HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-7-14 (2) "lIiw"" ..,." ..' ",.. . I.", city of springfield 225 n, 5th street SPRINGFIELD INFO R.MATlON: 726.3753 . ,. ~ " '. :~ ..' l. INSPECTIONSl 726-3769 SI&r-JS @ ! SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOC.\TIOtl OF SIGN (ADDRCSS) <C fo , NORTH 1'7-07,- ,~:s.~} mINER OR PROPERTY rA,C.IFI<.. FJ@.s T ~E:D(:ItA: I- GfO Non.TYf f\ I, S1"(H'~ ~A~I $Tf(..~€ T .-". ,',. LCCAL DCSCRIPTION TAY. LOT'J! ?J f?T?) PIlONE 74-~.. 9(,'7:> ADDRESS O1INER OF SIGH (IF OTHER THAll PROPERTY OWNER) AnDRES S NAHE OF BU$lllCSS, FIRH. ETC. . B_ TYPE OF WORK: . _ERECT LALTER _RELOCATE . _OT1lER Copy CIAMJ lrl[ c. STP.UCTURAL TYPC 'OF SIGN:. _HALL _FREl:STANDING _ROOF _PROJECTING _HARqUEC _UNDER I1ARqUEE KOTJ!ER SMA-L-L ~lU<I~J(,- ~I[Sn~.IGT(oi'J $;{frN E_ VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: ('" SIeNERECTOR 1-11:'" ATl-I <:::,/ <:rN S .f.DD~.:c:SS I 7 S N. E . C OL.-ul"j BIA CITY LICENSE lllP.1BER 8~ 0 3~ I SIeN 11ANUFACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERl:CTOR) EXP. DATE 2-83-01)0 ZIP' 977-1/ .f? /7.o/8f ~VP. PIIONI: PoL("L./It-ID. OR.. ADDP.r:SS PHONE f. DU1ElISIONS. llISTALLATION & , . TOTAL HEIGHT AnOVE GRADE'" VEP-TICAL DfrlENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN. . DIHEHSIOll FROM GRADE TO BOTTO!1 OF SIGN TilIGKllESS OR DEPTH CONSTRUCTIOn "] ~, I, 2..2- II 32. " "'Z. 4-" '!: 2.It G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE AllY EXISTI!lG l'IGNS? ).- YES 110 lrrnjBE~ . SIZE IN SO.FTG. - I ALL F~ISTING SIGNS FOR &USINf-SS, ETC. /'>U /V(I~T/~("... $/C,to/5 '" IlL.- r~ f-c='Pt.A c.~ DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YI:S K NO IF YES, DIHENSIOIl BEYOND PROPERTY LIllE NOTE: IF PROJECTrOll IS !lORE TIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPr.RTY TI'E SICN ERECTOR l.ruST FILE WITII Tllf- BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF illS/HER LIABILITY Aim PP.OP- ERTY DAHACC ItlSUr.ANCE POLICIES. H. Hl~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL llIRlIlG? N (; IF YES: tnlICI! APPLY? ELECTrtICAL SIGn _ILLll!lINATED (INDIPJ:Cm LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COIITRACTOR ADDRESS LISC, NUMBER PI!ON1: I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR ~'ATERIALS SIeN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. 'PL.~'i.e- S;eI(! ^ITA.CH~ J. SITE INFOP1IATIOfl (LAIlD IlSF.) -- EXISTING'USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (nR LAST USE IF VACANT) RAIJK... " ., i < ': I ,I i ., K. VALUf- OF SIGN: tho..""" . X INDOOR BUSINESS _OllTDOO:t l'ERGIlAIIDISING . PROPOSED USE'OF BUILDING OR LAND: , <""11(" As. eX( Si//Vlr r." 1';;," L. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!-tIN~D the completed npplic.:'1tion for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I fU1;"ther certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ~pringficld Sign Ordin2nce. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield. nnd all other Ordinances of the City of SprinRfield ~nd the laws of the State of Ore,Ron 'Pcr't:aininR to t~'lQ vorl:. dC'scr~bel1 tH::a.t!:1.n. 1. fu-rt.he"L" ce"L"ti.fy that my ::~2'.!'. Co'")c-racto"l: ,Li- Cense with the City of Sprinr.field is in full force and effect as required by Sprin~field Codes 3-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approve.d permic.' .. .c, 11 'i7 NAME (PLEASE PRlllT)~ TlCPN\F/J .."- (;At L.';S'O;,J" ... P' ~Iht:.~ ~ '5-:~- ~-- -- .~ '\\'JC ., \ L. SIGNATURE . PATE 1//'1/89 .'."' ") ;',. 4) 5) " 6) 7) U) 9) ..' Ii 'J. \' , .i . , PLEASE 1. "';:. o READ '. ....,t..,. J' -;:'.' ;, :.~: ,: C) ( '\ co'lch\sepa,ratc. 9~gtl :as-.-dcfined 1) A separate application' 1s required for 2) Separate Stp.n Application: 1n the: :)1.gn I..:ode. . Electrical: .Any permit issued 'under this application will includ':, wiring in or on sign structure. the supply wires for connection must.be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical- connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Concrilctor.i I-llumio.1ted signs (both internally .and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-}-18' of. the. Sp'ringfield Sign Or- dinance. '. ' _ _ . _. '.. . .~_ ',I' I ~., . '~ . , ,: . ": . Plans Req.!Jirecl:: This 'application 1s to be' submitted with two complete:. sets of plans sho....ing,di- mensi.ons 'and neight of sign; -advertising mc'ss3,ge .on sign; location of sign on property- w'ith di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footints; ~aterials of constTuction for' sign.and sign structure;' electrical equipment and lighting; size-and loc.a.tion "of existing signs on property for the same busienss, all as required to determin~ cOID!>liance ....ith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing informati~n on the. pl~t_plan (plan ~howing pro~er~J lines and location of signs): a) "Sho;' the location':of 'all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by 'the business or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. . ; c) Show _the ~ocation .of entrances ,open to the pubric and drive....ays. . ., , -' ../ When required, because of' design, size ," etc.. engineered drawings and 'calculat_~ons UlUS t be _ pre- p.a.red by a licensed,engineer or shall conform to design st~ndards on ~ile at t~e Building Divi- sion Office.'j '-' . . . Flans of'insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being is~ued. - . - f. . . , " ... $" -'" Sfgns must meet corne~vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of.the'Springflcld Comprehensive. Zoning Code. d . . .( .~ NOTE: No sign tilay be'-erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhe<ld electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts,1> or .les's than..S; -feet in any direction froo overhead electrical lines which a.re energized at les's than 759 voits. ,f .. . , 1.,/\ 'J. ,- ,:< ,. I " >\ l.~' -' . If a sign is not installed within 60 days after die'date of issue of this permit, .the permit shall be void.. #. . . InsP,ec tions; a) t:~.i.tlei~'~~'sp~-;;ti:on - to be made befor_e the sign is placed," Usually', the' Footin~_lnsnection' . {i.i:, apP,.1.icabl.e) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. . lhe .footJ.ng Inspec- ',tion is~ to be made after hole,(s) is CACavateu. out prior' to the placement 'of concra te. b)' ,Final- Inspect10n:- to be mad7 up~ri cOmPleti~n of all w~rk. c) . Electrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign ~s erecteu and before the sign is turned on. 3)_ CALL rOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON 11If.2,4 HOUR IIlSP!,C"r.ION _LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT f_~ fOUR UH"lC:r~ USE UNL'i ZONE DISTRICT '('JC/ ~, ~. .>tb'Y " JOD ~ ' ~c5>"=3~c::, SIGN l'ERMlT FEE: 5~ TOTAL SQUARE' FOOTAGE OF SIGN REgUIRED INSPECTIONS: I(' SiTEfLOCATIOlI ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: . ,. ~'7 :?~ ----" jiii: STATE SURCHARGE: .<( r../';>o~ .' FOOTING OR HETllOD OF ATTACllNENT - '. (,t_,) _ELECTRICAL OTIIER - ,- .'\ _FIlIAL " TOTAL: ~c:..' ,~ /~ --? ../ U (~, DATE 1I!/}1! ~ CLERK' ~. , .. RECEI!'Tj';.s f, ,:;rfz.. ,. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFI.Pi .~7F~~ E~CTION or SICN: " . I . ,;.. ;f 1\ . \ J ,) I I _ ~o<,~",':,,;ji'J;-:',"'.''/,~;':':'': ,,-;...,;,) _<; , i' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDEp DEFO~.PERMITMAY DE ISSUED: :- , .) \, I..., 1'\. . .;/~ t" , " ! ., , . , , , , ., . , '.J ;, '. . Ii:_ ",.,1 .~': '" \. , !; ~~I..' ", Y' ,. \.;;: _) , " ,: <, ~~ ',";,' _ ."J :- $) ;.' ...-;:: --' 1.: , ~- ~ -. :... '" ,':. ";.' " .> it:: ,".. ... I" " ...' I; i :~ : ..:',,ll '. ' . f ~ , ',' ;..~ "if:':" b."> '. . . ,/ ~~.. 11' {/)~.~ "',' " APPROVED BY: " - {~:~ 7)tJ Pj SECTION: . . , ~PRINGFIE:LD SIGN "'~,.,.-- , ,_.......--. .. .,.''''''''''-''y" :."-~,,~,;~--=-~-,,,--'~---""~-:::;. .,~. ..,..~-------., -' ':''''' .-'- -. ~',