HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5966 09/18/2000 . . . '" ORDINANCE NO. 5966 (Special) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIENS FOR DEFERRED ASSESSMENlIS PURCHASED FROM I THE CITY OF EUGENE AS PART OF THE GLENWOOD TRANSFER AGREEMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I: On December 14, 1998 the City Council of the City of Springfield passed Resolution 98-66 initiating transfer of certain territory in Glenwood from the City of Eugene to tHe City of Springfield. The Glenwood Transition Agreement was entered into as of December 18, 1998. Tlle City of Eugene's lien I docket contained five deferred assessment accounts for their project #81-42 which were to be transferred to the City of Springfield. The total area is more particularly described in Exhibit /I"A'" attached, and is by reference hereto incorporated herein and made a part of this ordinance. Owners of benefited property and all interested persons were invited to appear at a public hearing on September 18, 2000. Section 2: The total amount of the deferred assessments is $22,503.42. The CiJ is paying to the City of Eugene for the transfer of property according to the terms of the Glenwood Trat1sfer Agreement. The I deferred balance of $22,503.42 is hereby assessed against the property benefited by the improvement and in the reputed ownership of persons named as follows: (See Exhibit "A") Section 3: The council hereby declares the assessments set forth to be liens upon the property and orders the Finance Director to enter the liens in the City lien docket to be collected in accclrdance with existing statutory provisions governing assessments for City improvements. The lien dclcket entry shall include a complete legal description ofthe property assessed, the name of the reputed owher or owners, the amount of the assessment, and the number of this authorizing ordinance. I Section 4: It is hereby found and determined by the Common Council, that matters pertaining to public improvements, and assessments therefore, are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare, and that an emergency therefore exists, and that this ordinance shall therefore take dffect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of 5 against this 18th day of September , 2000. in favor and 0 APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 18th day of Septrmber ,2000. A~~ City Recorder Mayor REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM \ ~c")~,~ ~ \.A'"--""~ DATE: "8 fS) 2000 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . Ordinance No. 5966 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" Pape Properties Inc. $ 6,326.04 POBox 407 Eugene, Oregon 97440 On: Vacant Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 5 of the Amended Plat of Glenwood Park, as platted and recorded in Book 25, Page 82, Lane county Oregon Deed Records; thence East along the North line of said Block 5 to a point on the centerline of vacated Morton Street; thence South along said centerline to the Easterly projected South line of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 8 of said Plat; thence West 160.00 feet more or less, along the South line of said Lots 1, 2 and 3, to a point in the South line of Lot 3 of said Block which is the Southeast corner of Parcel 2, as described in that deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded June 4, 1953, Reception No. 5301, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence North 15.0 feet; thence West 200.0 feet more or less, along a line 15.0 feet Northerly from parallel with the South line of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of said Block, to a point on the centerline of vacated Harrison Street; thence North along the centerline of said Street to the Westerly projected North line of Lot 5, Block 5 of said Plat; thence East 24.75 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot, being the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. TL 1803031300200 Gerald W & Daria N Miller $ 3,243.22 3330 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 On: Vacant Lots 9 and 10, Block 6 of Glenwood Park, according to the Amended Plat tereof, recorded in Volume 25, Page 82 of Lane County Deed Records. ALSO: The North one half of vacated 23rd Street adjoining said Lots 9 and 10 on the South, in Lane County, Oregon. TL 1803031300301 Miller Valley Limited Partnership $ 2, 820.26 3330 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 3795 East 22nd Avenue Lots 1 and 2, Block 6 of Glenwood Park, according to the Amended Plat tereof, recorded in Volume 25, Page 82 of Lane County Deed Records. TL 1803031300303 Terrance Pape, H. Dean Pape $ 6,262.20 Dian Pape Tooke, Randall C. Pape Gary Dean Pape, A. H. Lenhart POBox 407 Eugene, Oregon 97440 On: Vacant The North one half of Block 7, of Amended Plat of Glenwood Park, as platted and recorded on Page 82, of Volume 25, Lane County Oregon Deed Records in Lane County, Oregon, together with the South one half of vacated 23rd Street abutting said property on the North. TL 1803031300600 State of Oregon POBox 407 $3,851.70 ( \~, f'- '~, C' eo/ Ordinance No.5966 Page 2 of 2 Eugene, Oregon 97440 On: Vacant A parcel of land lying in Glenwood Park, as recorded at Page 481 of Volume T, Lane County Records, situated in Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of the following described property: That tract of land which was conveyed by that certain deed to J. H. Beck recorded in Book 407, Page 382 of Lane County Rec9rd of Deeds. . The said parcel being all that portion of said property lying North of a line described a~ follows: Beginning on the West line of Out Lot NO.6 of Glenwood Park at a point 110 feet soJtherlY from (when measured at right angles to) the relocated center line of the Willamette Highway at Engineer's Station 239+29.7, said point being 800.1 feet North and 1307.3 feet West of the Southeast corner of the Charles B. Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 38; thence parallel to said relocated center line North 89047' East 550.82 feet and on a spiral curve right (the long chord of which bears North 89054' East) a distance of118.38 feet to a point opposite Engineer's Station 246 on said center line; thence South 0021' West 20 feet to a point 130 feet Southerly from and opposite Station 246; thence parallel to said center line on a spiral curve right (the long chord of which bears South 8r44'30" East) a distance of 310.5 feet to the East line of said Beck property except roads and streets. TL 18 03 03 13 01400