HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-6-26 RESIDMJTlAL.. APPLICA~./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: ;21)3 N. 7t/ I::i:L ABoeB.o"" Map N I 0lJ rl. ?'J ~rf) ,.- . Subdivision: CUrler: fiMJ ()I) (!.; iJ1 uiJ..uJ ;v)3 f'J. 7 tff:h- ,(j{;pjd V AddreS3: City: n n n n '.'-.. " TG% Lot N 00 IfY7 PI"me: 72ft9 -octs&' Zip: q7{7J7 ~M' Describe '.'ork: 1Jr-faJ1i, kaJ ~I Addi ticn Remo.1e 1 . !'ob.:.le 110m3 &-z(; -qa Val.ue tJ\Pr Illdrs 1I01lr<l ReI!. P.....nn~ Date of Application Contractors . General : Plumbing I Hechallical HJ/'1.lJ, f').fJn f(~tJfi'j f 1t7/" l/rYItf.J.7j;Jr1J~f .d/:: ~5t'og2- I [;~~ctri.!;al "r /:An_L.' , l> . ~ T LI:.oC" it":. I SllPeli'Vr..tt;j,..lg glee t r:i c 1..1 n~' Tt is t~6.~e8Ponolbility of t~i pe~it ho~Br to 8BB that all inopections are made at the proper time, t~at ccoh ~dare8D is readab:e from the street, and that the pormit oard is tooated at the front of the property. -4Bui!di!1{J rr:vi=ior: approt:cd plan s1u.:ll remain on t/12 0u-:.1dina Sit:: at all times. PROCEDURE pon INSPECTION R!'OUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:leoignated job number.. job address.. typo of in:Jpec~icll raqt4cBtcd ar.d w}:en you uiH be ready for inspeotion.. Contraotors or aJners name and phone numbOJ'. Requests receiued before 7:00 C':I z..'ill be. made the samo dey.. requests made a~tU' 7~OO am uill b:! made the nc%t :.1Drkin;J day. f) . Your City Deoigr.atcd Job Numb~r 10: / ()!) )( DO . Rw,ir~~ T'lRl'J".'tt,:n.'1'" O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To .be TTKlde after exoavation.. but proior to Bot 'up of forms. O UNOERSLAB pLl:~mING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHA,VICAt.: To be made before any work is .:J01Jcred. o FOOTING ~ POUND.1TION: To be TTKlde after trencheD are excavated and fO~3 are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND P!.UMBINGJ SSJIE.f? W.1TEH, OHAINAGE: To be trrJ.:Je prior to fil- l.ir.g trenchee. ::J ':1 'L.J UlIDERPl.OOR PLUNBING & MEClIANICAL: To be made prior to inotallatton of floor inoulation or decking. '. POST AND BEAM: To be madc priOlO to instaZ,l.ation of floor insulation or dockin:; . 1f9..{'CIl Pr.lP.!8I!JG. ELF.CTR!CII!. & MEClI- ANICAf~: No work is to be oovered ur.til thcse inopections have beer. made and approve:!. PIRP.PLACE: PJoior to plccir.q faoing materials and bcfore framing :inspeo- tion. FRAI~rNr:: Muat be requeoted aftero appro""l of rouuh plwr.bi,,!/. .l.ectl'i- cat & mechanical. An roofing braci"!1 & chimneys.. et~. must be . completed. No oork is to be con- ; cealep until thio inspection has ~ b"~n madc and approued. [J fJ [J .{] ^rldres~ LiRe. II Rcce~pt .'1 (/50y ..' Signed: Data: ~ U - Z-t.r C-f"b ~ D INSULATION/VIlPOR II/lHRIBR IHSP.r;:C'l'ION: To be made afte.,. aU insulati.:>n and requ-:.red vapor barriers are in plaoe. but before any lath.. gypeum boarod or wll ooveroing is applied.. and befora any inaulation ia concealed. Expi-("(~s /' /7.1, /Cf;C4 qz.- "-"'"'I I = DEUOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sanif.arofJ seuer :nipped at p:.opcrty l.ir.e ~ Septic ta1lk rr.l1npcd and fi Hed '" th _",,01 I Final - !/hen abovs itOl1l:J are ccmpletcd ~ and when demolition is oomplete or stru~- ture moved and p1'emises cleaned up. I ~Jobi Ie Hemes = D DRYWAf.C. INspeCTION: To be mado after all drYIJaLZ io in place.. .bu t prior to any taping. D MASONRY: Steel location.. bond beamo, groutina 01' vertioals in aocordance with U.B.C. Seotion 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACIf APRON: After forms are oreated but p,'ior to pouring ':>>n:Jrete; :=J BlockinU and S.t-~p :=J Plumbing oonnections -- S&lJar and wa~OJ" --, Electrical Conn,otion - Blocking.. sot-up ----.J and plumbing conneotions rrr-,,,t 1;e approt:sd beforc requesting elec~ri.cal i.nspeo~iorz ~ Aoaessol'!; Building --, Firt.21 - Afte1' p:>1'Ches.. skirt~n!1.. decks.. ---l stc~ are oompleted. D All project conditions, uuch ao tIle l:nstaLlation of stroet t.,.seB.. cor:rplotion of .t~11 required landscapi~g.. etc... must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r8qvost3d. '.- o FIIIA~ PWIIBIIIG o FINAL NECIIANICAL o FINAL ELECTRIC,:L \0 o . 0 SIDEI/Ilr.K & 'DRIt'EWAY: For all con- orete paving within stroet rioht- of-L1CY.. to be made after all eroa- .vatino completo & {orm wrk & Dub- base material in pla:!e~ D !'ENCE: When oo:npl&te -- Provide gates or movable BectionB through P.U.E. . D - ,'- FINAL BUILDINC: TIle Final Building Inspection must bo requeDted alter tho Pinal Plumbin., Eleat~ical, and Mechar.ical InspectionD hava been made and app~v~d. AIIf.f. f.IIlNI/Cf.f::; AND CU::IlNOUr:: UfJ.',f /If: IICCF.$$[[lI.F.~ AOJl/m'!tf:fI'!' TO m: '.1'1nf: AT NO cosr TO CI'!'Y I P:l!Uo ! of :! I JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ft,. ~ ~f lot Coverage R of Stories Total Height Topo,l'aphy I lITEM I Main I Garaae I Caroor t S~.FTG ACCeS80l'11 TOTAL VAWE Is. D.C. ItlaL.UCJ 1.5 % Building Permit SOO te Surcharge Total Cha:-gsa lITEM I Futures I Residential (1 batl1) t Sani t.'l1'Y SeWer Water Plumbing Permit Stato SurCl-.aJOg6 Total ChaMOS !I1'EM I Res. So. ftn. I Nm.J/Extend Circui to I Temporary Sel"Vico Eleatrical Permit State Surcharqe Total Chnrt;9S tITSM I FUrnace F!TU' S I Exhaua t 1I00d I Vlmt Fan I WOodstove I ft '(df f/L-VrYw Psnm.t Issuance Mechanical Pe'rrf'ti t Stato Suroharl1C '1'ntn l Char/urn -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rit~ Deposit I Storago I Maintenance I Permit I Total ChaN70B I CUl'bcu~ I SidelJa tic I..r;ocn::e I EZedtrical Label I MoM l. Home I g Vnp I 1.,."',,.Ar. AlVIIIIJ'Tt nll"..4 SOLAR ACCESS Occuvancy c" LOT TYPE NO. NO. NO. Interior Corner Panhandle cut-de-sac x Value FE'E CIIARGE FEe' CHAHGO" FSE Cl/ARCE / 7). () 0 /5DO .]) I:); 75 . -;0 v - REQ.- L-COG"" . BecJ'ooma: T:;ve/Cor.st: I wt Faces - Setbacks I P.L." House r.araqe North lEast ISo" th IW"Dt I Enerml So:~rceB I iieat Access. I I Water .'ltmtm4 I I Range I I I Fireplace I I Wood3 to!:e II . TI/r"6 -- Fees Building Value & Permit This perrrtit ia granted on the expreDs eondition that the said construction shall~ in all respcct8~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City o{ Sprinafield~ incZuding the Zenina Cr-dinance~ reguLating the ccnDtru~ticn and UDB of buildings, and may b.c BUDpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of Daid Ordinances. . I Plan Check I Vat. Paid, IReceipt g, I Signed, Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon ahalL conatruct, in8taLZ~ alter or chanae any new cr e=iotina pLumbina or drainage syste~ in whoLe or in part~ un Leos such peroon io the Legal p08S6ssor of a valid plumber'o license, except that a peroon may do pLumbing work to property which is owned~ leased or opcrated by the appli- . cant. . Electrica I Perm it Where State Lau requires tJo.at the clectrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valic! utttiL the labeL has bcen oigned by the Electrical Contractor. l. Mechanical Permit I I I I I. I l'l-all t:r.am'Lner va'e I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application [or permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:formation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aLl work perfor:ned shaLl be dO:1e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and the: La'..:s of tho A State of Oreg~n pertaining to the uork described herein., and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nnde of tIny structure without permis3ion. of the Buildin.(1 Di- vision. r further certify that o:-aly contractors ar.d e:npl~yecs who are in compLiance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project 1 LrZU-qo v IJ.lta