HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-7-30
Aug-01-04 03:11P
AUr-UI-~UU4 U~:I~Dm ~ ftom-K , A En,ineetiftl, In,.
/- .
T-614 P.OOt/008 F-020
CQmmunlly SI.'l1vICC!l Oi", Buildin., Surely
2255" Sln1l:l. ~rillllfil.'ld, OR 97477 Ph. 726-.nS9
Job AddrMt~::~2~aO~~3~tJ(~S)t.. ,,~~:::~.,~~. "...
.., .. . .j
City Job t# CnN2M4;..nOa"
Site Inve+tlaadon Ques~ lor CoIIsuItina Design ProtessloD81s I
totpldationrequirements - new structures on residential lots
11ds form "'f be Used as a ImIpoI"ary verifteadoD to .. eDJUJlructio. to emalilUle
on the Job 51 . udJ tile c:onauJtant'. ""'''''"'' idIIcIam"D the lite IoiI compacdoll
aDd stabWJa n IssubQdtted to the City. This form must be tlODIpleRd h).
I.iceued pl'QleaIoII8I <.....1' or ardUteet) or .."... aud1orfaecI_plo~
aDd to the buihUna IDlpeetor prior to requ ..I"~'j" City !upeeUODS or
pia ~I~ . .. Iota . oa CCJDa'dI:.lt tltmporcant tlud all questkms be aaswered
~ fl. lite fmm"-t... sUe to be approved for contndioD.
0wDer aocIIot Contractor i.f'iI'l1. W.l&4ftftr;t t~,t~ r~.
1. Date otthe dtIfp pmfeuioultsl1te evaluadoJa1, Jul u.rJ.; 2004
.z. Bu ~ ... prof....... rewiewed a c:opy of the poIedlldeal bafCll'lD8doD
for thejaalJclivisioa that w. provided wItIt the bw'ld.ina permit? Ye.su No_
If not, ~lease contact dds of/ic~ for a copJ of 1M report. 17ui ihsiln. prqJessio1lll1
mu.rt " lomiliar with the geoteclWcal iIifol7l'lRlicm befon cmnpleti"8 this foJ711.
3. What ... the aiR aDd depth of the eg:aqUoll abd lor fIB?
.. .TW' xe~,ttDn Iil~S IPfo.t..... SOt;...x &0'.. nn+ oim:1l!di."g dptvtJo/l:v
. me. _ YlJtton. !I$. cut ..n. tw~ b,ep~h.es: ~!ate.cl W. ADprQxiWi.te.l y-
'-,ll=-T tn. ate.y.t1.'o1l app~'~teJY"..D.JY~' froll) -the.. f-rQl.It of .the. cut.
t.ba.<<~.JJ'~ 1J~h. of .!Iul. l:.o.;~"litf{.." .......:. "~rj"w...t!/lo&I.....1...--ttS7r<<~\
Was e*ling nOD-sttuctural fill or apansivc soil encountered on &be lot?
f,,ID~ .0 If "yes", wbllt types. depths and loc~" :.,,, .11 Tan I P 14 !t"tJr .s:i.lts.
(mode)"Ite.Ty. e.xp<<nl1 va) ~~~ to.und 4! 'lhe: 9fOUl'ld s~~1ace. to ~h. of
<<t"~.1'9.l. 1.V~Tee..t. ~Qi"l( U1.l(lar~ ~t t$" CO.r:\S'l$'tea of' y~y tt:i'fLt() b.ard
1.oW.I".I(iJjJ~I'~eQ. ~UTT ~ Hlt;sn.n.e. ~ttn $;1.I~~rounOeD CObb..let.. '!" stAined OrA-Me. in. ~lilC~\
What ""'r'''''JeS WeIe laUD to mmedytbe soil cODdi~on (include lJpe of
. fill used. to stabilize the soil)? ~. to~ ~o 2.. Q- re~t of' ~o 1'1 s
we.re.,. ~.,td 'rOll] -th.e.: $:-i.te. ~reJ)l gce.d witli ,':lnch JiJiflU~' dt..~~dQ.d
~'U$ ~,",rr.r i'tOt'le: ~nd C~YElFed \'Itth ~ -.tM 1.t', H ft Qf 3f4-tnch.. mi:nus:
..~,~..; J......w.w~Ju""u~U ~~'I.t!J.l~t~ ~Ine ~rartUIlI~ ri.ll ~llS CQlIJp~ctcw u~i.n9
~ Yl.'b.,lIIto.J'Y' lte.e.1Tllt.'h.M.len rolle.r. .
Aug-OI-04 03:12P
IIUrl/l-'UU4 u,:14ll1!1 i 1',..... , A tqin"rillf, IIIC.
, .
T-674 P.OO1lO0G F-DZO
Commullity Scrvk~ 0;11, 8uildiq s.,rllLy
of> .
22~ 5 Slrl.""!. St,.ingllcld. OR 974n Ph. 726.:l7S9
lob Address_ . . 2~8Q 37th St.
Cicy JOO#(. 'fOM;004.flf]C)l I
AA Pttl ","r )'9(~UQt,t~91l':'.:_. '\ ~_A.~etta4 4rl~~ .,- ;,,':;.ad at-th.e.
...f:lo,tt.Q Mf of-hQ gr~OlJl~~ 1-1'1 ~'t. job!. eut. lto" 1. n~ HiP ru-t anA ~t the.
north .W,:.4;2lI.th.. s-f dauLthA cllt.
lCi the s'te as prepared oduJlIIIte lik inluIeqlliW.iiJ to maintain consunt moist\W
COdten1 in the sub grade? Note: VeriJi<<Uitm of moirtun stabilizAtIon in the mb
grade ,; a mpdrement of the geotechnical report. and IIIIUt be affirmed 1Mf0re
conn,*don CQI'J co,,~.
If inadfq.uate, what measures are needed to provide con'tant moisture content in
the sub\8fade1 _ _
Is the Bile as prepared adeflt~ ;ntllkquate D to support the t "'.I"~
~? An IlJ/il'rltillM tWMY is requim. to proc~edht, willa COlUtnlctUm.
Ift~ wlaat addltfOl1a1 work IlIIe8ded to .,..."lde adequate
f~ support?
4. .Did thejdMlp pl'OfeuloDa1 witness pIIIamaent 8Iltl mmpadioD of the
~ lIDs or II tJaere 81peda11a&pection report forlbcomiD. from a
qU1l~ qency? 1 witnessed Placement JiJ $peciall1Up/~ report 0
5. The deIMn professlonaJ IDteads to use the loJknrJDa methocl for IDstalIation
of pe...... perimeter fOClfIDc cInIuI;
The ck.4" on the attached drawing provided by the design professional ._.. _ _ CJ
The met &ad showa on the original construction drawings.. .. .. . . .... _ .. .. _ _ .... u 0
The t)pi~ 4PouudatioJl Drain' drawina anached to pmnit ..... ............ _, _. 1iJ
p ....t...:u..4cf perimeter drains are not required . . u .. . " .. . ... .... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . ..... 0
CI"......"...!tJ: Fo9t i.1l9 ~ hi." lrft. ..~ il4dtttol'l +^."'.... ~ , ottq<l p~ I'll
Al~"4 ~t ~h~ 59ttnm ^, th~.~~l@~t trA"ula~ ftll
N0f4: CitY SIup<<tors will intJMCI /JUta1kd drllbu prior to Ctroll~ upon reqtWI..,
CI.Ill: 72f.3769 to ~ ilupeclion. .
Aug-01-04 03:12P
AijIMlI-ZUD4 D3:14111B : fron-K J A En,inellrin.. Inc.
T-674 P.OO4l00S F.020
CtJmmullily SI,I!',k.:s Div. Bllildil'll Sl\fCl)'
22-S ~!ll Street, Stringlield, OR 91477 Ph. 726-~7~')
Job Addrtu 2280 31th St.
C"tty lob # COM2004.n09f'i
Low~t tnnll space dnins are requJncl to preYeDt the buJld,.ap of ~
moIse+n fnsJde the r~S during (and after) eoastrucUoD. TIds drain
may .., hMtaJJed after In......'.... ~ only wUIa.JIIL.Iit.Il.u. ~o".1 _rm&..t-
"the~ nmflMal~
a. : The de&ign professional has determined the following!
. The crawl SpilC~ drain is 1'<<JIIired whm flte~ is ilul4lled..... 0
! The low-point dTain CQIl iH wtllUed 4fter foundstW". placDnenr without il
nglli/iamt moUtIlTf! bMiltl.up probWn witlUn fM/OIIIIdtltimt....__....... 0
(TJte tow'PD}nt dTai" may be inst/llkd ill 1M fram1"9, stage
: fJ/ <<mstruction) l'tJst .& --I ".., . 0". mafllta. &II:.
b. : Hal. '*sign proJ~sg,QftO.l obs,rwd d1Itl tlpproved rM innollotion of 1M
; required 'qw point drt:Iba!....................,....,......... Yes, No xx
: if 'Yel", when is 1M low poilU drain located rmdtr the bllilding and
;wlJt~ don "'MP'1ninaIe t2t rlJiI time'! (1'IIU8t 1M 1m tlppmve4locanOll, Le.
"'lift g4JIUr, no"" ~'. lUmp pump and dilc,"",' _ tD 1M 8treet,
The deslp prcfessional must determine wbefbcr the .l:t't'~.'.red permit drawibp have
adequate foundation steel III allY additivo8I founclatlon .teeI requlred that is IlOt
sbon ... Oat touDda1loll ......... lor tile build"" .
YeI_ N" I u. If <<ya ".lkl~ adtlilional $uel "'fJAl,ed (or p1'C1llilh tlrawinl).
The f()lk>wing It......,' ,4tIt 1fUU' be dgned by the iruJividual tlom, 1M DbstP'Valion.J tmtl
providing dirtcilon jot the excQ'l . ,:,:., ~ _ sire preptlTllIUm work on the p1'O~ny.
Aug-Ol-04 03:12P
AU~UI.lUU4 U~:14a1 Froa-K I A fOlin',rina, Inc.
Comn1Unil)'S~.i~~ Djv, BuildfRll Sufely
225 5'~ Slr~l.:l. SPillgl'ill!d, OR '1"/477 Ph. 726<l159
lob Addl'cSl\_ 22~O 37th St.
Citylobf CQf9004-UQSn
TIu """'.ed 4"'811 pl'DJuritHuJl (or ~ ~) fIIIGtI tit. ""IM.
obStln1_I'6Ilo,I"J4,;.,J ~ altlbiJity pni.: I""t, 1'tIS 011 this .. fINIlh4t SIIda JIfOCe4urflJ
tV.,., tI<<"'WH/o,(/.,., ~ oa:rlIftd iI4 lM1UIs1rIN co,.,., iI/~ ,d-
~ """'1pe4 ,"MdIM hil.l/.:,.~ ('WMn IUpllll$ire IOfl8 ."u. fI~). f7u
"_1 ."'~.Jj"jJNl.J'1utbu."", tIuIJ tJu 1UI1-gl'fllk, III., I,'" JUIIII, II uMqtuul to zwen""
bui14Urg JWfIIIpudfor *' 1IIf.
Additional (+",.~,;,.!Ilfs:
(Note): A eopt of tIds report sbaD be kept on site with die app.,." '!I' ~ plans at aD..
This &......... sbltU be followed by an affidavir, signed and stamped by the design
..""..(,;.S8iollal tJ$der .hose auspices r.his report was co1tlpleted, aftirming the infonnation
herein. The sipedlstamped affidavit togethlsr wjtb 8 COpy of this report shall be
submitted to tiji$ oftke prior to requesting &.ming inato"....~ for the building,
NaIDe Mich~el Remliol~t, r ..t.-,
Company f<-i& A En9tnurt719. In.,c.
Phone 6B4..~
u~ ~~i.l ReJ9bDlc1.
License f..l.Q4 ...
.~s '12/31/2004
The geotec:~ ..*..~, for the Ambles:ide Meadows - I It Addition SUbdivision
I..,...",...meods intmediate mo~ stabilization of ~ expansive &Ubo-grades, and that
expansive soils 1be over-exca"atCd lAd =placed with I1leut 12 inches of fill...........acted
to at least 9S~ Of ASTM D698 for foundalion preparation. The repon also m:ommends
that ~ ~ t.aken to prevent ...- from co1lectiog in or atOUnd the fouftdation areas
during aDd de!! the c:onslruction .......as. 8b.d that positive sire drainqc be provided to
reduc:e the inf'tltation of s_!1...... water into the ......oIdl&ive soils.
The geotechftu.~ report fu11her emphasizes that the fitlish grade of landscape soil r
adjac:ent to the ~on should be at leut 24" a,bove the expansive bearing soils, .timLl!
~ lO ~ the infiltration ofwab:r .. the surface. The adequacy of fill soil
material voundithe building must be verified 10 the satisfaaion of the design
Aug-Ol-04 03:12P
'AY,-UI-CUU4 UI:I'Um rrom-A . A tRltnserlni, In,.
T-ijT4 P.006/006 ~D20
CnmnumilY S\:r~i~1I Oiv, Buildjn~ SlIld)"
22.~ Sill Slrecl. s;,ringlield. OR 97477 Ph. 726-.l7S!.l
Job Addrcss_ 2280 _ 37th St. .
City Job#CO.H2nn4-009ll
For Silt: In,"cstigation QuestiOlUJAire
Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for
Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 151 Addition
The undersis$d hereby affirms that me excavation, structural fill and moistwl:
StabilizalioD ntethocls for the building site at the address Ihown Ibove was observed by
me or lID 1lU~izec1 emp10yee of my finD and that tbc followine ill trUe:
1. The f~ sub-grade is capable of 6UPPOrting a minimum of lSOO psI, ItDd is
adequCe to support Ihe buildinJ I"'''l' ...l....lfor rhii sire.
2. The mtisb.ue COlltcot of the excavation was adtquately maintained darina che sire
PJepatlttion process and was adequately covered to stabilized ~ content
prior td any sipiticant cbaqe in moisbn content of tbe sub-grade.
3. Tbe si_ is adequatelyataded and dIained to prevent the caUaan of water in the
excavated area durin& con5ttUCtion.
4. 1b a..~"'I"oAQyiDg BpOrt tided ''Site Investigation Questionnain: for Consulting
DesiplProfessionals" ~ field observ8lions and instnletioos IbBde 00
July ,m, 2004 ) (date)forthebWId!nssirewascompletedeilberby
myaelf or by an employee of my firm onder my SlIpGl'Vision. To the best of my
knowledge. the .ioformation <=ODtained in that ""2' w':.t is ccmphlte and rtealrale.
Name of L.U:enJed Professional (print) tUe hu.1 .RlUIl&o 1 dt . p. E..
Si~ \{rJ-
Dale B/ll2IJQ4
EXJ'IRES: I~L /./'....I-