HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-3-1 Mar-01-2005 09:21pm From-K & A En,ineerini, Inc. +541-684-0358 T-999 P.006/006 F-T99 " Community Sllrvic~s Diy, Buildinll' SafelY l.J. '" OF SPRINGFIELD, .oREGON 22S ~'II Slr~r. Spl'in,tield. OR 97477 Ph. 726-3159 Job Address 3369 Fa 1 con Dr. City Job ##- ~l~~;i~'1~~tiJ~:;k tf~:-;~~~~~~~.~l:is ~~~~i~~,~ii~~:(~~~~jJ\~'!.~~t ~r~~~[~;~~~~~~~~ Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Foun~tion. Sub..orade Approval for . Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 1st Additiollll Subdivision The undersigned hereby affirms that the excavation, sttuctural fill and moisture stabilization methods for the building site at the address shown above was observed by me or an authorized employee of my fann and that the following is true: 1. The foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1500 psf, and is adeqUate to support the building t'...'......sed for this_site. 2. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately maintained duriog the sire preparation process and was adequately covered to stabilized moisture content prior to any significant change in moistwe content of the sub-grade. .~. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in the excavated area during constrUction. 4. The accompanying mport titled "Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals" containing field observations and instructions made on --2,''>':I-'>4J2OI'1'' (date) for the building site was completed either by myself or by an....."t'loyee of my linn under my supervision. To the Qest of Diy knowledge, the information contained in mat repon is complete and aCcurate. Name of Licensed Professional (print) Michael Remboldt Signatur~. ~ " Date 31'11'2005 - EXPIRES: Mar-Ol-~005 09:27pm From-K , A Eniin8srinl, Inc. +541-684-9358 T-999 P.005/006 F-799 I I Cnrnnlunily Scr\li~s Div, Building Sllf~l>, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. ORP.GON 22~ ~Ih Slr,-'CI. Springneld. OR 97477 Ph. 726-37~() Job Address 3369 Fa 1 con Dr. City Job. Th. "_..,~::a~..etl4I16ign prof.slwnal (or authoriz,d employ.e) lIIteats Ilsat he/aM obsl1l'Vml rtlqllire4 moists,.. .kIbilItJ proc.tlum .11 "", ,Its, and thl ,,"II prot:edurws wen: tlCComp.hed Hfore M, c."ga occlU'rl4la the lM18ture cO*,., 0/ the Bub- gTtIde UIIM, GNlll1'Oun4 the j"lltling (where ,..""", fOUl were ,,,ctHUlttretl). . The "ntlersigne4.fru'tMr tlJte8t1 thtIt tie ,ull-f"tlM, tIS "..".., 1& l14erpMte ttI'tqIpOrt the 1Iulldllag ""0"4/0' this rite. . Additional eoIIUIleDt8: (Note): A copy of this reportsball be kept 011 site wltla the approved pIaas at alii tames. This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and Bt':""'r"'..rl by the design . professional under whose auspices this -'"I''' I, i I, was ~"'''.I'I~ affirming the infonnation herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall be submitted to this office prior to requesting framiDg inspection for the building. Sipature ~ ~ or --:. Nalme Michael Remboldt l1de President, princfple engineer Company K & A Engineerinn. Inc. Phone 6e4-Qlqq LIcensee Michael Remboldt. P.E. Ucense # , 9474 expiles 12/31.2006 The geotechnical report for the Ambleside Meadows - 111 Addition Subctivision rec.........ends immediate moisture stabilization of exposed expansive sub-grades, and that expansive soils be over-excavated and ~Iaced with at least 12 inc~offill compacted to at least 9SCJD of ASTM D698 fot foundation peparation. The n:port also recommeads that measuIeS be taken to prevent water from. collecting in or amund the foundation areas during and after the constNCtion p.~""w5. and that positive sire drainage be provided to reduce the infiltration of surface water imo the expansive soils. The geotechnical report further emphasizes tJw the finish grade of llUldscape soil adjacent to the foundation should be uleast 24" above the expansive bearin& soils, firmlv ~~ to reduce the infiltration of water at the surface. The adequacy of fill soil material around the building must be verified to the satisfaction of the design professional. 4 Mar-01-Z005 09:27pm From-K & A Eniineerin,. Inc. +541-684-9358 T-999 P.D04/006 F-799 C.()mmunily Servlci:s I:>iv. Buildin!l SafclY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREOON 22~ S'b Sm.'CI, Springfj\:ld. OR 97477 Ph. 726-.1159 lob Address 3369 Fa 1 con Or. City Job ## Lo.-point "'....\lVJ spaee drains an l'eCJulred to Pi, ~II' Ill..,! the build..., of acellS moisture hIsIde &be foundatloluJ duri. (1IIIId after) ODIIItruction. TIlls dram may be Installed IffIt foundation pla..'OiI.:III.Dt cmlv with ~.~,'I'.llI~I.~I".t~do.eI'DllaloD of!he"HID Drof~. a. The design professional has determined the following: The crawlspace drain 18 required WMn tM foundtltlOlll8lnsllJlld .... 0 The low-point dmin can be installed qfter formdatlon placement without a significant "",isttu'~ build-up probkm within ,he foundation.............. 0 (The low-point drain may b~ installed at the ... ... frBmi Of) Slage of coMtruc,iOn) pntr & bttmr,/I'flIIIi"1lo f(l(lJiIfR. ~tc. b. Has the delign professional observed and approved ,he installation of the requlretllow point drain?.................................. Yes, Noxx if "yes", where is the low point drain located under the building and where does it.terminate at this time? (nuur be an approved location, i.e. street gutter, storm sewer, sump pump muI discharge line to the street, etc.) The design professional must detennine whetb,r the ~".I,.., .red permit drawings have ~equate foundation steel. Is aD, acldilional fouadadon steel required that is not sbOWD on the fotmdation drawIDp for the buiIdiD.1 Yes No..xx- If "yes". d~8cribe additional steel rvquired (or provide drmving). ....-- ;..-::.~::.~..:.-:,;~..;:::::..-,---::;.'.~:--~.~ ~':.,'.,~ ',.' ~~', ';.':,:,::..;,;....~';;M-;;'.-;::..::..;::-..... .,.....",_..._ .__ .--1 The following st........, . .ent must be signed by the individual doing the observations and providing dlrecriDn /Dr the QCQlJation and sire prt!paration wolt 011 the property_ 3 Mar-01-2005 08:26pm From-K & A Enlineerini. Inc. . +541-884-9358 T-988 P.003/006 F-T88 Cumnsunity Services Div. Building SIIICI)' . Job Address 3369 Falcon Dr. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Citylobtl 225 51b Sln'~'l. SJ'rjll!lIi~Jd. OR 97477 Ph. 72(,.J7~9 Note that the base of th excavation consisted of stiff gray clay (CL) that has excellent bearing capacity. .... Is the site as prepared adeqUllte Iii IlUJI.lequtJte 0 to maintain constant moisture content in the sub grade? Note: Verification o/molsture stabilization in the sub grade is a requirement ojthe geotechnical reporl, and mu.rt be 4I/i17Md before construction con conJinue. If inadequate. what measures arc needed to provide constant moisUJre content in the sub grade? '-Nnb ~l:tiJt oil p~ri-,.p.br footing dratn waS placp.d at the base of the aranular fill. as racommended bv us, LPttinQs will be constructAd on the 9ranular fill and the base of the foot1ngs will be at least 2.5-feet below final gradet prov;dtng .excellent . moisture protection. Is the site as prepared adeqUQte ~ i1UJdeql4dte 0 to support the r ,I. . J.' DSed . stnlcture? An qffirmarive answer is requisite 10 proceeding-wlth conatruction. If Inadequate, what adcudonaI work Is needed to pro.... adequate fOUDdatlOD.SUp~? . 4. Did the desIpa professloaal witness placement aad ~mpaetlOD of1he engineered fill. or .. there a spedaI iaspecfJoD report fortheomlD, from a llIwdified -PDc)'? 1 witnessed Placement Q Specltlllnsp/compaction report 0 S. TJae desi.. professional..._ds to ase the tol"'II'1 ':,I,.g method for IIIIttaDation of perforalecl perimeter food. dnUns: The design OD the attached drawing provided by the design professional...... 0 The method sbown on the orisinal conS~OD drawings......................... .0 The typical 'foundation Drain' drawing al:tacbed to J',.."."it ..................... J;l Perforated perimeter drains are not required ....................................... 0 CIw......iUil"'"'iutS: Note: City inlptct4t" wtlll",pect inst"Ued drains prior to cover upon requen... Call: 726.j769 to schedule Inap.cnon. 2 Mar-01-200S 09:26pm From-K & A En,ineBrini. Inc. , +541-684-9358 T-999 P.002/006 F-T99 COInmunily Service:> Div, Building Satct)' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Slh SlfCl.'t. Springfi"ld, OR 91471 Ph. 726-3759 Job Acfdresf 3369 Fa 1 con Dr. City Job t# ~~';~\t~\'~.t~'_~'~),j):;>:~:-:,,~~~"~':r-~~ ~:3:),~::~-:~~~:'>::~~:' ":.:'.:l{...~ . :",'-.~'~ ~." ~>'n~~~ ~T~" AMBLESIDE l\fEADOWS SUBDIVISION-IST ADD.u.liON Site Investigation QuestioDD8ire for Consulting Design Professionals tOUndationre(fuirementS :.. new structures on residential lots This form ..y be IIIed 811 a temporlll'J' vertlleatloD to ~ilow c:oastruedoD to eoatinue on the Job lite untO the ccmsultaDt's 8tamped afftda.~ the lite soil eompaetion aDd sCtIbUlzatlon Is submilfed to the City. This form mUst be \...,JllpleW by a lieensed deslp p~onel (ell...... or ardaited) orlUslher authorized employee. and submitted to the bulldiJag Intpedor prior to requestbla City iDspedioDS 01' ,ladllg foundation concnte. It Is Important that 81 ..uestioDs ..e ann 'lia '" J completely for the fOllDldation ~ to be approved for eoD8trudiOL OWDeraadlorContrador River VAlle.v Builders 1. Date of the design professional's site evaluation? 2/23-24/2005 %. Ru the deslp professional re1'lewed a ,I~ 'I..~.' of Ute pot-dudallntormatlon fonJthe subdivision that WB8 provld~ with the buUd.... permit? Ye>>2L No_ If not, please contact this office for a copy of the report. The design professional must be familia,. with ~e geotechnical Infomuztitm before completing thil form. 3. What was die size ad .,.. of the excavation and lor ftII'1 approx. 50 I x 55 ' in plan not including driveway. The excavation was mace 1n two benches. Ine Jower. cene" \.51:ree-.; 51ge} fur gara!Je varied I" ~~",,,ii tlUlII 4.:)" to 4. ~.. fh~ "'fI..l:I. 1,,"6'.....1. i fo..~...J f.. J......I.I; 1. ~,,; t. O' t.. J.:;'. Fll1s placed on the foundatlor' pad conslstea aT open";graaea quarry stone anCl aense graoea crusnea a~yre'J4"f! ano rbfj~~\!,,:i ir'U111 j-;..\o;,'J') ~u tt-inches Was existing non-sttUctural fiU or expansive soil encountered on the lot? Yess No. If''ves", what: rypes, depths and locations'i .. There' w~s- a~praxJmately 1:.0-ft of ~rav ctaf f.tll and 1.O-feet of dark brown plastic silt (total 2-ft. depth) over he foundat1on Bre~. ahe c~ay was over the silt w~tch haS been placed on native topso11. . I I i , in depth. What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of . engineered fdl used to stabilize the soil)? A 11 fill S 011 5 (c 1 ay and s i 1 t) were stripped and removed from the site. Additionally, tMunderIY1n!j. nat he topsoll wasstrl ppea ana remoVea Tromthe 51 te. 1