HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Warning 2007-3-29 ~"'~"':\:..;-;."..;~=f~~;r~~~R....':."".. ...;;';'~~~ , ...;,; ,....; .:. . ' ,',.J,.. .;. .' Bun~ini2~a~2:~:~::;~:~~.eme~t : :.....,;. ".~,"..".:::.,Oi:,.:.";..,':.:.':.,~;'::r:.;;/.:"':~,:> ':~>~':,~~~:R~I~'~')~~0:,"~':,'""." ',. ,', ",.,' ..,. -, ".' ,Dat~'Is~~ed;'W~:'~f1Iti?',P::.'>.':. .. ,", Address::7'n 9.:i1 '(: ,sr,:". ,. ,.". .". , " " '.:' '::"" Ti~e:J'~!:~b:;j) /1/('. :~>ri': , ," ',' ' ' ,"', .'.,.:,' ,,': ,', " . " ,'.. ",'j, ' t:t. z. . , . ':Code'Se~t~on::.l\'} GL~:. ",Cf/),' ",'~ A.),EL~. 'rla.,~,' . ,AJf.~.Jr(),.;(2"':' 'e;~S')-I'?Cf';0fj~'1 ;~,",',~ ~:;' .." 'Violatio~s:,5e~; ii9,siiJc:rf;~n~t., ."Arul~ .;It)()i'A;!-~Aa~~";D(l.~..)Pr.c.lu.jF "': , " .' . . . . 'S'~: b' j J-'c(P," ,,( h flJ[)lJ( Y'~Al~~ .lItT2A:'. :i:;J: 'U0fL>/.':P()";l?~ :'<b~ IJ~F~~~..1, /. ':, >'~: ;f' , . Mi::.v1:JV\tA,)":iCUA~/.~ '. ;:0: "'T.M '!i>nAJd) , 'ARJL'~)UOT'/'1it:"T AJ j':;/','.:/.~'(Y:.;; ":., ". Required Corrections: - ;'. " . " ' '.::;." .: ,..., .:' '. j. '" :, ,.;,;::-:" ", ': ;...... , " ';,'. ~ . .' ," ~ :' " , . .gj:.J) lA0F.~, ".r-:?'L~;{,::ntL C4l:.: . '<. ~J.t:.lF LAr{~ 1-1., ,A,'<;e'riLfi;i!ic' "."', . . '., . I " . , "j', :.J" / '+H'I1}.Ti,6A/h5dr~S.' 'Tr)'~IJ6).!uitU.*, I;lp;fr0-;~i:,.'?';t)[)F; :.; ,,\~ ..:' .' "'... , ~ " ,'. .,": . /: " . <' oJ. .' -.: . .,'..'. '., .; i...,' " .: -, . ' "_/ _ " . " , " , . , " ' ". ,'" " . ~, -<j;",' , . .. ,.. .'. , , :' : POTENTIAL SCHEDULED FORFElTURE:'$150.00 first offense I $250.00 second offense. Each'day this violation continues.' '_, '. " shallconstitute"a separate offense. ," ,': .', .' ".:' ,'. :..' ,'.<" >, . ", :' ~ .,: ': .:. '.' ", ,', ".. · ~ '. ,:.;;., . -: .' " ~,IFC'bMi>LIA.NCEISN6T ACIDEVED'wtTIu:N20'DAYS OF nffi DA:r,E'bFTHISw~d dTATIQN"A.dvI~ \,.' " :JNFRACTIONCITATIONMAYBEISSUED:.., '.e',' ",."..,. :.....'..<. ,"',. c, '.:" ,'" . ..: " . .. I' . , 'f . . . , {, . ..._~ . T l' - '. . _ ',. .,. ", Thank:you f~r"your,atierition to..this matter.)(youwish to:discuss ~e' viC;'lationorreqliired cqrrection,please'call 726~3753 to >;' " " " . ", '. .' " .' , . , .. . _ ..' . . '. . ~r ' ': . ,; ." ... , ..'.,:':~~;vt~P;Vi:~~:e~t~,. :,s ' ,,', ..,.~: t, :':,': ". ~sp.~~To~:,"'a,0'<f' : f)'iJioA/,'.' '..7Z/;-3bbb, "\ . 'j .';.," ,; '1:"-:-,:,'.",/, "', " ,':. . :..'; 1. " .. '"