HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-9-15 (2) 7 A-::--c ~ ... .".~ , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97477 LOCATIOS OF SIGS(ADDRESS) /-333 5 .1/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION /7', '-_' Ol'SER OF PROPERTY (...j "J C () L ./5p ~ CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIGX COXSTRUCTIOS ~~O ELECTRICAL I~STALLATION em-tBINATIOS APPLICATlO:\/PER.\IIT 57-z~ I~S?ECTIO~ REQUESTS: 726-376~ ISFOR."-'nON: 726-375> ~'ob.<.h ~/P7J) ...~. ~:~:n , I I~ () CVJ' PHONE . C> 5" = dC/I cC:=- ~ ')T~7JO,J) '*- \ (CHECK APPLIC.-\3LE ITE~!S): .;~..,;:.: c../" to p /".::- --~ --,~. TAX LOT PHONE ZIP ADDRESS , Ob~ER OF SIG.'\(IF OTHER rnA.'l PROPERTY Oh'NER) ADDRESS . - d ;.IA.'IE OF BUSI~ESS. Flit\l. ETC. ALTER anlER 4U1.cuJ. ~ So ~ . ,.- f..- .,1~~'; .:'_' . ~(-. ':. '" ~.....~. / TYPE OF SIGN: ~ _ "ALL .1L FREEST"'~DING ROOF PROJECTING MARQUEE READER BOARD OTHER BILLBOARD TYPE OF BUSI~ESS ~ TYPEA1F :,ORi\; r./ ERECT RELOCATE SIG~.C1L\R.)"CTER .rL" IDENTIlY PROJECTISG INCIDENTAL ,- I DOUBLE FACE NON-IDE~TITY SECDSDARY SINGLE FACE MULTI-FACE VE~OORS. CO:-',IUCTORS: SIGN ERECTOR 1r-"t!-hn.5 00--> 't. '5i/.~N~ ADDRESS 4L :13.C:- ;'J.t t:::-. t/n-f d::"C CITY LICENSE Nlr.-1BER SIGN ~L\.'UFACTURE~ (If OTIIER TlIA.' ERECTOR) ADDRESS ELEcrRICAL CD>ITRACTOR ADDRESS J?"'-/~bD (() /,:?,:;:-- - PHONE ~y.). -<Lc\..s--~ 4' 7 7-/ 3 EXP. DATE PHONE PHONE LICENSE NUMBER Dn.!gSIO~;S. l:-;STALL-\TIO;'; :\.\'0 CO~~STRUCTION INFORNATlON: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE ?.J" /'-19 . VERTICAL DI"ENSION OF SIGN Cj' -f) 0( HORIZONTAL WIDTIi OF SIGN 9!.o . DI1lENSION FRO" GRADr. TO BOTTO" OF SIGN / / "-n . TIiICKNESS OR DEPTIi OF SIGN 2' II DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE _ YES p:: NO IF YES, DI~fENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE I"lTE: IF PROJECTION IS '.IORE TII"" 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERlY TIfE SIGII ERECTOR '.:UST fiLE "ITIl THE BUILDI~!G DIVISION COPIES Of' HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~~D PROPERTY D~t~GE INSU~~CE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ElEcrRrCAL lURING? j:.YES"'yO IP YES, WHICH APPlY? 6LECTRlCAL SiGN _ILLIDIlNATED (INDIREcrLY LIGHTED) DESC~IBE TYPE OF ~\Tf.~IALS SIG~ IS'CO~ST?~CTED O~ 11 Lrh?10r{/)", J- (/d- A-<. r-I C- PROVIDE UL NUHBER IF APPlICABLE SITE INFOR.'~TION (L""D USE)--EXISTING USE Of BUILDING OR LA.'D VALUE OF SIGN (PR LAST USE IF VAC""T): S =-.2 Gi IC~ 5-r,4-Ti l:J--.J /000 6~ ~,.. ,. .:".'. ~- ./ PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: EXISTING SIGNS (S:GN CODE): F1R.~, ETC. ~ CiECK ONE IF APPLICABLE; _INDOOR BUSINESS _OtrrDOOR i-IERCHA.'lDISING ARE TIiERE EXISTISG SIGNS? . YYB _NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS. (() A/ ~ W~}-J- S- C;,J Prlt--JJ 1M; .:', 11m L~ ..~If IZ 0;'; ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSES(S""'E TAX LOT): I HAYE CAREFULLY EXA\IINEO the completed applic3tion for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work perfo~ed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances ot-th~y-af Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Co~r3ctors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and feet as required.by 5 rin fie City Codes g-2-6(~1 ahd 9-]-20(21. I will request aU required sign inspections listed 0 th approved permit. . .-... /J I!. ~1. NAME (PlEASE PRI~OJlIk.f) G- SNIV~r~ lG"'T~RE. ~ YJ4'1cLAPf-.i~":DATE'1IF.r/r J EOR OFFICE USE ONLY SIGN DISTRICT &/ JrrlI'Yl ~ ZONE DISTRICT ("",...J-/ TqTAL :QUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: ___SITE/LOCATION ___fOOTING OR ~ffiTHOD OF ATTAC~'fENT __ELECTRICAL / '7.'7 ffi ~ FI~AL ~OTHER FEES: SIGN PERMIT: OiARGES: '!.t' / //. - V ., ,... . \_.~ ELECTR ICAL PER.'IIT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: ,) "/1) ()(J ,~ t') . TOTAL FEE fOR PER.~IT: ~ ...-7 ::: ~ .',11 . . ~II!' (;II j-a. ..., .,' PLEASE :..2:\.0 l-.t~:'lll ';,'\LlO.-\1'IU~. 1) Se03T:.lte Si~n Ac'.:)l LC:1cion: A separate 3pplic.:ltion is required for each separate Sl~n ~s ~~tlncd in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application wilt include wir- lng In or on sign stru~ture. the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electric~l permit. Electrical connection must be made only by :1 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intcrn:.ll1y and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-~ (4)&(5) and 9-1-13 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Pl:.lns Reouired: This application is to be submitted wi sets ot plans Jra~n to scale. showing dimensions and h~ vertising ~e5S:1ge on sign; location of sign on propert) to property lines. structual details of support framing footings; ~3terials of constructio~ for sign and sign! trical equip~ent 3nd lighting; size and location of exi property for the S1~e busi~ess, all as required to detE with the SpringfielJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the ~ Code). Also, show the following info~ation on the plr. showing property lines and location of signs): ''''J:11.I'A"'''ii1:$''.''''.''''''''{~'i,.,'e ., ~J:'if:X:i.....~~I!.,:;...;~:'..'~~~:..t,'!" ~ , :;-1.~-":.}': ~. ,,'~U-, .". .. -. . ,,~~ '1 1 1 , j a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well a b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by building. c) Show the location of entrances open ~o the public a ... 4) When required, because of design. size, etc., engineere calculations ~uSt be prepared by a licensed engineer or to design standards on file at the Building Oivision Of : S) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returne plicant with no per~it being issued. 6) Signs ~ust meet corner vision clearance requirements as Fig. 9 of the Springfield Cocprehensive Zoning Code. . 7) ~OTE: ~o sign cay b~ erected which is less than 12 feet hori:ontally or vertically fro~ overhead electrical conductors in excess of 7$0 volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. . ~ \0.00 10.06. , LfO ~CP- (f~~ L.j -/2 -cf:;;'" B) If a si;n is not instJ.lled Idthin 60 days after the date of issue of this permit. the per.nit shall be void. J-f 9) Insoections: a) Site lnsoection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the root In\~ {n$::lection (if applicable) may be made 8't the same time as tne Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to. be m.Je after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concrete. CLERK. b) Final I~SDection - to be made upon completion of all work. DATE c) ElectricJ.! - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. ~ =#-5f'~7L CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED I~SPECTIO~S ON TIlE 2' 726-3769. HOU~. INSPECTION LINE AT ~. ,. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: , '8/Ct A..J c e?~ -:t3 a 5 &~de to- bC)6..JC! ~G'D, ADDITIONAL INFOR'lATlON NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~lAY BE ISSUED: P~~S REVIEWED BY: <sQ (/' DATE /0 - I /_ ~ . 'g / J . a1u Z-uJl r3n s , r3J3 g'A{ Sf,