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Permit Correction Notice 2006-7-27
" ......, .-, ~'f:t,'- """ I "'I ,.pop.... ~:.:#~;~~~,.:,~-);:JL..-~V.;":t".A.;;z.v...t'..."'4-?'-1....:,:'UfM~-1.r:r..:"i:-.~,:..;.....~"""\.;...-.,'~['..:.-A;...=t~\"":lf;...";;1:;~/..l..~ ~';.I.: 'f'.l -,.... ~,~~" .' ~,,', " ..--,-- ,~ , ;" '," \ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street , ~,'f"> . ,fr ., , .., . Date: ,;'7 ./Z? I 2c9rJ'b, 'Job#C/JM7 ML.- ()o:z,zC{ , Address: .7 IA'? 'Jff) rlt. .5/ , . ~ . . - , Inspection Type: f: 1 Y,L,Yfu-:Jfit:~ TO: f)LUMR__ 1_ t? A-1) , r..A.-LC. < 1:AJ c-lk'Dt:: }~ fJf) - . --r II ? /" 'M.M) F- 1-J- t;; AT , : l.L/~' hTl- L~')f t:.,.~ A)r--{...~7.?1J,t;2-.B I ~11 ) C-- tfJ--[,..c. - A ) y J _', 7 2t) .b6 :INS lAU, Spj>'C-f1~ .. t:--tl ftJ rv1 ,Li ~f/rAh "j':'f'J I - 6tf}A~ ANO 11.ft~~ M;r...Zs-aS~B[ ~U~ D~A~ IVEL;2_~Olc,)2.t'(\, ( t - _ft-Ll " tJP~A J kO',:5' '. \ . A-'i-M'{~f'):A.J,JF;j ,A):pJ~ ..',[U) ,,\7~,A-" .7.', '.'.~ "',-/, "."', "" ,,'.',' .. ~. , .. 1, .' , " . :', '.' ' -~". ' ',.'. ~,..' 1 I '", '1,'_ ,,' ." ".'> ; " ( ,", "C:..,- ,;' . ,.., ,'. ' " ". ~orrectio~s. ~n.d r.e'insP~~i~~ r~q~est shilll be'mader'l';t~i~ .... 'C.I~"~~rd#s..,>;..'1 ')~2'~~ f . Call forrelnspectlon ~y~sDNo Inspector ",:>-u\/. f)r~')',' _Date: ,I . p.:. j: utJ-tJ . ~"''''~N ^! IV;N"'IV'" ",,,,.Cal,I' f9r, ',i I1specti()n 726~3 769~ ~~~,~"'!"";,:,,_,:,,"'Qu~sti()ns, "? 26-3759 ~1V"'f\J"','" ~ "'''! '. ,-.,'. ;.,';J ..~. .';.:; -.",;. ,-;~ ,<~!. ,.;: I >, ,:' ,: _. ..,:." ~: .'::::-::". ;, k'1~'T'. ':i~\:/:J;.'lr'~: '<'./~~ ',"/';' x,:; ,,_,>.., ,.~~.;~,.<.:._~";~>:~'~".'i:.!,:';{)!>,/~:;_:\':i. ;:; \,.-;,\:".:~;t:\.}:';::~:..<tj....:~"',.;. ~'"Z.,:7.;~,,:\ \;-, ,~':_~~,..,.~~,,\' ;':::'~,: t,,;, ' ,~~: ,~:.~.:..