HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05 Land Lease for Fire Station #16 Temporary Housing . AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: November 5, 2007 Regular Session CMO ~ John Tamuloni~ x3656 Consent Calendar SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: LAND LEASE FOR FIRE STATION #16 TEMPORARY HOUSING Approve City Manager signing commercial lease agreement with Jack E. Heacock and Sarah J. Heacock Trustees of the Heacock Living Trust dated March 15, 1999 Property owners of the property immediately north of Fire Station #16 have agreed to lease terms that would allow the temporary housing needed to accommodate Fire and Life Safety personnel during the demolition and construction of Fire Station 16. The proposed site is the most efficient and straightforward location for day-to-day operations during the reconstruction of facilities and in obtaining necessary land- use permits. Fire operations and apparatus storage would remain on existing Fire Station property. 1. Commercial Lease Agreement with Heacock Living Trust Trustees Costs associated with this lease were included in cost comparison materials provided to Council earlier during discussions of the lease for the modular temporary quarters. Leasing this 200-foot by 140-foot area (See map in Lease Agreement) would allow a site to be prepared so the modular unit could be set up and operate soon after delivery. The following highlight the terms of the proposed lease: 1. Lease Term: 12 months plus two three-month extensions, if needed. 2. Base Rent $842 (based on property value and a rule-of-thumb lease formula often used by real estate professional) plus $50 increase per each extension 3. City pays pro rata share of property taxes on leased area (estimated at less than $500/year, City may avoid this cost by applying to Assessor as an exempt use.) 4. City pays Lessors' attorney costs in drafting and negotiating lease up to $2000. 5. On Site Improvements: City builds (and leaves when lease terminates) needed sewer line stub connection, driveway apron to South 68th Place (if needed), and stormwater improvements needed for temporary residential use. 6. For temporary residential use: City builds (and removes when lease terminates) building pads, all utilities, screened fencing, parking, driveways, security lighting, etc. 7. City removes items all built in #6 above and restores and reseeds site to level grassy field as now. ~p COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT Date: October , 2007 Between: Jack E. Heacock and Sarah J. Heacock, Trustees of the Heacock Living Trust dated March 15 , 1999 ("Landlord"). And City.of Springfield, Oregon (j'Tenant" ) Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord the following described property (the "Premises") on the terms and conditions stated below: The Premises is approximately 200 West to East feet by 140 feet north to south, about 28,000 square feet in area, and is unimproved land in the northwest corner of Tax Lot 17-02-35-33- 06201. The Premises is approximately the crosshatched area on Exhibit A attached hereto. Section 1. Occupancy 1.1 Original Term. commence October 2009. The original term of this lease shall , 2007, and continue through March 30, 1.2 Possession. Tenant's right to possession and obligations under the lease shall commence on October , 2007. 1.3 Renewal Option. If the lease is not then in default, Tenant shall have the option to renew this lease for two successive terms of three months, as follows: (a) The renewal term shall commence on the day following the date of termination of the expiring term. (b) The options must be exercised by written notice to Landlord not lesi than sixty (60) days prior to the last day of the original term for the first renewal and thirty (30) days prior to the last day of the first renewal term for the s~cond renewal. The giving of such notice shall be sufficient to make the lease binding for the renewal term without further act of the parties who shall then be bound to take the steps required in connection with the determination of rent as specified below. COMMERCIAL LEASEA~~EMENT - 1 - A TT ACf. IMENT 1 (c) The Base Rent rate of the iease f6r each renewal term shall be Fifty Dollars ($50) per month more than the base rent for the Rriorterm. All other terms and conditions of the original term shall apply. Section 2. Rent 2.1 Base Rent. During the original term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as base rent of $842 per month. The first month's rent shall be payable upon signing this lease. If the effective date is not the first month of a calendar month, the tent shall be prorated on a per diem basis for the partial calendar month. Each subsequent month's rent shall be payable on the 1st day' of each month in advance at Landlord's address listed below or at such other place as may be designated by Landlord. . . 2.2 Base Rent for Renewal Term. In the event that Tenant exercises the renewal options, then the base rent for the renewal term shall be as specified in Section 1.3(c). 2.3 Security Deposit. To secure Tenant's compliance with all terms of this lease, Tenant has paid Landlord the sum of $2,000 as a deposit. The deposit shall be a debt from Tenant to Landlord. The unused portion of the .deposit shall be refunded to Tenant without interest within. THIRTY (30) days following expiration of the lease term or other termination not caused by Tenant's default. Landlord shall have the right to offset against the deposit any sums owing from Tenant to Landlord and not paid when due, any damages caused by Tenant's default, the cost of curing any default by Tenant should Landlord elect to do so, and the cost of performing any repair or cleanup that is Tenant's responsibility under this lease. Offset against the deposit shall not be an e~clusiveremedy in any of the above cases, but may be invoked by Landlord without prior notice to Tenant, at its option, in addition to any other remedy provid~d by law or this lease for Tenant's nonperformance. If Landlord gives notice to Tenant that an offset is claimed against the deposit, and, unless the lease is terminated, Tenant shall within TEN (10) days following such notice deposit with Landlord a sum equal to the amount of the offset so that the total deposit amount, net of offset, shall remain constant throughout the lease term.' Section 3. Use of the Premises 3.1 Permitted Use. The Premises "is currently vacant. Tenant owns and operates a fire station on Tax Lot 6204 adjacent to the Premises. Tenant intends to reconstruct the fire station and COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 2 - ATTACf.lMENT 1 wants to use the Premises on an interim basis to house firemen and a place to park emergency vehicles. Tenant shall be permitted to install modular housing on the Premises for its firemen, concrete bases or pads for the building as necessary, utility lines and telecommunications facilities to serve such facilities, perimeter security fencing and asphalt parking lot, a curb cut for access from the Premises to S. 6SthPlace which shall be the access point to the Premises for Tenant's use and other related temporary improvements necessary but incidental to the operations of the fire fighting activities. currently on the fire station site adjacent to the leased Premises. Landlord will co-sign any necessary land use, other applications, permits and other documents deemed necessary and reasonable by. Tenant so Tenant may secure approval of the Permitted Uses listed above. Such actions by tenant shall be at Tenant's sole expense. All of such construction shall be subject to the following additional terms: (a) The sewer line provided by Tenant from S. 6Sth Place shall be a permanent sewer line at least eight (S) inches in diameter for use in future development of the Premises and the adjacent property owned by. Landlord. Upon vacating the Premises, Tenant will cap the sewer line and leave a stubbed-out extension on the Premises and transfer the ownership of the sewer line and any other utility lines connecting to the Premises to Landlord. (b) Tenant shall install a City-approved driveway apron or other paved entry access to the Premises from S. 6Sth Place. Tenant shall take all access to the Premises either from the adjacent fire station property owned by Tenant or S. 6Sth Place. The driveway access shall be in accordance with all municipal requirements ahd shall be constructed ona permanent basis for future use by Landlord after the lease terminates, (c) Tenant shall construct a security fence around the perimeter of the Premises and provide slats for the fencing facing the Landlord's adjacent residence. The fencing shall include a gate for access to S. 6Sth Place as well as a gate larg~ enough to accommodate vehicles along the east boundary of the Premises at a location mutually agre~d.. upon between Landlord and Tenant. ~iA-LD" tj'dt e- C~ &'l.i2t ~~ :ft# (d) All safety and security lighting installed by Tenant shall be directed downward and shielded in a manner to minimize light intrusion on the Landlord's residence and adjacent property. COMMERCIAL LEASE AG~EMENT - 3 - A TT ACf. IMENT 1 (e) Landlord's adjacent property to the south of the Premises slopes downward from south to north. As a result, surface stormwater will flow from Landlord's adjacent property onto the Premises. Tenant shall construct storm drainage facilities on the Premises as is reasonably necessary for Tenant's use of the Premises. Any storm drainag~ system shall be channeled into the storm sewer line on the fire station property to the north of the Premises. (f) Upon termination or expiration of. the lease,unless otherwise agreed by Landlord in writing, Tenant agrees to remove all pads, buildings, appurtenances and other structures.and items constructed by Tenant on the Premises (expect for the sewer line and driveway apron described in Sections 3.1(a) and (b)), and all debris and other personal property and to restore the Premises to a level field, plant grass and ensure the condition of the Premises is suff~ciently ~th that ,it can be 6-f~ .~~~~~~~,,~~;r..~~"~~ 3.2 Restrictfonson Use. In conn~~n with the use of the . Premises, Tenant shall: (1) Conform to all applicable laws and regulations of any public authority affecting the Premises and the use, and correct at Tenant's own expense any failure of compliance created through Tenant's fault or by reason of Tenant's use. (2) Refrain from any activity that would make it impossible to insure the Premises against casualty or would increase the insurance rating of the Premises. (3) Refrain from any use that would be reasonably offensive to tenants or owners or users (including Landlord) of neighborirtg property or that would tend to create a nuisance or damage the reputation of the Premises. (4) Tenant shall not cause or permit any Hazardous Substance to be spilled, leaked, disposed of,or otherwise released on or. under the Premises. Tenant may use or otherwise' handle on the Premises only those Hazardous Substances typically used or sold in the prudent and safe operation of the fire station specified in Section 3.1. Tenant may store such Hazardous Substances on the Premises only in quantities necessary to satisfy Tenant's reasonably anticipated needs. Tenant shall comply with all Environmental Laws and exercise the highest degree of care in the use, handling, and storage of Hazardous Substances and shall take all practicable measures to minimize the quantity and toxicity of Hazardous Substances used, COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 4 - ~ . - - - - - -- - A TT ACf. IMENT 1 haridled, or stored ori the Premi~es. Upon thee~piration or termination of this lease, Tenant shall remove all Hazardous Substances from the Premises. The term Environmental Law shall mean any federal, state, or local statute, regulation, or . ordinance or any judicial or other governmental order pertaining to the protection of health, safety or the environment. (5) If Tenant breaches the obligations .stated herein, or if the presence of Hazardous Substance on the Premises cau~ed or permitted by Tenant at any time after execution of this Agreement, results in any contamination of the Premises or any other private or public property, including, without limitation, sewers or streets, or if contamination of the Premises by Hazardous Substance otherwise occurs for which Tenant is legally liable to Landlord or to any third party for damages resulting therefrom, then: (A) Tenant .shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless from and against any and all claims, judgments, damages, penalties, fines, costs, expenses, liabilities and losses (including, without limitation, diminution in value of the Piemises, damages for the loss or restriction on use of the. Premises, and sums paid in'settlement of claims, attorneys' fees, consultant fees and expert fees) that arise during or after the term of this lease, as a result of or in connection with such contamination. The foregoing indemnification of Landlord by Tenant includes, without limitation, costs incurred in connection with any investigation of site conditions or any clean-up, remedial removal or restoration work required or recommended by any federal, state or local governmental agency or political subdivision because of Hazardous Substance present in th~ soil or groundwater on or under the Premises or any public facilities. (B) Tenant shall promptly take any and all actions, at its sole cost and expense, as are necessary or appropriate to return the Premises or other private or public facilities to the. condition existing prior to the introduction of any Hazardous Substance to the Premises; provided that Landlord's approval of such actions shall first be obtained, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld if such actions would not potentially have any material adverse effect on the Premises or other private or public facilities. All contractors, laboratories and engineering firms (hereinafter "Consultants") chosen by Tenant to undertake a~y remedial action that may be necessary or appropriate on 'or about the Premises or other private or public facilities :shall be approved by Landlord prior to their employment by Tenant, which COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT ,... 5 - A TT ACf. IMENT 1 approval will not be unreasonably withhold. Consultants shall be licensed and bonded in accordance with all applicable laws. Duplicate copies of all reports and findings made by Consultants with regard to the condition of the Premises or other private or public facilities shall be delivered to Landlord concurrently with their delivery to Tenant. Tenant shall haveth~ work done by the Consultants at Tenant's sole cost and shall indemnify and hold Landlord and Landlord's agents and employees harmless from and against any and all loss, costs, liability, damage and expense relating to or arising from any damage or injury to Tenant, the Consultants, or the agents of either of them, for any third-party liability incurred by any of them, an for any claim by Landlord, or Landlord's agents or employees by reason of any such work conducted by Consultants. . (6) As. used herein, the term. "Hazardous Substance" means any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste that is or becomes regulated by any local governmental authority, the State of Oregon, or the United States Government. The term "Hazard,ous Substance" includes, without limitation, any material or substance which is designated as a hazardous substance purs~ant to the Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC Section 1317); or defined as hazardous waste pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 USC Section 6901 et seq.) ;or defined as a hazardous substance pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42 USC Section 9601 et seq.); or defined as a hazardous material pursuant to Article 90 of the Uniform Fire Code, as adopted by the City or County in which the subject property is located and, as amended from time to time. Section 4. Repairs and Maintenance 4.1 Tenant's Obligations. Tenant shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of all improvements on the Premises. 4.2 Reimbursement for Repairs Assumed. If Tenant fails or refuses to make repairs that are required by.thisSection, Landlord may make the repairs and charge the actual costs of repairs to Tenant. Such expenditures by Landlord shall be reimbursed by Tenant on demand together with interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the date of expenditure by Landlord. Except in an emergency creating an immediate risk of personal injury or property damage, Landlord may not perform repairs which are the obligation of Tenant and charge Tenant for the resulting expense unless at least 10 business days before work . COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 6 - - - - - - - ~ . - -- ATTACf.IMENT 1 is commenced, Tenant is given notice in writing outlining with reasonable particularity the repairs required, and Tenant fails within that time to initiate such repairs in good faith. 4.3 Inspection of Premises. Landlord shall have the right to inspect the Premises at any reasonable time or times to determine the necessity of repair. Section 5. Alterations 5.1 Alterations Prohibited. Except as provided in Section 3.1, Tenant shall make no improvements or alterations'on the Premi~es of any kind without first obtaining Landlord's written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. All alterations shall be made in a good and workmanlike manner, and in compliance with applicable laws and building codes. 5.2 Ownership and Removal of Alterations. Except as provided in .Section 3.1, all improvements and alterations performed on the Premises by Tenant shall be the property of Landlord when installed. Section 6. Fire Insurance 6.1 Fire Insurance. Tenant shall keep the Premises and the improvements thereon insured on a standard all risks of loss insurance policy including, at Landlord's option, earthquake and flood coverage. Tenant may carry, and shall bear the expense of, any similar insurance insuring the personal property of Tenant and Tenant improvements on the Premises. Tenant shall purchase a waiver of subrogation endorsement on all such pdlicieswaiving the insurer's subrogation rights against Landlord. 6.2 Waiver of Subrogation. Neither the La~dlord nor the Tenant shall be liable to the other for loss arising out of damage to or destruction of the Premises or the ~ontents thereof, to the extent such loss is covered by insurance. All such claims for any and all loss, however caused, hereby are waived to the extent covered by insurance. Such absence of liability shall exist whether or not the damage or destruction is caused by the negligence of either Landlord or Tenant or by any of their respective agents, servants, officials, or employees. It .is the intention and agreement of the Landlord and the Tenant that the insurance carriers involved shalln6t be entitled to subrogation under any circumstances against any party to this lease. Neither the Landlord nor the Tenant shall have any interest or claim in the other's insurance policy or COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 7 ~ A TT ACI: IMENT 1 pol~cies; or the proceeds thereof, unless specifically covered therein as a joint insured. Section 7. Taxes; Utilities 7.1 Property Taxes. Tenant shall pay all real property taxes and any special assessments levied against the improvements .constructed on the Premises by Tenant and a percentage of the taxes and ~ny special assessments levied 'against the land in Tax Lot 6201 of which the Premises are a part, equal to the percentage of the tax lot leased to Tenant hereunder, computed on a square footage basis. Property taxes on the land shall be prorated on a per diem basis for any partial tax year this lease is in effect. 7.2 Special Assessments. If an assessment for a public improvement is made against the Premises, Landlord may elect to cause such assessment to be paid in installments, in which case all of the installments payable with respect to the lease term shall be treated the same as general real property taxes for purposes of Section 7.1. 7.3 Contest of Taxes. Tenant shall be permitted to contest the amount of any tax or assessment as long as such contest is conducted in a manner that does not cause any risk that . Landlord's interest in the Premises will be foreclosed for nonpayment. Since the Premises is part of a larger tax lot, Landlord may also contest the taxes on that tax lot. 7.4. Payment of Utilities Charges. Tenant shall pay when due all charges for services and utilities incurred in connection with the use, occupancy, operation, and maintenance of the Premises~ including (but not limited to) hookup or connections fees, charges for fuel, water, gas, electricity, sewage disposal, power, refrigeration, air conditioning, telephone, and janitorial services. Section 8. Damage and Destruction 8.1 Damage. If the Premises are damaged by fire or casualty, Tenant shall have the option to repair the damage at Tenant's expense or to terminate the lease on TEN (10) days prior written notice to Landlord. If Tenant elects to repair the damage, repairs shall be accomplished with all reasonable dispatch subject to interruptions and delays from labor disputes and matters beyond the control of Tenant. COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 8- A TT ACf. IMENT 1 8.2 Rent Abatement. Rent shall not be abated during the .repair of any damage. Section 9. Eminent Domain 9.1 Partial Taking. If a portion of the Premises is condemned and Section 9.2 does not apply, Tenant shall have the option to continue the lease and make any alterations Or repairs Tenant deems necessary for its use of the Premises, or terminate the lease on 10 days prior written n6tice to Landlord. (1) Landlord shall be entitled to all of the proceeds of condemnatio~, and Tenant shall hav~ no claim against Landlord as a result of the condemnation. (2) If Tenant elects to continue the lease, Tenant shall proceed as soon as reasonably possible to make such repairs and alterations to the Premi~es as a~e necessary to restore the remaining Premises to a condition as comparable as reasonably practicable to that existing at the time of the condemnation. (3) Rent shall not be abated if Tenant does not elect .to terminate the lease. 9.2 Total Taking. If a condemning authority takes all of the Premises or a portion sufficient to render the remaining Premises reasonably unsuitable for the use that Tenant was then making of the Premises, the lease shall terminate as of the date the title. vests in the condemning authorities. Landlord shall be entitled to all of the proceeds of condemnation, and Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord as a result of the condemnation. Section 10. Liability and Indemnity 10, 1. Liens . Tenant shall pay as due all claims. for work done on and for services rendered or material furnished to the Premises, and shall keep the Premises free from any liens. If Tenant fails to pay any such claims or to discharge any lien, .Landlord may do so and collect the cost as additional rent. Any amount so added shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the date expended by Landlord and shall be payable on dem~nd. Such action by Landlord shall not constitute a waiver of any right or remedy which Landlord may have on account of Tenant's default. CO~I3,GIM.~1>E~SE .AGREEMENT - 9 - A TT ACIIMENT 1 10.2 Indemnification. To the extent allowed by the Oregon Constitution and the Oregon Revised Statutes including specifically but not limited to the Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295), Tenant .shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Landlord from any claim, loss, or liability arising out of or related to any activity of Tenant on the Premises or any condition of the Premises in the possession or under the "control of Tenant. Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant for any injury, loss, or damagecabsed by third parties, or by " any condition of the Premises except t6 the extent caused by Landlord's gross negligence or breach of duty under this lease. 10.3 Liability Insurance. Before taking possession of the Premises, Tenant shall procure and thereafter during the term of the lease shall continue to carry the following insurance at Tenant's cost: Commercial General Liability Insurance (occurrence version) in a responsible company, with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. Such insurance sha~l cover all risks arising directly or indirectly out of Tenant's activities on or"any condition of the Premises, and shall name Landlord as an additional insured. Tenant shall provide Landlord proof of insurance on Landlord's request. Section 11. Assignment and Subletting 11.1 No Assignment. No part of the Premises may be assigned, mortgaged, or subleased, nor may a right of use of any portion of the property be conferred on any third person by any other means, without the prior written consent of Landlord. This provision shall apply to all transfers by operation of law. No consent in one instance shall prevent the provision from applying toa subsequent instance. Landlord shall consent to a transaction covered by this provision when withholding such consent would be unreasonable in the circumstances. Section 12. Default The following shall be events of default: 12.1 Default in Rent. Failure of Tenant to pay any rent or other charge within 10 days after it is due. 12.2 Default in Other Covenants. Failure of Tenant to comply with any termor condition or fulfill any obligation of the' lease (other than the payment of rent or other charges) within 20 days after written notice by Landlord specifying the nature of the default with reasonable particularity. If the default COMMERCIAL _L~~E ~C;REEMENT - 10 - A TT ACF. IMENT 1 is of such a nature~hat it cannot be completely remedied within the 20-day period, this provision shall be complied with if Tenant begins correction of the default within the 20-day period and thereafter proceeds with reasonable diligence and in good faith to effect the remedy as soon as practicable. Section 13. . Remedies on Default 13.1 Termination. Irt the event of a default by Tenant, the lease may be terminated at the option of Landlord by written notice to Tenant. Whether or not the lease is terminated by the election of Landlord or otherwise, Landlord shall be entitled to recover damages from Tenant for the default" and Landlord may reenter, take possession of the .Premises, and remove any persons or property by legal action or by self-help with the use of reasonable force and without liability for damages and without having accepted a surrender. 13.2 . Reletting. Following reentry or abandonment, Landlord may relet the Premises and in that connection may make any suitable alterations or refurbish the Premises, or both, or change the character or use of the Premises, but Landlord shall not be required to relet for any use or purpose other than that specified in the lease or which Landlord may reasonably consider injurious to the Premises, or to an~ tenant that Landlord may reasonably consider objectionable. Landlord may relet all or part of the Premises, alone or in conjunction with other properties, for a term longer or shorter than the term of this lease, upon any reasonable terms and conditions, including the granting of some rent-free occupancy or other rent concession. 13.3 Damages. In the event of termination or retaking of possession following default, Landlord shall be entitled to recover immediately, without waiting until the due date of any future rent or until the date fixed for expiration of the lease term, the following amounts as damages: (1) new tenant have been, The los$ of rental from the date of default until a is, or with the exercise of reasonable efforts could secured and paying out. (2) The reasonable costs of reentry and reletting including without limitation the cost of any cleanup, refurbisHing, removal of Tenant's property and fixtures, costs incurred under Section 13.5, or any other expense occasioned by Tenant',s default including but not limited to, any remodeling COMME~CIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 11 - A TT ACf.IMENT 1 or repair costs, attorney fees,court6osts, brOker commissions, and advertising costs. . (3) Any' excess of the value of the rent ~rid all of Tenant's other obligations under'this lease over the reasonable expected return from the Premises for the period commencing on the earlier of the date to which Tenant has paid rent or.the date the Premises are relet, and continuing through the end of the term. The present value of future amounts will be computed using a discount .rate equal to the prime loan rate of major Oregon banks in effect on the date of default; 13.4 Right to Sue More than Once. Landlord may sue periodically to recover damages during the period corresponding to the remainder of the lease term, and no action for damages shall bar a later action for ~amages subsequently accruing~ 13.5 Landlord's Right to Cure Defaults. Except as otherwise provided herein, if Tenant fails .to perform' any obligation . under this lease, Landlord shall have th~ option to do. so after 30 days' written notice to Tenant. All of Landlord's expenditures to correct the default shall be reimbursed by Tenant on demand with interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from the date of expenditure by Landlord. Such action by Landlord shall not waive any other remedies available to Landlord because of the default. 13.6 Remedies Cumulative. The foregoing remedies shall be in addition to and shall not exclude any other remedy available to Landlord ~nder applicable law. Section 14. Holdover 14.1 Property Removal. Except as provided in Section 3.1, prior to expiration or other termination of the lease term Tenant shall remove all furnishings, furniture, trade fixtures and other improvements to the Premises. If Tenant fails to do so, this shall be an abandonment of the property, and Landlord may retain the property and all rights of Tenant with respect to it shall cease or, by notice in writing given to Tenant within 20 days after removal was required, Landlord may elect to hold Tenant to its obligation of removal. If Landlord elects to require Tenant to remove, Landlord may effect a . removal and place the property in public storage for Tenant's account: Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for the cost of removal, transportation to storage, and storage, with interest at the rate of 12% per annum on all such expenses from the date of Bxpenditure by Landlord. COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 12 -. -- - - -+-- -._-- - ~- ---" --- - -~ - A TT ACIIMENT 1 14.2 Holdover. If Tenant does not vacate the Premises at the time required~ Landlord shall have the option to treat Tenant, as a tenant from month to month, subject to all of the provisions of this lease except the provisions for term and r~newal, or to eject Tenant from the Premises and recover damages caused by wrongful holdover. Failure of Tenant to remove fixtures, furniture, furnishings, 'trade fixtures or other improvements that Tenant is required to remove under this lease shall constitute a failure to vacate to which this section shall apply if the property not removed will substantially interfere with occupancy of the Premises by another tenant or with occupancy by Landlord for any purpose including preparation for a new tenant. Section 15. Miscellaneous 15.1 Nonwaiver. Waiver by either party of strict performance of any provision of this lease shall not be a waiver of or prejudice the party's right to require strict performance of th~ same provision in the future or of any other provision. 15.2 Attorney Fees. (1) If suit or action is instituted in connection with any controversy arising out of this lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover in addition to costs such sum as the court or arbitrator may adjudge reasonable as attorney fees at arbitration, at trial, and on any appeals. (2) Tenant shall reimburse Landlord within 30 days following signing this lease for Tenant's legal fees incurred in drafting and negotiating this lease in an. amount not to exceed $2,000. 15.3 Notices. Any notice required or peTmi tted under this lease shall be given when actually delivered or 48 hours after deposited in United States mail as certified mail addressed as follows: To Landlord: Jack E. Heacock and Sarah J. Heacock, Trustees 6893 Main Street Springfieldi OR 97478 To Tenant: City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . i COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT"- 13 - A TT ACf. [MENT 1 or to such other address as maybe specified from time to time by either,of the parti~s in writ~ng. 15.4 Su6cession. Subject to the above-stated limitations on transfei of Tenant's interest, this lease shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. . 15.5 Recordation. This lease, or any memorandum thereof, shall not be recorded without the prior express written consent of Landlord. 15.6 Entry for Inspection. Landlord shall have the right to enter upon the Premises at any time to determine Tenant's compliance with this lease, oi to show the Premises to any prospective tenant or purchaser, and in addition shall have the right, at any time during the last two months of the term of this lease, to place and maintain upon the Premises notices for leasing or selling of the Premises. 15.7 Interest on Rent/Late Payment and Other Charges. Any rent or other payment required of Tenant by this lease shall, if 'not paid within 10 days after it is due, bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the due date until paid. In addition, if Tenant fails to make any rent or other payment required by this lease to be paid to Landlord within t~n days after it is due, Landlord may elect to impose a late charge of Fifty Dollars ($50) to reimburse Landlord for the costs of collecting the bverdue payment. Tenant shall pay the late charge upon demand by Landlord. Landlord may levy and collect a late charge in addition to all other remedies available for Tenant'spefault, and collection of a late charge shall not waive the breach caused by the late payment. 15.8 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of the performance of each of Tenant's obligations under this lease. 15.9 Oregon Law. This agreement is subject to, and shall be interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the ~tate of Oregon. 15.10 Representations. Landlord makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the Premises or any improvements thereon ~nd Tenant is leasing the Premises "AS IS" and with all defects, if any. Tenant certifies that this lease is executed on the basis of Tenant's own examination and knowledge of the Premises and Tenant's opinion of its value. COMMERCIAl. _:LEASE, ~GREEMENT - 14- A TT ACf.IMENT 1 ." No representations as to the condition or repair of the Premises or the zohing or land use classification of the Premises, or permitted uses of the Premises, have been made by Landlord, or by an agent of Landlord, and no agreement or promise to alter, repair or improve the Premises has been made by Landlord or by any agent of Landlord. Tenant accepts the Premises in its existing condition, including suitability of the Premises for the use contemplated by Tenant. All conditions precedent to this lease of the Premises have been satisfied or waived by the party in whose favor the condition was established. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Commercial Lease Agreement to be effective the date first set forth above. Landlord: ",.jJ~g~ Sarah J. Heock .... .. Trustee of the Heacock Living Trust Trustee of the Heacock . Living Trust Tenant: City of Springfield By: RElnri'iED ~l ,f\PPROVHl AS TO FOF:;M ~~~~-j--~ \... ~ ", DATE: _lQll~ I ~\ OFFICE OF CITY t\TTQRNI;Y COMMER~IJU. LEl\.$E AGREEMEN'r - 15 ,... A TT ACf. IMENT 1 Lq -- .d .,3 6204 CURRENT FIRE. STATION #16 SITE . 'TEMPOrRARY !QUARTERS I" LEASE SITE .. f 6101 , ;S.t+" AC. I ' i . ..,. . ~-=--='fI . (()). ..;'1 III ~ I. I . . f ~ ~. : ::C. -.{~. to- . i:ll 10 I ".. . r """-"20' L SEE MAP P 02 35 J:J EXHIBIT A ATTACHMENT 1 - 16 t NORTH