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Permit Correction Notice 2007-8-23
City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: Ro r/U\t=-A-~ F-/fJi-/ I_I 0 51 c;- ()) I, L-f() 9 70Q "300; ~ {Y ? ~C9( L L/ P~. (___cJC)Sc l) tuL c; I-z. -c:-r (0 Fe'!: r..:.. z: T G (-;zcz K '&'1 14PL.i - - I 0&5;:. PIA/V?? ;;. (-1- ~'- rrf/.,.c- F-~fl Date: q ,23 /2~? Job# !__ II? .- SZ 5> Address: C:; 05" _ /v1 (}--J; ~ 5 7 Inspection Type: FT/\/tJ..1 ;::A;'./~(' fI (J ,/ Z 7 J (/, q ? j (J ,.~ ! I t(J ,. Cj /11/,/2 Corrections and reinspectio~uest shall be mar de within calendar days. c::.... .J) Call for reinspection Dyes ~No Inspector ).f,)'/ J)'LXtJ.l1 _Date: ;71"- 2s- 0 / NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspection 726-3769N~NNNNNN~NNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN