HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-7-9 (2) Jul-09-2004 11:IOam From-K . A En,in,erini. Inc. +541-684-9358 T-639 P.DOI/006 F-468 f( " A E..'..... lie. P.o.lo 23&24, Euaene. OR 87402 521 MlrIrIt St., SUfte B, Euoene, OR 17402 (141)....V_ (641) e..... FAX Fax " To: Greg larkin Cc; Bob BamhaJt, CIly of Sp~rQfield6 From: Michael RemboIdtP,E, Fax: 12e~;~l2~78 Pagel: 6 . .Su~r~..St.CO.-G0641 Dif8: . 7/Q'04. . Atlach8d ~~forth8 subject addreSS In Al*sfde Meadows forRlverVanoy Builders. PIea8e call me If you haVe any questions. SIIlC8l8!y, . i -II ~.. Michael RemboJdt P.E. K & A Engfneertng, Inc. Jul-09-2004 11:10am From-K & A Eniin.erin.. Inc- +541-684-9358 T-639 P-D02/D06 F-468 Community Servicelt Div, Building Sl1fcly Job Address ?~97. nth ~+ . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON CilyJob1t CQft1?n04-0Qf\41 22~ 5dl SlJ\!ct, Sprinllf'il.1ld. OR 97477 Ph. 726.37S9 . AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION-Iffr ADDITION Site .Investlgation Questionnaire for CODSultlng Design Professionals foundation requirements - -new strUCtures on l'eSadcl1tiallots This form may be used 81 a il"i.,llr,Orary verlftcatlon to .w coDStnletlOD to coDtlnue on the Job site untO the consultant'. stamped aft1davitEOD tile site soU compaetion I, and stabll&zaaJon Is IUIbDdtted to the City~ This .form must be eomplef.ed by a Ucensed desip profealoaal (engineer or arc:hitect) or hf&lher a!ltllorlzecl.Wi+Joyee, and. submitted to the build'" inspeetor prior to requeatiDg City lllflpedJOIIS or pladag foundatlcm eoncrete. It is importsmt that all questions be aaswend completely for the foundation site to be approved for c.onstrudiOll. Owner andlor CODtrador Rtve..r Va" eY' Bu 1'1 de..l'5' L Dateofthed.Jp prcressiolllal'ssite evaluaUon? 6/29/04 z. H8s the desisn profealoRulll reYlewed Il copy of the geoteebolc:al tnrOl'llll8tioBl for the subdlvls!oil that W88 .."".. ' .rIded with tile buJldiq r'W ...J,? Ye.llL, No_ .If nDI, pletUe contact this offia Jor Q copy oj the I'eport. The thsign professional must be fami/illr with the geotechnical inlomtlJtion before completing this form. 3. Wh8t was the size and depth of the exeavaUoD and lor tw1 . TIj~ ~t''tvAt;.D.r of," ~p",;nxim"t'tr;r;'. 1~1te X Bot deep_ benched 1'nto the l1.Ie!it...faciJIIl fti"l1~1de. .Jhe. bJabes.t Cllt is. 8oproxi"matelv. lO~ into bedrock a lctn.Q_ttle.' eas:t e.d~e. . The foundatton pad was. excavated rnta ess-enUa 1 ly 3 lieElchas..t~t Byte.. or-rante.d acros.s. the 5'1 ope.. Was existing non-structural fiU or expansive soil encountered on the lot? Yes.- Nj.u If "yes", what types, depths and locations? What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of engineered fill used to stabilize the soil)? Cio11 go in. 'the ~ut con~i ~te.d -af l.t} to '.5-fe.e.t of...D.r.gAtUc sf'lt !tODS-Ot)) ove.r we.athe.red tufface.ous s'tlt&:. fiavtnQ aDPY'oxtmatelY 20 to 30% of co~~le.s and bOUlders.. Jul-09-Z004 11:10am From-K' A En,ineerin,. Inc. +541-684-9358 1-639 P.003/006 F-468 Community Servi~c:s Div. Building Sule:ty CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 Sill Str!:cl. SJlrin$Ii~Id. OR 97471 Ph. 726-'J7S9 lob Address ,2297 37th St. City Job * COM2004..0064' No c.pll!t"i ff,. 1I~~..~1I arll! Y'Aqqi r(ld "nll' th.h: 1 At nthl:H" than. to ensure stabilHy of the back cut. Th1c;~hould consist of some sgrt of retafnfnq wa" or reinforced slope s,vstem. ^ very thin 11ft nf ~rushedanqr~qate fill wa~ Dlaced on the benches (less than 4-1nches) . Is the site as prepared adeqaulle a Inadequate 0 to maintain constant moisture content in the sub grade? Note: Verification of moisture stabtllqJtlon In the lub grade is a requirement of the geotechnical report. and must be t1fIiT'Wl6d before construction can continue. If inadequate, wbat measures are needed to provide constant moisture content'm tbe sub grade? Is tbe site as prepared adequate (] inadequau 0 to support the r....l'"'sed . strUCtUre? An tdfirmati'lle answer is requisite to proceeding with construction. If Inadequate, what adcIitioaal work Is needed to provide adeqll8te foundation support? 4. Did the deslp proltwJ8niDl witness placement and c:ompadion of the eagiaeend nn. or Is there a spedallnspedion report forthCOBdDI r: ,'I, !II,J 8 qualified ase_'ll witnessed Placement a SpeciallnsplcomplJCtion Nport 0 5. The daip profealonallntend. to use the followIDg method for InstaUaUon of perforated perimeter Iootintl drains: . The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professional ...... 0 The method shown on the original construc:tion drawings.... .. .......... ......... 0 . The typical 'Foundation Dra1I1' drawing attached to y.......Jt ..................... Ea Perforated perimeter drains are not required ......................,.... ~ . .. . .. . .... 0 Comments: . Note: City inspecto" will inspect instalkd drains prior 80 covrer upon request... Call.' 726"3769 to schedule iMpecrlma. 2 Jul-09-2004 11:llam From~K & A En,ineerin" Inc, +541-684-9358 T-639 P.004/006 F-488 Community Services Div, Buildin, Saf~ty CITY OF SPRJNOFIELD, OREOON 22' ,Ill Slrecl. Spt'inllfteld. OR 97477 Ph. 726-:\759 Job Address: 2297 37th. St. City Job. C0M20Q4",OQ641 Low-point crawl space drains are required to p", oI.'j 'l;lIJ"t the build....' of acess moisture lude the found8tloml.durlna (and after) ~ This drain may be IDstalled a.fter foundation pla..~._t.2DJ~ ~.iJ.b_~he ~~.".I: ,1jl.oJf'lDeI'lDissJqa ,,~tbe._ln Drpf.~Onals a. The design professional has determined the following: The crawl space drain /1 required when th4foundtJtion is installed..... 0 The Iow4pow drain can be Installed after foun4tuima placement without a significant moisture build-up problem withi" lhe foundation.... ~........ 0 (The luw-pointdrfJin may be insttllled at tM fr.omtpg -. . .. ... 'ta,e of construcri01l) poll" ~J'twN1rI. PDufmg. fIfC. . b. Has the destg" professwnal observed and approved the installation of the required low point drain?................................... Yes, No-.u- if "yes", where is the low point drain locaNd 'under the building and where does it.t4rmintlte at this titM? (must be an approved Iocatlbn, I.e. street gutter, stonn sewer, sump pump tmd discharge line to the streIt, ere,' The design professional must cL"iu.i."....~ whether ~he approved permit drawings have adequate foundation steel. Is 8111 addIdenal foundation steel required that Is DOt shOwn on the foundation drawiDp for tbe.ballcliq? Yes . . No xx , If "yes", describe additional steel ref/Uiretl (or provide drawi"g). The foUowing atatlment must be signed by 1M inJividual doing the observations anti providing direction for the excavt:ltlon and site prepQrati.on work on the property. 3 Jul-09-2004 11:llam From-K & A En,inllrini, Inc. +541-684-9358 'T-639 P.005/006 F-468 Community Service~ Div, Buildinll Safely CITY OF SPRINO.FIELD, OREGON 225 Sill SlrOOl, Sprjn~Ii~ld, OR 97477 Ph. 726-nS9 I Job Address 2297 37th St. ell)' lob * COM2004-00641 The "",,,,'gned 4,11,,, prof'Blloul (or tlrdMrlt.ed employee) tdtaJs dud Mlslae obll,.,1II r<<jWred _,,~~.re ,1Ilb1lily procedura on ,lib Bite, tm4 tIuIt SMell procedlmm Wert tleeo""lishM 1Hd'OIV till, clulnla occulft4 in the mDl8tur, content oj t1u sub- ,IYIII, ruuItw and tIIYJrIntl the blllI4mB (where UJlflllli,e lOlls WIIW ,Mo,.",.,d). De andtnigmld furtlser tIltat8 thai ths mb-gmd" t# prqtll'Sd, " tuleq"t* to ,uPfJ01'l the bldldi", p"'po,,4/tH' t1Us rUt. Additional c:onunents:. (Note): A ....i~';I or this .""'A' ..,'OlL shaD be kept on lite with the approved plans at aD times. This report sball be followed by an affidavit, signed and stamped by the desip professional under whose auspices this report was completed, affinning the infonnation herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall be submitted to this office prior to requesting ftaming inspection for the building. Sipamre ~.t~ ... _. Name M1 cha(!!l Rembo 1 dt. . P .t:. Title Pl"p.s..;-dp.nt Comp8llW K & A Enqf'nee.rinCl. b\c. Phone 684-9399 LI.~~, Michael ~em~l~t- P ~ License # 19474 expUc8 12/31/20n4. The geotechnical report for the Ambleside Meadows - I" Addition Subdivision recommends immediate moisture stabilization of exposed expansive sub-grades, and tbat expansive soils be over-excavated and sepl8ced with at least 12 iQCbes of fiU compacted to at least 95% of ASTM 0698 for foundation P""lo'Jation. The report also recommends that measures be taken to prevent water I....... collecting in or aroun~ the foundation areas during and after the construction process, and that positive site drainage be provided to ~Ii/1..ce the infiltration of surface water into the expansive sOils. The geotechnical ''''l' ....1 further emphasizes that the finish grade of landscape soil adjacent to the foundation should be alleast 24" above the expansive bearing soils. m:oi1.'f com0acte4 to reduce the infiltration of water at the. surface. The adequacy of fill soil material around the building must be verified to the satisfaction of the design . professional. 4 Jul-09-2004 11:11am From-K & A En.ineBrin,. Inc. +541-684-9358 T-639 P.006/006 F-468 Community Servic.:"" Div, Building Saf~ty Job Add"" ?2Q1 .11th St. \,..1 J {OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON City Job * COM2004..00641 225 511. StNl:t. Springfiold, OR 97417 Ph. 726.3759 Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for . Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 181 Addition Subdivision The undersigned hereby affirms.that the excavation, sttuctural fill and moisture stabilization methods for the building site at the address shown above was observed by me or an authorized. employee of my finn and that the following is true: 1. The foundation sub-grade is capable of supponing a minimum of 1500 psf. and is adequate to support the building proposed for this site. 2. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately maintained during the site preparation process and was adequately covered to stabilized moisture content prior to any significant change in moiswre content of the sub-grade. 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in the excavated area during construction. 4. The K...u,.....panying report titled "Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals" containing fwld observations and instructions made on June 29. . 2004 (date) for the building site was completed either by myself or by an employee of my rum under my SL....k Jision. To the best of my knowledge, the infonnation contained in that report is complete and accurate. Name of Licensed Professional (print) 111 cbu.l Sign~ ~ --t' ~ . ""'- Date_. 7/'9/2Q04