HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08 Resolution Extending Workers' Compensation Insurance to City Volunteers AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/20/2015 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Tom Mugleston/HR Staff Phone No: 726-3724 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION EXTENDING WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE TO CITY VOLUNTEERS ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt/Not Adopt the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION EXTENDING CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COVERAGE TO VOLUNTEERS OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ISSUE STATEMENT: Pursuant to ORS 656.031, the attached Resolution must be passed in order for the City of Springfield to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage to classes of volunteers listed in the attached resolution, noted on CIS payroll schedule and verified at audit. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Providing workers’ compensation coverage to volunteers who perform services for the City is not mandatory as it is for employees. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, and with few exceptions, the exclusive remedy for injuries and illnesses suffered while working. Workers’ compensation benefits are finite and limited to medical, disability, and retraining costs associated with a specific impairment. The City adopted resolutions in 2013 and 2014 extending workers’ compensation coverage to volunteers. The attached resolution extends coverage to Police Department explorer program members. Premium impact of all 2015 volunteer coverage is less than $1000. Historical likelihood of volunteer claims is low. ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION EXTENDING CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COVERAGE TO VOLUNTEERS OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WHEREAS, volunteers assist the City of Springfield with a variety of activities that enable the City to better serve the public. WHEREAS, City/County Insurance Services is the workers’ compensation carrier for the employees of the City of Springfield. WHEREAS, ORS 656.031 requires the City to adopt a Resolution declaring its intent to cover volunteers on its workers’ compensation insurance. WHEREAS, ORS 656.041 requires the City to adopt a Resolution declaring its intent to include inmates performing authorized employment to be covered under the workers’ compensation insurance. WHEREAS, Under ORS 656.041, authorized employment for an inmate means employment of an inmate on work authorized by the governing body of the City or County. An inmate is defined as a person sentenced by a court and can include a person who performs community service pursuant to ORS 137.128, whether or not that person is incarcerated. WHEREAS, the City of Springfield seeks to extend workers compensation coverage to volunteers of the City of Springfield and inmates performing authorized employment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon as follows: 1. Effective July 1, 2015, and Pursuant to ORS 656.031, the City of Springfield shall provide workers compensation insurance coverage to classes of volunteers listed in this resolution, noted on CIS payroll schedule and verified at audit: A. Public Safety Volunteers: An assumed monthly wage of not less than $800.00 will be used for public safety volunteers in police reserve officer positions. CERT volunteers will use an assumed wage equal to the State of Oregon minimum wage. • Police reserve officers • Community emergency response team (CERT) • Police explorer program volunteers B. Volunteer boards, commissions and councils for the performance of administrative duties: An aggregate assumed annual wage of $2,500 will be used per each volunteer board, commission or council for the performance of administrative duties. The covered bodies are: • City Council • All other boards and commissions are not included. ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 2 C. Manual labor by elected officials: An assumed monthly wage of $800 per month will be used for public officials for the performance of non-administrative duties other than those covered in paragraph B above. • City Council members perform manual labor at the annual Spring Clean-Up event. D. Public Events: Not Applicable. E. Community Service Volunteers/Inmates: Pursuant to ORS 656.041, workers’ compensation coverage will be provided to community service volunteers commuting their sentences by performing work authorized by the Springfield Municipal Court. Oregon minimum wage tracked hourly will be used for both premium and benefit calculations, verifiable by providing a copy of the roster and/or sentencing agreement from the court. F. Other volunteers: Volunteer exposures not addressed here will have workers’ compensation coverage if, prior to the onset of the work provided that the City of Springfield: i. Provides at least two weeks’ advance written notice to CIS underwriting requesting the coverage ii. CIS approves the coverage and date of coverage iii. CIS provides written confirmation of coverage 2. The City of Springfield will maintain verifiable rosters for all volunteers including volunteer name, date of service and hours of service and make them available at the time of a claim or audit to verify coverage. 3. This Resolution has the same force and effect as if signed on or before the effective date of coverage. 4. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this _______ day of _________ 2015 with a vote of ________ for and _______ against. _______________________________ Christine L. Lundberg Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Amy Sowa City Recorder