HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-8-8 . .. RESIDENTIAL" A??~I~A7IONIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street S~~;ncfieZd, Ore~on 97477 .. ...... v BuiZding Division 726-3753 ~"er'\ ~{)JU\~h ~~\Lt- hCTIl Adtir.S3: \9:ffi \\(',~~o~ l?i f'>, t\r. City: ~\ ~~ Job !.oca:;i~71: ND~ \ n AS3eSDOJ"Z .'1ap 1# Subdi:JiSic":d~ J~ n 11 n n '1"'J A&:i ticn R21rtOcel .~1obiZe ,'"-?om(J DtIta of AppLicaticn Con=r:lc=ors a"""""tJ) ,"")('\QX"' Plumbing El.ectl"":cal Me:;har.ic:.: Z. Const~~cti~ ~~ndp.r I ~'"'- \; Jl TG:: !.ot /I . b"Il 00 \ 94t\n 0 n _~c~e::;;:: ~ ( 0 \ c:, I~ Phone: Zip: ~fJ4()\ ~ ~ ~ Desc:ribe r~or1<.: Value ~'2~ 00 Li:3c. .:; Siqr.ed:~[~ ~ Vat" ~ J("I . Po. ~:2.- (\ I Ezoirc3 Fr..oYl~ ACd....es3 / It i~ ~he responsibiZity of the per.mit hoLde~ eo see that aL! inopections are made at the proper ~i~s~ t~~t ~h =ddress is reada~:~ from tM street, end that ths permit card is l-acated c.t the fl'C71t of the property. .Eu.i!di~.g I>!.vi=io!". C?proved pLan s;..cZZ renain on t~ Euitdi.ng $it:; at aLl times. P.'?OC~ut~E FOR I,'/SPZ(;,,!,~QlI RE'CUEST:CALL 726-3769 (X'caorderJ state YOUJ'" City desigr..:zted ,ioe rr.m:ber, ,.~e3tcd a:"".4 W::en ~ou :.ri~l be ready for ir.:rpcc-:ion, Contl'ae:crs or Ot...'ne:"'S 1lC:7'!e end phone ,w..~bcr. :..~n be 1raa"e the same dt::-J, reques:s mcda c.fta 7:00 am wiH be made t,w nc=t :JOrkin.; day. ::?J'J':rGf:" ?:j~~!.'.'C, ~":E~_I?!"C":'': 1 .'.f2C.9- ANICA[,: No '.)O"'/.: is ~o be ao~'e!"ed ur.~~L thcs~ ir~~ec:icr.s ~~U€ b€€T. made and =??r?'Je.::. rr::E'PUCE:: ~or;o ?1.c.::"~r.q .~c.:ing :'Dllunr.. ""'... ~... _'... ~'~lCE: Wher. CQ::;pl~te -- ?roVid8. ~~~:~~:. :'::~.b:;O~:~:~:~a~~::ec- gates or .~vabte .ectic"s tr~ougr. C;::?TOV';';' of rougll plur..:nr.g~ .l!ec:~.- P U - cal & r.:eeiuni.:a.l. Al~ ':"Oo;":.r.; . ./!.. . b~C'"';r..g & ehimn::ys, et~. .~-'sc be 0 . COI'T'ID la1;cd. :.'0 ""'1'< ~s <;0 oe :::'C7't- .ceaiad unt:.l tr.:.a ins~ec:icn ~~s . been mad,; and appl'O~Ied. Q{!m'~:"'''ff T..,,!:~~~,":::~~'t O ~IT' ["'-'c"'r"'" T. J ....1._ : :Jr:. _,,"'..1.1' O;.ie :n:::c..;e e.:cavat~on, .::rut prior t:: set forms. o after up of lJ!IDnS~":3 ?!.L~'13I.'IG, rLEC':'_~IC,lL :1ECH..J.:JICA[.: ';'0 oe made iJe"orll IJOr.ic ::s ~ovc!'ed. . o F'COrfllG ~ FOU:IO.1TI~:J: To be ,':r:1..ds after ;renanes :::re e=:~.;atad ar.d j'orma are ~l'ec~aci, but p::o-i.:;l' to po:J.M.r.g ccncre't.. U:.'D~G.':!OU,'.'() ?:.r.~\f3;:I~. S::;';::R,. ;.r.l~.:.::', (),f?AI,~'AGZ: fo be ~e prior tCl ti..i.- l.ir.g trer:cr.ee. [] o UlJDE.'9.F!.CC.'i P!.iJ,'.$:r.:C 1 :.fEC!!),NIC),[,: To ;'8 r.-aCe prier ;0 ::1!:..::.::Lz..::t~o" aj' ['lcor insuk:ic71 oX' deekir..g. ?QST .~N!) 3~A,,'.f: To be r:'.aCc p.,..:,,:,r to instali:a:'ticn ol[toor ::,..s;.;zation or decki", . o o o D Your City'Desisr~ted Job ;Vumb€r Is: o INSI./[,ATIO.v/VAPO.f? !3A.9RI~_1? I.'!SPJ:C'I'ION: To be made attal' all. ir.$U~:i:m iZ"'.d l'~qu~l'ed vapor carriers are in place but bej'ore any tath, qypsur.r boa:rd or wlZ eove1"';ng is C?Pl.iad, and bBfore any in3"..lZation ~s concealed. ~ob ~~css tupa of ir.~pec~icn Re~s:s re~eiced ce;cre 7:00 ~ <62'NJ\O DEt:OL.iTIO.V OR .'.,'OV=; 3UILD!iiGS :=J Sani ta1"d Se"..)eI' :apped ~t p~op.;;!'t-:i Ur:e :==J Se?:i~ ~k F~~~d ar.d filled uitn ~~~eZ :J Pinal - :ihen ~ve ite:::s are c;;::r.iZet€d . ,.1 ...., .... - ... ar.a when _~Z~v~or. ~s compLe~e or s~~~~. ture mov.u:. ar.c ;J1'~Jes clear.ed U? Mab.....~a Hc:r:eS =:J =:J =:J Blocking and Sat-~p Plumbing connec:~ons st::.Je'1' c:r.d. water j ~y o DRY-HALL INSP:;CIO.'/: -rc be made aj"t2l' a l.l dr-.1!Ja!.!. ..s in place, but priOr' to any :aping. MASONRY: Steel. l.ocation~ bond beam~, grou;i~~ or ver~icaZs in accordance with V.B.C, Section 2415. ;;r)ODSTOV'?:: After instaZlation is CCll1p 7..eted. ' EZactricaZ Ccnr.ect~on - Bl':'ekir~~ se~-u? and plumbing ~.::m1:eC'tio7ts nr..;st be ':Z;J'?r~"l:e::. before reques=~,.~ e!ec=~;cal ir.s?8c=io~ o o o CURE ~ APPRCACP. .!'P:~CN: Afte:-o forms =re arecr:ed but ?rior to pouriTI!J .:!07Cr<)te. ~ Aecesso1"".:i 3uiz.:.~TI!J :J fir'..:J.L - r1ft~1' prcr..es, etc, are c;;mple~~d. sk:i.rtin.g I dec."i.-.s, o SIDE::';ALi<. & 'Rr.'E'1I:4?: For aU con- crete paving witf:~n street right- of-wc.y, to be made a:~tal' alZ 6Zea- vatir.g corrrvi.eta -3 :""~Or::7 WO!'K & 3uO- base ......ateria1.. in ?''Lace. D ALt crojec~ :::'or.d~:~ans, ;~C~ ~s ~he ~nsr:aLZc=io" of s~raec r:r~es. ~~.~ta;~~n of the r~quired tandscc-pir.g, ct::.. :r.ust: be sat:.sfitJ:i ;,clore ,;,:'.e aUIL:JIt,'C :-I:lAL :::'an ~e r2r:t..l.sst,:;d. CJ FI.~'A[. pw....rar::c ~ FI:IA! ,'.fE=.ttA:JICAL o ?INAL =L2=:'f?IC:':' ,=:1 o P!:IAL a:.JI!.DI:'lC:. 7'1:e ?~'f!c.L Euil.d'i.r.g ..:.>:S?t?c=:.on .-:-:ust be requeor:ad :::t:ar :r.e .=''i.,...:::.Z ?tur:bin; Ztec~ri~aL, ani ~echa~~c~Z Ir.s~~e;~on3 :uwa been maca ar~ ===~ou~i. .A':':; :..';','1i:'Cr.::S AND CLEriNCU':'S ,','US':' Be AC:::SZ:gr.z, .4.D.i;"s-::::::.":, :0 SE' .'.~1L"= .';:' :,'0 ::ST T? cr:'f I"'~'~e of 2 t JOB NO. , ::7:c: l:.at Sq. F-;';. l~ ~f ~: C~~r~;~ I ! ,oi ot 5:';)l""':83 1_....... : :J ~. ,,' . I _....~aw _iJw,;:r... i I :opoG......::'~:! ,....::0.., 1..,1:;" I I ':",,-=-:::~e l:'~~?,,~ i. 1..,,::::C33,j'!'", :--=:,.E. 7 A!.~'E Is.D.c. 1.5 = .::c;..:..:t:) Euil.dir..g ?e~t St.:.::e Su....~;....:rrqe ':'otaL O.a...-gS3 ! Ill.' l.ri...~es /ReaidentiaL (1 ba:hJ lsar.:i.t:::r! Se<..}ero :.c::,;!!" ?l:.unbir.g Pe~; t S:ata Surc;'.::...~e !'~taZ C'r..c!"'.168 I lID! j .=!es. Sa. f-=a. 1.vc:l,J/E.:t;end Cil"':".Ai:s I Temporary SerJ1.C8 ne~tri~aZ p~~t State Sur~;.a:r(;e 1':;t~l C}.c:r~es .:.-7'~'.1 ?:lr.....:C"l ~'l' 3 :;:ha:;Jst Hood I Vent ?::n I . 1 i/:;OC.StC-';8 ?Brrri.: !~su:::nc2 .'.fecr.an.ic=! ?er.-:r:t StatJ Sur:::~c .,._~~~! ~'!I!!J ;.:iC.':.';AC.:::.::.:r:: I 'Sec:-..tr'"'::-.J !)z::c3it I seor-==~ \ .'1ai"'~~~~t;! 10 '. ..:..~w I ':'c':.-:Z t..".c:o"cs I C:.Lr':'C'..4: I .. __ r Su:.e:,JCI.,(,. I I.!:"-:....::e , I E-:ee:r:cc Z c.,.;bp'!' ! .\foCi Za H:;me I :-jTA! ,:..'-.'CU:.'T =u~... .:;.F':'J . :!O. 1"0' i I I I I I I I I :iD. SOLA.CCES S _ c:,...t=cr;c:.J ~:-'":'A:;: :..;;: -~??~ :r:.:2MCI" ;:O'/""'le:" :'zr.r.c.nele ~Z-d.t-sac I I J I I I x ~'.::r:~u~ I i I I I I I I. , I . C.::'':'.~;;E '.:.~';'_='GE :;-t":" :':.r!;'~:f.':S I I I I I I I I !\"h0C) I I I I \~~ ?=;e 2 . L -CO C" R EQ.- :'..~e/C;;r:s;: 3.ae:oor::s: I Lot Faces - I I. ?, C. \ House Illo:O=h IEr."" Scn.:r::n IWest I I =~2r~~ Sour~qS II i i II II II II T:r::a ~q:::=cw:s .1'ea= .I';",,=a. I ";'~cess . ilr:.~2"!' :.:"'--."'... _~ar'.q2 .",,- .:;--:-roeoi:cce :.iooa:;:;,;;rue Fees Building Value & Permit This peI'm"~ t '::z granted on the e:rpr~ss cortdi tion that the sa.id _ oonstl"'.{~:ian sh~l~, in ~!l ~es?octs, cor.jcrm to the Ordinar.ce =do~ted by the :~=j of Sp'r"';r.q,rield, ~;r.c!ud:.r.g :he Zoning Crd:.nar.c:e, req'",Zc=:'J~g =r.e ccr.s:::!""A.ct:.cn ~~ ~Ge of ~u:.:dings, ar~ m=~ ~€ su~pended or revc~~i at cr.y ti~e ~;~r. vie. Za:ion of ~~ ?r~Vi3ior.s of said Ordir~ces. I P!.an r:~']ck Date Paid: IRec.ipt #: IS;g,:ed: Plumbing Permit Fee: No percon ehalZ cons~A.ct, instaZ!, aZter or changs cny nsW or e=istir.g pZumbing or drainage system in ~hoZ8 or in part, unLess such ~erson is tr~ LegaZ possessor oj' a varid pLumber IS license, except ;:r.ct a pe:,sDn rr.a;: do plumbing work to pro?er~d which is owned, teased or aperated by the ap?ri- cant. . Electrica I Permit Where State Lat.J requires tr.a-t the eLectl"'~caL work be done by an: E'!2~tricat Contractor. the elec~r:.cal portion of ~his pe:'mit shaU 7'.ot be vaZid until the l.abeL has b~en signed by the ELectrical. !:ontractor. . I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit ~ 'Pl-an E::cr.n.ner L/aze I. I I HAVE CAiiSrUtLy EXA'1I:IE:O ths comp!.~ted a?pZ.-::'cation for perrrr':-:::, c:rui de hereby certify that all i~jo~~zion hereon ia true ar~ ccrrcc~, and I f'.irther cer~:.tii ;}.o41: aJ'l1j cr.d aU work Ferfor-:ned shall be eo:-.s i;-: ac~~r- dance :.rieh ~a Ordin=nces of' ti'.s City oj' Spr"";ngfid.d, and ;h.z [,(:'.;S oj' :h~ State of Ol'sg.:n'l p~r-:..::ining t.J the ~rk desc-ribcd herein, Cl".d :;..c: .va :;CC!J- P.~;'JCl :JiZz. ba ..ra::.e ot any 3truCt-.a'.1 tJithou.-: permis3io:'1 :;j' the 3u.iZding If'':- vision. ! f~~her ~er~ify tr~t o~ty contra~tol's a;~ ~l~yees wr~ erg i~ c~Ziance wi:h CRS 701.05$ witZ be used on this projzct ko Siqr.2d /I Date