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Permit Correction Notice 2006-5-23
""1' '....' ''''..'" J'? ',> t"l . . "'~, 'Af."t;:~;.j;:"~~.~.~'-"~~"'?,~~ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street ---- Date:_ S / /./1, ob job# G)" - / '> (0 , . ~Addr~ss: htOtj;, ~/7j"J( <-ClJ/ )1,)Y\~fvy !t7J1*,~'-//YV:.rh/lJ(u( (A:>n~eUnspecti~nType: ft.,Ct/ fJ/~/P1jll-v- lArvAl U(.J/'hr~ltal v / .,,.)1'. : ,/ II P / CA2.<::,..J f) r 01/ j /.tv kc.J:.,~ /J /'0 J.ec;,f,fOVl Ii- /' t-bi. Jer .s. ~I? /J.{ , /J /fJ" f h /). P ",tf _ r I Irl 1/ . ,I" /Jill h..,...aU .s/JCt.M.-' rt~~ ~ /1_/'0 C/.~ C k~ Allot //7l-/ Lmc-f./'fr'l4 ),1 ~ P2hJ1,' v2/) I J'/ ~ (/ J J iDn"" ~I l'tvi/l J4r!l-/ ~ r/JI/'f ~M /J}/)),.<.. ,.k /J/}JJMdrJ dr/}YII}-.a.~ j)ojJ17-f~S I I..J i-; v ,- .\//11 J/l ~kll /".J~.fur A..d~ "d-QJl'l-dl .;:[,r-. LJd f2/' k,ck....- i,rr/~~I //1 ,c,?,/-'l.<f.4- 0/ -, J/AhJ 'WL...,l"'AJJAI,r~ , fUjIOt> (flLI~)kt.r }v;j,j /t j )L, haJt., ~ doJ&)r A f2J1.os(2- Ii ~O - \I (:iliA}"""" ~tt.~ l'At_ (Il.+ lit.if rnl~'fll'fk/ .1.t"\.A'1rl- 'llVb./ f c9tO~rNtJ J ~r , ): TO: / WI V'~I 1 ~ Corrections and reinsp~ction "request shall be made within ':calendar days: ( Call for reinspection [}Iyes DNo Inspector \'-t-/'I"e_ _Date:_ "''''''''''''''''''''''''' ",,,,,,,,,,tall for inspection 7 26-3769", "'''' '" '" "''''''''''''' "'Questions 7 26-3 7 59 '" "'''''''''' '" "''''''' , _ ., ,_" . ~....', ',.. ~ ~ ...: :..., ' ,'';'. \: ",i~. -