HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-10-21 Oct-21-2004 12:29pm From-K & A Engineerini, Inc. 't \) a .ngln..rlng Fax To: Greg Lar1<in, River Valley Builders 80b Barnhart. City or Sprfngtleld Fax: 541-7~6-O330; 726-3676 SUbJect: COM2004-01100 /3493 Falcon Dr. Greg and Bob: +541-684-9358 T-769 P.001/006 F-617 K II A engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 23624, Eugenet OR 97402 521 Market Itt SuilD 8, Eugsnllt OR 91402 (541) 684-9899 Voice (541) 684-93&8 FAX From: Michael Remboldt, P.E. Pages: 6 Date: 10121/04 Attached is the geotechnical ~nt and recommendaUons for the foundation excavation at 3493 Falcon Or. I apologize for nat getting this to you sooner. I did not realize that construction was .....~ading. However, we did make ou~. inspections and provide OfloSite recommendations during excavation in September. ' Thank you for theopportunily to be of service, Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~ Michael Remboldt, P.E. K & A Engineering, Inc. Oct~21-2004 12:31pm From-K & A Eniineerina, Inc. +541-684':'9358 1-769 P.006/006 F-617 Communily Services Div, B~lilding Sl\IClY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 5"1 Slr~cr. Sfll'ingljl)lJ, OR 97477 Ph,726-3759 lob Address 3493 F~ 1 con Dr. , -City Job # COM2004-01l00 \ ' Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Found~tion Sub-Grade Approval for. Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 1st.Addition Subdivision The undersigned hereby affinns that the excavation, structural rill and moisture stabilization metbods for the building site at tbe addre~sshown above was observed by me or an authorized employee of my fIrm and that the following is tnle: 1. Tbe foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1500 psf, and is adequate to support the building proposed for this site. 2. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately, maintained during the site preparation process and was adequately covered to stabilized moisture content prior to any significant change in moisture content of thesu!)-grade. 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in the ex;c8vated area during construction. 4, The accompanying report titled "Site lnvestigationQuestionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals" containing field observations. and instructions made on ..s.~nt "5.:..1 Ii ~ ~4 (date) for the building site was completed either by myself or by an employee of my fIrm. under my supervision. To the best of my knowledget the information contained in that report is complete and accu~. \ Name of Licensed Professional (print) Hi chae 1 Rembo 1 dt Date 10/21/2004 ,,~ ~'.~.~ ..' u__~. .:. ~~." '. V~ ~ "",." ~. . BPlre/~~i.!"'-::, Signature ~ \;;. Oct-2H004 lZ:30pm From-K 8& A Eniineerini. Inc. +541-684-9358 T-769 P.005/006 F-617 Community Scrvictl.~ Div, ~uilding Salel)' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 ;'j'h Slr~cl, SrringliellJ. OR 97477 Ph. 726.3759 Job Addres~ UQ1 Fill tM n..._ Ci(y Job # CQM?nn4-nl 1 n The undersigned design professwruzl (or authorized employee)attests that he/she obse",ed l'YJ'luired moistlU'e stability procedures on t1a.is site, and that such proced,ues were accomplished before. any chlUlglls occurred in the moisture content of the sub. grade under and tITOund the building (where fqan,sive soils were encountered). . The undersigned further attests that the sub-grade, as preptU'ed, is adeqlllJJe to support the building proposed for this site. Additional comments: (Note): A copy of th.is report shall be kept on site with the approved plans at all times. This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and stam~d by the ~esign professional under whose auspices this report was c,......llt'leted, affirming the information herein. T~ signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall be - submitted to this office prior to requesting framing inspection for the building. Signature~, ~ ,. . Name r"li"cha~l RemDo1dt. P.L ntle Pres-tden.t Companv K. & A EnQtne.e.rtM. tnc. Phone ';-A4~Q~Qq Licensee Ucense # Mtchael RembQ1dt 19414 _ expires 12J31/2.004 The geotechnical report for the Ambleside Meadows..,... 1st Addition Subdivision recommends immediate moisture stabilization of exposed expansive sub~grades. and that expansive soils be over..excavated and replaced with at least 12 inches offill compacted to at least 95% of ASTM D698 for foundation preparation. The report also recommends that measures. be taken to prevent water from collecting in or around the foundation areas during and after the construction process, and that positive site drainage be provided to reduce the infiltration of surface water into the expansive soils. The geotechnical report further emphasizes that the fuiish 8rade of landscape soil adjacent to the foundation should be at least 24" above the expansive bearing soils, Jimilv comDacted to reduce the infiltratio~ of water at tbe surface. The adequacy of fill soil \ material around the building must be verified to the satisfaction of the design professional, 4 Oct-2l-Z004 12 :30pm F rom-K & A Enii neer i ni, I nc. +541-684-9358 1-769 P.004/006 F-617 Community Scrvicl,)s I)j". Buildina Safely CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22:'i 51h Street, Springlidc.l, ()R 97477 Ph. 726".3759 ) Low-point crawl space drains are required to prevent the build-~p of excess moisture insfdethe foundations during (and after) con~,~. ",etlon. This drain may ~. installed afW: foundation placement onlv with the emress oermfvJsm of the d~1D DJ'OfesRionttJ. a. The design professional has determined the following: The crawl space drain is required WMn the foundation is installed..... 0 The low-point drain can be installed after foundarion placement without a significant moisture build-up problem within t1fefoundation..,.......,.. 0 . (The low-point drain may be installed at the ~"'iV"'i"o . stage 01 construction) poll & Fiiam.fWJR!Illg, mofillg. ere. b. Has the design professional observed and approved the installation of the required low poim drain?, .. ~,......;. ................... ... Yes, No ---1L. if "yes", where ;s the low point drain located under the huilding and where does iuerminare at this time? (must be an approved location, l.e, street gutter, storm sewer, sump pump and discharge line to the streetl etc.) lob Address ~49J Fi 1 C:Qr' !II', City lob # CQM2.a.1J..1l~'211 f! The design professional ml:lst detennine wheth~r the O:Ot'I:',-oved pennit drawings have adequate foundation steel. Is any additional foundation steel required that is not shown on the toundation drawmpfor the building? . Yes No xx , If uyes", describe additional steel required (or provide drawing). The following statement must be signed by the individual doing the 'observations and providing direction for the excavation and site preparation. work on the property. , . 3 Oct-21-2004 12:29pm From-K & A Eniineerini, Inc. +541-684-9358 I. T-769 P.003/006 F-617 Community Scrvk(.l.~ Div. Building S.IJcty CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22.5 ;Ib StrcL'I, Springlicld, OR 97477 Ph. 7~6-~759 lob Address 3493 F44~ con Dr. City lob # COM2004-01100 A thin 11ft of dense-qraded crushed aggregate (3-inches) was placed on the quarry s~one ana compactea. Is the site. as prepared adequate []I inadequate 0 to maintain constant moisture content in the sub grade? Note: Verification of mo;~ture stabilization in the sub grade is a requirement of the geotechnical report, and must be affirmed before construction can continue. If inadequate, what measures are needed to provide constant moisture content in the sub grade? . Is the site as prepared adequate [! inadequate 0 to support the.k'&,,!,osed structure? An affirmative ans}fer is requisite to proceeding with construction. If Inadequate, what additional work is needed to provide adequate ,foundation support? 4. Did the desfga professional witness pla~ement and compaction of the eDgID.~,,,.,, ..J fiU, or is there a special inspection report forthcomiDl from a quaUtied agency? I witnessed Placement i:i Special Insplcompaction report 0 s. The desip professtonallntends to uSe the following method for Installation of perforated perimeter footlDI drains: . The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professional...... D The method shown on the original constrUction drawings.. " . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 0 The typical 'Foundation Drain' drawing attached to permit... , . , , , ".. . .. ., . . .. . . Ki Perforated perimeter drains are not required ..........................,. ".,. ...... D. Comments: Note: City inspectors will inspect installed drains prior to cover upon request.., Call: 72~-3769 to schedule inspeclion. 2 Oct-21-2004 12:29pm From-K & A Eniineerina, Inc. +541-684-9358 T-T69 P.002/006 F-61T Communil)' Scrvic~il Div, Building SufOly Job Addresil 3493 fc.,Leon D!'. CITY OF SPR.INGFIELD, OREGON . Citylob# . COf12.0Q4-Ql100 225 Slh Slreet. Springlicld. OR 97477 Ph. 726-1759 . AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION-1ST ADDITION Site Investigation Questionnaire f()r Consulting Design ProfeSsionals foun~tion requirements - new structures on residential lots This for~ may be used as a temporary verification to.altow c:onstructJo~ to continue on the Job site until the consultant's stamped aftidavitpn the site soil oompaction andstabUization is su~mitted to the City. This form must be completed by a licensed design professional (engineer or architect) or bJsIher auth",.,',".4.M ,..mployee, and submitted to the buOdlDg Inspector prior to requ,esdng City Inspections or placing foundadon concrete. It Is Important that all questloDs be answered completely for the foundation site to be approved for construction. Owner and/or Contractor R;v~Y' VI'l112v Builders 1. Date of the design professional's site evaluation? Septemoer 15..16. 2004 2. Has the design. professionaJ reviewed a copy of the geotechnical information for the subcUvislon that was provJded with the bullcUng permit? YesL No_ If not, please contact this office jor a copy of the report. The design professional must be familillr with the geotechnical information before completing this form. 3. What was the size and depth of the exC8vatio~ and lor fiJl? The aDf.lrQxiftlate size of the excav~t1on;s 55' x 55'. Th.e. e.xcava,tion consisted of cutting into the nortb-facfng Slope ana cre.at1ng two benches. rne oencnes were apprOX1ma1:e IY 1.;)"(;0 ''''re.eL In flt:!l ~jrll... Was existing non-structural fill or expansive sOil encountered on the lot? Yes,u No_ If "yes", what types, depths and locations? ThF>r~ Wf!l"~ ic:.nlllted patches 0'" le,n!;es. of 1'H'''qV hiC\lhlv-olasti.c si.lt in the excavation. not exceedinq12-inches. in thickll.e.s.~. Tb.~'e. son~ were removed. ' What measures were taken.to remedy the soil condition (include type of . engineered fill used to stabilize the soil)? The top 1.5 - 2.0-feet Of dark b~own silts and patches of ~ra~ plastic silt were removed from tne excavat10n. lne founaatlon area was excavnea to aense~ undls'turOea yellow-un wea,nereo 'uli, clllI,J l.vvcrcu wld, 4uallJ ,,~vne to footing grade. I