HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Franklin Boulevard Project Update AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/13/2015 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Kristi Krueger, DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-4584 Estimated Time: 20 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: FRANKLIN BOULEVARD PROJECT UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: This is a work session discussion topic; no action is requested. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City has started work on the design, right-of-way, and public outreach for the Phase 1 Franklin Boulevard reconstruction project. Staff will provide an update on the project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. McVay Highway and Mississippi Avenue 30% Roundabout Design Layout 2. Franklin Rendering 3. Franklin Boulevard Cross-Sections DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City has completed the necessary environmental work for the Franklin Boulevard reconstruction project and has now begun the design and right-of-way process for the project and has continued the public outreach process. Design: To begin the design process, the Franklin corridor was surveyed from McVay Hwy. to Glenwood Blvd. Once the survey was complete, staff worked with Scott Ritchie (roundabout expert and designer) to complete the horizontal layout of the roundabouts. We have received the layouts for the McVay Hwy double roundabout and the Mississippi Ave. roundabout which is shown in Attachment 1. Mr. Ritchie will now work on the Henderson Avenue and the Glenwood Avenue roundabouts. The one element that changed from the January 2014 layout of the McVay Hwy double roundabout is the roundabout’s westbound LTD Emx station location. The station was originally shown on the north side of the large roundabout and is now located in between the large roundabout and small roundabout. This change allows for the EmX vehicle to dock properly at the station and in turn lessens the right-of-way impacts to the properties on the north side of the large roundabout. Now that the horizontal alignment has been submitted, staff is working with the consultant team on the vertical alignments and grading to build a 3D model of the roadway, the swale designs, and the concrete pavement design which are all required for the official 30% Design Acceptance Package (DAP). We are hoping to have the 30% Design Acceptance Package complete and submitted to ODOT this September. Staff has been communicating with the Academy of Arts and Academics (A3) school’s director regarding the possibility of having a class of students work with an A3 teacher and a local metal artist to develop a large piece of art for the double roundabout. Redmond, Oregon did a similar project which has been installed. Public Outreach: During the environmental process staff previously went door to door to show a map of the project envelope and the street cross-sections to all property and business owners along the corridor. The project website is now live at www.newfranklinblvd.org . Staff sent out a mailing to all business and property owners and residents in Glenwood with a project update which included the project contact information. Staff met in person with the residents on the corridor. Staff has also maintained the comment/response log and updated the Interested Parties List. This summer we will continue project updates to all of Glenwood. In the early fall we will hold an open house, most likely at Roaring Rapids Pizza, to share the design progress as the 30% design should be complete. Right-of-way (ROW) : Staff has sent the ODOT General Information Notice to the three Early Acquisition Parcels. The ROW consultant is currently working on the formal appraisals and appraisal review process, advanced relocation planning efforts for all full-acquisition parcels, and identifying all potential ROW risks in preparation for the Design Acceptance Package (DAP). 16" WL 6" WL 6 " W L J J J J Y I E L D BUS STOP BUS STO P B U S O N L Y BUS STOP BUS STOP B U S O N L Y PEDS B U S O N L Y Y I E L D Y I E L D YIE LD Y I E L D Y I E L D Y I E L D Y I E L D Y I E L D Y I E L D Y I E L D Y IE L D YIE LDYIELD Y I E L D Y I E L D Y I E L D YIEL D WB-62AASHTO 2001 (US) WB-62AASHTO 2001 (US) c an we chan ge to 1' off foc for side stre ets? c an we chan ge to 1' off foc for side stre ets? B U SO N L Y C&G? C&G? C&G? C&G? C&G? ingress/egress route? DRAINAGE? DRAINAGE? DRAINAGE? DRAINAGE? Willa mette River Main St. A St. B r o o k l y n S t . C o n c o r d S t . M i s s i s s i p p i A v e . C o n c o r d S t . B r o o k l y n S t . L e x i n g t o n A v e . PRELIMINARY DESIGN FRANKLIN BLVD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD JULY 2015 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1 Franklin Boulevard Cross-Sections McVay Hwy to Mississippi Ave. Attachment 3, Page 1 of 3 Mississippi Ave to Henderson Ave. Attachment 3, Page 2 of 3 Henderson Ave. to Glenwood Blvd. Attachment 3, Page 3 of 3