I l.rL/. . S -LI I 34 . <, - /2.0.1 \/~~' J ......... IIb.-, ..~ ~f' 1.lq~ ' 1 ;1.3:13 , , I 33..:.!l.1 "2.h. I./.. )?~~J2X. 0 ~ 1/3'-1. J '1').1. 9 '~g ~ . (31 '0 /2.7 ,S" 4~ ~ ....... ~"\l ..vl ~ I <.b.. -) '?;7 (fill male!iall (trench ~ckfill) other: "" l'1S".7 /3/. ~ '3. y H LnX. lJ) 7)""- a.. ~ ~~ '1kQ I'j (\' y~: ~ ~i ~ ,?~ /-' lD '(f ,.... ..... "" II') '......... n./'" ~ ~~t p.~' ........ "" 5 e 7 tm~ ~ uJ:_'5~ (.~, .\-vlt B ,~"". ~ ' fE. 9 j'.~ J~cO~ r~. . ~, '. ~ ' - 10 ~ L-,~ ~N'o.~\, 11'5 \i-..... I -..:l ': "'- 'T~:lst~~dC.~~M.f;;~m~~d ....;:i~Ock; Q <1........."0-. v-''''IC.( "WOl.v;\' f' "'........... Test results were verbally report:d lO:J!..~~lJ ,in t ,i" , ~ 6.S 6.v .~ '--........ '- ~ -............ "- -~ \ n_ ~ -.--,-~ Q/~ 7 (\.. . . I l"- II') (.11 ..... i1/1~ - "R <e 16 - ZYDq ~tr) '(f ~ ~ ('I " II') lS) " II') ~ .'\!.!~lUcnal Reffiflrns: ~ ~b~~, f ~W ~ /(" i6EOlEXlllf 'nPNt ;ff;jJ :i~7~~\ I," l r~~l_ ,I!.~ ,/,~,. !~f~t~~~t~~~ili~~c- C '- . ;~~ ~',:,~~:,~~~;C-' ' ,,"{f=:)~' .~'-'-"""":"""<~~" ~'. .,,;.." , . ~.\:~;~_. 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