HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-3-11 Mar-I 1-2003 11:55am From-K & A Enlinserinl, Jne, +541-684-9358 T-122 P.002/006 F-IOl Comynunity Services Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Slh SU'eel. Springfield, OR 97471 Ph. 726-3759 Job Adr,L,..~:';.. ", 34 77 E~ 1 con Dr. City JoL,'~' e~M Z003~Oq056 AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION-1ST ADD1~...ON . '. '.' ,. ..' .. . . , " Site ,Investigatioll Qu~tionnalreforConsultiDg Design Professionals foundation reqUIrements.. neW' structures em residential lots This form may be used as a wmporary verlftcatlon w ton~,~, ",.ctlOn to continue ontbejob site until theeoDSJJltant's stampedatflda' , the site soti~"J"pactiOD andstabUfzatlOll is subD1lt~ to the 'CitY., TlUstorlllm'tlst'~ COlDple~ by, a' UeeDsed desipprofessloaal (enelneerotarchited) or.~er autborized'eri1plo~ and submitted to the b\lilcUngInsI*tc>>i'prtor~ requesting CltylDspectiollSor ' pladng fouDdation COncrete. It isim~~ftbat aJlquestioD8~ aD$Wered completely 'for the foundation site to be approv~ for COldtructiOQo Owner and/or Contractor...Jl.U,"'ro y~ llP,XRu; 1 dAt"c:. 1. Date of the design pl'Or~oDal'ssite evaluation? 2/19/2003 2. Has the deSign professional revf~",ed a coIJ)' of the geotechnical information for the subcHtisionthat was Prov:icled".itb the bundingpermJt?Yesxx. No_ l . . qnot, please contaciihis o1/ice fora copyolthe report. The design professional must be familiar with the geotechnical iriformat;onbefore completing tkislorm. 3. What was the size and deptllot'theexCav~tioli anel/orflll? C:h~ nf QlC~"'\nltinn llPP"nll4,S' 1(, 60'withmaximum depth a [U2.r'nx__4.0' Jil1s'ide sloee. was excavated in two benchesaDorox~ 30'deep. ' Was existing non-structural fill or expanSive soil encountered on the lot? Yes_No xx If "yes", what types, depths and locations? . " SQf1s encountere.d;n the excavation consist of approx. l,O..ft. of dark. brown si'lt.y topsoil ove.rden~e. weathered (decomposed} brown tuff lvo IcanlclrocK. What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of engineered fill used to stabilize the soil)? P~etpf'drai ns were sQec i fed around the back, and sides, o,f each bench to intercept and dra1'n groundwater. 1 Mar-ll-Z003 11:56am From-K & A Enlineerinl, Int. +541-684-9358 T-1ZZ P,003/006 F-l0Z Community Services Div, Building Safety CITY OF SPRlNGFIELb, OREGON 225 Sd. Street,. Sprjngti~ld. OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 lob AddreSs 1477 F~ 1 rfl1'l n.r City Job * COM 2003-00056 Is the site as prepared adequatex~ inadequate 0 'to maintain constant moisture content in the sub grade? Note: Verification of moistUre stabiliYltion in the sUb grade is a requirement of the geotechnic~l report. and must be fJjfirmed before construction can continue., ' , II inadequate, wl1at measures are needed to provide constant moisture content in the sub grade? ' Is the site as prepared adequate [! inadequate 0 to support the l'"...l'...sed . structure? An affirmative answer is requisite to proceeding with construction.' If ina4eQuate, what additional work Is needed to ~,i '",Ide adequate foundation suppOrt? . 4. DId the design professional witness placement anel \.. .mpactlon of tbe engineered fiji, or is there a speclaIlD$}Mction report fofthcommg t)'om a qualified agency? I witnessed Place,ment' JWJ Speciallnsplcompaction report 0 NOTE~ fill consisted of 5" open-graded quarry rock- test not required S. The destan professJoQal intencls ~ nse the following method for installation of perforated "rfmeter footing drains: , ,', The deSign on the attaChed &'a",ing p~v~ by the design professional ..... , 0 The met~od shown on the original constrUction drawings..,. ......~........,..... 0 The typical 'Four$tion Drain' diawing attached to perinit .........~........... Q Perforated perimeter di'ains are, not required .... ... . ... ............... ~....... ~.... 0 Comments: ' , 80te: City inspectors will inspect installed drains prior to cover upon request... Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspection. 2 Mar-11-2003 11:56am From-K & A En,ineerin,! Inc, +541-684-9358 T-122 P.004/006 F-102 Community Services Div, ,Building Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Slh Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726-3759 lobAddres~. ~477 Fl'I1r:on Dr. City lob # COM 2003.00Q56 Low~poJnt crawl space drains are req~red to prevent the buDd-up of excess' molsture'lnsICIe the touncbldons during (and after) construction. This drain may beinstaUedi&k1: foundation placement oDlv with the ."~J.~rmissiOD of the delilim.ProfeuiQnal. . a. The design pC9fessionat has detennined the following: The crawl space drain is required when the foundtilion ;s installed...n d The Iow-pol1.t drain can be installed qfter foundation placement without a significant moisture build-up problem within the fou.ndtJtion..... .. ... ... 0 (Th'elow~p~int drain may be installed at the T\"\:i ng , , stage of constructIon)' pOlt & arra./rrmung. rtJoJlng. etc. b. Has the design professional observed and approved the installation of the required low point drain?................~............. .... Yes, No-:a... if ''yes'', where is the low point drain located'under the building and , where does itterin.inate at this time? (must be an .tlPproved locil1ion. i.e. street gurier, storm ~wer, sump pump and discharge line to the street, etc.) , , , , The design profeSsiQnal must detemune whether the !t-i'&luVed permit drawings have adequate foundation $teel. !sany adcUtlonalfo..ndatloD steel required that is Dot sh., m.., on the fo~datIolldraWlDgs for the building? ' Yes No~. q "yes"; describe additional steel required (or provide drawing). , , , , The following statement must be $igned by the individual doing the observations and providing direction for the excQvation and site preparation work on the property. 3 Mar-II-Z003 11:5Tam From-K & A Enaineerina, Inc. +541-684-9358 T-IZZ P,005/006 F-IOZ Community Services Div, Building SafelY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 225 Srh Streel, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 726.3759 lobAddtoss; 3477 Falcon Dr. City Job,cOM 2003-00056 The undersigned design pro!s,iIfJ1UIl (or adeorlu4 emplo~e) attests that he/sM observed required moisture stizbilitJ proc,dures on this lite, and IIuzI such prt;JCtJdures were IlCcomplished be/ort/on, ciumgtJsoccUI'I'edt" the molstu1Yl colllent ojlhe sub. grade under and llI'Ouiul the IJaUding (wbereexpllnsive soUi were encoUntered). Ths u1ulersigned jurtherllttests that the saIJ-gi'ade, ~,prepll1'ed, ~ a4e'llUlle to support the building pro pOled for this site. Additional comments: (Note): A copy ot this report sheD be kept on site wltb tbeapproved plans at all times. " , This report shall be followed by an affidavi~ signed and stamped,by the 4esign profes~ional under whose auspices this report wascomp1eted. ~fTuniing the information herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy c>f this report shall be submitted to' this office prior to requesting framing inspection for the building. ~=~t,~. ............ TItle .~.drl.nt Ip.' n'll> 1.eng.l neer Company I< ", A F'no1njll.~";n.n. Tnt" Phone (541) 684-9399 Lic:ensee r1ichael Remboldt. P. ~. License # 19474 expires 12/31/2004 The geotechnical report for the Aniblesidc Meadows - 1st Addition Subdivision reCommends immediate moisture stabilization of exposed expansive sub-grades. and that expansive soils be over-excavate(i and replaced with at least 12 inches offiUcompacted to at least 95% of ASTM 0698 for foundation }I..,,~aration; , Too report also recommends that measures be taken to ,prevent water from collecting in or around the foundation areas during and after the consuuetionprocess, and thatpositiv~sitedrainage be provided to' reduce the infiltration of surface water iritQthe expansive sOils. ' ',. The geotechnical reportJurthet emphasizes that thefimsh ~e of landscape soil adjacent to the ~oundation should be at least 24" above the expansiv~ bearing soils,.fitmb! comDscted to reduce the infiltration of water at thesurfaee.Theadequacy of fill soil material around the bUilding must be verified to the satisfaction of the design professional. 4 Mar-l1-Z003 11:57am Fram-K & A Enlineerini, Inc, +541-684-9358 T-1ZZ P,006/006 F-l0Z Community Services Div. Building Safely CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Srh Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph. 126-37S9 JObAddresd477 Falcon Dr. City Iob" COM 20Q3-0~6 Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire , 0 Foundation Sup-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 1st Addition , Subdivision', T~e un~rsigned bereby affinns that the cicavatic>n, strUctu.-a! fill and moisture stabilization methods for' the building site at the address shown above was observed by me or an authorized employee of my finn ~d that the following is tnle: , , 1. The foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1 SOO psf. and is adequate to suppon me building proposed for this site. 2. The moisture content of the excavation.was adequately ~i:ained during the site preparation process and was adequately covered,tostAbiIized moisture content, prior to any significant change in inoisture content of the sub-grade. ' 3. Thesite,is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in the excavated area dUring construction." " , 4. The accompanying report titled "Site li1vestigatipn Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals'. containing field observations and instrUctions ~ on 2/19/2003 (date> for the building site was c....._l'leted ~ither by my~elf or by an employee of my fmn under IllY supervision. To tbebest of my knowledge. the information cOi1rain~d in th~ti'eport is complete and accurate. Name of Licensed Professional (print) , M1 chae 1 Rembo,l dt to, P. ,E. Signature~ . , -- ~ --- '~..~.Gl"'"" 0 '~~ ' ., I;C'. ,18474 ' '~~' ~~~o'_~:'4:~'. .. ~~eE'R'Z' ~ ~~ '1 DENNIS ' txPfAES: 11,."/;,,/ u '4:;. Date '3~11/03