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Permit Correction Notice 2007-9-27
. .', '~'.. I .:\." ,'. ~. t'~"... -:. .)',. ,,' '. \" , 't _ . ,.-~..:.,.~~,.:.-:-:... {..''tJ':;('~'-'" .;;;.'('....,~ .-~-."~..~~~,:!','.:' " .:<;''':;.\ lI" . ~. . City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: q /11- /o?- Job# C'+- - 010 (fJ(b.. 12,. ~ 'Sf Inspection Type: Fl~ ( Id{ ~rAt/1 ;' l..... I Address:. TO: f:i{lb)Yh,))..-A / (~V1JnL/A--- / li PI(A)v ( jA{ i r;o/ ('(.. f) I tl cv iJ Lx , O/.-SG) J) JIl~ I i. wit"- fn/IL me..Jzt / dp/~~ -f,-. Ar,pt/'. ~ ' t. Correctio~s and r.eins~cfion request shall be made wi>>J,in ,calendar days. Call for relnspectlon ~yes DNa Inspector L.~ Date:_ ~~~~~~~~~~N~NCall for inspection 726-3769"~~~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~N~~~~~~