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Permit Correction Notice 2007-10-1
,..-.. ,r'., h.. '-~"",- "....-'... "4"r.;. ,~-:.,.... ..' ..".....:....,.;''7.'....' ,.J.\;)~.... ,:-.';J.<;..;,,,,j:;~ -.." ;<~';"~ .,I'f:,;',. ;'.. ;;i .' .,-':", {'.....~. ~,,_ ~I';:::''''':!'':: 'IL~., ,~, ~:#~~":";,.. ~-f ,~.~.";;I~"';:;;;.,.'J';,\\. ;:l-"'".,,-~ji{-, T-;,,:~-t.i-' ~ I. .'..,...:...'., (~.... '-:A t:'.-. '. ~'i"~~~'.~, ~~,{ : ...,.'~~L~1t i Date:JO 1~/()1- Job# G-1- - Dol( 2-9 )1 Addr~ss:. /no'?+- ~f~ /1-n.J~ IT. 0: ,/!JIM ~J..... ( n.'Il-rtuk.r- Inspection Type: ~'vc. L (J IUV"fLI\ t1 . " (J , / ty:~~...f Wfdu/~v';o\. If~AJ A/9/'f tp,,/-e,/ kAcA<.. ~/" Ina(h./"' (')..,4.# 11 P)'Df)1. \ otstJ / 2, /J~l.luJ '2..; 11z.." Vi"J.f-<L.- o~V<- cltJ~ ~ w",jf . (12610 ~c.)' .J , ./ . '" City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street /- ~/ M)~(J~/ V\J.~ / (J/lfJ1ttJor Il/~i; arf. ~()J7 (Jf.. 'NJJIII j,,/ J~ 1/ w,,! 10/ 9J ;.fl1'4tJ1J;., 'j' (Jr1Jt ~u r P2iA(L~ I1JrG \ ~ . . r . J. L( P~n~;~\. ~AlA~/"' faHU~~l-~f 10/ fAJ;, rn"dvc.Jtr l.JthM /~ 5d~.-IA{(1 /Jflo ~:I Dlh+~ flro-rafJt7r1lJli\i /-){a~ nrft-" \ P'2,'Uln O~)G) I I \.." '/ /' Corrections and reinsp~ion request shall be made wit-lJin ,calendar days. Call for reinspection ~'yes DNa Inspector ~ _Date:_ ~~~~~~NNN~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~ Ij