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Permit Correction Notice 2006-10-4
)-,~. ,r_ "~;.".-",, ", ..', 'V":;""_ "" ~ - " I," .:' ' ", .',....., . , . \ ",>>~:,~", '''c~'~W:~,~ "'Jt. I 1.,.J11 City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: /0./ '-f 1 ()t.., Job#' '...', (b -.' '-f( 7 Ad~r~ss: hO I ~/' '] \,{< lr- Inspection Type: ' p:.J ~Ct I Ill"'" ~A cJ- SPRINGFIELD WiL. TO: ,-' fiVrYl~^ (oY/~f4c-~r- o \I /J PIIAf6 }Y\.f\).b1ll ftOl'; lJ~'~/ . sJ,.dJ-t?/..i v4ke..... +& j kiT) y'" fA i-. ~l /)/01/ 1t4 .-/C,eJ{;r.-. / L- J ~~/J( ": I / f2'10r5.r'f2/}~~ (, fZ~;o,,~ . !/ v/ '1. .lld/J/.-/ J~cAr J.url~ f6~/ Jo ,pzibro, j rUM rJ)r>..f- irb I~ 1J.?1/'1 , - 0 I. hA__ ~~...t_ O.M , (/ I ~ '/18/;".10 Sh/}h-,( ;utJ~r-, / . ".~'(, ,.-. ,~'( ~~ .' '\ , :'1. ' {\""II Corrections and reinspection request shall be made with~n..' calendar days: '-'. : Call for reinspection [Byes DNo Inspector' 'J-hu,......- "',Date: NNNNNNNNNNNN~'Call ~orinspection 726-3769NN,..f^'.~"'.NNNN':vQuestions 726-3759^"NNNNNNNN , .'