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Permit Correction Notice 2007-7-27
'f,,~"'" Date: City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: k 4- -5 t- U;:c;rfU:.C- -..... Iff!: KO>t-~.:; K/'}c;,.fi.- r 0 7/7'5,7 .I+L--,!"O PI+A6f VIlAu-U:)1E.. Do~.Aff<) ,c..,ff~~ 7/-I-F ~.4 /J {)lL T2..B..t I~ (Y> ~./ 11ft:: 1<0 '1;;;:5 '-!::/v //-1- J::_ J::-.Z:--/U?. lAlA-4 A IV0 < /-/O(V'7JU; rifE. S&119-L-L. L/ Ii r:<j/lJ 1./4/j/5 ~/l/~ -t-- / /~a( iV. PlA~}L,F C)() /l/&T Pvl Pr /(/ f) 171 flbiL_ f) FAftc K-, S r-- - - . -.. I --vrt.k~ IA ) Jrt--L, L, r:? ~ <; L /::::'0 r7_ B4ck.- O~l.S 7::-V Tt--ff Corrections and reinspection request shall be made)within calendar days. I).. ."'> /) 1\ Call for reinspection ~es DNo Inspector_ (~u V j) 'J:...)Cru J Date: / -c::_/ -0,/ NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspection 726-3769N/..NNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN : ,,:J:.,,;" ',': ., '-" ':;-- - " 'J';c.'~" : '--",. '"" _~. ',' ,/,' (. ,-; , . ..;,,~,' .,. "':/ ;,:-~;.;.