HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-11-10
OecaO&-200a 06:17pm From-K 6 A Enalnuerina, Inc.
T-388 P,002l006 FoSS4
Communit)' Services Div, Bulldln, Safely
225 Sl!1 St,n,et. Sprinpldd. OR 97477 Ph. ,.37S9
1ob~ '~~/I:I"_!J80..
City ,.,- CcPA!",?"_tIfItf/'3' ---Q/J~,' ,.
r ,."A_ .~ -, .', ' . ,
.Slfe~~no':~=~ I
11da 10M ~,'Ille fiildlj,;J lIa ~~~UI.'tiliU) ~ -tliow ~D" to ~Wl~
_ die job de utili die \,;J,.,..It4"''''.~'''~ dle.soD ~"''''lidloD
_.w~ Is ~ to iheatJo TWlf..."lIM,~ be,~hW by 8
..~ to the ~~c.~priortol'\\18l~CIay"'iII'~I~OI'
pJadDg i....~dotm CGBw.,J\,. It iI.~w~t daIIt 110 qaeutloDs be 8a'IllWllllll~
OWllel'&lmdfolrCo..~ 4-,~ ,~.~ ~6t1L?'4'f
t. DatI or. cnilO\l~~'" rmtIu....., ,,_ II II 0/6'
2. . the ~ ~ Ii'ui;/,,*,,~. copy Gttlrle...'"~~'t"'fiD~ww.1ioD
for d8e~d&at 1If_ ~ with die ~~.., fu)1No_
1Inol, pletue ctmtQcl tIIi$ ofJb for. copy uf the .'''~.'I'L De .'''' iI'~'\~J...monal'
must h..ftamilUarwith 1M ~ Ur/oI"lflQtUm btJfoff ~ thU/tmn.
30 Wbat was daedle...... dlthe _~vdGD._ fill? _
~jlW'.~" .. e!O;o _ AJf.U!:m...:::./tAA-c I,~'" w_ U, LA- '" L--'~t'fl: ,l.!iL-
e!.J!.f ~~~~~d' _'.4J..j7t...AJJ' )c /1" prp-rs.
~ ~7A.rH _ ". S"'.JlJ!.._
Was~llOJl~fUI or~~ve soiJ ~~OD the lot?
1fes_ N()~ If "yes", wb8! typeS, deptbs and IVI _~ODI?
-.."" ....~ -
~ IN ~_e.~41taJ c.A(~(C""" "'b.e-'-/J ~ "2.,~-/Dr
~,..,' ~"': _ bAA. h/&.l1lJAI,.Ol.l~~OII-(4.~4f:) ...~_, '
4~' '~A:nn:fiII.G'd '1~J-~~",~
~ AJ,'1 &/~A.. ~ J..b'P FHc:.,.u.(~;'a ~ (A,J
~1I'A=n'ntJ '
Wbat~ were tIbD to 'WliwJjb soil condition (iDdude ~J"'" of
engineered fW used to stabilize the soil)? ' ,
Vd ~18ie:J At:.. ..&,,,,.,,.,,,~'
, . 1<4:~ , fl.. fI'"P.
D8C-oS-Z008 08:17pm From-K.4 A EnSlnGerln" Inc.
T-898 p,OOa/008 FDS!4
Communily Servic:os Div. Bulldiq Safely
22.~ sdJ Sb'eel. Sprin,licl&J, OR '17417 Ph. 126-3759
JobA4.J.'''..<i- ".''9 46IJ ~/'<:'I" D.n...
City Jab fI..s;;;D WI '2.Do ~ - tDl J M
.Wtr ,~~M.; E1t.I""'€!"", ~"" ~dr''''c,-
~IY~ 1"'-qNc.,t;"FUJIft. ~,"LI& If" /)/Ar..P~~
,-"f:.,p"" ~~ wtrlf ,-"," 1JJl.4WN fii.tJc.J... ,... '~/'1"~
&th L:M.. ~uJ -h ~h ~ .g;/~/'i!1I'f'~J-
. . " ,,' ..' - ' '~
Is the site as f!:i.'-'i'axed fJI.Ieql8tIte tiI IntIdeqlltlt8 0 to mainCIiD CODStant moi~",
content m ., sub grade? Note: Verljialtitm ofmoislun stDbIlivItitm ill the sub
gWJllle U (J reql.lt. .;,uJlBt of" ,eot41Clmlt:ol ~ 1......,.1'1. tmtl must be qJJirmed 6v.J...~ "
comtJwelitm ctm CtRIII1we.
If 1Dadequate. what .M.....&WeS am aeeded to provide constant ItI!OistuIe c...~~i:o~ In
the sub ....' '
Is the site as rA'"1i'ared adequate J9 ~ 0 to ~r.oit tile ~ 1".'iDSecl .
~? An fl/jimultJw: muwer is ~ to p~ wida~
It~...~ ~k"""'topl'G'fide~
4. DId t1lIe~~ w....~8Bd~~~ of.
~ fDI, or" tL.."", a .....o,W,l4...JloD report fo~~ghm"
~ ~ IwitMssedP~", 0 SpecW 1MpI~ , "'l'IJ"I 0
1J 0 erw4rl ~'4/."";" lit JfI' ,-.., &-l,. ~tt:JdP e;i1t.. PL~8>.
5. The~ ,rof~..J iIl~ to use .MilII""~ IIIIe1BIod for ~
'Of ~~~'Lw..JwfeotiDg.~
The desip OR the aitaebed J,..~~.. provided by the desip profeaioul ...... 0
The method shown on d1eoriginal ~ __18........._.............. [J
The typical 'Foundation Drain' drawing attached to a'h....Jt ..................... SI
._ perimeler'dr'ains are.:JlOl aequlrecI......to....................;........... 0
Note: City inspecton will iIupect i1utalled drtU1u gwitJ1' to t:fJWr.. NfMUt...
Call: 126-3769 to,cMdule ~
,Dec-O&-tOoa 06:17pm From-K4 A Enain88rins, Ine,
T-89& P,004l008 F-854
COntmWil)' Scnicos Di", Bllildin. sar~
225 5$ Street, Spriftsfiold. OR 91477 Ph. 126-3159
JobAdcli'osal ~!J'i\t 4/AJ&LE~/"tr PlI.,.,
City Job. ~ ~ -- ,/IJJt11
Low..,.t ~'IIiI"J JlII!I4'lD dnaimI8 are fti\ll,Q,i.. .,J) to Jr.I!. ""ullild dBe AftBd-u,o'I.a!iIS
,~... iDsMe.~durIIaI(-after)~~~' 'I1dIdraID
m8J Iae~~ fouDdadcD ~~pIv wbhtBle........llll~ --"-'-
a. The desip profeHlcmal bas ~u.Jned the followiDg:
The crtJWI.~jJl.""..1 tWin ia ~ w"- tI&e~ is butalW..... 0
11i6ltJw-poIIit drIIin ccm IHJ innslW ttte,/fJfI1IIlIIIItm ~ witlloMt a
aignifictmt moisIMre bllild..." pnJblem within thef~............. Jl
(7'M low-poird dmin may be insttJll<<i at 1M . ~'.~ :,tage
of~) ,tii_j1:~ tfJDjifIg...
b. HalM duip profe88ioMl oI1se,.,ed and ...",..v.:wed the insraUfllion 01 *
~ lI1w M.lq.'l~ll.,t ~,..L,.i'."..".".p....................'~.. fu, ,_ No
if "yea", _ere 18 thelt1w point tImln l""",'.wJlJ4U111kr die bIdIdintJ tmd. .,
whl" doe, it1tJt'IIIiIatlte DI this time? (must be 1m ~i',."...'.M41oct1tUm. Le.
,'''' '......11, ......~t.. .N'W~ samp pump tmd dlsdttuge Ibas to 1M 8fYUt,
11re design professional must~.wW.e whether tIie &"i'lLwJeCI ~ datwinp have
~ fouadal1cm steel. Is., ~~ steel o~..Jnd dlat8lDOt ,
_WD _ .~...,,~ I.dae b1lllWl.7
reI No ~, 1/ Hye$~. tlacribe lIIltIitJon4llte" ~~iIIIi_ (or prtWids~).
-"",,"'.J.,~_,."_,,~~L.. ... "u..~,~.J..~.__ ....'.~.,.._.r.:;:,,"..,:cr.;~.O!'._,~JO:"_.:Ill:::.... . .._"..,::,./..',~ll,,:r,J:..I_~l._r::::.~= =....u~,
~ ~-
The following slIIIemtmI must be signed by 1M brdi'l1ldutAl doin, the oi..... I.ations tmd '
providing direction/or the ~ tIIItl * jII.lt;p....mlitm work 011 lire prtJy,;~;~.
D.~-oB-ZD03 Q6:18pa From-K & A En.inoerins. Iftc,
+541--684"9388, '
1-386 P,005l008 F-654
Community Servh:eti Diy. BuitdiJlg Safety
22' ,Ill Stm:f. Springfield. OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759
, JobAUi_ ~~9 A-/H~II)IS PA "
City lob' t:::4M ~_-42/JJJ.'-
77N ~'..~~ tlalp /Ind"'" ("~~u,,;l~llIJ'iu4 ..~)","*,8III11l ~
Ns"" ~ .u,~'.J ..~n __ ~'. lit. M 1Iit8, Ml6isl MfI7ds,.~......~
wsnt tlCCllli3pII1J'" i<J,ftn-,..- ~"J m ~ ~lw..~ oflill'"
IfI'fJJ4IJ ~_ ~...~,. .1IIBba, i'.~jll:iolUiJ, ...,UJfII*",,;\i'tJ" were ~ De
1IlBtlmIpt/4,fsm8w-- !fUI dw"''''''' tIS ~~"''>1Pl.Wfitl, Is ~ to ~il J tie
II_laB ~ft;rtMB.its.
AddIdouI e.~
- -. .. - ~ .
<No8e): A "'0Il1l'~ of aids II~"'''' kept.de witIa tile ""tl....WUI'V~ pIaJg at &II
This ~V&i shall be followed by an affidavit. siped _<<ht_peeS by the design
professional under whose auipices tIbis ..~ was completed. am".,..,i!...1 the iIaf'omultion
herem. The sipedIs~~~ affidavit together with a copy oftbis !"It'U,t shall be
~...~w.uiued to,this office prior to ~ framiDg m....oIO~OD for the building
~4t" ~~. . ..,..........,-,. . ... .. f1tJ .
N~~ 11IIe .~,~
C""""'ir"II.y , 6- rf'I?I!J AKr ,..g.n::- ,
Phone~"" , ",1, ,... ". · ,
L~ A1("Jl/~ /l/Jlfh1~~.4JL l.J..L
Ucense'_ ("4-'1~ . ..". .......~.....J~~
The j!j"'''~..cbnical ii"'>>!v~l for the Amblesich Meadows - tOl Additioa Subdivisioa
mcomalM\ods iw"",.:.diate llJ10istwe stabi&c..'l;'.i ",,,. of e...y-ed """"ll'~ II '10' sub-grades. 8Dd that
expasasive soils be over-excav. and mpJaced widI at least 12 ... oftUJ ~VU~
to at least 95~ of ASTM D698 for foamdaticm jd~~~' The mport also ",,,..,,,,c,,mends
,that meiSlIlftlS be taken to prevent water fiom ecI1ect:iD3 in or ~\W'lW.J the founcladon IIUS
during and after the ~ t'"lll-'~ ind that positive _\.I''';'J~''I,.bo povided to
xeduee the infiltration of ~ water into the exp,~~'I<W: I/C sOils.
The potecImicalll~.rt 11,,,.,.1;;,1.81' empbasizes dlat the fiDish grade of landscape soil
adjacent to the :r~ shoWd be at least 24" above the ...A~ve bar1Ig sols, firmI'i[
~,~ to reJ.....'" the iDfiIImiima of water at the surface. 1'Ir: adequacy offill soil
matrerial ~.. \"iIII;~.d the buildiDg must be verified to dle ~",lIll oftM desip
'D.~-O&-200a 08:'8P1 Fros-K a A Ep,inea,ins. Inc,
T-398 P,006/008 F-654
Community Servioos l>iv, 8uildins Wet)' lob A..;:Jk,.....~_~1J lI,~/...If;S1 OF *,
CITY OF SPRINGFIBLD. OREOON ' City 1ob# ~'Z.ptD", "':'t2l1~_
225 ,.. Sueel. SpriftJftcld. OR '11477 Ph. 726-37S9
Pot Site Javestiptioa ~
Foundation Sub-Grade ~},\Ii-OVa1 for
Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 1st Addition
The undersiped hereby aff~ that the excavation. stnBCWI'8l fiD and moisture
stabilization methods for the buildiqsitc at the address abDWD above va observed by
me or an authorized Wo.y1oyee of my ftnn and that tho fo11owioa is uue:
1. The foundation sub-tJ'ade is capable of _..~v..w....,a minimum of JSOO pst. and is
adeqll8te to support the buildiq tJII."~~sed for this site.
2. The mo.istu1'e eoJlteDt of the exca'Yltion was adequatlly mai..~J dIuiDg the site
"'ll~ll"'lOi;.zOD ..ll'''''',.... and was -.-.,. CO\'w&o! to stabilized moil/s~~C04tem
prior to any sipifkaDt cbaDp in mota....'" l.ouu4t of the sub-smde.
3. The sits is adeqWDIy gmded and drained to paevent tine coUectioJa of water in die
excavated area cluriDg CODSUUCdon. '
4. The a.;....<iJ~....yiog ,.,..,III.""! titled "Site IDvatiption ~uWl/_ for~
Design ProfessiouJs" oomaiDiDS field ....,~~ and instructions made OIl
,lllu.1s ~ (dIKe) for die builcfinJ site was c:ompJcted either by
myw--r&'by an ~'of my firm UDder my .....~ IIisicm. To tile bat of my
llmowleclpt the :..1.....~ """...:tJned in that >l,.......iil is -,..~lt'lete and ..............:de.
Name ofLiceused Paofessicmal (priat) M (~ ,1l1?H~l-'-
Si~~-~~ Jr_,~ ':. .'_,