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Permit Correction Notice 2007-7-9
". ",<.--~.' i" .'f'J." ....,~.~~^.,."l. "-:"{.,,\,l..,!.' .,fl.".~ _...,--:-:... ,1:'1.; e,. I ~,' tr,,;-;l-.. ,.; ,~; '~51~;"~. ~"'l ';, ..!,:.~" ."::-..,~ ~.''::'r., S~,~',:>':;' I.. ,~'~'lr\'.." ;:' ""t..' '.!<:l"'''''t;,U''.,:f'-T'',:: .1'.,,, ..-"" ..,.,.,........ -..~ . .~,. City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date:_ 7 I 9 / /)7 Job# c ~ - CJ3'9 . . .' Address:, 2Z~ J14~/V7 rl- Inspection Type:_ F II/{ 'l.. J ~~ TO: 1SlA..1/ v d R" 0 . 'r }IO, 117 -.J:tLb JA. e-r/s 10 6~ #l 0/4 !I-tx{..j/~" OIA ~&o(r- ~/o,IZ "#:lV.t., #,~<-$ 5-2v~vd S!o.P'py (!)J/eN ~/'1./) - A-(.(pf- Dvt fl...~'t"'" Acd--<cA 161/ we-{- lo{(.<...{..;o"1 'fIO,I,& F/~4I.Avs 1It/I..,:.t-.'j ~,/- 7~J?()~f . vr p ~! . ' ,,' . 'r ." .- ~.l " , '. ~ r-- , .". . ,/'i ....,.. :'., : ,~,'~ ". .r '.~ . , ~, ,. ~ ,f ~ t '. ~ :Ir.;~ ~ . ,.- , , ' " , . " , ,..,... ' ,,:. q()rr~ctiori~ 'and reillspe~t,oil+~~uest ~ha!i'bemadewithi~ <: ;~/~;~!'~C~I~~dii~"~~ys:/' " /:., /' "',~,",. 'Cal!for"E!insp~cti9n"~yes:DJy(r":"'~~Insp~ctor.I1~:,)ip;'I'CIt:.t.ii...;k';;ri';' ";';",/::~J"'Date':;'." '.,':, ,,', < <.' :;, , ",;,j,Nr:-'^,NrvN,;"N~N ~:~C~n. for<'insp~t:tiQri726-3769~~~ ~~,\,i~~~~~';;\Q~estioos':t~6.~.~ l59,(,~~^'^i^.',,y;"N. "... .. .t