HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 P21052 Mill Race Stormwater Facility Design Services Contract Amendment AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/20/2015 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Jesse Jones/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3720 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: P21052 MILL RACE STORMWATER FACILITY DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACT AMENDMENT ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or reject the following motion: TO APPROVE THE SUBJECT CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO THE MILL RACE STORMWATER FACILTY DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACT WITH AMEC, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $66,700, INCREASING THE TOTAL APPROVED CONTRACT TO $446,971.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT. ISSUE STATEMENT: The scope of design work for the Mill Race Stormwater Facility has increased over the life of the project and has reached the threshold requiring City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract Amendment No. 5 2. Project Scope and Budget Change Request from AMEC, Inc. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Amec Foster Wheeler is currently assisting the City of Springfield with design, permitting, and construction phase services to support the Mill Race Stormwater Facility Project. The City of Springfield has also partnered with Willamalane Park and Recreation District (WPRD) to design and build a trailhead and multi-use path as part of the City’s larger construction project, resulting in a more cohesive design and lower construction costs. Per an existing IGA, WPRD is reimbursing the City for its portion of the design fees. During the design process, the complexity of the City project increased, necessitating additional technical work by the consultant. See the attached “Project Scope/Budget Change Request” for a more detailed justification of the proposed increase. A summary of the contract amendments is below: Original Contract Amount $256,322 Amendment #1 (Additional Permitting - City Change Order No. 1) $24,780 Amendment #2 (WPRD Path – WPRD C.O. No.1) $44,687 Amendment #3 (WPRD Trailhead & Concept Connection – WPRD C.O. No. 2) $54,482 Amendment #4 (Contract time extension– City C.O. No. 2) $0 Total Amount Authorized $380,271 Amendment #5 Additional Amount Requested (City C.O. No. 3) $66,700 Total Contract Amount Adjusted to: $446,971 There is sufficient funding in the project account to cover the total cost of this contract amendment. Staff recommends that the City Council approve this contract amendment and authorize City Manager to execute amendment. 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During the design process, originally scheduled to be completed on May 5, 2014, Amec Foster Wheeler submitted 60% design documents and based off City review and conflicts with the existing bridge, the City decided to shift the stormwater swale to the west to mitigate conflicts with the existing bridge and abutments. By doing so, the swale landed onto the adjacent SUB parcel (Steam Plant property). Due to the encroachment on the SUB parcel, the City engaged SUB on a land swap transaction to accommodate the construction of the Stormwater Facility. This engagement initiated extensive coordination and discussion, which resulted in additional time and effort by Amec Foster Wheeler that had not been accounted for in our original proposal/contract. Amec Foster Wheeler’s Project Manager, Dan Schall, initially reached out to the City of Springfield Project Manager, Molly Markarian, in August 2014 to discuss the additional out of scope work, design delays, and to discuss equitable budget compensation to cover the scope deviations. However, due to project uncertainty with the adjacent SUB property, additional services requested by Willamalane for trailhead design, the City Project Manager verbally agreed with the Amec Foster Wheeler’s Project Manager to wait until a later date when all of the out of scope work items were known including associated cost impacts, and then Attachment 1, Page 109 of 112 Project Scope / Budget Change Confirmation, Revision 2 City of Springfield Amec Foster Wheeler, Inc. Project No.: 461M127901 2 K:\12000\12700\12790\127901\Contracts Financial\Change Order 2 -Out Of Scope Changes.Docx address a budget increase authorization. That date came on March 5, 2015, when Amec Foster Wheeler contacted the new City Project Manager, Jesse Jones, with a list of out of scope items. Amec Foster Wheeler was then directed to provide a cost proposal to address those items. A full description of each out of scope item and associated costs is provided below. Out of Scope Item: 1. Additional coordination, in person meeting with the City, Willamalane, and SUB due to the swale relocation west to avoid conflicts with the existing bridge, including the encroachment on the SUB parcel. Costs: $7,200 2. Amec Foster Wheeler prepared several revised 60% site plan layouts due to Item #1, which included multiple iterations of design work and the evaluation of the impacts on the project design. Additional coordination with Amec Foster Wheeler’s subconsultants were also a direct impact, to accommodate design revisions. Cost: $8,300 3. The original design schedule had the bid package complete by May 5, 2014. The project design duration has extended well beyond the original design schedule, which has caused additional coordination, meetings, project management, and design iterations. Including various information requests from the stakeholders, and additional coordination meetings with City, Willamalane, and SUB. Cost: $15,100 4. Additional efforts to meet City and Willamalane design specifications requirements while incorporating APWA and City’s specifications. Cost: $4,200 5. The original construction oversight budget was for one construction season lasting 4 months, with half-time oversight. The current construction project schedule will now occur over two construction seasons. In order to provide oversight for 2 seasons, Amec Foster Wheeler has included an additional 2 months of oversight at half-time to accommodate for construction support services required as the result of time extension for the second season: Attachment 1, Page 110 of 112 Project Scope / Budget Change Confirmation, Revision 2 City of Springfield Amec Foster Wheeler 3 Project No.: 461M127901 K:\12000\12700\12790\127901\Contracts Financial\Change Order 2 -Out Of Scope Changes.Docx Costs: $27,100 6. Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Oversight – Now required based of SHPO permit comments and Amec Foster Wheeler responses. The Project’s Area of Potential Effects (APE) is located within and adjacent to the historic Springfield Mill Race and the former location of the National Register eligible Southern Pacific Passenger Station. As included in the SHPO response to comments, an Archaeological Monitoring Plan will need to drafted and approved by the SHPO prior to any ground disturbance and employed during construction activities with an on-site qualified archaeologist. The original location of the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot and Railroad Yard is immediately adjacent to the APE on the north side of railroad corridor. Although this historic property has never been given an Oregon State Archaeological Site Number, the Passenger Station has been inventoried in the Oregon Historic Sites Database, and subsequently determined eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. Although none of the original structures associated with the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot and Railroad Yard are extant, the potential for significant cultural materials associated with activities relating to its existence remain possible. In 1999, the landscape surrounding this site was recommended to have an archaeological monitor present during any ground disturbing construction activities. If cultural resources are discovered during construction excavation, all construction activity in the immediate area must stop so that a qualified archaeologist can accurately assess the context and integrity of the find. If significant cultural resources were discovered (for example, human skeletal remains), the contractor should immediately contact the Lane County Sheriff’s Office and Medical Examiner, the Oregon SHPO, USACE, and the affected Native American tribe(s), if the remains are determined to be Native American. Amec Foster Wheeler has included costs to cover preparation of the Archaeological Monitoring Plan and associated construction oversight by a qualified archaeologist. Costs: $4,800 Total Out of Scope Work Costs: $66,700.00 Closing In order to provide confirmation of this authorized service or change in scope and/or cost of our services, please have the appropriate authority sign and date this form and return it to us. Services will be completed in accordance with all terms and conditions as outlined in Amec Foster Wheeler Attachment 1, Page 111 of 112 Project Scope / Budget Change Confirmation, Revision 2 City of Springfield Amec Foster Wheeler, Inc. Project No.: 461M127901 4 K:\12000\12700\12790\127901\Contracts Financial\Change Order 2 -Out Of Scope Changes.Docx Environment & Infrastructure’s contract signed by both parties on December 17, 2013. There are no other changes to the contract. Habib Matin Submitted by (print name and title) Authorized by (print name and title) Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Organization Organization Signature Signature April 30, 2015 Date Date Attachment 1, Page 112 of 112 Amec Foster Wheeler, Inc. 7376 SW Durham Road Portland, Oregon USA 97224 Tel+1 (503) 639-3400 Fax+1 (503) 620-7892 www.Amec Foster Wheeler.com K:\12000\12700\12790\127901\Contracts Financial\Change Order 2 -Out Of Scope Changes.Docx PROJECT SCOPE / BUDGET CHANGE CONFIRMATION PROJECT / BUDGET SUMMARY INFORMATION Project No.: 461M127901 Client name: City of Springfield Original Contract Amount: $ 256,322 Amendment #1 (Permitting): $ 24,780 Amendment #2 (WPRD Path): $ 44,687 Amendment #3 (WPRD Trailhead): $ 54,482 Amendment #4 (Contract Extension): $ 0 Total Amount Authorized: $ 380,271 Project Name: Mill Race Stormwater Facility Engineering Services Additional Amount Requested: $ 66,700 Today’s Date: 4/30/15 Contract #.: 1111 Total Contract Amount Adjusted to: $446,971 Amec Foster Wheeler is currently assisting the City of Springfield with design, permitting, and construction phase services to support the Mill Race Stormwater Facility Project. During the design process, originally scheduled to be completed on May 5, 2014, Amec Foster Wheeler submitted 60% design documents and based off City review and conflicts with the existing bridge, the City decided to shift the stormwater swale to the west to mitigate conflicts with the existing bridge and abutments. By doing so, the swale landed onto the adjacent SUB parcel (Steam Plant property). Due to the encroachment on the SUB parcel, the City engaged SUB on a land swap transaction to accommodate the construction of the Stormwater Facility. This engagement initiated extensive coordination and discussion, which resulted in additional time and effort by Amec Foster Wheeler that had not been accounted for in our original proposal/contract. Amec Foster Wheeler’s Project Manager, Dan Schall, initially reached out to the City of Springfield Project Manager, Molly Markarian, in August 2014 to discuss the additional out of scope work, design delays, and to discuss equitable budget compensation to cover the scope deviations. However, due to project uncertainty with the adjacent SUB property, additional services requested by Willamalane for trailhead design, the City Project Manager verbally agreed with the Amec Foster Wheeler’s Project Manager to wait until a later date when all of the out of scope work items were known including associated cost impacts, and then Attachment 2, Page 1 of 4 Project Scope / Budget Change Confirmation, Revision 2 City of Springfield Amec Foster Wheeler, Inc. Project No.: 461M127901 2 K:\12000\12700\12790\127901\Contracts Financial\Change Order 2 -Out Of Scope Changes.Docx address a budget increase authorization. That date came on March 5, 2015, when Amec Foster Wheeler contacted the new City Project Manager, Jesse Jones, with a list of out of scope items. Amec Foster Wheeler was then directed to provide a cost proposal to address those items. A full description of each out of scope item and associated costs is provided below. Out of Scope Item: 1. Additional coordination, in person meeting with the City, Willamalane, and SUB due to the swale relocation west to avoid conflicts with the existing bridge, including the encroachment on the SUB parcel. Costs: $7,200 2. Amec Foster Wheeler prepared several revised 60% site plan layouts due to Item #1, which included multiple iterations of design work and the evaluation of the impacts on the project design. Additional coordination with Amec Foster Wheeler’s subconsultants were also a direct impact, to accommodate design revisions. Cost: $8,300 3. The original design schedule had the bid package complete by May 5, 2014. The project design duration has extended well beyond the original design schedule, which has caused additional coordination, meetings, project management, and design iterations. Including various information requests from the stakeholders, and additional coordination meetings with City, Willamalane, and SUB. Cost: $15,100 4. Additional efforts to meet City and Willamalane design specifications requirements while incorporating APWA and City’s specifications. Cost: $4,200 5. The original construction oversight budget was for one construction season lasting 4 months, with half-time oversight. The current construction project schedule will now occur over two construction seasons. In order to provide oversight for 2 seasons, Amec Foster Wheeler has included an additional 2 months of oversight at half-time to accommodate for construction support services required as the result of time extension for the second season: Attachment 2, Page 2 of 4 Project Scope / Budget Change Confirmation, Revision 2 City of Springfield Amec Foster Wheeler 3 Project No.: 461M127901 K:\12000\12700\12790\127901\Contracts Financial\Change Order 2 -Out Of Scope Changes.Docx Costs: $27,100 6. Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Oversight – Now required based of SHPO permit comments and Amec Foster Wheeler responses. The Project’s Area of Potential Effects (APE) is located within and adjacent to the historic Springfield Mill Race and the former location of the National Register eligible Southern Pacific Passenger Station. As included in the SHPO response to comments, an Archaeological Monitoring Plan will need to drafted and approved by the SHPO prior to any ground disturbance and employed during construction activities with an on-site qualified archaeologist. The original location of the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot and Railroad Yard is immediately adjacent to the APE on the north side of railroad corridor. Although this historic property has never been given an Oregon State Archaeological Site Number, the Passenger Station has been inventoried in the Oregon Historic Sites Database, and subsequently determined eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. Although none of the original structures associated with the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot and Railroad Yard are extant, the potential for significant cultural materials associated with activities relating to its existence remain possible. In 1999, the landscape surrounding this site was recommended to have an archaeological monitor present during any ground disturbing construction activities. If cultural resources are discovered during construction excavation, all construction activity in the immediate area must stop so that a qualified archaeologist can accurately assess the context and integrity of the find. If significant cultural resources were discovered (for example, human skeletal remains), the contractor should immediately contact the Lane County Sheriff’s Office and Medical Examiner, the Oregon SHPO, USACE, and the affected Native American tribe(s), if the remains are determined to be Native American. Amec Foster Wheeler has included costs to cover preparation of the Archaeological Monitoring Plan and associated construction oversight by a qualified archaeologist. Costs: $4,800 Total Out of Scope Work Costs: $66,700.00 Closing In order to provide confirmation of this authorized service or change in scope and/or cost of our services, please have the appropriate authority sign and date this form and return it to us. Services will be completed in accordance with all terms and conditions as outlined in Amec Foster Wheeler Attachment 2, Page 3 of 4 Project Scope / Budget Change Confirmation, Revision 2 City of Springfield Amec Foster Wheeler, Inc. Project No.: 461M127901 4 K:\12000\12700\12790\127901\Contracts Financial\Change Order 2 -Out Of Scope Changes.Docx Environment & Infrastructure’s contract signed by both parties on December 17, 2013. There are no other changes to the contract. Habib Matin Submitted by (print name and title) Authorized by (print name and title) Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Organization Organization Signature Signature April 30, 2015 Date Date Attachment 2, Page 4 of 4