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Permit Correction Notice 2007-8-6
City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: E l /f-L ,fUT:f J.+L rj)(l)/~<x()f2,__ 111J1s.rs PUA~t ~PL.UlU: AM) rA-/:J THT-. \-l?"o~ J-fA/L.1'r7A/t. J: f{n rvt f 'F: 1'// 'XA J (n. , A f0t T /-tJ::.. / ,fT W L-l1rJS ~tt>l) Fnn_ n t f2.f: c.T- f tJA/t/J-r.T ll\ ) T./ r (/ L:. tV S. \J lJ&-'I 't 0 rV J j { r~. F- T 0 F F'l/fLL P LA-u:. () ~b MF/I}-( _ G:O)l.. A)fA:;l)t; R()S/-Jt~/] {. l-f r:- .I J-r. \j tJlM.- R 0 ~ p.'c...Ll ~ {.l}./rrf.W b()r... ~TA/lfr (J F FXJ!l~PIJ1CE f),~/J yaUI ,() v CL.. /t M'A-u J-!CJAA.f:. RVAJ ~l J Z & - 3 It, b .3 'V I II Corrections and reinsp~cfion request shall be ma~~ with~n calendar days. (') - / - 2 CO? Call for reinspection [Slyes DNo Inspector L:; I) Y nT."/? A) .Date: ?J? (IJ , NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN , ',: ';"" ,>. - ,."" ': . """" ~"f. _ ' ;:. .,'