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Permit Correction Notice 2007-4-26
f - ''-- - ." - ~'? '~Y--~>(" -,~. ','.......~.,_',~'.-' ....'.. ';"T~."'.' f'f.'-'.'l,.........-'-.. TO: () vJ ,1/1~ Date:.' L( / 2 h/ 2 00 7 Job# C (; - lJBO Address:, h fry Gj 0 11/1 r}-7/'V Inspection Type:_ 17::"0 l)D 1-1 f. ~~CAIL,[W-I City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street P L/t:A'SF> ;t-1 tJifF 1--1 ~N/lu(L !Sr-, DI60{)~\ Pr;/~ Nt:; C " A vult-j r:"1Lf) 'I/L.. 1/0:3,h DOtJ6L '"[;-v c:; (/ u T/1 F AS /- ~. . l~ o'/- Eh r? 1,",\ <i ') () /\,f1--1 ) (? tV /, !}r[l./d'u t PEJc /\) fC ; IJlJ~L MoED ~ \ LI . 7 () gV/.,() () (; / F r r Lv $ /-J TO {Vl}l-c ~(~';:t~~::;::!;';:':tp7rt1"':":"~k"i5. i~"~8~:~"J:;t.(;t::""";,, 'I-~{Lr~';~."~:"':" , " ~" I , ',,' " ~. .~ {.'.' , . " >.,;': ;~.i., "";I,!;:::-''''--":"""~,,,,,, i.'.';'.. ',i,~,\ ,....,:>J' ","", ,fl'.'l....r:. ..'. . ..,,1"- ,~- ,~: ":';~" ,>, ",~",,".!.. '\, ',";"'. .,'~ . ,..... ''''..'' " ,"\ , .'.'0/' j ,.',.',. ~rrect,i~~s;and, r,'~i~SP'~iOIJ reque~~ ,~ha'i be,';~,d~, "';;u'i~"";cal~,:,,"~~: !I~Vs. ...", ',,';"..,~',', ""_':'~ ",',.;.,:"~:, ':, - /\ ' , '",cantor,remSpe~I?,n [0yesp_No:,'-,.In~ped:Or ('jv'j LYl/~O^).~~~;" :',' ~~te:. ).-.f-. 21/--:209 ( , ' " :, '~~~"'~"""'~","'~~'!"C~IIJor IOspectlon726~'~769tviv"',,:,"''''.~,^'.:^'.~'''Qu~$.tions. 726-37S9"',^'.~N~~,^'^'."'" , ~~mf;i:C.::,:':,i;',v;">\,,,,:Lf'" ;,~~,~:%",:,:~;'i:":""'~''"'::'_:;'''""'';~;'i:~;".i~,~. ,i;;;~;:;~;.i:'2';i;l';":~+i.' ::: ,:; : i'::"'?~;~' 'i:~~(~i;~::;;0;~:}:;lil~'1;1):L~}~~~\i:::;, ":i,~i,,',: >', .;'j,: ~ ,':.~<;::,;;,;,:\},':!~"L:,:.l:;h ;'~.::.,:::~;~~:,; :,,~,:;' ',::. .",',' 'i, :,; ;' ;_: '