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Permit Correction Notice 2006-7-25 (2)
.-....., pate: ;> 125' 12();J b ' Job#((?"'f-~,.- e:>JbtO Address:J.f /~~ 1fC.Dc.k.Y R{)' Inspection'Type: F..-Llf:..t.....'ifl;;C.U;r{ rZ:lV~l "'~D " '" "\ """i'" ~.. .\ ...,....... <" .~~,.,...:'....i. ""..-''''' .' ~:-~ -..''i' ~!1';,10!. ~l.t.'1.,I""'''''..j..',~' ,.,.;, ;';'~~::-' ", ~'--1-.._""~",'-'''. ~"'i-'o"I<-!~"", .,' J',. .,\ ~t,,,".,:,......-'.rc""t'~\tJr'\..,;;; ~\::J"'- 3...' 'T~;';'" :" ..', _',. ~~, ~\'''..r I.. ~ ", '. '-{,';" ;"....-~,' :~..':.': :.> "1"'~' ":",' '. ~: , " , .; , City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: E L1;c..T~ ..COIu~t) ,R- )JE-C- ~L-J 10 ~ k/. D PUrAbt- ()M..lLo" /VI frt-S J ~ B8>-H-,VB A DttMP L;oc,..~j PfWtFC()e' IH8!f, 1:-: l) . ;4-. tWf1 f-"PK/~, ~~ (L-i::srt0,' f?yfL /1) f- -[-'; '3 '1~, ! 1.. 'I-,^)':TI) ~(.., ()tlAA,1 f), ' ,- / , -+- ..,... 4-1 I. J".. e II v"""'" (..,.;"". -\..' , I ((}...I.. c- Ai,~ J I '\I l......t.- L./" V ., f~Jr() , AI 1\ J V - 'J"..' V,V II v~')-.r'" ' ',V~"lh I~,~' ,tf;; ~ -,17' . , , .. I'. ...' ,,\~. ..._ '1", SPRINGFIELD ~- "1-/1 / - I J J IJ.cA?J " , I ~~ -w-. .... ~ ~, /' ' , .;. ," ~'. ' , ',' - " ,,' _ '" ,: .7<':~, ~;.~' I " , ~, . " C~r~ectio~s and r.eirisPE}ct" ion r~q'~t!st shall ,be 'm~de:,w~thin',,:" ': ',;: cale[l~~r::days~,. ; .()l::d c .? "t,' ,; " , Call. for relnspectlonrnyesQNo , 'In~pector'(~v'Y :f)~i\J: ' "'<:":";', .Date: ,P&7 -c...Q1)b ': ' "'^,"''''~~'''''';''''''~N'''~~ !!fpr,in~p~q:ion7 2.fi-'~7(i~f~~l'~':'i"'~~~~!~QL(e,s~iq,n.~ 726~~7 5~,~,~~ iv"'!"'~~~'. ;, ,'. ,:: . ,-;'.' ,,>i'~ ,:,:~'~"~:,L:~,,~i;..;~.~:,,:;:, "<:.:",".;;~~ ~',':;:;X~~':}i; :~J,,::,,~.~ ;;"j~\i\r);. :;;'/\ ;.:,ii~j,: .:At~ ~'~.,.:(: L;'~,:;:rf~"'X;",;~;, ~j{'~}:'~4:~"'r;,~~~o$.~r~~l:~iliL~~~ \,~;' ft~f1;~;~:~~;_\~ :i,: ri:l~t:~' rj'f~~,:~~~f:l'pr":'\'~)/;,fr:..~.~,J:,J~}:;~:~:l~f<.~,;t:,;:'. )':"::l~'~~>';;\~~:'(~ I ",}, ,~!:~'~ .:"~./;,~.,! :_~:' "l: ..'1-.: (\ i,/* , r,";, '__