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Permit Correction Notice 2007-8-22
".~~" "'~ ". -" ",:,' ," .~ , City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date:j~ I 2:L I of- Job# c..:i- _ ~'o8 l(j --- Address:. 1310 5" ] I J,..J. ;l!- Inspection Type: f!o,..)(:A l!u/~;'A .... / TO: / P! Ut>1L J'\ (PI4 J/tAL/!or- . / D ~ \; j) LJ ,/ s"v\. k..vYl I.JCt ( (J.u~ .-1:0/ I.f'~{ j/I 0 f dvll LJj. t.v~ 1t r- c/ v/!.-Y1 I j,. 5fCJJDJ4 , O'^-,,( Ie- f-G-().- _ ( ,f '1.0 {Z. -oJ ol!-Sc \ (! !e:~tA'L- ./"f' Corrections and reinsp~~fion request shall be made ~thj.D- ,calendar days. Call for reinspection 0yes DNa Inspector At:::: _Date: ~.) ~~f\lf\I~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~f\I~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~f\I~~f\I~~f\I