HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5948 12/06/1999 "" 'I . . . .. ORDINANCE NO. 5948 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SCHEDULE OF DEPOSITS TO BE MADE IN CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE CITY, ADDING SECTION 3.018 TO THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, AND AMENDING SECTIONS 3.014 AND 3.016 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sectionl. Section 3.014 ofthe Springfield Municipal Code is amended as follows: 3.014 Plan Approval Required. (1) Engineered plans for all public works projects proposed for construction within the city shall be submitted to the public works department for approval prior to start of any construction work. The cost of review for approval and preliminary testing for design shall be deemed to be part of the engineering services. Fa]" 12rQj~~a resollltiQ~ initiate the oro/eet and to assess the costs o(rhe om/eet, sitch costs and tlleJef()le shall be assessed against the benefitting properties. For all other oro/ects In lieu of a valid petitioh fiom the applicaLlt <lutllotizillg the city to assess tIle cost oCtile plOieet. a f-=e bclsed 011 the estimated cost of~roval and /2relimin~r:.lor ~'the proposed project shall be deposited with the public works department at the time of application for such approval in g~fQ!A~m& mtlUbf. ~~b~l~ Qf fs&~ fur ]g.D~D~!!Q!J 9.ng !f~!ing ~Q:Qnt~g PX th~ ~QmKil nom tinle to titlle by tcsolution. ~~@1~. ff~ ~b9.n Q~ Q~j'}Q~HfQ fur ~~!Qgt9ry ~Qit flNl)J:l?!t!QI~ 91 ~QY g!Jwr !9!!ng b~~g rrQ tb~ nU11]Q~!: Qf t~sts f~mDQ lle;CeS~<lI'y 1=2): !h~ <:It): cllgjn~~I mJ~QI ~trf~t paying 12rQj~&~, t!~ ~Q~LclAt h~~ Q1~ ~i! b~?!ri~fur ~~rY ~Q .~ mQQQ~g QT9i~0 ~!11 bc <29n~9t~Q priQ!:!:9 ill211!:QY41 Qf lh~ ~1! vqm:~I Q~~IgD. (42) The final charges shall be computed from the actual employee hours, and laboratory fees and other direct eJ,:penses, including an allowance {pI' indirect costs, spent in connection with the approval ofthe plans, and the surplus (if any) will be refunded to the depositor. Overruns will be due prior to issuing a construction permit for the project. Section2. Section 3.016 ofthe Springfield Municipal Code is amended as follows: 3.016 Permit Required. (1) Prior to the start of any construction for public works within the city, a permit will be required from the public works department. The cost of inspection, testing, and other services related to the construction for which the permit is requested shall be deemed to be a part of the cost of engineering and superintendence. For projects where the cQpncil has adooted.Q resolution ~Ontent to initiate the llr~iect and to assess the costs cz[the {2roiect. such costs and shall be assessed against the benefitting properties. For all other projects the_estimated total.2f sitch costs o(In lieu of a valid petitiOlI flOlIl the apl.llieant dUtllOlizilIg the city to assess the cost of the plOieet pCllllit fees for engineeling. inspection, and iob co11t101 testing and other services ~ . . . . .,. related to the cOllstruction shall be deposited with the city ill aeGOldalIee \\ ith the schedule of f~~1? 411d leqillr~g t~st!5 ~dopted by lh~ <:~)t1hcil J19lTI !im~ !Q Jim~ by: I~SQl!ltiQn. (2) The total estimated cost fOI all inspc:etiOlI al.d testing shall be deposited witlI the city prior to the start of any construction. (32) The final charges shall be computed from the actual employee hours. and laboratory fees and other expenses related to spent ill eOllllection ",ith the construction of the project. including mL.flllo~ indirect .fi2~ and the surplus (if any) shall be refunded to the depositor. Overruns shall be due prior to acceptance ofthe project by the city Section3. There is added to the Springfield Municipal Code a new section, following section 3.016, as amended, to be numbered section 3.018, to read as follows: 3,018 Determination q[DC12osit Amount, 01 From tinle.Jg time the COJJllcil shall, ollJecommenrjgJjon oithe Cit)! Engineer, l~v r~ adopt a schedule of dCJ20sit amounts "which shall categorize projects and the required deposit, In rletemlitWlg the recommended amount 0 a de Jo0!... the Citl'JlJJgineer shall~sider the actual costs of.pelforming review.for al2l2roval and preliminary- testing. and the costs of- inspection, testin and other services}rovided to )l'o'ects 0 similar cost 0 'constructiOl1J!1.Jlle immediately areceding {iseal veal', adjusted bv the challge in the Construction Cost Index during the past twelve months. ~wll include the elJJJJJoJ!ee 'sJKbr;e salar J' other direct Jm'ect ex Jenses such as cORies. project documentation. the use of consult(tIlts, the cost of materials testing and an gllowance jiH indi!:S!i1.S;.QS~j?jlsed on pe!J'centages dfLerminedJ):i the Finqnce Director, DfJ20sils shall be in accordance with such schedule except 'rvhere the City Engineer determines, in writing, tiJ!JJ.JJnusual circums~iated vvith thepmie.rtre(luire a deposit ofrLgreater ~ amount. ADOPTED by the Common Council ofthe City of Springfield this 6th day ofDecembef'. 1999, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor ofthe City of Springfield this 6th day of December 1999, ~--A~ Maureen M. Maine, Mayor ATTEST: REVIEWED & APPROVED A6 TO FORM ~<2:l')~'~ ~ '--~~ DATE:~ -?-~ \ ~~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY