HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2002-10-4 FROM : FAX NO. Oct. 07 2002 04:25PM P2 ~, ~~ Community Services Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 225 Sill Street. Springfield. OR 97477 Ph.. 726-3759 Job AddreSs ,~?:t1 City lob # ~o~- <~'1 , A:MBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBD,IVISION-lST ADDmON Site Investigation Questionnaire for ConsultiDg DeSigrt Professionals oun on req.uu:ements - new structures on resl nti ots This fomi may be used as a t.euqIOrary verification to allow constructlon to continue on the job site until the ooDsultant's stamped affidavit on the site soH com~oD ' and stab~tioD is submitted to the City. This form amst be completed by a ' licensed design professional (engineer or archited)'or hislher, authorized employee, , and subnutted to the building iDspector prior to tequestiDg aty iIispedions or placing foUndation concrete. It is important'that aIlquestlom be ~ered completely for the foun4atlon site ~ be app~ved for construction. Owner and/or Contractor GOz.'L-tlo~ trS' L D~te of the design prOfessional'ss1te evaluation? 2. Has the designprofessionaI reviewed a copy of the geotechnical information ' fOf. the subdivision that was provided With the ,building permit? Ye~ No_ ' ~ . . '. ,. Ii not, please contact this office JQT: a copy "Of the Tepo~ The design professional must b~ familiar with the geotechnictll infO.~tUJn before ~ompleting this form. , ' , 3. :mmt was the sizean~clepth of theexca~oD ~d lor 001 ~ t.,13tX2 Et- a. rtA/Je"'oJ, ~.~:., ~', ' I . .. .. , ' . \." . , Was existingnqD.-st1:Uctura1 fill or expansive soU encounteIed on ilie lot? Yes'"6No_ Ife/yes", what types, depths and locations? ' ~ :J'..."." , " "'" , ,LLANO, ~', ~ ~l~,~-~~i',. , /' , What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of enginee~ fill used to stabili7.e the soil)? ' .'. ' , \\ Ova 6'1.u..VATri ..rtJ \'''elOM~1!o "~~t-),,-~tt _,~u:.... ~ ~', c...<<o~ClO o~. ' 1 FROt1 : ., FAX NO. Oct. 07 2002 04:26PM P3 ..~ Community Services Div. Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFJELD, OREGON , 225 5111 Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 126-3759 .Job Address City Job # ~ "='11 ' ~'= -0{ Is the site as' prepared adequate..8 inadequate 0 to maintain constant moisture content in the sub grade? N.ote: :Verification of moisture sf4bilit,ation in the sub grade is a requirement of the geotechnical report, and must be affirmed before construction can continue. I" If inadequate. what ~easures are needed to proVide cons~ moisture '?Ontent in , the sub grade? , _ ;;; , , Is the site as prepared adequate ~ inadequate 0 to support the prowsed ' structure? An affiT'lJUltiveanswer is requisite to proceeding with ~o~ti(m. If inadequate, what additional work is ne<<led to provide adequate foundation support? I , , \ I , ",; , ,." 4. Did the design professioDal witness placement and compaction of the, , t-J 1 A engineered fiJi, or is there a,speclaI inspediOD report forthcoming from ,a '/ ~ qualified agency?.! ~itnessed Placement 0_ Special Insplcompaction report .0 , . 5. The design professional intencb to use thefoDowing ~thod foriDstaIWion, of perforated perimeter footing draJns: " , The design on the attached dmwing provided by the design professional...... 0 The method shown on the original eonstmction drawings.....:...... .. ~ . . ~ . . . .'... 0 The typical 'Foundation J:?rain' qrawiD.g attached to pemut .........'...~,.'....... 0 Perforated perimeter drains are not required,..... . . .; . . "".. . ~ ; . . . ... . ~. . . . .. . .. :... 0, Comr.nents; 'po ~' . .-" " " ' " ' ',' " " ~l:tV&: ~~....,~ ~ ~.2ktu.. ~g I!i.r ~ ~-r ~U~~ t2-QrJL./ ~bU-l~A..i- C., Note: City inspectors will ilispeci installed drains prior to cover upon request... Call: 726.3'769 to schedule inspection. " ' " " ' 2 FROM : . FAX NO. Oct. 07 2002 04:26PM P4 CommunilY Services Div. Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 5111 Street, Springfield. OR 97417 Ph.726-3759 ' Job Address City Job it ~~11 "3'E:>""{1( Low-point crawl space drains are required to prevent the buUd-up of excess moisture inside tbe fouildaUoDS during (and after) coristr'Uction. This drain may be instaDed after foundation placement onIv with the UDress ~rmission of the ciesim Drofessioual. ," a. The design. profession8l has determined the following: The crawl'space drain. is required when the joundation is installed.:... 0 TJui low-point drain can be installed after foundation plac~ without a significan~ moisture build-up problem within the foundation........., ...~ (The low.point drain may be installed at the " ':~:y. :.'" ,: 'st{lge of construCtion) PM!&~~g. ~g, ere. " , b. 'Has the design professional observed and approved the initalla~ of the requIred low point drain?.........................;..;...... Yet, _No_ if "yes", where is the. low point drain lodJted under the building aru1 where does it terminate, at this time? (must be an tJPproved location. i.e. street gu~er. stann sewer, sump pump and discMrge liM to the 'stre~t. etc.) '. ' ' The design professional must QetemWie whether'the approved'pennit'drawings have '. adeq\18;te tbundation steel. Is any, additional foundation steel required !bat is not Shown on the folindation drawings for the building? , Yes ~ No _' If "yes", describe additional steel 'required (or provide draWing). The following statement must be ,signed by the individual doing the observatiOns tind providing directiOn for the excavation and site preparation work on tM,ptope11y~ I 3 FROM : . "' FAX NO. Oct. 07 2002 04:27PM P5 CommUnity Services Div, Building Safety , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 225 Sill Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 126.3759 :Job Address ~...., 1 City Iob II: ~~-p.t The undersigned design professional (or autho~edemployee) 4Itesb that helshe , observed required moisture sfllbilUy procedUres tin this site, and tJuu such procedures were accomplished helore any chtmges occurred in the moisture content 01 the iu'h.. ' graile ulUlel' Il1Id ilround the building (where expansive soils were encountered). The undersigned./iirther attests t1uzt the sub-grade, as prepared, is a4efJUl.ll.e to support the building proposed for this site. Additional COlDJJ1ents; =- '= (Note): A copy of this report shan be kept on site With ,the approved ,plans at all times. This report shall be followed by an affidavit. signed and stamped by the design professional under whose auspices this report was 'completed, aftitming the information herein. The signedlst;amped affidavit together with a copy 9f this 'report shall: be submitted to this offiCQ prior to .requesting framing inspection for the,building. Signature (2,... ~ (LA,-. --> . .. Name . ~~ fUoIhl1lfl. .. Title E~ <..~. ::. Company ,0 ft2,:\\ ~ ce. G~ "\./LQ"ge"" , : Phone ~f:>~ 3 ~t:>~ , Licensee .p ~ tf'~ 'License # Slf"~z.. ~e. " ~. lh.U'4. T Q. 0"" , ~ expires ~!?6/03 t, The geotechnical repon for the AmbIeSide Meadows _ 1 Sf AdcUtion Subdivision recommends imme.oiate moisture stabilizationofexpos~ expansive su)):.grades, and that expansive soils be over-excavated and replaced with at least 12 inches offill compacted to at least 95% of ASTM D698 for foundation preparation. The repon also recommends that measures betaken to prevent water frOni collecting in,or around the foun~tion 8reas during and after the construction process, and that positive site drainage be provided to ' ,reduce the inflltration of ~ water intO the expansive soils. ' The geotechnical report further emph~ that the rInish grade of landscape soil adjacent to the foundation should be at least f.4" above the expansive bearingso~ ~ ' compacted to reduce the infiltration of water at the surface. ,The adequacy of fill soil ' material around the building .must be verified to the satisfaction of the desjgn' , prnf~~oow. , 4